Before Enjoying Your Freedom, You Better Die and Be Resurrected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2150

The path of Jesus suffering on the cross was the same path of tribulation that God Himself walked. In such a situation of trial and tribulation, Jesus desperately prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Even in the place of death, he blessed Rome and the crowds that had opposed him, pledging victory in the future. Accordingly, his life did not end at the age of thirty-three, but with God’s help, he bequeathed his spirit historically to Christianity, without which it would not have become a world religion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1536

Would the family formed by Adam and Eve, had they not fallen, have been one just for the two of them or one that represented the universe? Then, to whom would the nation they established belong? Would it be God’s nation or Adam and Eve’s nation? It would be Adam and Eve’s God-centered nation, sharing a common purpose with Him. The expanded form of that nation would be the world, and that world would also be God-centered. You should understand this. (161-243, 1987.2.22)


  1. Recognizing Sin, Confessing Sin, and Tearful Repentance for Sin

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Jesus’ very first teaching was, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” What should we repent for? Very simply, we should repent for all those actions which violate the rule stating that we should live by sacrifice and service to others. (105:92, September 30, 1979)

We should repent. Our first assignment is to repent. Before a criminal is released from prison, he must pay the price for his crime. Likewise, under whatever name, unless we make a condition to liquidate our crimes, we cannot be released. All people today are faced with this situation. (99:75, September 1, 1978)

It is a normal fact of life—when a child hurts or offends his mother or father, he has to apologize with tears before the parent will forgive him. It does not matter what country you live in—crime leads to punishment, and punishment, whether by inflicting pain or physical restraint, causes suffering. What is the purpose for giving punishment? Repentance. Therefore, when you repent you have to shed tears. You should feel much pain in those tears. Your repentance is not genuine unless you feel more pain over your mistakes and sins than if someone were giving you a beating as punishment. (99:76, September 1, 1978)

Have you repented? How can you help others unless you have thoroughly repented, and God has accepted your repentance? How can you save others? Can you become the judge of others’ sins if you have not yet been forgiven of your own sins? Have you ever deeply experienced that you are a sinner?
    You do not just carry your own sins. You must understand that you carry the sins of history, sins committed by past generations. Also, you should understand that you are responsible for the sins of the present world. Furthermore, you should recognize your responsibility for the sins of the future. You bear these three levels of sin [on top of your own]. (99:90, September 1, 1978)

People go to the church and pray, “Father, I committed such and such sins. I repent of them and pray for Thy forgiveness.” We should rather pray, “Father, please forgive me for having destroyed the heavenly order, for having violated the original relationship with Thee, for having violated relationships with other people, for damaging the creation, and for all other sins that I personally committed, especially violations of the heart.”
    If you make such repentance, receive God’s forgiveness, bring victory and gain God’s approval, then everything will be solved. Heaven is looking for the individuals who make such repentance…
    You should understand that there is no sin greater than having violated someone’s heart. Today, fathoming God’s heart, you should understand that you are sinners who violated God’s heart of love, sinners who rejected the heart of all creation, and obstructionists who blocked the fulfillment of the world of heart. I hope you understand this and repent from your hearts. (9:160, May 8, 1960)

In American society you have a strong sense of freedom. You interpret the meaning of freedom to mean, “I can do whatever I please; why should I feel ashamed or feel pangs of conscience?”
    Yet suppose your father was a thief or a traitor, would you still be able to hold up your head? Suppose your father was a felon, would you still be proud? What if you were the offspring of an adulterer? If you were to face your own sin, and also realize that you are descendants of sinners, could you still proudly say, “I am free; I can do whatever I please”?
    The answer is only too clear. Before enjoying your freedom, you proud people had better die and be resurrected. You had better first cleanse yourselves by atoning for these sins, going the reverse way, so that you may be forgiven. (66:14, March 11, 1973)


Inadequate as we are, how dare we show ourselves before Thee?
How can we raise our heads before Heaven?
Even if we died ten million times,
it would be a deserved penalty.
We are held prisoner by the chains of sin,
and deserve to go through the suffering of the judgment.
Therefore, we bow ourselves with souls bared,
hoping for Thy merciful love and grace. (2:168, April 14, 1957)

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