Adam is God’s Son and God’s Body

Happy Easter to all Daily Inspiration subscribers and readers!

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#125-Richard Urban-Urban Life Training as a Solution to Family Breakdown

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2325

    The providence of salvation is the providence of re-creation, which is also the process of creation for the establishment of all pure things, pure people, pure lineage and pure love in accordance with God’s principle of creation. As the establishment of all pure things, pure people and pure love on pure land is the ideal of creation – the purpose of creation – we need to be freed from ourselves in order to achieve this goal. To recover pure bodies, it is essential to tear down our current bodies which are serving as the foundation for Satan, in order to drive him out.
    Thus, your pure mind, body, substance and mindset should be unified, and next you should escape from the satanic realm to the place that is like the stage of engagement and stay there for three years, after which you can form Blessed Families in the realm of perfection. In the light of the Principle, this process is the ascension to the position wherein you can completely fulfill your human portion of responsibility. You need to know that this is the course of restoration through indemnity. If you do not fulfill this, there is no other way for you to ascend. (268-114, 1995.3.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 977

    Live with a fresh pioneering spirit, and you will not grow old. By nature, I will not die on my back. Until I die, I will always be in motion. I will move even if I have to crawl. It has been a continuum of suffering. The greatest humiliation to me would be to be very old, and need the attention and care of those around me. Since I know the spirit world, how free I will be after discarding my body! In the future, if you have a thought system that encompasses the ocean – the water – you will be able to have dominion over the world. Water is the most important resource. That is why before I go to the spirit world I have to initiate work in these vast areas. I believe that if I have taught and spoken about everything, the future generations will fulfill it. (276-296, 1996.3.10)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 72 to 75 below.

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