True Love Starts from True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 259

Language is one of the most challenging problems. When Koreans are here, those who do not know Korean have a difficult time. They look pitiful. How great it would be if language were unified! When I first came to America, I only knew “Yes” and “No,” although I had studied English through books. Can you imagine how stifled I felt! You need to know how necessary the unification of language is. Do you wish to listen to my speeches through an interpreter or directly from me? Of course, you want to listen to them in Korean. Why? Because Korean is the original language. Therefore, in studying the Principle, if you do not know the original language, you will not understand the meaning of the words. Furthermore, when you go to the spirit world in the future, will you be proud if you can say, “I understood Father’s speeches directly, without translation” or if you have to say, “I listened to his words through an interpreter?” Which? Moreover, they are words that express the ideal world of love. Does it mean anything to whisper words of love through an interpreter? The fifth paragraph of our former pledge says, “We are proud of the one culture.” The question is how that one culture can come about. You should know that in the world of heart you have no choice but to become one. The one who truly desires one world of heart cannot go without knowing this. Now, when you reach out to someone because you love them so much, your feet move first before any thoughts about love. Your feet move first, and not the loving thought. How foolish this is! If you think about eating in the same way, it is as though you enjoyed eating leftovers. Without the tradition and spirit of the ideal family the ideal world cannot appear. Language is one of the most challenging problems. When Koreans are here, those who do not know Korean have a difficult time. They look pitiful. How great it would be if language were unified! When I first came to America, I only knew “Yes” and “No,” although I had studied English through books. Can you imagine how stifled I felt! You need to know how necessary the unification of language is. Do you wish to listen to my speeches through an interpreter or directly from me? Of course, you want to listen to them in Korean. Why? Because Korean is the original language. Therefore, in studying the Principle, if you do not know the original language, you will not understand the meaning of the words. Furthermore, when you go to the spirit world in the future, will you be proud if you can say, “I understood Father’s speeches directly, without translation” or if you have to say, “I listened to his words through an interpreter?” Which? Moreover, they are words that express the ideal world of love. Does it mean anything to whisper words of love through an interpreter? The fifth paragraph of our former pledge says, “We are proud of the one culture.” The question is how that one culture can come about. You should know that in the world of heart you have no choice but to become one. The one who truly desires one world of heart cannot go without knowing this. Now, when you reach out to someone because you love them so much, your feet move first before any thoughts about love. Your feet move first, and not the loving thought. How foolish this is! If you think about eating in the same way, it is as though you enjoyed eating leftovers. Without the tradition and spirit of the ideal family the ideal world cannot appear.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1186

Since the vertical and horizontal indemnity, the indemnity of the eight stages was completed, last year, on August 31, 1989, I went to Alaska, the northernmost place in the western world, and conducted the “Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages.” It was conducted at the northernmost place. Then on September 1, I announced the “ideology centered on the Heavenly Father.” It is the ideology of salvation through love, which we know as the parent-centered ideology. This ideology urges us to love everyone. Satan cannot oppose love. If Satan does not oppose the Unification Church on its way, it will spread worldwide in a flash. (199-157, 1990.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 4. Grace and Self-Realization

4.2. The appearance of True Parents is the greatest news

    If you want to find a utopian world, where do you have to go? Without going through the realm of original family love, you have no place else to go. I connected the realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion by means of God’s and True Parents’ love. Accordingly, the way opened to go back and forth between the spiritual and physical worlds over a bridge of love. As our Principle explains, the realms of direct dominion and indirect dominion are distinct realms, as God originally created them. Then how can we make them one? This is possible only through true love. The only time they become one is when human beings, Adam and Eve – reach maturity. At that time, true horizontal love automatically appears. When they embrace each other at that point, saying, “Oh, you are my partner,” true love appears at the center of that couple. When positively charged love appears in perfection, negatively charged love is bound to appear immediately. When positively charged love comes down to negatively charged love and they engage, they determine the standard of true love. Then it is complete. When true love appears, everything follows automatically. Only true love works for everything. This way, the world is converted into a utopian sphere. Where does true love start? It starts from True Parents. This is the gospel of all gospels. Although there are good words in the world – although husband is a good word and wife is a good word – there is no news better than that of True Parents. In the fallen world a true husband and wife will not appear without True Parents appearing first. (131-187, 1984.5.1)

    This True Family was found as a result of experiencing the deepest sorrow of all sorrows, enduring the greatest hardship among all hardships, and paying the highest price in blood of all such payments throughout the course of history. To resolve historical sorrow, such miserable indemnity conditions had to be made in history. The price paid through people’s deaths throughout the course of history is redeemed when the True Family is found. Accordingly, the True Family’s appearance on earth is a cause for unparalleled joy and value. For such a true family to come about, there have to be True Parents. At the same time as True Parents, a true husband and wife must emerge. Becoming a true couple, they must give birth to true children. These True Parents should have no condition permitting Satan to accuse.
     A true husband and wife should not fall into the condition of providing a basis for Satan’s accusation, and then groan in travail. The children in a true family cannot be the sons and daughters of a true family if they leave behind some condition to be accused by the satanic world. You are using the words “True Parents” and know the title True Parents. Nobody in history has been able to call out or think about the name True Parents. But today you are in the glorious position of being able to call their name, know them and attend them. So you are in a happier and nobler position than anyone in history. Until now, those seeking the True Parents have offered much hard work and a tremendous amount of sacrifice to lay the foundation for their victory. Considering this, you should know that the words True Parents portend the greatest blessing for humankind today. History is being brought under control through the True Parents. True Parents are the starting point of our advancement toward a new world. True Parents determine the internal conditions that can subjugate Satan. In them, the central couple is finally defined who can liberate God by conquering Satan, the one who is occupying the external world.
    Therefore, you should first be thankful for this amazing grace by which you can live together with True Parents, receiving and carrying out their instructions. If there should be a way for you to align yourselves with True Parents’ path, even at the sacrifice of your lives, there should be nothing that makes you happier. If a soldier marches toward the enemy camp in accordance with True Parents’ command, he will be a holy soldier standing on the highest summit of hope desired by humankind, in full view of heaven and earth and drawing the attention of history. If you are in the position to fight on behalf of True Parents’ heart or on behalf of the nation and people, this heart will enable the nation and people to open the gate of the garden of happiness for the first time. The nation and people of hope who can march in and join in the glory of victory will appear. Considering all this, you should realize on your own, that you who are upholding the flag of True Parents’ heart are the flag bearers who can revive history and judge the world of death again. (43- 142, 1971.4.29)

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