Happy Are the Righteous; They Bestow Merit Upon Their Children

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 399

My view is that in the love-centered family, the parents are the representatives of the nation and of God. The fam-ily is where all phases of training begin. The first stage of education and change is the family, and the second stage is the nation. There, a patriot is needed. Next, the third stage of education and change is the world. There we need a saint. The spirit world is the fourth stage of education and change. After that, we become God’s sons and daughters. Just because one is a saint does not mean that he or she is God’s son or daughter. So everyone should become God’s son or daughter. Finally, we attain the status of a divine son or daughter, become one with God’s love, and reach the point where we can possess God eternally. (141-300, 1986.3.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1566

Now that the vertical and horizontal eight-stage indemnity has all been completed, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages could be per-formed on August 31, 1989, in Alaska, the most northerly location in the West. It is the northernmost place. On the first day of September, I declared “the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father” at the same place. The ideology centered on the Heavenly Father is simultaneously the ideology of salvation by love as well as the ideology of parental love. This parent-centered ideology is all about a life lived by giving love. Satan cannot oppose anything based on love. If he cannot oppose the path taken by the Unification Church, we can rapidly expand worldwide. (199-157, 1990.2.16)

Inherited Sin and Karma

Religions often explain differences in people’s fortunes and native endowments as the consequence of an inheritance from the past. it is conceived in two ways, either as karma from past lives or as the sins of the fathers visited on their descendants. these doctrines encourage people to accept their lot in life and suffer it patiently, in order to expiate past deeds and earn merit for the benefit of future generations.
Karma means action, specifically one’s own actions committed either in this life or in past lives. in Hinduism and Buddhism, religions that hold to a belief in reincarnation, it is taught that people are bound to reap the fruit of their actions in another lifetime. however, these religions part company over whether a person’s situation is fated by karma. For Hinduism indeed it is. Karma determines one’s present circumstances. hence inequalities of wealth, race, gender or caste are only apparent; in fact the universe is absolutely just and fair. Buddhism, on the other hand, denies that karma is a deterministic principle. as but one of the twenty-four factors (paccaya) that condition a person’s life, karma need not be actualized when other conditions are ful-filled. through spiritual discipline and meditative practice, a Buddhist aspirant seeks to attain liberation and be released from the bonds of karma.
Most other religions, in both the east and the West, recognize sin to be inherited through the lineage. an individual is burdened by the sins of his or her ancestors, who also bequeath their traditions, attitudes and personality traits, not to mention physical traits. their lives leave an impression that can endure through the centuries, coloring the experiences of many generations to come. a wise person, therefore, seeks to resolve these inherited problems, so they will not plague his offspring. he would rather leave merit for his children’s benefit. Father Moon teaches many insights about inherited sin, how it comes to pass and how it can be resolved.

1. The Legacy of Past Deeds

For I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.
    Exodus 20.5-6
Loose us from the yoke of the sins of our fathers
and also of those which we ourselves have committed.
    Rig Veda 7.86.5 (Hinduism)
If at death there remains guilt unpunished, judgment extends to the posterity… When par-ties by wrong and violence take the money of others, an account is taken, and set against its amount, of their wives and children and all the members of their families, when these gradually die. If they do not die, there are disasters from water, fire, thieves, and robbers, from losses of property, illnesses, and evil tongues to balance the value of their wicked appropriations.
    Treatise on Response and Retribution 4-5 (Taoism)
You who are so powerful as to enter inside the small medicine gourd to shelter yourself from danger,
Have you forgotten your children?
Have you forgotten your wife?
The evil seeds a man sows
Shall be reaped by his offspring.
Cruelty is never without repayment.
However late it is,
The repayment will come when it will.
    Yoruba Song (African Traditional Religions)
In this world the fate of every posterity is similar to that of its ancestors. Neither death leaves of the work of destruction, nor the survivors give up their sinful activities. Human beings follow in each others’ footsteps; groups after groups and nations after nations end their days without mending their ways.
    Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 86 (Shiite Islam)
Happy are the righteous! Not only do they acquire merit, but they bestow merit upon their children and children’s children to the end of all generations, for Aaron had several sons who deserved to be burned like Nadab and Abihu, but the merit of their father helped them.
    Woe unto the wicked! Not alone that they render themselves guilty, but they bestow guilt upon their children and children’s children unto the end of all generations. Many sons did Canaan have, who were worthy to be ordained like Tabi the slave of Rabbi Gamaliel, but the guilt of their ancestor caused them [to lose their chance].
    Talmud, Yoma 87a (Judaism)
Subha, the son of Toddeya, asked the Exalted One, “What is the cause and what is the reason, O Gotama, for which among men and the beings who have been born as men there is found to be lowness and excellence?  For some people are of short life span and some of long life span; some suffer from many illnesses and some are free from illness; some are ugly and some beautiful; some are of little account and some have great power; some are poor and some are wealthy; some are born into lowly families and others into high families; some are devoid of intelligence and some possess great wisdom. What is the cause, what is the reason for which among men and the beings who have been born as men there is to be found lowness and excellence?”
    “Men have, O young man, deeds as their very own, they are inheritors of deeds, deeds are their matrix, deeds are their kith and kin, and deeds are their support. It is deeds that classify men into high or low status.
    “Here, O young man, some woman or man is a taker of life, fierce, with hands stained by blood, engaged in killing and beating, without mercy for living creatures. As a result of deeds thus accomplished, thus undertaken, he is reborn on the breakup of the body, after death, into a state of woe, of ill plight, of purgatory or hell, or if he comes to be born as a man, wherever he may be reborn he is of a short life span. This course—that he is a taker of life, fierce, with hands stained by blood, engaged in killing and beating, without mercy for living creatures, leads to shortness of life.
    “Here, on the other hand, O young man, some woman or man gives up killing, totally refraining from taking life… This course… leads to longevity.
    “Here some woman or man is by nature a tormentor of living creatures… As a result of the deeds thus accomplished… wherever he is reborn he suffers much from sickness… But here some woman or man is not by nature a tormentor of living beings… wherever he may be reborn he is free from sickness.
    “Here some woman or man is wrathful… wherever he is reborn he is ugly… But here some woman or man is not wrathful… wherever he may be reborn he is handsome.
    “Here some woman or man is jealous-minded… wherever he is born he is of little account… But here some woman or man is not jealous-minded… wherever he may be reborn he has great power.
    “Here some woman or man is not a giver to ascetic or brahmin… wherever he is born he is poor… Here some woman or man is a giver… wherever he may be reborn he is wealthy.
    “Thus men have, O young man, deeds as their very own, they are inheritors of their deeds, their deeds are their kith and kin, and their deeds their support. It is their deeds that classify men into this low or high status.”
    Majjhima Nikaya 3.202-206 (Buddhism)
The Reactive Mind is a portion of a person’s mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis, which is not under his volitional control, and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body, and actions. Stored in the Reactive Mind are engrams, and here we find the single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills.
     L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 0-8 (Scientology)

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