Heavenly Father Possesses the Sperm of Absolute Sex

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum –Patti Hidalgo Menders Presentation and Discussion

Cheon Seong Gyeong 131

Even if the hundreds of millions of people who have been parents were to come back to life all at once, none among them would have the glory of the True Parents whom you speak of today. Even if tens of thousands of generations of ancestors were all to resurrect and sing the glory of resurrection, this glory and song would still not transcend the domain of the Fall. Although your current situation may be miserable, you should know that the term “True Parents,” taught in the Unification Church today, is a proud one and more valuable than hundreds of millions of ancestors rejoicing in a glorious place of earthly victory and liberation of all people. You should know that meeting the True Parents will lead you along the path to meet God, and meeting the Unification Church will lead you along the path whereby God’s nation and the homeland desired by the True Parents can soon be found. (138-105, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1057

    We are not focused on the individual but on the family. Still, we are not trying to solve everything based only on the family. Rather, we should connect everything to the family. Hence, the endeavors made in the past while cultivating a solitary life of spirituality are not enough now. To this you should also add your own determination and resolution to exert yourself much more than you did in the past. In an instant, a life of challenging evil can easily leave one fatigued and lead one to retreat. When you have a family, you should work much harder than when you were single.
    The family is in the central position. We cannot avoid reality. You should establish relationships of front and back, left and right, top and bottom in your family. It will not do to have the kind of faith that existed in the past. That kind of one-sided attitude in faith that you had in the past will not work. (27-85, 1969.11.26)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 36 to 39 below.

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