Intellectual Type People Cannot Launch a Revolutionary Spiritual Movement

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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.

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There is a saying to the effect, “All is well if there is harmony within the family.” If peace reigns in a family everything will go well. A perfected family is the family of peace which forms the basis of God’s Kingdom. The driving force of a family is true love. Loving God more than yourself and loving your spouse more than life itself; true love is such pure and beautiful love. God did not create a force greater than the power of true love in the universe. True love is God’s love. (219-118, 1991.8.28)

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If you have the opportunity to attend a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go thinking you are just a man or a woman and there is nothing else to it. When you attend the ceremony, you are there representing men and women who have come and gone in the world over the past six thousand years. You must understand that you have been invited as such. You should experience this reality deep in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

2. Attaining Spiritual Wisdom

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We should cultivate the heart of true love through experience. True love cannot be learned through the spoken or written word, or through general education. This is how it was in the beginning. Adam and Eve, who were created as infants, were to grow and experience love at each stage of life, perfecting in turn the heart of true children, the heart of true brother and sister, and the heart of true parents. Only by experiencing each of these kinds of love, can we become ideal people who fulfill the purpose of creation. (282:209, March 13, 1997)

There are generally two types of people: the intellectual type and the spiritual type. When intellectual type people search for an answer, if their research coincides with their reasoning they accept it, but if it does not they reject it. Spiritual type people are more intuitive, making decisions based on intuition more than reason. People of the spiritual type feel from inside and apply it to the outside, while the intellectual type experience the outside and apply it in the inside. One type is extroverted and the other, introverted.
Intellectual type people usually do not like to pray. They resist praying and question the need for it. They do not feel comfortable calling out, “Heavenly Father!” They do not feel that it is real. Prayer, God, etc. appear to them like superstition. Since they don’t believe in prayer, they feel to pray would be to deny their integrity. They judge the truth of something by whether it agrees with their theoretical model of the world. Spiritual type people, on the other hand, love saying the words, “Heavenly Father” from birth. They delight in prayer, and do not need any explanation.
Intellectual type people cannot launch a revolutionary spiritual movement. In the world of faith, those who can do something extraordinary are not intellectuals, but are rather uninformed and simple-minded people who are spiritual. They do what comes to them, disregarding what the world says. Believing that God told them to do it, they just go ahead and do it. After doing it, they find that what they did turned out to be right. Great persons can appear from among such spiritual people.
The apostle Paul was an intellectual type person. Nevertheless, after having a spiritual experience on the road to Damascus, he totally changed. Having felt something explosive from inside that was greater than anything he had experienced from external investigation, he came to deny everything he had been taught and accepted his new experience as the truth. Hence, he could become the pioneer of a new revolutionary religion, Christianity.
You should know which type of person you are. In general, spiritual people are thick in spirit but pointy in intellect. Therefore, although they may be solid in the beginning, they will not be consistent all the way, and after a time their works often fail. By the same token, although a person of truth may be strong, if his spirituality is weak his works will also eventually fall short. Therefore, whichever type of person we are, we need to balance these two aspects.
There is a saying, “Worship God in spirit and truth.” (John 4.23) It means that people should make these two sides parallel and find harmony between them. We should be able to control both the spirit world and the physical world. Standing in the center of spirituality and rationality, we should be able to make adjustments between the right and the left. Otherwise, we cannot reach perfection. (76:136-37, February 2, 1975)

Fallen people have been overcoming their internal ignorance by enlightening their spirituality and intellect with “spirit and truth” (John 4:23)…
“Spirit” in this context denotes the inspiration of Heaven. Cognition of a spiritual reality begins when it is perceived through the five senses of the spirit self. These perceptions resonate through the five physical senses and are felt physiologically. Cognition of truth, on the other hand, arises from the knowledge gleaned from the physical world as it is perceived directly through our physiological sense organs. Cognition thus takes place through both spiritual and physical processes.
Human beings become complete only when their spirit self and physical self are unified. Hence, the experience of divine inspiration gained through spiritual cognition and the knowledge of truth obtained through physical cognition should become fully harmonized and awaken the spirituality and intellect together. It is only when the spiritual and physical dimensions of cognition resonate together that we can thoroughly comprehend God and the universe. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Eschatology 5.1)

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