Parents Should Become True Teachers

Register Now for the VisionRoot  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
See it in a theatre near you on March 14th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2192

That is why the Bible teaches us to love God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind. So what is the standard of “all”? You have to be better than all other patriots, all other filial children, and all other virtuous women in the world. If not, then God’s dignity cannot be established. Even in the satanic world, there have been many patriots and virtuous women until now. Yet God’s dignity cannot be established if the standard for being a patriot and a virtuous woman is the same as in the satanic world. (9-108, 1960.4.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1474

Whom do human beings resemble? God. Therefore, it follows that He also desires love just as they do. In the world of the ideal of creation based on love, human beings embody God as His image and the rest of creation embodies God symbolically, according to the Unification Church’s teaching. Based on what? Love. When God rejoices, people will automatically rejoice, and when they rejoice, the creation will automatically rejoice as well. What would bring this about? Only love, nothing else can achieve this. (166-48, 1987.5.28)

The Teacher

  1. Qualities of a Good Teacher

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Professors should inculcate in their students strong determination and clear values for meeting the challenges of the times. In this sense, professors and religious leaders share a common task. More than merely transmitting knowledge and publishing the results of their research, they should inspire their students to live a life of responsibility. (130:16, December 18, 1983)

Everyone should meet at least one mentor in his life on whom he can totally depend, to whom he can offer himself unconditionally, whom he can trust never to violate his heart, and to whom he can entrust everything he has and feel totally at ease. In this way he can understand the heart of God. He can taste the heart of a true child in relation to his Heavenly Father. (4:168, April 6, 1958)

Teachers, you should protect your school as you would your own home, with a sense of ownership. You should teach your students as you would your own children, with the heart of a father or mother.19 (203:308, June 27, 1990)

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Set the Believers an Example in Speech and Conduct

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 for the VisionRoot  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
See it in a theatre near you on March 14th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1162

    Looking at biblical history, we see that Jacob, united in heart with his mother, deceived his father in order to receive his blessing. Then, as we look at the history surrounding Tamar, we see that despite her immoral actions Jesus was born from Judah’s tribe. What does this mean? These things occurred because the issue here is the change of lineage. The fallen lineage must be purified.
    Only Christianity has acknowledged the importance of lineage, and considered the purification of lineage to be part of its core teaching. Therefore we can conclude that since other religions do not have such a history, they should follow Christianity. So I could not ignore Christianity if I take into account the issue of the change of lineage. I could not ignore Christianity, as it inherited the ideology of the chosen people. If I were advocating that all religions were the same, why would I have received persecution? Do you understand what I am talking about? This teaching is the core ideology. You must clearly understand this. (227-349, 1992.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

As viewed from God’s original ideal of creation, the eldest son should come from God’s side and, of course, the second son should also come from God’s side. Due to the Fall, the position of the first son was taken by Satan, and the position of the second son went to God. This has to be made right. Thus, when we consider the story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible, Jacob united with his mother and received her help. He gave Esau the pottage of lentils and bread in exchange for the birthright of the firstborn son. Until today, we could not understand why Bible history is the way it is. With the appearance of the Unification Church, its meaning was clarified for the first time. (134-304, 1985.8.16)

The Teacher

TEACHERS SHOULD SET A GOOD EXAMPLE of integrity in their own teachings and impart moral teachings in accord with their own high standard of conduct. They should have mature faith, rich experience, and discernment to treat each student in the way that best suits the student’s individual temperament and interests. They should regard their task as not merely to impart knowledge, but also to motivate and inspire their students with a vision for their lives. Most of all, the best teachers have the heart of a parent, training their students as they would their own children.
The ability to teach is a gift from God, and teachers are in a sense partners with God the divine Teacher. Therefore, good teachers show God’s unconditional love by devoting themselves to all who wish to learn regardless of their ability to pay. When they lecture, they are mindful that God may wish to use them as His mouthpiece. The final passages thus describe teaching as a divine calling. These include examples of Father Moon’s advice to pastors about delivering a sermon.

1. Qualities of a Good Teacher

Teachers train the pupil in what they have been trained; they make him hold fast to moral precepts; they thoroughly instruct him in the lore of every subject; they speak well of him among his friends and companions; they counsel him for his safety and benefit.
    Digha Nikaya 3.185-91, Sigalovada Sutta (Buddhism)

Set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Till I come, attend to the public reading of scripture, to preaching, to teaching. Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophetic utterance when the council of elders laid their hands upon you. Practice these duties, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress. Take heed to yourself and to your teaching; hold to that, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. 
    1 Timothy 4.12-16

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Money is the Element through which Satan Rules the World Today

Register Now
 for the VisionRoot  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2234

    Even God absolutely obeys true love. He would even offer up His life for the sake of true love. Why are both men and women willing to sacrifice their lives for true love? The reason is that love precedes life. Why did God begin to exist? He began to exist because of love, and He exists in order to love. Had there been no concept of love, there would not have been a need for God to come into being.
    Thus, everything created by God is based on the pair system. For example, in the mineral world cations and anions manifest love – though on a lower level – as they intermingle. This is being announced for the first time in history as a result of my coming into this world. I am the first in history to announce that God regards true love as being absolute, and lives in absolute obedience to true love. This is not something conceptual. It is fact. Thus God created the universe in order to launch true love. (203-103, 1990.6.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

As viewed from God’s original ideal of creation, the eldest son should come from God’s side and, of course, the second son should also come from God’s side. Due to the Fall, the position of the first son was taken by Satan, and the position of the second son went to God. This has to be made right. Thus, when we consider the story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible, Jacob united with his mother and received her help. He gave Esau the pottage of lentils and bread in exchange for the birthright of the firstborn son. Until today, we could not understand why Bible history is the way it is. With the appearance of the Unification Church, its meaning was clarified for the first time. (134-304, 1985.8.16)

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

3. The Danger of Highly-Developed Knowledge When Spiritual Wisdom Is Lacking

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We should admit that the various sciences and philosophies today have failed in solving the world’s problems. The grand promise of natural science has too often been used for evil purposes instead of for the true happiness of humanity. The social sciences have been corrupted due to the influence of partisan political interests and thus have played a dysfunctional role on many occasions. Philosophy has become a lifeless study, having given up the great pursuit of the ultimate ideals of human beings. This trend is becoming more serious because of the passive attitude of many scholars.
    I think that scholars should not be satisfied only with carrying on their own research. They should respond to the call of the world, which is in need of active guidance. The world demands responsible action by scholars who enlist their capabilities for the good of mankind in accordance with a right value perspective. (170:268-70, November 27, 1987)

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Knowledge Is of Two Kinds: Divine and Satanic

Register Now for the VisionRoot  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2325

The providence of salvation is the providence of re-creation, which is also the process of creation for the establishment of all pure things, pure people, pure lineage and pure love in accordance with God’s principle of creation. As the establishment of all pure things, pure people and pure love on pure land is the ideal of creation – the purpose of creation – we need to be freed from ourselves in order to achieve this goal. To recover pure bodies, it is essential to tear down our current bodies which are serving as the foundation for Satan, in order to drive him out.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1547

In the future, language will pose a big problem. I’m sure it is very troublesome for you even at this moment as I am speaking in Korean. How much harder, then, would it be for you to understand me if there were no one to interpret my words? Should you learn from me, or I from you? Once you understand the Korean language I speak, you will be able to learn about things more deeply, and you will come to possess knowledge that is much more valuable than what you understand at the present time. Since learning in this way is much more important than anything else, we come to the conclusion that this is the way it should be. (74-33, 1974.11.10)

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

3. The Danger of Highly-Developed Knowledge When Spiritual Wisdom Is Lacking

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
    Albert Einstein

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity.
    James 3.13-17

Love without wisdom means love without discrimination. Wisdom without humanity means knowledge not translated into action. Therefore, humanity is to love mankind and wisdom is to remove its evil.
    Tung Chung-Shu (Confucianism)

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Intellectual Type People Cannot Launch a Revolutionary Spiritual Movement

Register Now for the VisionRoot  Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop
March 18th to March 20th, 2022
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV and Online
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WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1502

There is a saying to the effect, “All is well if there is harmony within the family.” If peace reigns in a family everything will go well. A perfected family is the family of peace which forms the basis of God’s Kingdom. The driving force of a family is true love. Loving God more than yourself and loving your spouse more than life itself; true love is such pure and beautiful love. God did not create a force greater than the power of true love in the universe. True love is God’s love. (219-118, 1991.8.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

If you have the opportunity to attend a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go thinking you are just a man or a woman and there is nothing else to it. When you attend the ceremony, you are there representing men and women who have come and gone in the world over the past six thousand years. You must understand that you have been invited as such. You should experience this reality deep in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)

Intellectual Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom

2. Attaining Spiritual Wisdom

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We should cultivate the heart of true love through experience. True love cannot be learned through the spoken or written word, or through general education. This is how it was in the beginning. Adam and Eve, who were created as infants, were to grow and experience love at each stage of life, perfecting in turn the heart of true children, the heart of true brother and sister, and the heart of true parents. Only by experiencing each of these kinds of love, can we become ideal people who fulfill the purpose of creation. (282:209, March 13, 1997)

There are generally two types of people: the intellectual type and the spiritual type. When intellectual type people search for an answer, if their research coincides with their reasoning they accept it, but if it does not they reject it. Spiritual type people are more intuitive, making decisions based on intuition more than reason. People of the spiritual type feel from inside and apply it to the outside, while the intellectual type experience the outside and apply it in the inside. One type is extroverted and the other, introverted.
Intellectual type people usually do not like to pray. They resist praying and question the need for it. They do not feel comfortable calling out, “Heavenly Father!” They do not feel that it is real. Prayer, God, etc. appear to them like superstition. Since they don’t believe in prayer, they feel to pray would be to deny their integrity. They judge the truth of something by whether it agrees with their theoretical model of the world. Spiritual type people, on the other hand, love saying the words, “Heavenly Father” from birth. They delight in prayer, and do not need any explanation.
Intellectual type people cannot launch a revolutionary spiritual movement. In the world of faith, those who can do something extraordinary are not intellectuals, but are rather uninformed and simple-minded people who are spiritual. They do what comes to them, disregarding what the world says. Believing that God told them to do it, they just go ahead and do it. After doing it, they find that what they did turned out to be right. Great persons can appear from among such spiritual people.
The apostle Paul was an intellectual type person. Nevertheless, after having a spiritual experience on the road to Damascus, he totally changed. Having felt something explosive from inside that was greater than anything he had experienced from external investigation, he came to deny everything he had been taught and accepted his new experience as the truth. Hence, he could become the pioneer of a new revolutionary religion, Christianity.
You should know which type of person you are. In general, spiritual people are thick in spirit but pointy in intellect. Therefore, although they may be solid in the beginning, they will not be consistent all the way, and after a time their works often fail. By the same token, although a person of truth may be strong, if his spirituality is weak his works will also eventually fall short. Therefore, whichever type of person we are, we need to balance these two aspects.
There is a saying, “Worship God in spirit and truth.” (John 4.23) It means that people should make these two sides parallel and find harmony between them. We should be able to control both the spirit world and the physical world. Standing in the center of spirituality and rationality, we should be able to make adjustments between the right and the left. Otherwise, we cannot reach perfection. (76:136-37, February 2, 1975)

Fallen people have been overcoming their internal ignorance by enlightening their spirituality and intellect with “spirit and truth” (John 4:23)…
“Spirit” in this context denotes the inspiration of Heaven. Cognition of a spiritual reality begins when it is perceived through the five senses of the spirit self. These perceptions resonate through the five physical senses and are felt physiologically. Cognition of truth, on the other hand, arises from the knowledge gleaned from the physical world as it is perceived directly through our physiological sense organs. Cognition thus takes place through both spiritual and physical processes.
Human beings become complete only when their spirit self and physical self are unified. Hence, the experience of divine inspiration gained through spiritual cognition and the knowledge of truth obtained through physical cognition should become fully harmonized and awaken the spirituality and intellect together. It is only when the spiritual and physical dimensions of cognition resonate together that we can thoroughly comprehend God and the universe. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Eschatology 5.1)