How Much Do You Adore and Yearn for God?

Peaceful Families; Peaceful World Workshop-May 27 to May 29
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry , WV and online
May 27- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
May 28- Unification Principle Study
May 29- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
Register by May 24th

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2299

    We should understand God’s situation where He was forced to run after the Israelites – even though He had chosen them – without being able to reveal His heart of yearning to them, through which He would have educated and led them.
    We should know the fact that God raised on this earth a singular race of His yearning, and that whenever they fell into distress, He suffered, felt sorrow and went through difficulties in proportion to the intensity of His yearning heart.
    God had endeavored throughout the long course of history to plant that yearning in our hearts, into history and into this world. Hence, we should bear in mind that every object we deal with is soaked with His longing. We should bear in mind that the members we deal with, and even the nation and this world in which we live, are also steeped in His longing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Parents should set a good example in their life of faith. In the family, they should show their children how fervently they practice all aspects of a life of faith, including prayer life and family services. They should help the children recognize how important the time for Pledge is. They should not just hold Pledge service at that particular time, but as parents, they should also teach their children about God’s will. (31-269, 1970.6.4)

Richard:  Parents are the primary educators for their children.  This extends to schools as well.  The school should never usurp the parents’ role as primary educator.


2. Love and Longing for God

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

How much do you adore and yearn for God? What is at stake in this question is whether you are prepared to completely forget about your own situation and offer everything for God; in other words, whether or not you can become a perfect minus before the perfect Plus. When you can stand before the absolute Plus as an absolute minus, then the perfect Plus will rush straight toward you. (36:100, November 22, 1970)

Many are the believers who grasp the doctrine, but few are the believers who know the Real Being whom the doctrine describes. Few are the believers who can say, “Lord, Thy mind is my mind and my mind is Thine. Thy sorrow is my sorrow.”
    Have you ever felt God’s heart of grief, a heart in fetters, a heart so sorrowful it feels as if your bones are melting? Understand that wherever Jesus went during his thirty-odd years on the earth, he had such an intense heart that he was constantly on the verge of losing consciousness and fainting. (4:126, March 23, 1958)

Today, we have to go beyond just the word “faith” and substantiate our faith in our daily life. That is, we must become people who live our lives with Heaven… God taught the way of faith to countless numbers of our ancestors throughout history. Nevertheless, more than just be believers, God longed that they would become people who could live together with Him. This is what Heaven is longing for us to become.
    God is longing for you to become people who can willingly sacrifice, die and be resurrected for the sake of your faith. God longs for you to relate to Him as your Father, to overcome death and rejoice in your resurrection to the realm of life, and to sing His praises in the eternal ideal world. God dearly misses each one of you. He has persevered to find you and meet you. (6:84, March 29, 1959)

Do you call out to God, “Father!” with the heart to liberate His heart, which is immersed in the sorrow that pervades the 6,000 years of history? If you cling to the distressed heart of the Father and call on Him, with just that one word you can reunite heaven and earth. That was how Jesus clung to God when he called, “Abba.” Unless you can attain the same level, the sorrow of God will never leave you. (3:58, September 22, 1957)

My misery is not from hunger;
my sorrow is not from being mistreated.
Oh loving Father, I did not realize that
no sorrow is worse than being apart from Thee.
No matter how lacking a place may be,
if Thou art there it has everything.
Even in the center of hell,
if Thou art there it becomes heaven.
Father, whether I live or die, my place is only with Thee. (43:135, April 25, 1971)

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