Engraft to the True Olive Tree

Happy New Year!

Romans 4

13 God promised Abraham and his descendants that he would give them the world. This promise wasn’t made because Abraham had obeyed a law, but because his faith in God made him acceptable. 14 If Abraham and his descendants were given this promise because they had obeyed a law, then faith would mean nothing, and the promise would be worthless.

15 God becomes angry when his Law is broken. But where there isn’t a law, it cannot be broken. 16 Everything depends on having faith in God, so that God’s promise is assured by his great kindness. This promise isn’t only for Abraham’s descendants who have the Law. It is for all who are Abraham’s descendants because they have faith, just as he did. Abraham is the ancestor of us all. 17 The Scriptures say that Abraham would become the ancestor of many nations. This promise was made to Abraham because he had faith in God, who raises the dead to life and creates new things.

18 God promised Abraham a lot of descendants. And when it all seemed hopeless, Abraham still had faith in God and became the ancestor of many nations. 19 Abraham’s faith never became weak, not even when he was nearly a hundred years old. He knew that he was almost dead and that his wife Sarah could not have children. 20 But Abraham never doubted or questioned God’s promise. His faith made him strong, and he gave all the credit to God.

Jeremiah 50

Your rivers and canals
    will dry up.

All of this will happen,
because your land
    is full of idols,
and they have made fools
    of you.
39 Never again will people live
    in your land—
only desert animals, jackals,[g]
    and unclean birds.
40 I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
    and the nearby towns,
and I will destroy Babylon
    just as completely.
No one will live there again.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1404

Beloved Heavenly Father, on this day,
February 7, 1999, the Blessing of 360
Million Couples ceremony that is being
closely watched by heaven and earth is
being held. All humanity on earth and
all Blessed Families in the spirit world
are represented here, for this is the new
day of the liberation of heaven and earth
when we go beyond the restoration of
the right of the first born, the right of
the parents, and right of kingship. This
is the moment when we have reached
a transition point in world history in
which we can fulfill Your will and Your
wishes to establish a united world of the
sovereignty of true love, the Parents of
Heaven and Earth and the God of the
original ideal of creation.
To restore the spiritual and physi-
cal worlds under Satan’s dominion and
inhabited by humankind which inher-
ited evil love, life, and lineage from
the evil ancestors in Eden, then You,
together in heart with humankind and
the spirit world, passed through the Old,
New, and Completed Testament Ages.
In the Old Testament Age, Adam’s
family failed to keep the covenant to
inherit the lineage giving rise to a par-
ent-child relationship with You, losing it
instead through the Fall.
They would have established that
relationship with You in the place where
they could inherit Your love, life, and
lineage; yet it was in that very place that
the sin of our first ancestors bound them
in blood ties with Satan as their false
parent, thereby giving rise to the sor-
rowful history that began with Adam’s
family inheriting satanic love, life, and
lineage from Satan as his children and
thus becoming his family. This, in turn,
created the environment of conflict
between mind and body, husband and
wife, parents and children, and between
siblings, resulting in Cain’s murder of
Abel in that first family. Consequently,
all of humanity is divided at the levels of
the family, tribe, race, and nation, and
even the world with the democratic and
communist worlds pitted against each
other. Amid the confusion of the Last
Days, it was Your will to establish the
Unification Church in order to usher in
the Completed Testament Age because it
had not been possible to completely ful-
fill Your will in the Old Testament Age or
establish Your ideal kingship in the New
Testament Age. Upon the foundations
laid in those two ages, the True Parents
were to come to earth and complete all
that was incomplete both on earth and in
the spirit world, and form relationships
based on their true love, life, and lineage
on earth in the name of the God of lib-
eration. It was Your will to completely
clear the field of wild olive trees that is
the fallen world and to engraft them to
the true olive tree, thereby forming a
connection as Your kinfolk, and, by so
doing, restore Your family. Upholding
Your will, the Unification Church has
continued its work in performing global
weddings in the name of the True Par-
ents in order to allow all people of the
world to indemnify the wrongful mar-
riages of history and become one great
family of brothers and sisters.

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