Some of the Sinful Are Cut With Saws

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 578

We are headed for a certain destina-
tion whether we know it or not, even as
we move and even as we rest. Not just
you, but this nation, this world and even
heaven and earth are headed there as
well. This is an undeniable fact.
Where will you go after this life?
This is an important issue that people
must resolve. Religions and philosophies
arose historically to do this. You, there-
fore, cannot deny that you, too, are all
caught up and driven by this destiny.
That being always the case, where
are our bodies and minds trying to go?
Further, where are our lives inclined
towards and where are our hearts try-
ing to go? Our wishes, hopes, and ide-
als…Where are they trying to go? Even
if we cannot resolve these issues, we are
destined to go in any case.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1915

The era of the Pacific civilization is
coming, because Western Civilization
and oriental civilization must recover
the lost body of the father. Jesus came as
the father, but the body of that father was
killed. We must recover this body and
make it one with the legacy of spiritual
salvation within the sphere of Christi-
anity. That is why the Lord comes to the
East. Centering on the coming Lord, the
Korean peninsula is like Italy. Until now,
Italy has never been destroyed. For over
two thousand years, it has survived as
a powerful nation. That is because Italy
is a counterpart nation for the coming
Lord. Based on that standard, the Lord
returns to the Pacific era, centering on
this Korean peninsula; but it is the Pacif-
ic Ocean era rather than the Mediterra-
nean Sea era. He returns to the vast envi-
ronment of Asia through the connection
of the Korean peninsula. If the Korean
peninsula is the male sexual organ, then
Japan is the female sexual organ. They
are bound to become one. The age of a
unified world comes when they are unit-
ed. That is why Korea is called the Adam
nation, and Japan the Eve nation. (251-147,


No one likes to thing that they or their loved  ones are destined for hell. yet it is a painful truth that most people live out their lives far away from the original standard of God’s love. the human condition is too often this: we allow our thoughts and desires to be captive to the will of the flesh; our mentality is continually self-seeking; we habitually ignore the promptings of conscience. We betray those we love and then run away from facing the consequences, as well as the truth about ourselves. having lived this way for seventy-plus years, is there any hope of fitting in to the crystal-clear society of heaven?
    What is hell? some traditions describe it as a place deep underground, with rivers of fire and sulfur. some say that hell is but a state of mind, yet as anyone knows who has experienced the pangs of intense loneliness, remorse, shame, guilt, or loss, such states of mind can be excruciatingly vivid. Furthermore, it is said that in the spirit world it will not be possible to avoid such feelings, as is usually done while in the body, through such devices as forgetting, rationalization, or losing oneself in sense-pleasures or drink. there is no respite from unpleasant feelings, which remain to torture the unfortunate soul continually. to describe such pain beyond comprehension, scriptures use concrete images: burning fire, boiling water, bitter cold, being crushed, hacked and dismembered, trampled, burned, and eaten alive.
    We conclude with several passages that hold out the possibility of rescue from hell. the eastern religions regard all states of hell as purgatories, designed to mete out punishments for a period of time, that evil karma might be burned up and the soul have a future opportunity to find the path. Father Moon teaches that God did not create hell; indeed its very existence is an affront to God’s goodness and a nail driven into his loving heart. if we have sufficient love, we will do whatever it takes to turn others away from hell. We will even, like Jesus who “harrowed hell” during his three days in the tomb or the Hindu hero Vipascit, rescue the people imprisoned in its dungeons. 
1. Torments of Hell
Hell, where their worm does not die, and the
fire is not quenched.
    Mark 9.47-48

As for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted,
as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idola-
ters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake
that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the sec-
ond death.
    Revelation 21.8

There is a stream of fire from which emerge
poisonous flames.
There is none else there except the self.
The waves of the ocean of fire are aflame
And the sinners are burning in them.
    Adi Granth, Maru Solahe, M.1, p. 1026 (Sikhism)

Hell is before him, and he is made to drink fes-
tering water, which he sips but can hardly swal-
low. Death comes to him from every side, yet he
cannot die—before him is a harsh doom.
    Qur’an 14.15-16

Hell will lurk in ambush
to receive home the arrogant,
who will linger there for ages.
They will taste nothing cool in it nor any drink
except hot bathwater and slops,
a fitting compensation
since they have never expected any reckoning
and have wittingly rejected Our signs.
Everything We have calculated in writing.
“So taste! Yet We shall only increase torment
for you!”
    Qur’an 78.21-30

Some of the sinful are cut with saws, like fire-
wood, and others, thrown flat on the ground,
are chopped into pieces with axes. Some, their
bodies half buried in a pit, are pierced in the
head with arrows. Others, fixed in the middle
of a press, are squeezed like sugarcane. Some
are surrounded close with blazing charcoal,
enwrapped with torches, and smelted like a lump
of ore. Some are plunged into heated butter, and
others into heated oil, and like a cake thrown
into the frying pan they are turned about. Some
are thrown in the path of huge maddened ele-
phants, and some with hands and feet bound
are placed head downwards. Some are thrown
into wells; some are hurled from heights; others,
plunged into pits full of worms, are eaten away
by them…
    Having experienced in due order the
torments below, he comes here again,
purified. 21
    Garuda Purana 3.49-71 (Hinduism)

Then the man of unwholesome deeds boils
in water infested with worms. He cannot stay
still—the boiling pots, round and smooth like
bowls, have no surfaces which he can get hold
of. Then he is in the jungle of sword blades,
limbs mangled and hacked, the tongue hauled
by hooks, the body beaten and slashed. Then
he is in Vetarani, a watery state difficult to
get through, with its two streams that cut like
razors. The poor beings fall into it, living out
their unwholesome deeds of the past. Gnawed
by hungry jackals, ravens and black dogs, and
speckled vultures and crows, the sufferers
groan. Such a state is experienced by the man
of unwholesome deeds. It is a state of absolute
suffering. So a sensible person in this world is as
energetic and mindful as he can be.
    Sutta Nipata 672-76 (Buddhism)

There men were dismembering one another,
cutting off each of their limbs, saying, “This
to you, this to me!” When asked about it, they
replied, “In this way they have treated us in the
other world, and in the same way we now treat
them in return.”
    Satapatha Brahmana 11.6.3 (Hinduism)

There are divers regions in the hollows on the
face of the globe everywhere, some of them
deeper and also wider than that which we
inhabit, others deeper and with a narrower
opening than ours, and some are shallower and
wider; all have numerous perforations, and pas-
sages broad and narrow in the interior of the
earth, connecting them with one another; and
there flows into and out of them, as into basins,
a vast tide of water, and huge subterranean
streams of perennial rivers, and springs hot and
cold, and a great fire, and great rivers of fire, and
streams of liquid mud, thin or thick… pour into
a vast region of fire, and form a lake larger than
the Mediterranean Sea, boiling with water and
mud; and proceeding muddy and turbid, and…
after making many coils about the earth plunge
into Tartarus…
    And when the dead arrive at the place to
which the genius of each severally conveys them,
first of all they have sentence passed upon them,
as they have lived well and piously or not… Those
who appear to be incurable by reason of the
greatness of their crimes—who have committed
many and terrible deeds of sacrilege, murders
foul and violent, or the like—they are hurled
into Tartarus, which is their suitable destiny,
and they never come out. Those again who have
committed crimes, which, although great, are
not unpardonable—who in a moment of anger,
for example, have done violence to a father or
mother, and have repented for the remainder of
their lives, or who have taken the life of another
under like extenuating circumstances—these
are plunged into Tartarus, the pains of which
they are compelled to undergo for a year, but at
the end of the year the wave casts them forth…
and they are borne to the Acherusian Lake, and
there they lift up their voices and call upon the
victims whom they have slain or wronged, to
have pity on them, and to receive them, and to
let them come out of the river into the lake. And
if they prevail, then they come forth and cease
from their troubles; but if not, they are carried
back again into Tartarus and from thence into
the rivers unceasingly, until they obtain mercy
from those whom they have wronged: for that
is the sentence inflicted upon them by their
    Plato, Phaedo (Hellenism)

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