This Time is the Same as When Jesus Was on the Earth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 217

True Parents have the responsibility
to connect the indirect dominion with
the direct dominion. The question is
how to demolish the walls within indi-
viduals, families, tribes, peoples, nations
and the world, which are linked to Satan.
Satan, for his part, thinks about how to
block this continuing work of God. The
two have been dueling this way. Satan
has been persistently opposing God. For
my part, I have been standing between
God and Satan, constantly working to
get rid of the latter. How do we move the
work forward without being exposed to
Satan’s accusation? This is the reason
the course of indemnification has come
about. This is humankind’s portion of
responsibility, which, so far, it has failed
to carry out. The question, then, is how
we can fulfill our responsibility. Satan
knows that this issue is the responsibil-
ity of the Messiah. That is why he has
attacked True Parents by mobilizing all
his forces. I have been doing the work
of destroying Satan’s walls wherever
they are found: in individuals, families,
tribes, peoples, nations, the world and
even the spirit world. The Messiah must
clear the way along all these paths.
This has been the history of our Uni-
fication Church. Toward Satan we have
always upheld the Principle with love.
God has agonized over how fallen par-
ents, who inherited Satan’s lineage,
could be restored to the point where they
attain the status of the True Parents of
humankind. This restoration occurred
for the first time in history at True Par-
ents’ Holy Wedding in 1960. Since Jesus
was unable to reverse the fall of Adam
and Eve, I must do everything on his
behalf. (118-270, 1982.6.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1410

Of the 36 Couples, the Adam couples
were already married couples, the Noah
couples were engaged but not married,
and the Jacob couples were virgin men
and women. Noah’s family did not fulfill
the Will. When you look at the people
in the world today you see that there are
already married couples, those who are
in informal relationships or are engaged,
and the completely pure single men and
women. From this time on, the foremost
kind of people that True Parents should
be seeking for are not the Adam couples
but the true sons and daughters, in oth-
er words, pure single men and women.
(242-104, 1993.1.1)

Richard:  Keeping sexual purity is of the utmost importance.  Subscribe to the Urban Life Training Abstinence Education Web Portal to access materials to teach your family and community:

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

If history were to end, to what are we going to connect on a worldwide level after that? This is the crucial question which young men and women full of hope, ideals and courage must resolve. What we should hold onto and what we should throw away is an issue upon which humanity, awaiting the judgment of the last days, must decide.

Judging from the situation of that time, Jesus was seen as a traitor to the people. He was seen as a traitor to his church, tribe and tradition. Yet, in truth, he was not a destroyer but a builder; he was not a traitor, but a patriot. He truly loved Heaven. People have come to understand this truth only recently.

When we think of a true patriot, we probably have some idea of what kind of person he is. If someone is a true patriot or a true democrat, he should see the entire world as one people, as Jesus did. Continue reading “This Time is the Same as When Jesus Was on the Earth”

Shift Away From Self-Centered Thinking

Acts 17

The Jewish leaders were jealous and got some worthless bums who hung around the marketplace to start a riot in the city. They wanted to drag Paul and Silas out to the mob, and so they went straight to Jason’s home. But when they did not find them there, they dragged out Jason and some of the Lord’s followers. They took them to the city authorities and shouted, “Paul and Silas have been upsetting things everywhere. Now they have come here, and Jason has welcomed them into his home. All of them break the laws of the Roman Emperor by claiming that someone named Jesus is king.”

The officials and the people were upset when they heard this. So they made Jason and the other followers pay bail before letting them go.

Richard:  This sounds like the radical left’s game plan:  send Antifa out to intimidate Trump supporters and decent God loving people.

Songs 6

My dearest, the cities of Tirzah
and Jerusalem
    are not as lovely as you.
Your charms are more powerful
than all of the stars
    in the heavens.[a]
Turn away your eyes—
    they make me melt.
Your hair tosses about
as gracefully as goats
    coming down from Gilead.
Your teeth are whiter
    than sheep freshly washed;
they match perfectly,
    not one is missing.
Behind your veil are hidden
    beautiful rosy cheeks.[b]

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

If we are to be part of the people who sincerely love Heaven, as descendants of fallen people who must follow this destiny, our minds that seek goodness must explode within us so that we can feel the sorrow of Heaven which lies deep inside everything. We must become people who complete the responsibility to alleviate this sorrow. Unless such a group of people emerges, there is no way that the great will of the providence can be accomplished.

Yet human beings have been battling until now, based only upon themselves. They have been fighting, centering on their families, nations, lands and peoples. Yet this is not Heaven. God has been toiling to become our God, for the sake of our world and humanity. On the contrary, humanity on the earth has been searching for their own self-centered families, their own self-centered nations, and land they can rule based upon themselves. This has been the course of history until now.

Due to the fall, human beings have lost the heavenly heart, conscience, body and all things. Still, they are not aware of this incredible truth. Instead, they have been pursuing material things, their bodies, their minds, and their love, all centered on themselves. If there had been no work done by God to grab these people and drag them through the way in which they can transcend themselves, humanity surely would have perished. They would have been destroyed. Continue reading “Shift Away From Self-Centered Thinking”

Rectify Yourself to Walk the Path of Goodness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2114

You have entered the global age and
although you may be in an individual
position, you are connected to the great-
est saints of the world. If you have the
character of heart and live a saintly life,
you will have the spiritual foundation
through which spirits will freely assist
you when needed. So now, with respect
to the current activities of the Unifica-
tion Church, the patriots of each nation
have returned to their previous coun-
tries on earth and set up homesteads
around the foundation of the Unifica-
tion Church. Until now, the number of
people who died is tens or hundreds of
times greater than the current popula-
tion of the nation, is it not? They have
come and are now waiting for us to
expand our work. This is why all mis-
sionaries should lead national move-
ments and mobilize everyone. If they
give the order to march forward togeth-
er with the spirit world and on behalf of
everyone, these spirits cannot but help.
(162-108, 1987.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 745

We should offer sacrifices to God
with a theoretical system and practical
foundation with which we can subjugate
the spirit world. This ceremony of sacri-
fice was today’s morning pledge service
(November 17, 1990, the 31st Children’s
Day). In that place, I prayed that since
the time had come, the current that had
been flowing in reverse through heaven
and earth must now flow in the right
direction. Since God has restored the
birthright of the firstborn, all second
sons to be born in the future and those
existing now are under His rule. Conse-
quently, in the era of the second son after
the restoration of the birthright of the
firstborn, heavenly law cannot condone
the devil’s sphere of activities.

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

Goodness is never realized by one’s self. It is realized when one transcends one’s self, one’s environment, nation and world and connects with the highest goodness of the Creator. Goodness is possible only through a course of accomplishment.

We must understand that we should find the direction of goodness, understand its destination, and move in that direction. At the same time, we must become goodness itself and leave behind the accomplishments of a good life. It is not an overstatement to say that no one in history has ever understood this truth and led his life responsibly and confidently. God has worked laboriously with human beings. For 6,000 years God has been guiding human beings, who do not know how to repay His work and who are not grateful for His having saved their lives.

If this course of historical sorrow does not end in your generation, it will continue with your descendants. If you cannot feel that this sorrowful course is active in your life, flowing within the life you breathe, there is no way you can truly say that you love your nation and Heaven. Continue reading “Rectify Yourself to Walk the Path of Goodness”