The Created World Has Two Axes, Visible and Invisible

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Cheong Seong Gyeong 2162

So if we cannot connect this nation
with God centering on a national main-
stream ideology to form a new view of
the nation having new three-dimen-
sional, or two-dimensional aspects, and
take that national concept and stand
forth with it as the ideal content center-
ing on the nations of the world today, we
will be unable to see the dawning of the

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1080

When we say, “Save money!” we
should think of the more public pur-
pose of saving for the nation rather
than for the more personal purpose of
gathering wealth. We are not saving to
become rich. We are doing so to save
the nation. The reason I say to Ameri-
ca, “America must be frugal and should
save!” is in order to save the world.
America collects the most taxes in the
world. If it had collected a lot of taxes
for the world, then America would have
been respected by the world. If this was
done just for the sake of the American
people, then they should oppose the
government, and even the world would
oppose it. I believe America shows a
tendency and a culture that is ruining
the world. Consequently, for the world
I can say, “Although I may face oppo-
sition, the way I am going is the just
and right way.” That is how it is with
everything I hear, say, and do. (111-256,

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

Truth and Universal Law


2. The Duality of Spirit and Matter

Know that prakriti (nature, energy) and Purusha
(spirit) are both without beginning, and that
from prakriti come the gunas (qualities of
the phenomenal world) and all that changes.
Prakriti is the agent, cause, and effect of every
action, but it is Purusha that seems to experience
pleasure and pain. Purusha, resting in prakriti,
witnesses the play of the gunas born of prakriti.
But attachment to the gunas leads a person to
be born for good or evil. Within the body the
supreme Purusha is called the witness, approver,
supporter, enjoyer, the supreme Lord, the high-
est Self… Whatever exists, Arjuna, animate or
inanimate, is born through the union of the field
and its Knower. 12
Bhagavad-Gita 13.19-22, 26 (Hinduism)

By a marvelous mating, He brings a spiritual
nature into union with one that is material
and makes the soul and body active and pas-
sive principles, respectively, of a single human
whole. This operation of God, so marvelous and
mysterious, He performs not only in the case of
man, who is a rational animal and the highest
and noblest of all animals on earth, but also in
the case of the tiniest insects. And no one can
reflect on this marvel without a sense of aston-
ishment and some expression of admiration for
the Creator.
Saint Augustine, City of God 22.24 (Christianity)
Our body is just a shell. Inside and outside, there
is nothing but the energy of heaven and earth,
and yin and yang.
Chu Hsi (Confucianism)

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The human body consists of 40 trillion cells. They are connected by the body’s circulatory system that is constantly in motion, with blood circulating through arteries and veins. At the same time, electrical energy circulates up and down through the nervous system. In sum, the body contains dual systems of circulation: one visible, the other invisible. (262:126, July 23, 1994)

There is another pair of dual characteristics in reciprocal relationship, which are even more fun-damental to existence than the dual characteristics of yang and yin. Every entity possesses both an outer form and an inner quality. The visible outer form resembles the invisible inner quality. The inner quality, though invisible, possesses a certain structure that manifests visibly in the particular outer form..
Let us take human beings as an example. A human being is composed of an outer form, the body, and an inner quality, the mind. The body is a visible reflection of the invisible mind. Because the mind possesses a certain structure, the body that reflects it also takes on a particular appearance. This is the idea behind a person’s character and destiny being perceived through examining his outward appearance by such methods as physiognomy or palm reading. Here, mind is the internal nature (sungsang) and body is the external form (hyungsang). Mind and body are two correlative aspects of a human being; hence, the body may be understood as a second mind. Together, they constitute the dual characteristics of a human being. Similarly, all beings exist through the reciprocal relationships between their dual characteristics of internal nature and external form…
The body resembles the mind and moves according to its commands in such a way as to sustain life and pursue the mind’s purposes. Mind and body thus have a mutual relationship of internal and external, cause and result, subject partner and object partner, vertical and horizontal.
Similarly, all created beings, regardless of their level of complexity, possess an intangible internal nature, which corresponds to the human mind, and a tangible external form, which corresponds to the human body. Within each being, the internal nature, which is causal and subject, commands the external form. This relationship allows the individual being to exist and function purposefully as a creation of God. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Creation 1.1)

This created world in which we live has two axes: a visible axis and an invisible axis. They form a dual structure. The object partner revolves around its subject partner, but the subject partner also revolves. An example is the body and mind of a human being engaging in give-and-take action. All beings exist according to this principle.
Fallen humans in the world must correct their axis in order to be restored. The correct human structure has the mind at the center of the body and the spirit dwelling in the center of the mind. The body revolves around the mind and moves in accordance with the mind’s commands. If his mind says, “Go to the east,” his body heads east, and if his mind says, “Go to the west,” his body heads west. His body cannot make a move by itself. (136:14, December 20, 19

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