World Peace Starts with God-Centered Families

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#143-Conflicts of Interest Corrupt Our Government

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1567

We have entered an era when we can come together in harmony through love with no need for indemnification because, after the restoration of the right of the eldest son, it is embraced in the bosom of the parents. War and struggle to restore the right of the eldest son are no longer necessary in the realm of parental love. In order to initiate this, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages must be performed. Through this ceremony, the children in the positions of the first and second sons can be forgiven by those in the position of the parents, and we can enter the next era of forgiveness of parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)
Richard: Notice that this is not the age for war. We should not fund a war in Ukraine. Think of the tens of thousands of young people on both sides who have been killed. Why is there no effort to end this conflict, no negotiations? All the money being poured out there should be used to build a godly movement for peace. See here and use ‘Ctrl F’ to search for “ploughshares”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 742

   If you keep pace with the Unification Church by way of the principled standard, good spirits and ancestors in the spirit world who used to cooperate with the national fortune will work for you. Externally, you may appear unlucky with a flat face and small ears, but the spirit world sees you as a lucky child. Your ancestors within ten generations are anxious because the history of restoration is realized based on ten generations. Yet when an evil descendant appears, ancestors within ten generations judge him by saying, “Hey you! You are going to ruin us!”
    For this reason, those who have good ancestors will be actively supported by them. You all are standing in such a position. The spirit world will be eternally happy if you, who are in such a position, fight with excitement and style and win every battle wherever you go. Various evil spirits will fall back with surprise even before they show up. So these ancestors will attend you like a king.
    We must prepare a victorious foundation before God’s will with the heart that refuses to defile God’s tradition and dignity. You must pray about what kind of tradition you will establish. Now is a blessed time. (14-19, 1964.4.19)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 8. The Family Is the Final Standard for
Completing the Cosmos-centered Ideology

Everything divides from one into many, which eventually merge
into a larger whole. In other words, one divides into many and
then unites again into one. From here it divides again and
becomes something even larger. Families exist within this larger
created object. These families all have the same form as each
other. The family is the place where the relationship of husband
and wife is established and the place that unites the husband and
wife. The tribe is a place that unites families, and the race is a place
that unites clans. Races combine to form one nation. Here families
play the central role. (26-189, 1969.10.25)
When the family is expanded, it becomes the horizontal world.
This is why no society can manage without the family. If families
cannot be restored, the world cannot be restored. Next we must
realize the cosmos-centered ideal through these families. The
word cosmos combines heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are
like a person’s mind and body. The mind and body must become
one. Just as a subject partner needs an object partner, one man
needs one woman. The union of a man and a woman leads to a
family. God’s foundation of love will not be attained without
working through this family. (26-189, 1969.10.25)
The cosmos-centered ideology is a philosophy that unites the
mind and body forming a family as the main body of love, and
connects that idea to the spirit world and physical world. The
character ju of cheon ju (cosmos) means a house. This is why we
are using the word cosmos-centered ideology. Cosmos combines
the spirit world and the physical world. What relationship does it
have with us? We need a family. If you fail to be at one in your
family, you have nothing to do with the cosmos-centered
ideology. The family serves as the final standard for completing
the cosmos-centered ideology. Those who cannot sing songs of
peace and sing praise for happiness here will become miserable
people either on this earth or in the spirit world. (26-189,

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