Only Rev. Moon’s Ideology Is the Hope

Petition Congress Rally-January 6th, 2021, Washington DC

Sample letters to Congressman about opposing election fraud on January 6th, 2021.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1924

There are 3 billion people living in Asia. We are now living in the time of the Pacific cultural sphere. Such a time has come. History has passed through a riv-er culture, through the Mediterranean cultural sphere, and has come around to the Atlantic cultural sphere. Now we are entering an age where we can leap into the cultural sphere of outer space, centering on the Pacific cultural sphere. How to continue linking all this together is a question for the world’s political tacticians to explore, but they will not find an answer. I have gathered the prominent politicians of the world to countless international conferences. Their conclusion is that only Rev. Moon’s ideology is the hope for this age – and not America, France, Germany, Britain or even the Soviet Union. (174-48, 1988.2.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1265

What do true parents signify? They are the symbol of hope for everyone. They are the absolute symbol of hope for fallen humankind. They are the fruit of past history, the center of this era, and the starting point of the future of hope which connects to the world we live in today. (35-236, 1970.10.19)

Egoism and Pride

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

In your walk of faith, regard arrogance as the enemy, regard stubbornness as the enemy, and regard insisting on your own way as the enemy. (67:139, June 1, 1973)\

Because people are self-centered in their thinking, they speak ill of others. When others have some-thing good, they want to take it from them. Such people are doomed. What about you? Is your mind self-centered or other-centered? No one can solve this problem but you. (36:183, November 29, 1970)

People whose philosophy of life is “me first” are doomed to perish. In pursuing their own desires they harm others and damage their nation—such people will perish. Individuals should not take advantage of their nation; rather, individuals should offer themselves for their nation. That is a duty of citizens.
    People are not meant to live for themselves. Yet today many live only for their own sake. They say, “I live for me.” They are people to be pitied, like orphans who have no parents or siblings. (24:20-21, June 22, 1969)

The first step towards the Fall was the appearance of individualism. It was thinking that nothing in the world matters but me. The next step was to think people have unlimited freedom: “What’s this with God telling us we cannot eat that fruit? Why should there be any rules to restrict us? We can do as we please.” Is it freedom when people do just as they please? It should not be that way. (49:190, October 10, 1971)
From the day the first human ancestors fell and received the blood of Satan, people unconsciously became arrogant and have used others to satisfy their needs. They have pursued that direction throughout human history. (46:142, August 13, 1971)
What is the Fall? It is to unlawfully take what belongs to someone else. Self-centeredness ruined the world. Knowing this universal principle, human beings should return to the world of oneness, but instead they continue to play the game of pulling the world for themselves. That is evil. (170:174, November 15, 1987)
Human beings have inherited Satan’s nature: the inclination to regard everything, even God, from a self-centered viewpoint. (91:242, February 23, 1977)
Are Americans proud of their money? Do not be proud of it before God. God can create money as much as He wants. Nor should Americans be proud of their power and military might: God is all-powerful. God is all-knowing: who can challenge Him with knowledge? It doesn’t matter that you earned a Ph.D. from Harvard; you are all the same when you stand naked before Him. Your knowl-edge will not gain you admission into the Kingdom of Heaven. All who are proud of these things will fall into hell. (358:162, October 14, 2001)
I know that American culture upholds individualism. However, there must not be individualism that disregards the relationship between God, the Subject, and human beings, His objects. Selfish individualism is destructive, and its prevalence is driving America into a corner.
    Now America should recover the essence of Christianity by seeking for God’s original way of life: The individual lives for the sake of the family; families contribute to the community; communities give their strength to the nation; nations exist to benefit the world; and the world exists for the sake of God. These are God’s heavenly ethics. If we practice it, then what is God’s is also mine, and whatever I do for God also benefits me. Living for the sake of God is ultimately living for my own benefit. (69:88-89, October 20, 1973)
Selfish individualism is Satan’s creation, a result of the Fall. As Satan centers on himself, he divides people by having them center on themselves. Thus one [an individual] becomes two [mind and body in conflict.] Two [a couple] become four [the man’s mind, the man’s body, the woman’s mind and the woman’s body.]
    Why did America become such an individualistic nation? It is because Satan is exerting his dominion there. The so-called right of privacy is at the heart of American individualism. Yet this individualism is causing the family to break down, the society to break down, and the nation to weaken. Individualism is a most fearful thing; it leads people to hell. (361:234, November 25, 2001) 
What is the origin of the dirt that has stained human history? It begins from ourselves. Dirt did not just fall on our first ancestors; they made themselves dirty. How did they become dirty? They thought of themselves as being the center of everything; egoism and selfishness are what stained them.
    If our ancestors had lived in service to what is more precious than themselves, then they would not have taken the path to defilement. What is more precious than oneself? We are resultant beings; therefore, we should live for the Causal Being. God is that most precious existence, and we should live for Him. Had people truly lived for God and thought of God before thinking of themselves, we could never have become evil. (92:58-59, March 13, 1977)
Many of you soon become arrogant and think, “I am a member of the Unification Church. I have worked for the church for three years, so it’s about time that Reverend Moon gives me the Blessing. Then he should recognize me, and so should the church.” What a pity if you think that way! In our church there are two ways of life: arrogance and humility. The way of arrogance leads to hell, while the way of humility leads to heaven. What about you: do you belong to heaven or to hell? (92:71, March 13, 1977)

We Find a Great Contradiction in Every Person

The Richard Urban Show
#80-Peace on Earth to Everyone Who Pleases God

Petition Congress Rally-January 6th, 2021, Washington DC

Sample letters to Congressman about opposing election fraud on January 6th, 2021.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 377

God exists in front of human beings for their sake. This is why we want to follow God forever. If you want to main-tain your own position of existence within natural law and in front of the universe’s realm of existence, you must exist for the sake of others as does the universe. In serving others, you connect to the East and West and to the past and the present. Because God has the same love in the past and at present, and in the East and in the West, He can overcome the East and the West and overcome the past, present, and even the future. God can overcome the past, present, and future, and can, therefore, always make progress. He can overcome the East and the West, and therefore unify them. This is possible only in love. (187-89, 1989.1.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

The Blessing is the most precious thing in heaven and earth. It is also the most fearful. If a blessed member is attracted to others besides his or her spouse, it is an emotional violation of the spouse. Good ancestors, the territory and the nation stem from you, the Blessed Families. That is why blessed members should think about the universe during every waking moment. You have received the Blessing so that you can share blessings with others. (13-67, 1963.10.17)

The War Within

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Human beings inherently tend to avoid evil and seek goodness. Our minds are ever eager to establish a world of goodness and eradicate the world of evil. On the other hand, we also experience an evil mind within us, which struggles powerfully against our good mind. To the degree that we hold fast to our good mind, our evil mind opposes with proportionate strength. (36:51, November 15, 1970)

Since the beginning of time, not even one person has abided strictly by his original mind. As St. Paul noted, “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands, no one seeks for God.” (Rom. 3.10-11) Confronted with the human condition, he lamented, “For I delight in the law of God, in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am!” (Rom. 7.22-24)

We find a great contradiction in every person. Within the self-same individual are two opposing inclinations: the original mind that desires goodness and the evil mind that desires wickedness. They are engaged in a fierce battle, striving to accomplish two conflicting purposes. Any being possessing such a contradiction within itself is doomed to perish. Human beings, having acquired this contradiction, live on the brink of destruction.         
    Can it be that human life originated with such a contradiction? How could beings with a self-contradictory nature come into existence? If burdened by such a contradiction from its inception, human life would not have been able to arise. The contradiction, therefore, must have developed after the birth of the human race. Christianity sees this state of destruction as the result of the Human Fall. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Introduction)

The conscience is that faculty of the mind that presents God’s thought. It does not exist for you, but for the righteousness of Heaven. Your conscience always pursues goodness. The body rebels against the conscience. Your body is self-centered; it seeks its own comfort; it follows instinctive desires. Your conscience strives to have your body obey the mind and reproaches it when it does not. From this point, conflicts and struggles arise within the self. (219:118, August 28, 1991)

Our body has become the stage of Satan’s activities. It has become Satan’s dance hall. Had there not been the Human Fall, our mind and body would be one. They would become one automatically centering on God’s love, life and lineage. (235:203, September 20, 1992)

Why do human beings need religion? We need religion to conquer our body. Otherwise, due to the body, human history would be doomed; due to the body, society would be doomed; and due to the body, humankind would be doomed. Accordingly, you should deeply realize that your body is the womb of the enemy and the seedbed of sins and evils. (18:322, August 13, 1967)

Regard yourself as the problem. You can be your own worst enemy. If you cannot unite your mind and body, you become your own enemy. (128:108, June 5, 1983)

Even though [at the Fall] we received Satan’s evil seed, each person, deep in his original mind, covets God’s original, ideal seed of life. This is the basis of our internal struggles. Within each individual, two opposing elements are struggling: the original mind on God’s side, and the body on Satan’s side. For this reason, as long as we do not bring oneness in our mind and body, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (235:203, September 20, 1992)


Eve Inherited from the Archangel all the Proclivities Incidental to His Transgression

The Richard Urban Show
#80-Peace on Earth to Everyone Who Pleases God

Petition Congress Rally-January 6th, 2021, Washington DC

Contact your Senator and Representative

Cheon Seong Gyeong 258

There is a term cherished in our Unification Church. Some of you might be hearing it for the first time; it is the term “True Parents.” We say, Our True Par-ents! Did Jesus have True Parents? We have something that Jesus did not. Did Jesus have True Parents? Are not parents responsible when they do not protect their children? Parents ought to protect their children. They must be a protective barrier against Satan and say to their children, “Be happy in our embrace.” Did Jesus have that experience? For his entire life Jesus grew up and was treated as a stepson. This is why the Bible does not contain the words true parents. It does not contain the words true parents or true brothers and sisters. These words are a part of our Unification Church terminology. They are not something I invented. They are words discovered to be part of the heavenly Principle. We use the words true parents and true children. We should understand how true children should act. True chil-dren should be able to offer their lives and everything they have for the sake of God’s Son and should be grateful even if they themselves end up in hell. Without going through such a process, nothing can be accomplished. In this way, you can return to the Father through having the heart of true children. (76-73, 1975.1.26)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1188

As viewed from God’s original ide-al of creation, the eldest son should come from God’s side and, of course, the second son should also come from God’s side. Due to the Fall, the position of the first son was taken by Satan, and the position of the second son went to God. This has to be made right. Thus, when we consider the story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible, Jacob united with his mother and received her help. He gave Esau the pottage of lentils and bread in exchange for the birthright of the first-born son. Until today, we could not understand why Bible history is the way it is. With the appearance of the Unification Church, its meaning was clarified for the first time. (134-304, 1985.8.16)

Selfish Desires and Fallen Nature

2. Degraded and Fallen Nature

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

When God’s one son and daughter, who should have been the true ancestors of humankind, committed sin, they were expelled from His Kingdom. From that moment, all men and women lost their potential to become God’s temples. Instead, they became dens of Satan, headquarters of selfishness. (219:117, August 28, 1991)

Human beings were degraded by the Fall to a status lower than the things of creation, as it is writ-ten, “the heart is deceitful above all things.” (Jer. 17.9) (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Restoration 1.2.1)

Have you heard that when an ocean-going ship is about to be wrecked, the rats on board the ship try to escape along the mooring ropes to the land, seeking safety? Even lowly creatures are aware of their destiny in terms of life and death, but what about human beings, who are the masters of all creation? Having fallen, they became as dull as a baby squid. (215:53, February 6, 1991)

Our mind and body can become completely one through the power of God’s love, but we have never really experienced that oneness because of the division between them that resulted from the Fall of the human ancestors. If not for the Fall, our mind and body would have completely united based on God’s intrinsic love. In the world of love centered around that intrinsic love, there would be no need for moral education. God would suffice as a teacher. People would know love without being taught.
    When the mind and body become one, we understand everything. There would be no need for education about how human beings should live. There would be no need for instruction in ethics and the rules of morality. Do the animals need to be taught moral lessons? They know how to protect themselves and group themselves among members of their own species. Why are human beings, the lords of creation, so ignorant in this regard? It is because of the Fall that we fight and struggle. (162:223, April 12, 1987)

We have fallen nature. What are the four aspects of fallen nature? They are arrogance, jealousy, anger and lying. We should remove all of them. (150:126, September 4, 1960)

Eve inherited from the Archangel all the proclivities incidental to his transgression against God when he bound her in blood ties through their sexual relationship. Adam in turn acquired the same inclinations when Eve, assuming the role of the Archangel, bound him in blood ties through their sexual relationship. These proclivities have become the root cause of the fallen inclinations in all people. They are the primary characteristics of our fallen nature.
    The fundamental motivation which engendered these primary characteristics of the fallen nature lay in the envy the Archangel felt toward Adam, the beloved of God. How can there be anything such as envy and jealousy in an archangel, whom God created for a good purpose? The Archangel was endowed with desire and intellect as a part of his original nature. Because the Archangel possessed an intellect, he could compare and discern that God’s love for human beings was greater than the love God gave to him. Because he also possessed desires, he had a natural yearning for God to love him more. This desire of the heart was naturally conducive to envy and jealousy. Envy is an inevitable byproduct of the original nature, like the shadow cast by an object in the light.
    After human beings reach perfection, however, they will never be induced to fall because of incidental envy. They will know deep inside that the temporary gratification they might feel by attaining the object of their desire is not worth the agony of self-destruction that would ensue. Hence, they would never commit such crimes…
    The primary characteristics of the fallen nature can be divided broadly into four types: The first is failing to take God’s standpoint. A principal cause of the Archangel’s fall was his failure to love Adam with the same heart and perspective as God; instead, he felt jealous of Adam. This led him to tempt Eve. An example of this characteristic of the fallen nature is when a courtier feels jealous of the king’s favorite instead of sincerely respecting him as one whom the king loves.
    The second is leaving one’s proper position. Seeking more of God’s love, Lucifer desired to enjoy the same position of love in the human world. This unrighteous desire caused him to leave his position and fall. People are induced by unrighteous desires to step beyond the bounds of what is right and overreach themselves because of this primary characteristic of the fallen nature.
    The third is reversing dominion. The angel, who was supposed to come under the dominion of human beings, instead dominated Eve. Then Eve, who was supposed to come under the dominion of Adam, dominated him instead…
    The fourth is multiplying the criminal act. After her fall, had Eve not repeated her sin by seducing Adam, Adam would have remained whole. The restoration of Eve alone would have been relatively easy. However, Eve spread her sin to others by inducing Adam to fall. The proclivity of evil people to entangle others in an expanding web of crime stems from this primary characteristic of the fallen nature. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Fall 4.6)

We now know the characteristics of fallen nature: The Fall began, first with self-centered owner-ship; next, speaking lies; next, an immoral relationship; next, taking all things from God; and finally, in the second generation, murder. All dictators throughout history lied, violated love, stole others’ possessions, and murdered good people. Considering this, we should not follow the same pattern of historical error. We wish to inherit a heavenly tradition of love by overcoming these transgressions within ourselves. (121:257-58, October 27, 1982)

What is the Greatest Danger in Our Life?

Petition Congress Rally-January 6th, 2021, Washington DC

Contact your Senator and Representative

Must listen! Fireside chat with Lin Wood about the current situation: Lin Wood Drops Some HUGE News | Breaking News (

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

    To this day, no one has been registered into the heavenly kingdom. The kingdom did not have a nation. It did not have a family or nation. When you go to the spirit world, your parents, and – if there are ten people in your family – all ten of your family members would be separated. However, from now on it will not be that way. You should know that originally, if human beings had not fallen, heaven would be the place where you enter with your mother, father and clan.
    If your grandparents, mother and father, couple, and children, become one based on true love, and inherit God’s true love that lives for others, then even God would be absolutely obedient to that. In the world that strives to live for others – a world that moves according to the love that submits to the tradition of living for others – the basis for peace would surely emerge even if it resisted being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 241

It is truly significant to receive the Blessing. Those who receive the Blessing should be able to think of themselves as God’s representatives and conduct themselves as such. They should think, “If I do not move, then heaven and earth do not move.” God can establish a living ideology for the sake of humankind only when this position is reached. (13-14, 1963.10.1

Selfish Desires and Fallen Nature

1. Selfish Desires and Passions

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What is the greatest danger in our life? It is getting pulled off the right track. Think: what can pull you off the track? There are two aspects of vulnerability, external and internal. Externally, the number one temptation is probably money, followed by knowledge, and then power. Any of these can pull you off the track.

    Will you succumb to the temptation of money? Under what conditions does money tempt you? This has to do with the internal aspect—your greed and ambition. I am speaking of self-centered greed and ambition. Ambition is not necessarily bad, but when it is self-centered, it is bad. (90:9, December 5, 1976)

People feel joy when their desires are fulfilled. The word “desire,” however, is often not understood in its original sense, because in the present circumstances our desires tend to pursue evil rather than good. Desires which result in injustice do not emanate from a person’s original mind…
    Has anyone realized the joy in which the original mind delights by pursuing evil desires? Whenever such desires are sated, we feel unrest in our conscience and agony in our heart. Would a parent ever instruct his child to be evil? Would a teacher deliberately instill unrighteousness in his students? The impulse of the original mind, which everyone possesses, is to abhor evil and exalt goodness. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Introduction)

Human beings are God’s substantial object partners. Therefore, God wants to rejoice through us. However, if we are defective partners, always expressing our fallen nature as jealousy, envy and arro-gance, how can God feel happiness through us? (Way of God’s Will 2.2)

The human condition has been such that love of the flesh—which is external—betrays God’s love, and betrays the ideal and eternal origin of life based in the mind—which is internal. Therefore, to establish unity between mind and body, we have to eradicate this external love—satanic love—and in its place inherit internal love—God’s original love. (20:179, June 9, 1968)

God Will Raise Up Black People for a Great Mission

Must listen! Fireside chat with Lin Wood about the current situation: Lin Wood Drops Some HUGE News | Breaking News (

The Richard Urban Show:
#79-Foundation Day Is Now
What is behind the current crisis in our country? Why is Christianity disintegrating? What can be done?
#78-Is Mob Rule Taking Over the United States?
Threats of violence or death are playing a major role in the dynamics of the coverage of election fraud. Many Republican elected officials are complicit or silent. At the same time, there is a mainstream media blackout of factual information. None the less, we the people, and President Trump, will prevail.

Open Letter to President Trump

Cheon Seong Gyeong 81

If there is one subject partner in this universe who can fill every per-son’s heart, what kind of subject partner would that be? The one absolute cen-ter. We need an absolute being who will completely fill any heart with love. This subject partner has to be an infinite and absolute being. How much love do you think God – who has to fill the hearts of the bil-lions of people today – has? It has to be unconditional. This is why we need the expressions omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. They are the words God needs. (116-240, 1982.1.1)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1207

The way of restoration requires you to cut your way through in the direction opposite to that of the Fall. Walking the way of indemnity is a basic rule for fallen people. Unless you surmount this path, you cannot restore your original status. Therefore, you must clean up yourselves. You must possess a sound theoretical system explaining how to restore the individual, family, tribe, ethnic people, nation, and world. (God’s Will – 354)

Collective and Historical Sin

Individuals are also inextricably bound to the collectives to which they belong: nation, race, tribe and religion. Whether guilty or blameless in their personal lives, individuals prosper or suffer with the for-tunes of these collectives. the evils descend on the community—war, famine, epidemic diseases and rampant drug use—bring hardships to everyone in the community. Father Moon terms this collective sin. people are responsible to recognize collective sin and atone for it. they can atone by first making efforts to understand the grievances of those populations that have been oppressed and mistreated by their nation. they can then work to resolve them through sacrifice and love.

Even those who are pious and innocent suffer for the misdeeds of others through their con-tact, as fish in a snake-infested lake.
    Ramayana, Aranya Kanda 38 (Hinduism)
When God causes punishment to descend on a people, those righteous ones among them will be smitten by the punishment, but afterwards they will be resurrected according to their deeds.
    Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim (Islam)
All of you are pledges for the other: all of you, aye the world, exist through the merit of a single righteous man among you, and if but one man sins, the whole generation suffers.
    Tanhuma (Judaism)
Justice is turned back,
and righteousness stands afar off;
for truth has fallen in the public squares,
and uprightness cannot enter.
Truth is lacking,
and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.
    Isaiah 59.14-15

I am full of the wrath of the Lord ;
I am weary of holding it in.
“Pour it out upon the children in the street,
and upon the gatherings of young men, also;
both husband and wife shall be taken,
the old folk and the very aged.
Their houses shall be turned over to others,
their fields and wives together;
for I will stretch out my hand
against the inhabitants of the land,” says the Lord .
“For from the least to the greatest of them,
every one is greedy for unjust gain;
and from prophet to priest,
every one deals falsely.
They have healed the wound of my people lightly,
saying, ‘Peace, peace,’
when there is no peace.
Were they ashamed when they committed abomination?
No, they were not at all ashamed;
they did not know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among those who fall;
at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown,” says the Lord .
Jeremiah 6.11-15
Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid with another drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, “The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”
    Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Sin—it is intertwined like a gigantic steel net, woven through this person and that person, this organization and that organization, this society and that society, this nation and that nation. (1:167, July 11, 1956)
What should America do to indemnify all her historical sin? Americans massacred the Indians and enslaved Black people. Since the Indians are of the Oriental race, one way for America to indemnify her sin is to live for the sake of Oriental people. (101:336, November 12, 1978)
In sports these days, more and more blacks are the prominent world champions. Every year more blacks are emerging at the top, replacing whites. If blacks are equipped with God’s teaching, then, coupled with their sense of physical power, I think they have a glorious future surpassing that of white people.
    Hence, the more that the whites oppose black people, the more they will lose God’s blessings and the more blacks shall receive them. God does not lose in the end.
When Jesus stumbled while carrying his cross to Calvary, a black person, Simon of Cyrene, took up Jesus’ burden. That act was very significant; when the Last Days come, God will raise up black people for a great mission. Yet, they should be equipped with Heaven’s teaching.
    (91:219, February 20, 1977)
Richard:  Heaven’s teaching means the Original Root Substance of the Principle  and the Eight Sacred Textbooks.