God’s Love is the Axis for All Things of Creation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1378

To the extent that all the 30,000 Couples stood on an equal footing at the time of their Blessing, the True Parents assumed the responsibility of elevating all humankind to a liberated position. Anyone can be included in the Blessing as long as they have attended a seven-day workshop; pledged to convert their lineage, right of ownership and realm of heart; and understood that human beings fell and that through the Blessing, the True Parents can indemnify all of human history and liberate them. (249-248, 1993.10.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1038

What is witnessing? It is showing the way. It is showing how to return to God. Thus, how great it is! If you asked the original mind, “Where are you going to go?” it would reply, “Ah! Through this world, I must return to the heavenly kingdom.” So how great is the task that paves the way! Receiving persecution, receiving one thing and another…. You have to return to heaven by passing through this world. (117-102, 1982.2.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 5. Parents’ Love for Their Children Is Absolute

In my childhood, I would often look at bird nests. Once I climbed a tree to look into a nest, and the mother bird started pecking at me. She was desperate and willing to die to protect her nest, and not only once. When I brushed her aside, she flew away, and then came back. Seeing this, we cannot deny the powerful instinct of animals to transcend their own lives to protect their offspring. Continue reading “God’s Love is the Axis for All Things of Creation”

God Desires to Give and Give Endlessly

Cheon Seong Gyeong 823

No matter how great the difference in dimensions between heaven and earth, everything residing in these worlds consists of four stages. There is grandfather and grandmother even in the spirit world. There are people who are the age of your mother and father, the age of young adults, and the age of adolescents. If we condense this a little more, it becomes two people. Two people! (253-132, 1994.1.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2325

    It is one heart, one body and one mindset: one heart stands for loving God. In short, we are asked to love Heaven. One body stands for loving humanity. Isn’t that so? One mindset stands for loving one’s nation, which is the expanded version of the family. In other words, we are asked to love our families. The essential mainstream of the desire of men and women is the ideology of one heart, one body and one mindset! Do you understand?
    The title for today’s sermon is “The Settlement of One Heart, One Body and One Mindset…” It is all right to say one mindset. “One heart, one body and one mindset are to God and the cosmos…” You know what the cosmos signifies, don’t you? It is God’s home, and so encompasses all creation and heaven and earth. “It is the mainstream ideology of the people of the cosmos!” Do you understand? Say it after me: “One heart, one body and one mindset are the mainstream ideology of God and the people of the cosmos, of His home and the people in heaven and on earth.” Everything is included, not excepting any form of creation. It is the mainstream ideology of all people. Is that clear? Repeat after me: “One heart, one body and one mindset are the mainstream ideology of God and the people of the cosmos!” There is nothing else. (381-106, 2002.6.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 4. Parental Love Sacrifices Everything

    Love cannot be fulfilled alone. Without an investment of life, love cannot be established. When considering the love in the parent-child relationship, there is a clear bond of life. Thus, as long as a bond of life remains, and as long as there is hope within that bond, love will surely remain. No bond of love can be made apart from a bond of life. Thus, love requires an investment through a bond of life, and then the degree to which you invest your life will determine the value you feel. Continue reading “God Desires to Give and Give Endlessly”

Where Did Parental Love Come From?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1860

You cannot imagine how many fish live in a place like the Pantanal. If you throw something in the water, it quickly vanishes. Like lightning, it disappears in an instant. Even something dirty is cleaned up by the fish instantly. There are many species of fish, all mixed together, and each species feeds on different things. When they eat they are tirelessly cleaning up the waters. Essentially they are cleaning the water. They are not living for their own sake. They are bringing order to the environment and cleaning up their surroundings as they live together while helping one another. This is the cooperative system in nature. Also, in the Pantanal there is a plant called water hyacinth. If you examine the back of one of its leaves, you will find many bugs eating it. If given the opportunity, those bugs would eat up all the leaves. However, since there is a fish that eats those particular bugs, then the plant survives. (293-283, 1998.6.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1126

It is important to understand that for me to set up the law in my time is the extension and expansion of the law of the human portion of responsibility. You must know and follow this accordingly. The rules of the church are all aspects of our portion of responsibility. Thus, we must diligently keep the time for church service. We must arrive before the service begins, and must fully concentrate during its course. That is what I did. In the past, if I was going to be late for school I would skip a meal and thus arrive early. That is what I did. I had to learn to control the use of time. So, my thinking was quite mathematical. (133-154, 1984.7.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 3. Parental Love Is Eternally Unchanging

    What is the original motivation of parental love? While conjugal love is changeable, why is parental love toward the children born of that conjugal love unchanging? Parental love does not originate from conjugal love. Unchanging love does not originate from the horizontal conjugal relationship, but is surely related to the origin of a vertical flow. Who would such a vertical subject be? He is known as God. Continue reading “Where Did Parental Love Come From?”

Until Now We Have Been Driven Out

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2019

    Until now we have been driven out. Heaven’s will has never once had the chance to gain a foothold in a nation and fully manifest its substance. We must fulfill God’s will to create a homeland. Until now, that will has not been accomplished even once. Now we can establish that kind of homeland. In that homeland there will be sovereignty, territory and people. Also, the lineage connects the people as a unified people in that nation, giving them a history that other peoples cannot have. We must carry out our emissary missions in order to restore independence to such a homeland. The faster this mission is completed, the faster we lay the foundation for restoring our homeland. Paying a price through our suffering today hastens the day when the restoration of our homeland will swiftly come. Considering this fact, you should go forward with the determination to complete your mission as a special emissary. Otherwise, we will not be able to own the worldwide blessing and heavenly fortune that God can give us in this era. (29-40, 1970.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1219

    What kind of a being is God? Do you think He is a glorious God, sitting on His throne? It is not like that. What has God been doing so far for fallen humankind? God has been weeping loudly everyday as He works to save humankind. That has been the situation of God as He leads humankind.
    God is such a miserable being. In order to save human beings who fell into the pits of misery, God is waking people up from sleep, shouting “Come! Come to me!” But God cannot make people come to Him like that. They must fulfill their portion of responsibility. So, as God cannot do our part for us, how difficult it is for God to do His work! (20-220, 1968.6.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 2. Parents Desire to Be Surpassed by Their Children

    If I were to ask those of you who are middle-aged or older, “When you were young and looking for a spouse, did you want to find someone better or worse than you?” you would all give the same answer: “Someone better”. No matter whom you ask, in the East or West, you will hear the same response. Similarly, in the relationship between parents and children, parents never want their children to be second-rate. For example, if a good-looking couple marries and has a baby who is nowhere near as good-looking as the parents, the couple still wants to hear praise about the appearance of their child. (77-102, 1975.4.1) Continue reading “Until Now We Have Been Driven Out”

Parents Want to Give All of Their Best Possessions

Choen Seong Gyeong 1747

Do you think God does not see you making love? It is all out in the open. It is open for the universe to see. It is very wrong to be unaware of this fact. Your ancestors are watching from the spirit world; they can see it as if it is taking place right before their eyes, like on the palm of their hands. Therefore it is very wrong to think making love is embarrassing. (250-244, 1993.10.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 607

    What will be the basis of competition in the future? Living for the sake of others. Why? Those who live for others go to a higher position in heaven. By serving such people and riding on their coattails one can make great leaps forward. You can be launched from there, just like the satellites that are launched from Cape Kennedy. This is because living for the sake of an individual is comparable to when God created His object partners; you, too, will stand as the object of that individual. For that purpose, we follow someone and live for others.

    You serve me to make use of me. Earning my love is your launching pad toward occupying God. Satellites symbolize how today’s believers can take off and cross infinite distances to get to heaven.
Eventually, human beings are destined to go to the original homeland.
They may have their hometown in this world, but when they return to the original homeland – the eternal homeland – those who have nothing to show for their efforts will be miserable. You know how devastating not being able to join a group can be. (213-193, 1991.1.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 1. Parental Heart Wants to Give Everything

    Parents who have given birth to and raised children all understand the desire to receive blessings and feel happiness through their sons and daughters, whom they love dearly. Also, if they have established a correct standard through which they can experience joy, they will want to bequeath this to their offspring for eternity. Even fallen parents hope that their children will grow up as fine people who can be followed and revered by all nations and praised eternally. Continue reading “Parents Want to Give All of Their Best Possessions”