The Homeland We Need to Reclaim is Not an Existing Nation

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Exodus 32

The Lord said to Moses:

Hurry back down! Those people you led out of Egypt are acting like fools. They have already stopped obeying me and have made themselves an idol in the shape of a young bull. They have bowed down to it, offered sacrifices, and said that it is the god who brought them out of Egypt. Moses, I have seen how stubborn these people are, 10 and I’m angry enough to destroy them, so don’t try to stop me. But I will make your descendants into a great nation.

1 Chronicles 21

21 Satan decided to cause trouble for Israel by making David think it was a good idea to find out how many people there were in Israel and Judah. David told Joab and the army commanders, “Count everyone in Israel, from the town of Beersheba in the south all the way north to Dan. Then I will know how many people can serve in my army.”

Joab answered, “Your Majesty, even if the Lord made your kingdom a hundred times larger, you would still rule everyone in it. Why do you need to know how many soldiers there are? Don’t you think that would make the whole nation angry?”

But David would not change his mind. And so Joab went everywhere in Israel and Judah and counted the people. He returned to Jerusalem and told David that the total number of men who could serve in the army was one million one hundred thousand in Israel and four hundred seventy thousand in Judah. Joab refused to include anyone from the tribes of Levi and Benjamin, because he still disagreed with David’s orders.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1452-1453

Since True Father knows the heart
of God very deeply, just one word from
anyone will restart the flow of tears from
his eyes. The fact that God, who should
rule freely over the whole universe and
govern all the nations, had His ideal
trampled upon, the ideal of His being the
sovereign of all sovereigns and reigning
over all of humanity in the parent-child
relationship with the authority and pow-
er of the king of all ages is a truly mor-
tifying reality. At this time, the day of
glory on which we will rise up, defeat all
the evil powers of this world, and restore
the sovereignty longed for by God is now
right before our eyes. (164-216, 1987.5.16)
You must understand that the day of
hope, on which we can live in an indepen-
dent state centered on God, will be the
most precious time on earth which can-
not be exchanged for anything. Among
those who have passed on to the spirit
world, there is not one person who has
lived in the realm of a nation centered
on God. True Father knows this. Though
I have put the members of the Unifica-
tion Church through many hardships,
do you realize what a prestigious thing
it is to have the original human nature
and to live in dignity as citizens before
the sovereign, in the restored providen-
tial nation?
This is the standard according to
which True Father has lived his whole
life. Though I gave many people trou-
ble, I did so in my fight for the day of
glory, when we can put our whole heart
into dedicating everything in our life of
attendance to God, who is the sovereign
of the nation of which we are the citi-
zens. (164-216, 1987.5.16)
The homeland that we need to reclaim
is not an existing nation on earth with
its own history and traditions. It is com-
pletely different from those other nations
in essence. In order for us to be able to
inherit such a nation that stands on a
completely different level from others,
we need to become citizens with appro-
priate ideological proactivity. That pro-
active ideology should be in accord with
the ideology of the absolute Creator.
For a nation desired by the Absolute
Being to exist, you should yearn for that
nation to be one in which the citizens
would be united together centering on
the nation’s sovereignty. Therefore, the
nation should take form based on such a
standard of citizenship. Because you did
not qualify as the people who can main-
tain such a nation, that nation could not
be established. (49-93, 1971.10.9)
Continue reading “The Homeland We Need to Reclaim is Not an Existing Nation”

Presidents Should Register Their Nations

View my latest blog post on Serious Injuries and Deaths related to the required vaccines in West Virginia:

2 Chronicles 17

12 As Jehoshaphat became more powerful, he built fortresses and cities 13 where he stored supplies. He also kept in Jerusalem some experienced soldiers 14 from the Judah and Benjamin tribes. These soldiers were grouped according to their clans.

Jeremiah 12

7I loved my people and chose them
    as my very own.
But now I will reject them
and hand them over
    to their enemies.
My people have turned against me
and roar at me like lions.
    That’s why I hate them.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1450-1451

3.2. Four-Position Foundation
You cannot be registered unless you
have the foundation of a family. The True
Parents are the family of the world rep-
resenting the foundation of the Blessing
based on the family, and so you must
bear in mind that there is no other way
to be registered other than by forming
an objective realm with them. In other
words, you need to register the birth of
your family. In this place, where a peace-
ful environment and the unified realm
of the will of God begin, the fact that you
are registered by family indicates that
the nation itself can be restored instant-
ly. (269-55, 1995.4.7)
Because of the Fall of the family of
Adam and Eve, everything was regis-
tered in the name of Satan. At this time,
centering on your family, your nations
and everything in the world need to be
returned to God and registered in His
name. This is the way of the Principle.
The Fall occurred centering on the fam-
ily. Therefore, it needs to be indemni-
fied. Since this principle is now in effect,
if there were any presidents in the world,
their nations should be brought before
God to be registered. On the day of reg-
istration, the entire nation would be
saved. (184-96, 1988.12.20) Continue reading “Presidents Should Register Their Nations”

Your Blessed Children Must Not Fall

Titus 1

From Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ.

I encourage God’s own people to have more faith and to understand the truth about religion. Then they will have the hope of eternal life that God promised long ago. And God never tells a lie! So, at the proper time, God our Savior gave this message and told me to announce what he had said.

Titus, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!

Isaiah 34 (Contemporary English Version)

5After the sword of the Lord
has done what it wants
    to the skies above,[c]
it will come down on Edom,
the nation that the Lord
    has doomed for destruction.

  1. 34.5 has done. . . above: The Standard Hebrew Text; the Dead Sea Scrolls “appears in the skies above.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1448-1449

Section 3. The Four-Position
Foundation Registration
Unification Blessing Ceremony
3.1. Transition of the Three Ages
Realm of Oneness Unification
Blessing Ceremony
The people on earth received the Bless-
ing through True Parents, while those
in the spirit world received the Blessing
through Heung-jin. These two groups of
people, separately blessed through the
parents and the sons and daughters in
the physical and spirit worlds, must be
brought together and united into one.
What the son has achieved in the spirit
world centering on his parents on earth
must be brought down to the earth, so
that the foundation for the Blessing
bestowed through the parents, that is, the
Blessing conducted by parents on earth,
and the foundation for the Blessing in
the spirit world, can be connected and
unified. The spirit world, which stands
in the position of the archangel, needs
to be perfected. It must align itself to the
standard of the Blessing, and instead
of the parents blessing their sons and
daughters on earth, Heung-jin needs to
come down to the earth and set the con-
dition that the father and son have unit-
ed into oneness. It needs to be acknowl-
edged that the accomplishments of the
True Parents were achieved together
with Heung-jin. (332-287, 2000.9.24) Continue reading “Your Blessed Children Must Not Fall”

Registration Occurs after God’s Nation is Formed

Cheon Seong Gyeong 619

Once you reach the level of such expe-
riences, your mind will give you direc-
tions. You will be struck dumb when you
try to talk to someone, or you will scold
someone in spite of yourself. You will
experience such incomprehensible phe-
nomena from time to time. Therefore
you have to be able to control them. If
you mishandle the situation, people may
treat you like a crazy person.
It is absolutely necessary to go
through such a course of experiencing
these things. If you enter the position of
having had experienced through the tri-
als of life, by feeling and experiencing
that which entered your mind, you will
become stronger. You will not be affect-
ed by anyone’s comments. Understand
that both spiritual experiences and their
realization are of the utmost importance
in your lives of faith.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1523

People who have not fallen will mar-
ry in holy matrimony in the bosom of
God’s love during their life on earth,
give birth to children beloved by God
and have grandchildren who are a
source of delight to Him. They will all
receive God’s love and enter heaven
together as a family. Could that place be
called heaven if you enter it without your
children? Paradise, on the other hand, is
a place where the most loving husband
and wife, parents or children enter sep-
arately. It is not related to the family in
any way. Would such a place be heaven?
Heaven is a place where the whole fam-
ily can enter and have give-and-take
with each other in attendance of God.
If someone was being tormented in hell
while his parents were residing happily
in heaven, would that be right? Would
such a place be heaven? (19-105, 1967.12.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1446-1447

2.4. The era of the great migration
is coming
After you have been registered as
tribal messiahs, if you do not know
the Korean language, you cannot live
in close proximity to the True Parents.
Such a day will come in the near future.
Registration must be carried out inter-
nationally and interracially. The time of
the great international migration is com-
ing. Therefore, you need to make haste to
become national messiahs. Every word
spoken by True Father becomes a reality
in this world. That is the way it is sup-
posed to be. (253-48, 1994.1.1) Continue reading “Registration Occurs after God’s Nation is Formed”

Heavenly Laws are Already Set

Cheon Seong Gyeong 629

Love determines the overall order
and each person’s position. So you can-
not enter the heavenly kingdom without
becoming God’s sons and daughters.
In order to connect with God’s love,
you have to get onto the vertical line.
What does the scripture about loving
the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all
your mind mean? The center of every-
thing is love. So, when you do nothing
but concentrate all your functions and
consciousness on loving the Lord your
God, you will go straight up to the verti-
cal realm taking the elevator. It is a won-
drous world. (208-141, 1990.11.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 425

The answer to the questions, “Why
does God need human beings?” and
“Why does He need human beings in
realizing His ideal?” is: God needs human
beings to perfect His love. What is God’s
love? We can say that God’s love involves
human beings liking each other eternal-
ly, but more importantly, it involves God
liking human beings eternally. In this
way, human beings are God’s eternal
objects of love. From the day God cre-
ated Adam and Eve, God desired to love
Adam and Eve as the object partners
whom He would look at over and over
again, and would wish to look at forev-
er, to be with over and over again, and
to live with over and over again. Hav-
ing such object partners is God’s ideal
of creation. (Blessed Family – 302)

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1444-1445

2.3. Formation of the tribes and
genealogy of the heavenly nation
Once we have restored the nation, all
of you must be registered. Do you know
what the registration is? It is the drawing
up of the tribal register. In the future,
when being registered into the nation
centering on the Unification Church,
the tribal register must be drawn up. In
drawing up the genealogy, everything
you own must be returned to God. Be
they many or few, everything from your
life, everything that represents the life
you have led, must be offered to the
Do you know why the tax rate is so
high these days? It is because they are
taking in everything. They are taking
as much as 98 %. The reason for this is
that the time is coming when you will
need to offer everything to God’s nation.
That is how the whole world is at pres-
ent. They are unwittingly following this
trend. Once this comes to pass, and the
world becomes one by inheriting the tra-
dition of receiving the Blessing, every-
thing in the world must be returned to
God. (101-289, 1978.11.7) Continue reading “Heavenly Laws are Already Set”