The Last Days Are the Time of Direct Reporting

Cheon Seong Gyeong 353

God is a being with dual characteris-
tics vertically aligned, and human beings
are physical beings with dual character-
istics horizontally aligned. As such, the
ideal of husband and wife is for the two
to become one and form a completely
rounded, apple shape. This would serve
as a parent body able to pull and attach
the ideal of love in the four directions,
having the form of their four character-
istics. (127-79, 1983.5.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

The Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies that the histor-
ical course of vertical indemnity and the
course of horizontal indemnity that went
through the stages of individual, family,
people, nation, and the world. That is the
vertical and horizontal courses consist-
ing of eight stages are completed. Due
to this, the right of eldest son has been
restored, and the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. That is what
I have done by holding this ceremony.
The right of the eldest son is restored; the
Parents are embracing all humankind.
Thus, an end is brought to the history
of war and struggle that was necessary
in order for the right of the eldest son to
be restored in the realm of parental love.
The time has come when indemnity is
not needed and we can reach harmony
in love. In order to achieve this, I had to
hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages. By holding this cere-
mony, the Parents forgave both the elder
and the younger son, so that next we can
enter the age of the realm of forgiveness
for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard: Wow! “the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. ” This is amazing news for humanity. We no longer need to be in the never ending cycle of endless toil and despair. Rather we can substantilly build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth centered on God’s Word: and the Blessing of marriage: .

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

The day that we meet, we have to understand the historical scars. We must say, “We are ashamed. However, we are so grateful for the grace of the Father who did not abandon us but sought us and called us.” Then God can say, “My son.” Then Father and son can meet. You have to understand that this is the path people of faith move on toward the heavenly family.

If you do meet, what would you want at that moment? Jesus and God have historical sorrows. We should probe into their sorrow in every detail and trace the tracks of the blood of the six-thousand-year history during which they engaged in fierce conflicts. We should say, “This is because of me, my people, my family members, my siblings, my spouse and children. Father, I am deeply sorry.” Can you do that?

Moreover, we have to understand how God created the universe, how the Fall took place, how God received Abel’s sacrifice but not Cain’s, why God chose eight members of Noah’s family, and how the term “the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob” came into being. We must understand why Jacob used tricks to seize the birthright and why, after choosing the twelve sons of Jacob, God formed a family of seventy members and entered Egypt. Why did the Israelites suffer for 400 years in Egypt before the 600,000 people could form a nation and Moses could be made their leader? Why did they have to fight for the blessed land of Canaan? Why did they have to fight to establish the nation and sovereignty of Israel? Why did Jesus come and die, and why will he have to come again? What will the world be like in the future?

You have to understand the providence and thoroughly report the sins that people have committed in the past, present and future. The Last Days are the time of direct reporting. Do you think that this is reporting only about one’s own individual sins? Not at all. If you were to report only about your own individual sins, you could not participate as a member of God’s family. For this reason you should report the sins of the past and of the present and the sins of the future and become those who can fight against them.

After having rectified the past and the future, God’s purpose is to introduce the new center of a new nation of the future before the universe. Moreover, you will have to understand that it is to recognize you as part of God’s family as well as the other members of the family that God is working. Have you ever thought about them?

Ladies and gentlemen, you have to defend the Father you believe in, that He is like this and that, and that the Father you know is the Father of the past, the present and the future. All people will agree upon what the Father desires in their minds, hearts and bodies. They will agree through the words and through the deeds that they perform based on the words.

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