Being Truthful Is an Attribute of Righteousness

Register now for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #94:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 685

    It was unjust enough that Jesus died on the cross on earth, but after his death he had to descend to hell for three days. That was a test.
    Death holds the greatest dread for humankind, but going to hell held the greatest dread for Jesus. Then did he become the master of dread or the master of happiness in hell? He went to hell and for three days had to undergo the ordeal of overcoming suffering. (34-143, 1970.8.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1602

In the future, family law should be enacted. I have already issued instructions for the fundamental rules to be drawn up. If the nation is established after I have passed on to the spirit world, my absence would not matter so much because you would already have the laws set out on how to constitute that nation. If you abide by those laws as you would my words, and become united and march forward, you would be connected to God’s kingdom.


1. Speaking Truthfully to Others and to God

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Being truthful is an attribute of righteousness, and being dishonest is an attribute of unrighteousness. (364:226, January 3, 2000)
When walking a path toward enlightenment, there should be no tricks or devices between the teacher and the student. You should be honest with each other. It means you should face each other with utmost sincerity. (33:125, August 11, 1970)
Instead of clever patchwork to smooth over a situation in the moment, you should have a pure heart and patiently wait for God’s blessings. (127:89, May 5, 1983)
Just as God is a unified being, your mind and the body should be one centering on Heaven. Your thoughts should flow from that unified point… In other words, your words and your deeds, your mind and your efforts, should be one. Only then are you protected. Only then will people testify to you and declare you a public person. (381:65, June 12, 2002)
People should be honest. Honesty enables us to pass through anything. If you admit honestly when you make a mistake, you will develop. Goodness cannot grow without going through this process. Can people always do well? People make mistakes, but they must be honest about them if they are to develop.
    By honestly confessing and repenting for your mistakes you can make a new determination. Making a mistake is not bad; it can stimulate you to leap forward. A mistake can be a good thing if it motivates you to leap to the good side. For example, if you failed a test because you did not study, the shock and shame of failure can motivate you to become an honor student. The failing grade becomes an opportunity to change your direction towards the good. 
    Therefore, you should be honest. People who try to hide their mistakes cannot develop. On the other hand, honest people develop because the universe pushes them and supports them wherever they go. Whether in the East or the West, in the past, present or future, an honest person is everyone’s friend. (100:87-88, October 8, 1978)
Be an honest believer. You should be able to report honestly about yourself to God and say, “Father, I will be honest with you, so treat me honestly. You were honest with me when I appeared before you in righteousness. Now that I stand before you carrying the burden of an unrighteous heart, will you treat me the same way? Regardless, I will face you with the reality of what is in my heart. Deal with me according to your righteous judgment.” (45:242-43, July 4, 1971)
I teach honesty, purity, and sacrifice from the standpoint of the Principle. First, a person must be honest in the presence of God. The Unification Principle teaches that falsehood separates us from God. I emphasize to our members that they are God’s emissaries and must identify themselves as my followers, even if it means they will be severely persecuted… Whoever does not have the courage to do so, we have no need of them. People who do not identify themselves out of fear of harassment will miss out on all the blessings that come as a result of persecution… I can understand that people who face constant harassment do such things, but I do not praise such behavior. (91:128, February 3, 1977)

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