Understand the Heart of God

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $25 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 2092

Once you become the head of the
family, all your relatives will go out to
fight if there’s a battle. Then you can
take a rest while commanding them!
That is why I have told you to take up
the mission as tribal messiahs. What am
I telling you to do? I am telling you to do
your mission as tribal messiahs. Until
now, in reality, you have lived away
from home. Now you must go look for
your hometown. You must break into
tears and put your whole heart into your
Just as the Israelites lived in Egypt
for four hundred years, we have done the
same for the past forty-three years. Now
we must return to our hometown and
let love take root. You must love God,
your parents, and your brothers and sis-
ters. You must disconnect the source by
which the worldwide Satan can falsely
accuse you. The establishment of the ide-
al heavenly kingdom in the blessed land
of Canaan was not fulfilled because the
Israelites could not remove that source.
Therefore, do not expect anything from
the satanic world. Even if we must con-
tinue carrying a burden, we are the best.
Even if we get cursed or the dog in the
village barks at us at night, we are the
best. You must go forward, progressing
by digesting the villages and marching
proudly with an outcry of love. With
this in mind, I want you to fight onward.
(178-139, 1988.6.1)

Ezekiel 34

23 After that, I will give you a shepherd from the family of my servant King David. All of you, both strong and weak, will have the same shepherd, and he will take good care of you. 24 He will be your leader, and I will be your God. I, the Lord, have spoken. Continue reading “Understand the Heart of God”

Reflect on Yourself

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $25 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

John 6

24 They saw that Jesus and his disciples had left. Then they got into the boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus. 25 They found him on the west side of the lake and asked, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”

26 Jesus answered, “I tell you for certain that you are not looking for me because you saw the miracles,[g] but because you ate all the food you wanted. 27 Don’t work for food that spoils. Work for food that gives eternal life. The Son of Man will give you this food, because God the Father has given him the right to do so.”

Jeremiah 32

Jeremiah, your cousin Hanamel, the son of your uncle Shallum, will visit you. He must sell his field near the town of Anathoth, and because you are his nearest relative, you have the right and the responsibility to buy it and keep it in the family.[c]

Richard:  We should pass our assets along to our child who is ready to keep God’s will and tradition, not just evenly to all children.  Some of your children may squander your assets and then your dynasty will die out after three generations or so.  This is the advice that Pastor Hyung Jin Moon gave us. Continue reading “Reflect on Yourself”

Discuss Things With God

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Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $25 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

Ezekiel 20

27 Ezekiel, tell the people of Israel that their ancestors also rejected and insulted me 28 by offering sacrifices, incense, and wine to gods on every hill and under every large tree. I was very angry, because they did these things in the land I had given them! 29 I asked them where they went to worship those gods, and they answered, “At the local shrines.”[b] And those places of worship are still called shrines.

30 Then ask the Israelites why they are following the example of their wicked ancestors 31 by worshiping idols and by sacrificing their own children as offerings. They commit these sins and still think they can ask me for a message. As surely as I am the living Lord God, I will give them no answer. 32 They may think they can be like other nations and get away with worshiping idols made of wood and stone. But that will never happen!

Psalm 105

When the Lord rescued
his chosen people from Egypt,
    they celebrated with songs.
44 The Lord gave them the land
    and everything else
    the nations had worked for.
45 He did this so that his people
    would obey all of his laws.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1958


Beloved Father, please watch over us. Although our minds are in all kinds of conditions, please allow Your nature to be manifested in our lives. Allow us to become the righteous embodiments who can move when the Father moves and halt when the Father halts.

The Father knows that we have knelt before Him and are facing Heaven. Therefore, even if our bodies have been captured in some vulgarity and are blocking the Father’s grace, please allow us to manifest Your hyung sang through our minds and bodies by subjugating every vulgar thing. Father, please perform Your works so that we can feel in our minds and sense in our bodies that this providential will, this providential grace and providential love, are linked to You.

Our minds are dashing toward absolute goodness today, but our bodies try to seize vulgar things and are making endless attacks upon our minds. Father, please allow our minds and bodies to become one, centering on the Father’s will. On that foundation, Father, we ardently hope that You will break down the gap of heart that exists between the Father and us so that the foundation for the activities of Satan within us can be completely uprooted.

Even though Heaven wants to cling to our bodies when they are centered on our minds and wants to love us, until now we have failed to manifest ourselves as perfect objects of beauty before the sung sang and hyung sang of the Father, filled with true feelings. We know that this is the sorrow and lament of history. Our minds and bodies have no choice but to kneel before the Father’s knees. We are tainted by sin and unworthy, yet we desire the abundant grace of the Father. Please do not allow us to have anything that we do not rightfully possess. Please cling to our whole minds and bodies. All that You have given us is not ours but Yours, so please be with us and govern us.

Please allow us to return joy before the Father’s Sung sang and emerge as people who can respond to the Father. Please allow us now to set the standard of hope for which the Father has been longing for 6,000 years. Let us kneel before the solemn presence of the Father and return glory to Him. Beloved Father, we earnestly wish that You will allow this to be a moment when we can manifest Your Sung sang so that You can rest in peace.

We know that all doctrines, assertions and authority that human beings have will disappear. Please let us enter the basic position where our minds and bodies can exist eternally in order to attain the newly exploding power in our hearts and the eyes of resurrection. Father, we sincerely wish that You will guide us to forsake a self-centered lifestyle and return to the lifestyle centered on the cosmos.

Father, please allow us to represent the people. Allow us to represent the humanity of the world and all the things of creation. Beloved Father, we ardently wish that You will allow us to bow our heads before the Father and alleviate the bitter heart which has been bound for 6,000 years. Allow us to become sons and daughters about whom the Father can boast before Satan.

Father, please bless the countless altars who have gathered today, because they long for Your solemn presence. Please show compassion toward these people, lamenting in misery. Though these people do not understand the Father’s will and are enslaved in the realm of death, there are many who belong to the altar of life. Father, please grant grace upon them. Beloved Father, we sincerely pray that by constructing the one victorious garden and realizing the will of the Father, You will allow the day of rejoicing for the whole universe to come quickly.

We offer everything we have to You. Father, please receive it with joy and govern us as Your own. Centering on the words I want to give, please allow the grace of re-creation. Please let the heart of the speaker and the hearts of the listeners not become divided. We understand that the will of the heavenly principles centering on us is urgent. Please be with us so that our minds can move naturally to fulfill the will of God in an efficient manner.

Beloved Father, we sincerely wish that You will allow this to be an hour when we can feel the mind of the Father as if it were our own and experience the heart of the Father as if it were our own. We have entrusted everything to You. Please do as You will. We offer this prayer in the name of the Lord. Amen.

The Original Garden of Eden and God

The title of the speech I want to share with you today is, “Oh, Father! We Welcome You.” I will speak upon this topic.

We know that the garden without the fall is the garden where God can freely contact all things and visit people freely to discuss things with them. This is the garden of glory where not only people, but also all the things of creation (which were created for people) can serve God. It is the garden of joy where man can consult with God. However, we also know that, with the birth of the term “the fall,” people could not relate with God nor could all things rejoice with God.

God created all things of the universe. He created people as the center of all things, so that He could dwell with them eternally. Therefore, we must come to a new realization today that all the things of creation should have revealed the glory of God through people and returned joy to God through them. Yet because that garden of creation did not come about, God set the day this can be accomplished as the culminating point of history, the one standard of hope. He has been guiding the providence based on that.

What kind of garden is the ideal garden that is sought, yearned for, and admired by the countless people of today who have inherited the lineage of the fall and cannot escape from its kinship? That garden is the place where you can call God, the Creator of heaven and earth, “Father.” It is where you can attend the Creator and feel His joy with Him. Not only that, it is a garden where this joy can be sent to all things through us. If this garden is not materialized, then the whole ideology of the creation of God will turn into a failure. The providential will that humankind has served during the course of history also will come to naught. You have to experience the day when you sense deep in your bone marrow that if this takes place, then even all things, which have looked up to humankind, will return to the realm of anguish.

Our minds must be moved by this heart and our bodies must feel it. Only in this situation can we face Heaven and long for the Creator. Only when we attain the original beauty in regard to all things can we become the resurrected embodiment whom the Father can work through. In this kind of position, there must be a moment when we can unveil ourselves before the Creator and all things of creation, and analyze ourselves. You must understand that if we do not experience this, then God’s heart cannot seep into us, and the sorrow of all things cannot be liberated through us.

Originally, people should have attended God in their lives. All things should have attended God and rejoiced. However, we have lost the Father who created us, the Master who should rule us. Therefore, we have become pitiful people, much like orphans. From the moment we realize this, we can seek the new providential will.

When have human beings ever called the Creator whom they lost in the Garden of Eden “our Father”? When did we feel that the garden of goodness we lost in Eden is where we were originally supposed to live? Although several thousand years have passed, such a time has not yet emerged in the human world.



Don’t Hold Grudges

Invite a friend to sign up for the Daily Inspiration.  Share this link: https://inspiration.visionroot.org/membership-registration/

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 898

When God sees humanity dying in
hell, He becomes desperate, trying to
give them eternal life. Only then will His
responsibility as the parent of heaven be
fulfilled. If He were to say, “Ugh! Let
me eliminate everything,” He could not
stand in the position of a parent. There-
fore, this establishes the logic that God
even has to liberate hell. When a son sees
his parents desperately trying to save
him, he will say, “My mother and father
have done so much for me!” and repent
thousands of times for his sins. If there
is such a mother and father, the son will
repent till his bones melt and flesh falls
away. Because of the parents’ heart, such
a way can be made. (62-51, 1972.9.10)
Not even Satan can accuse God for
His love in trying to save humanity.
There is no rule preventing forgiveness
for the one who repents through the love
of his parents. Hell must also be liber-
ated through this kind of heart. That
is the way of a true devoted child, isn’t
it? Therefore, the Unification Church
believes that it must liberate even hell.
Why? It is because God has such a paren-
tal heart. (62-51, 1972.9.10)
Hell is the place where you can nev-
er escape once you are caught. Despite
this, you do not feel desperate about the
fact that your mother, father and rela-
tives are going to hell. You just think, “It
will work out somehow.” However, let’s
think seriously about your beloved par-
ents really going to hell. Human nature
is such that if your parents were to go to
prison, you would cry and do all sorts of
things to have them released. Then, even
more so, if you knew that your sons and
daughters, parents and relatives, broth-
ers and sisters – with whom you have
bonds made in heaven – were going to
go to an eternal prison, could you just
think casually about their fate? (34-266,

CSG 1345

Jesus shed his blood on the cross
because the seventy-two disciples and
twelve apostles totaling eighty-four were
disunited. Hence, every one of you must
substantially restore eighty-four peo-
ple through indemnity. Only on such a
foundation can you lead married lives.
The same was true for me. In order to
fulfill this, I blessed the 36 Couples, who
can be subdivided into three groups of
twelve each, representing formation,
growth, and completion. Strictly speak-
ing, they are three groups, but they can
be compressed into one; similarly, the
72 Couples. On that foundation, the 120
Couples were blessed, and on that basis,
the world could be connected. After
Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, didn’t
the 120 followers gather on the day of
Pentecost? They symbolized representa-
tives of the world. (122-117, 1982.11.1)

Continue reading “Don’t Hold Grudges”

Work to Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $25 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 2172

Jesus said, “Worry not what you will
wear or what you will eat, for the Gen-
tiles seek after these. Seek ye first the
Kingdom of God, and His righteous-
ness.” As this shows, the central stream
of thought in the Bible is that kingdom.
This philosophy says to seek that nation.
It does not say to seek your own happi-
ness. If you are born as a citizen of that
nation and you have a husband, then
that husband represents that nation, so
you have to love that nation before you
can love your husband. And the wife
also represents the nation; you have to
love that nation before you can love your
wife. You have to be able to ask him or
her to die in the position of being able
to say, “I did everything I could; there
is nothing more I could have done.” It is
no good if you die having said, “I should
have tried such and such.” For this rea-
son, we are busy even though we may
have accomplished a certain amount.
Even if you walk a way on the path, you
have got to go even further. When every-
one else is sleeping, we have to go one
step further. “Hey Satan’s world! Take it
easy! You guys, rest the whole day if you
like! We are going off to seek that nation.”
That is what you have got to say.
Fellow compatriots, all you who seek
the unification of the North and South! I
especially want to say the mission of you
women is to restore the young men and
women, and the mission of the students
is to be true children through true edu-
cation. That is what you must do.
And beyond that, mothers and chil-
dren have to unite to set the standard, so
that the husbands can be raised and edu-
cated to be the true sons of Heaven. Then
following True Parents, and attending
God, restore the ideal of the Kingdom
of Heaven on Earth.
In closing, let me say that it is my
fervent hope that these words today will
help you build a nationwide movement
to bring closer the day when North and
South meet in true love.
May God’s blessing be with both you
and your families. Thank you.

CSG 1520

If you cannot experience heavenly
love on earth, you are not able to enter
God’s Kingdom in the spirit world. Have
you sincerely loved a Cain-type person?
In order to go to the Kingdom of Heav-
en, your love should surpass the paren-
tal love and conjugal love of the satanic
world. If the parents in the satanic world
are able to die for the sake of their child,
we should demonstrate a love that sur-
passes them. (Blessed Family – 953)

Continue reading “Work to Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth”