Harbor Gratitude Toward the Absolute Sovereignty of God’s Love-ism

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

Until now, each administrative
authority in the Republic of Korea has
never had the experience of carrying
out its political or educational directives
centered on tong and ban. It has never
carried out education on a national level.
It has been unable to advocate its ideolo-
gy. It has only been able to gather togeth-
er the city mayors or the county officials,
and maybe one or two other people from
the local neighborhoods. The main tar-
get for ideological education has not
been the leaders of tong and ban. There-
fore, there are no roots. It means that
no roots were put down here. That’s the
point; there are no roots. It’s just like a
floating weed. (165-224, 1987.5.27)

Richard: This is exactly the same Rheama I had on July 20, 2019 ( https://inspiration.visionroot.org/2019/07/20/the-original-embodiment-will-establish-the-original-family/ ), when God inspired us to begin consistent Home Church ministry in our neighborhood. This is definitely on God’s mind and on True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s mind, as well as on Jesus’ mind, as the New Year begins.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1618

Those who have become princes
and princesses of God’s love, who have
become members of the royal fam-
ily loved by the King and Queen, can
enter heaven. Christianity preaches that
those who merely believe in Jesus will
go to heaven. They will learn the true
state of affairs when they pass away.
Once they enter the next world they will
come to know whether my words were
true or not. What is being claimed now
is incomplete. All religious teachings up
until the present have fallen short. (237-172,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1403

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The whole world is to accomplish
the Blessing of 360 Million Couples and
root out the lineage of the satanic world.
This is the end. There will be no more
after this. For this reason, the gates to
hell and heaven are being thrown wide
open. Those who were our enemies in
the past will attend the True Parents and
hold welcoming banquets for them. The
True Parents had not been welcomed
by families, tribes, races, nations, and
the world. Therefore, in the first ban-
quet held on the cosmic level, the peo-
ple who until that time were enemies
will enter the heavenly way according
to God’s laws and, from that point on,
move toward His kingdom on earth.
(296-298, 1998.11.18)

Gathered here are couples from all
the Blessings ranging from the 36 to
the recent first phase of the 360 million.
While being educated together for for-
ty days, what should they be doing? The
elder couples should set an example to
the new members. That is why the elder
members have been asked to share their
testimonies. Both husbands and wives
are to do this with regard to their marital
life and experiences. They must report
truthfully about all their physical and
spiritual concerns. That is family educa-
tion on the fundamental level. Wrong-
doings must be uprooted and exposed.
You cannot enter heaven if you hide
your wrongdoings. (297-282, 1998.12.22)

We are talking about the cosmic
expansion of the Blessing – where should
it be held first: in the spiritual or physi-
cal world? Didn’t Eve make love with
the archangel first? We must hasten to
liberate the spirit world. The era of the
Blessing of 360 Million Couples signifies
the transition from the global level into
relating with the spirit world, making it
possible for spirit people to be brought to
and blessed at the boundary between the
two worlds. Among the people blessed
in this last ceremony, were there Mafiosi
or not? Were murderers included? How
about yakuza or gangsters? All kinds of
people were included in that Blessing.
(301-160, 1999.4.25)

The Blessing of 360 Million Cou-
ples signifies that we have surpassed
the realm of dominion based on accom-
plishments through the Principle. We
are now in the global era. Spring is upon
us, the season of revival. I have brought
you here in order to bless you. So what
should you do in return? You should
become the leaders who can reign over
the devil. (297-298, 1998.12.22)

Unification Church members are to
offer three-tenths, not tithes. Through
this tradition, everyone should offer their
assets, nations, and land by connecting
to the offering based on the number
three. The Old Testament Age is the era
of material things, the New Testament
Age that of children, the Completed Tes-
tament Age of parents, and what comes
next is the age of liberation. The age of
liberation from anguish signifies enter-
ing God’s era. In that process, the right
of ownership must revert to God.
The Communist party completely
reversed that through brute force, using
knives and guns. We don’t do that. The
tradition of the Unification Family is to
harbor gratitude towards the absolute
sovereignty of God’s Love-ism forever
and ever, and to be tens of times more
grateful in your hearts with gratitude
not forced by guns or knives but coming
from your hearts voluntarily. From now
on, all Blessed Families from the 36 to
the 360 Million Couples should inherit
this tradition, and bequeath God’s King-
dom of the ideal of love to their descen-
dants. This is the final responsibility the
Unification Church should accomplish.
(302-23, 1999.5.14)

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