People Can Go to God by Attending the True Parents

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#148: Parental Involvement In Your Child’s Marriage Is Crucial

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Numerous Department of the Environment Violations at Blake Solar Project Site

Cheon Seong Gyeong 203

    Then what are True Parents? How do your physical parents and True Parents differ? In terms of love, what is the difference between your physical parents and True Parents? True Parents and your biological parents have different concepts of love. Again, they have different concepts of love. Your physical parents teach you love with a focus on the physical reality, and your spiritual parents teach you love centered on a world that is spiritual. They have different content.
    It seems that physical parents should suffice, so why do you need spiritual parents? It is because of the Fall. What fallen parents have been teaching has led us continuously down a self-centered path. Through your parents’ love, a decisive line has been drawn holding you eternally within the satanic world; and there has been no way to sever it. (129-99, 1983.10.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1546

What would the ideal world be like? It would certainly not be a place where people are at odds with and jealous of each other, begrudging one another’s successes, and becoming sick with envy over other people’s happiness. Instead, it would be a world where the success of one person would be the success of everyone and the joy of one person would be the joy of everyone. The pleasures and joys of one person could be shared by everyone in the whole world. (18-102, 1967.5.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 4. The Completed Testament Age Is the Age of the Oneness of God and Humankind

4.1. True children should go through the change of lineage and rebirth

    In the Old Testament Age, they sacrificed material things to pave the way for the coming of the true son. Jesus came as the son and sacrificed himself to pave the way for the coming of the parents. The True Parents come on this level plane, and walk a suffering path in order to invite God in. To what position do they come? To the original, vertical place. Since the original, great principle of heaven and earth was cut off from that point, peace cannot begin as long as that fundamental root is not rectified. This is absolute. (200-55, 1990.2.23)

    You should not think of Rev. Moon as being the same as you. What is Rev. Moon’s mission? The Old Testament Age was the age when the things of creation were sacrificed to find the sons and daughters. In the New Testament Age, the sons and daughters were sacrificed to pave the way for the coming of the parents. What are the parents to do on this earth after they come? They are to pave the way for God to come. The mission of the True Parents is to build a horizontal base, encompassing all the people of the world, for the vertical Father. As the horizontal father’s realm of heart unfolds, the vertical Father’s realm of heart will naturally emerge and settle here.
    When God reaches the point where He can embrace both vertical and horizontal love, He will finally make the transition to the age when He can go beyond the world into the central position and reorganize the original, ideal authority. Then He will say, “Everything is done.” (177-345, 1988.5.22)

    The methods for fallen people to go back to God have differed according to the age. In the Old Testament Age, people could go to God by offering sacrifices; in the New Testament Age, it was by believing in Jesus, the son of God; and in the Completed Testament Age, people can go to God by attending the True Parents. (20-340, 1968.7.20)

In the future, you will not be able to marry your sons and daughters with people of the same nationality. God is looking at three generations. Now, you are as you are, but God wants to bring you into unity after three generations. One of these represents the Old Testament Age. So your marriage represents the Old Testament Age. The New Testament Age and the Completed Testament Age come next.
    The tradition will be established by the third generation, who will be born through the marriages of the second generation – your sons and daughters. (146-275, 1986.7.20)

    In the Completed Testament Age, True Parents sacrifice in order to bring the vertical God to earth. This is the final task. In relation to humankind, God is the vertical Father who is centered on true love. True Parents are the horizontal parents who are horizontally aligned at a ninety degree angle with the vertical Father, based on true love. Therefore, on the basis of this vertical and horizontal love, God’s love and life finally burst forth. With the blossoming harmony of God and humankind, new blood ties will expand based on the love of True Parents. In this way, the seed of life that began in God’s love and based on the original Principle standard will appear on earth. This is unprecedented in human history. (208-339, 1990.11.21)

    Now, we must restore the rights of ownership. Since, in the course of attending God, the things of creation were sacrificed in the Old Testament Age, the son was sacrificed in the New Testament Age, and the parents were sacrificed in the Completed Testament Age, what has to be done now? You should stand in the position representing the mother and father. The sons and daughters are the New Testament Age, and all things of creation are the Old Testament Age.
    Because the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament ages have all deviated from God’s true love, Satan has become the owner. Now, however, we must indemnify all this and bring everything to the original owner. (208-345, 1990.11.21)

    The Completed Testament Age is the age of accomplishment. We will accomplish as individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and on the worldwide level. These are linked through God’s love, God’s life, and God’s lineage. This is the tradition of one lineage, one love, and one life. When this happens, Satan will have to leave. The work of engrafting will remove the connection with the satanic lineage. (226-275, 1992.2.9)

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