For Fallen People, Knowledge is the Light of Life Holding the Power of Revival

The Richard Urban Show:
#90-Was Justice Antonin Scalia Murdered? New Evidence – VisionRoot
#89-Could Biden Only Be President for 40 Days? – VisionRoot

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2065

Our tong ban breakthrough activities must be done centering on the family foundation. From there, centered on True Parents’ words, specifically those dealing with the declaration of True Parents, you should inspire the people to connect with our activities and move forward. This time I’ll send out all the members and have them make and show copies of the video tapes to the people. In between tapes we will have people record what they saw and thought. It will work once you try it. You must deliver deeply moving speeches to everyone, and then enroll these people in the future in the effort to unite North and South Korea. From a spiritual viewpoint, South Korea is in the position of the mind, while North Korea is like the body. The body opposes the mind. Since the body belongs to Satan’s realm, that’s why this is happening. (205-334, 1990.10.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 692

Dressed like this, I had to stand in front of this huge crowd of thousands of people, including everyone who was anybody in South Jeolla Province. I would much rather have found a rat hole somewhere that I could crawl into. It was all I could do to stay there in my place and endure.Being unable to fit into a particular environment is oppressive. I know the spirit world well. I know all the saints and all the founders of religions who are in any way significant. They do not want to yield to you, but you must not be shut out from that group. (212-224, 1991.1.6

Richard: Everything will be transparent and apparent in spirit world, after you die. The proper role is to know God’s Will and work to accomplish it during your earthly life. Otherwise, you will not be able to face those who have sacrificed more and worked for God’s Will who are in spirit world.


1. The Light of True Knowledge

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

For fallen people, knowledge is the light of life holding the power of revival, while ignorance is the shadow of death and the cause of ruin. Ignorance cannot beget true sentiments, and in the absence of knowledge and emotion the will to act cannot arise. Without the proper functioning of emotion, intellect and will, one cannot live the life of a true human being.
    If we are created in such a way that we cannot live apart from God, then surely our ignorance of God consigns us to walk miserable paths. Though we may diligently study the Bible, can we really say that we know clearly the reality of God? Can we ever grasp the heart of God?… 
    The heart of God: His heart of joy at the time of creation; the broken heart He felt when humankind, His children whom He could not abandon, rebelled against Him; and His heart of striving to save them throughout the long course of history. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Introduction)
Today the world is in need of a great spiritual enlightenment. Individuals, nations and the world as a whole must achieve a new understanding of the existence of God. We should have an encounter with God, through which we can restore and secure our original inseparable relationship with Him. (234:241, August 22, 1992)
The day of the Second Coming is the time when we wake up to the reality that God is our Parent, and we shed tears with Him. We open our eyes to discover that God is our True Parent, and for six thousand years He has grieved over the sorrow of humankind and wandered in search of us. God grieved for us long before we knew of our plight. When everything that has inflicted deep pain in the historical heart of God is thus revealed, I can truly call God “My Father” and He can call me “My son.” This is the day of the final awakening.
    On that day, our hearts are filled with tremendous hope and determination to right the wrongs of history and stand up for God’s providence. On that day, we experience joy as if God’s entire purpose were fulfilled. It is like the feeling we would have experienced had we reached perfection, never having fallen. (6:155, April 19, 1959)

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