The Bride Is the Wife of the Lord

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1583

    Now the time has come for the final transition to take place based on the five great saints blessed on June 13, and their blessed followers in the spirit world, members of the groups they have established. Those serving You and the True Parents on earth and in the spirit world will now have to follow the way of filial piety, loyalty and heavenly traditions. That is, the archangelic families on earth should come together and join the liberated realm of the Blessed Families in the position of perfected Adamic families on earth. They should strive to fulfill their duties before You as filial sons and daughters in the family, patriots in the nation, and saints in the world, and inherit the bond of love while tending to the duties of Your divine sons and daughters on earth and in the spirit world. To do so, they should become as one with You in heaven and with the True Parents on earth. Through this, they will be empowered to fulfill this, Your long cherished desire. So please liberate the followers of the saints and the ancestors who are the offspring of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve. Continue reading “The Bride Is the Wife of the Lord”

The Purpose of the Unification Movement is Family Salvation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2060

The systemization of the structure for our tong ban breakthrough activities is an urgent matter. (171-297, 1988.1.2)

Richard: In the Unification movement tong ban breakthrough activities are synonymous with Home Church activities.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1255

    The free love marriages you see in the world today are traps set by Satan, trying to make people fall so they cannot move towards the presence of God. Once you are caught in this trap, you will spiritually die and be controlled by Satan, or become his prey.
    Because of widespread free marriage in modern Western society, particularly the United States, it is becoming more difficult to form true families. The number of people who fail in family life is increasing day by day, so that in the not too distant future, the majority of people will not have families at all. When that happens, American society will become increasingly loveless. I can tell you with conviction that, in the end, it will become a hell-like society, dominated by anxiety and fear because of mistrust.
    At this time, you have been given the responsibility and mission of eradicating these kinds of social trends. You must establish a society here in America that is brimming over with love and is desired by God. (Blessed Family – 364)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 10

The True Family of Humankind Must Be Restored

Section 7. The Original True Family Is Established in the Unification Church

What have all the religions of history been doing until now? They have been seeking one man. They have encouraged celibacy. They did not allow for new things. If they continue like this, they will perish. Yet when they reach the level at which they can say they have found that man in their historical search for him, they will have to seek the woman after that. What kind of place is the Unification Church? It is a church seeking to restore the family. (30-218, 1970.3.23) Continue reading “The Purpose of the Unification Movement is Family Salvation”

Adam and Eve Failed to Form a True Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1730

In pursuing fundamental problems, I thought a great deal about where on earth the realm of oneness of God and humankind would be. This is a very important question. If it were not answered, the starting point and the final destination would not be in accord. In the pursuit of this question, an awakening like a flashing thunderbolt came to me: that true love passes through the shortest route. That one realization solved everything. If heaven and earth were connected through true love, it would be through the shortest distance. In other words, there is only one perpendicular. It is always at ninety degrees to the horizontal. That is the shortest possible distance. (250-153, 1993.10.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1480

The precious value of a perfect score can be awarded to people only when they have attained oneness with true love. Mind-body unity refers to the state in which the body resonates in harmony with the conscience. When you strike one prong of a tuning fork, the other prong vibrates at the same frequency. In a similar manner, if you strike the conscience with true love, the body will resonate. Alternatively, when you strike the body with true love, the conscience will resonate. There is no need for you to be taught all this. Once you find yourself in the center of all this, you will know without being taught. (223-355, 1991.11.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 10

The True Family of Humankind Must Be Restored

Section 6. The Restored Family of the Returning Lord

    What kind of family is a restored family? It is the substantiation of historical hope. Until now, God has been guiding His providence for six thousand years in order to restore this one family. Where should this substantiation of historical hope be realized? It should be realized in none other than this actual society of the present time. It should not be realized in the future. Continue reading “Adam and Eve Failed to Form a True Family”

Jesus Came to Establish a Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1688

Evolutionists have failed to find a solution to the argument based on the relationship of input and output. They have also been unable to suggest a direction concerning evolution. On pondering whether the amoeba has within itself the power to invoke a source of energy in order to develop into a being greater than itself, the answer is that it does not. Do not waste time talking about it. The direction for such creative development is the direction of love. (207-256, 1990.11.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1076

The person who is willing to love his brother even more than he does his parents will live eternally in heaven. Those who cannot love their brother as they would their parents are not included in this place. The source of this principle, when understood, is simple. Members were incapable of loving one another because they did not know this until now. The question is whether our members can unite among themselves. If you stand in a position where you cannot fulfill your filial duty to True Parents, you should offer those things that you wanted to devote to them to the members instead. Then Heaven can accept this offering as something greater than your filial devotion to True Parents. Such a person will surely be blessed. (78- 41, 1975.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 10

The True Family of Humankind Must Be Restored

Section 5. The Restored Family Was to Be Realized by Jesus

    What did Jesus come to do? He came to establish a family. The history of salvation is the history of restoration. Those who are sick need to be healed. Jesus came in order to save fallen people. Then what is salvation? Since the family was destroyed, it must be restored. Continue reading “Jesus Came to Establish a Family”

Why Did God Have to Start from the Family?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1954

Now you must not think about any success or goal that centers on your own self. The reason I demand Japan’s success is to obtain success for the entire world. If you, of all people, can stand together and carry out the heavenly mission of restoring Japan, we would not need even twenty more years. Sacrificial offerings will be needed continuously in order to fulfill that mission. Sacrificial offerings should not be made from their own subjective viewpoint. In dealing with the whole, they should be determined existentially centering on God. That is the mission of a sacrificial offering. To become a sacrificial offering you must absolutely refrain from putting forth your own subjective perspective. (15-84, 1965.9.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1017

Is it right for people who offer devotion to be late for service? Such people should be so ashamed that they cannot show their faces. They should feel that they are the greatest of all sinners. They must pledge to be on time and offer even greater devotion than others. How can you pray, “Oh! Heaven most high!” when you do not even come on time! Your devotion is not for others to observe. If you want to offer devotion at church, you should come to church on foot, rather than by car. You should not just come here and pray. Rather, you should pray before coming and then come here to pray even more earnestly. This is how you should offer devotion. (42-235, 1971.3.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 10

The True Family of Humankind Must Be Restored

Section 4. The Goal of Restoration is Adam’s Family

Adam’s family is the goal of the providence of restoration. God launched His providence of salvation immediately after Adam and Eve fell, but when Cain murdered Abel, that providence had to pass from Adam’s family to Noah’s family. Through Noah’s family, God sought to build the foundation for His providence on earth by annihilating all humankind through the flood judgment and establishing a family that transcended the basis of Satan’s accusation. This task again devolved through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus down to the present age. Thus, the providence of restoration seeks to finally establish Adam’s family, which was lost due to the Fall. (Blessed Family – 482) Continue reading “Why Did God Have to Start from the Family?”