Should We Forgive Satan?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2184

In front of God what must you long to become? First, you must become devoted children. Second, you must become loyal subjects and patriots. Is there anyone above loyal subjects and patriots? Saints are higher. Devoted children in the family are absolutely loyal to their parents. Patriots are absolutely loyal to their nation. Then, what kind of people are saints? They are people like Jesus, Buddha and Confucius – people who assert God’s existence, not people who assert themselves. They lead God-centered lives and do not cause any harm, but instead try to benefit humankind. Moreover, they are not nationalists, but rather globalists. (54-214, 1972.3.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1638

Why and how did God come into existence? He came into being due to love. How did the origin of the universe come to be realized? The seed of love was assimilated by God as the object partner, with the result that God Himself came to possess internal nature and external form. Based on what did this come about? It was based on love. The same holds true for you. Through the love of your mother and father, you were given the seed of life, the one cell that grew into what you are today; in a similar manner God became the being He is today. His eyes, His nose, and every feature of His were formed in this way. He is exactly the same as us. (207-27, 1990.10.21)


Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Great forgiveness is possible when you have understood the other person’s situation one hundred percent. Because God knows our situations, He forgives us. (2:220, May 26, 1957)

Joseph forgave his brothers, although they were his enemies who had sold him into slavery. Yet Joseph forgave them for his father’s sake, because they were all his father’s sons. Put yourself in Joseph’s position. Like Joseph, we have many enemies, yet we have no choice but to forgive them because they are all the children of our Father, God. We forgive them for God’s sake, because we believe in God. (146:125, June 8, 1986)

Among the countless people I have been leading, many have committed transgressions. I deal with them with the attitude, “I will forgive you one hundred times.” This is the fatherly heart.
    Suppose your own son were arrested as a robber and a murderer and was facing execution. Would you as a parent say, as you watched your son walking toward the execution chamber, “It is a good thing that you are about to die. You should be killed quickly”? No, you would look for every possible way to win him a pardon. That is the heart of a parent. You would forgive him, even a thousand or ten thousand times. (157:259-60, April 10, 1967)

You leaders who live with your members, if one of your members is wrong, do not tell him he is wrong to his face, but look for how you can forgive him. Look at his wife; is she worse than her husband? Look at his children; are they worse than their father? Then look at his mother and father; are they worse than their child? No, among his family some are good people.
    Thus thinking of his family’s good qualities and their love for him, you can find a way to love him. Then the blessings gathered in that family will be joined with you. If you live this way, you will not perish. Heaven will protect you. (308:208, January 5, 1999)

God does not strike someone who is defeated. Rather, God shows mercy to those who recognize their sin and repent. God exists; therefore anyone who raises a sword to strike a defeated person will bring ruin on his descendants. Instead, we should pray for him and give him guidance with the heart of a close friend. (25:333, October 12, 1969)

Among the Christian martyrs who were thrown to the lions in the coliseums of Rome, there were two kinds of people. One kind prayed, “God, take revenge upon my persecutors. Punish them! May they all perish!” Their mind was to resist the unjust Caesar up to the moment of death. The other kind prayed, “Forgive their sins! Forgive the Caesar! May Rome one day become God’s nation on this earth!”
    Compare the destinies of these two kinds of martyrs. Those who prayed for their enemies, for Rome and Caesar, are dwelling in an exalted realm among those who are victorious over Satan. But those who died with the self-centered desire to receive salvation and held a grudge against Rome are dwelling somewhere below the realm of Rome. (130:233, January 29, 1984)

When Jesus taught us to love our enemies, do you think he meant that we should forgive Satan? You should be clear about this question.
    When someone asked him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.” If Jesus, the Son of God, could forgive people to that extent, should he not also forgive Satan? Yet he cannot do that; it is impossible.
    When Jesus prayed for his enemies, the object of his prayers was not Satan but rather the people whom Satan invaded. Evil people are merely victims of God’s enemy; therefore he forgave them and sought for them, as God was seeking for them. Yet, this does not mean that he should forgive Satan. (92:187, April 10, 1977) 

O Source of all goodness! I earnestly pray that Thou wilt forgive through Thine infinite love and magnanimity the many religious believers of this nation for their past acts of persecution against the children of the Unification movement. [Because of their actions,] some who joined the movement for a time grew tired and lonely and fell away, unable to endure the persecution, unable to find even one person to console them on the lonely path. And I know that many who remain on the path are exhausted.

Thinking of how they ought to be bowing their heads and begging Thy forgiveness, my indignation against them is hard to bear, and I long to resolve the grudges in Thy heart. Still, thinking about Thy merciful path of restoration, as Thou seekest to recover the children of the enemy, I know that Thou canst not help but bless them again— and therefore I pray that Thou wilt forgive them.

Father, I earnestly ask Thee to please forgive and once again extend Thy grace to the pitiable churches that betrayed Thee. (27:301-02, December 28, 1969)

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