The Fall Was the Most Crucial Problem that Occurred in History

Happy Day of All True Things, Celebration of True Parents East-West (Global) Victory, Founding of HSA-UWC (1954) and Prayerful Memorial Day!

Today we share a special reading for the holidays.

35th Day of All True Things, Sheraton National Galaxy Room Washington, D.C. May 31, 2003

The fall was the most crucial problem that occurred in history. Your mind and body, when will they become one. Have you thought about that. Hana Nim means one. Unified. Even though there are millions of things in the universe they are all harmonized and unified in God.

No matter how wonderful and incredible a being is, without love there is no value. Without love there is nothing. Even if your mind and body were united there must be love. This is the highest ideal. To have true happiness we must be brought together in True Love. That is the logic of God. That is the true creation. This absolute, unique and unchanging.

This Day of all True Things. I’m 83 now. I was half my age when we established the True Day of All Things. What is that existence that God has longed for. What is the direction process and purpose of God’s will. Centering on what God can harvest the fruit must be love. There are many American women here. There are many beautiful American women here. But God doesn’t care about that. Some will say I want to control man and everything. But that is not God’s way. The ideal of God is that the fruit must be ripened centered on love. Even though the fallen world is as it is, God’s truth and core love centers on the family. God wants to harvest that ripened fruit centering on love. Why? From now the hopeful attitude is centering on True Love.

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