Killing the Prophets and Stoning Those Who Are Sent to You

The Richard Urban Show:

#87-They Knowingly Abetted Treason and a Coup
#86-Joe Biden’s Lovers Will Be Revealed
#85-Don’t Change What God Has Said
#84-President Trump Should Stay in Office

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2233

God is the great King of truth, goodness, trueness, and love. (301-38, 1999.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1526

Pledge number two of the Family Pledge also contains the phrase, “Our family… by centering on true love.” This signifies that nothing can be accomplished without true love. The next phrase is, “Our family… pledges to represent and become central to heaven and earth by attending God and True Parents; we pledge to perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family.” This means that the father needs to practice the way of filial piety, as do the children. In fact, every member of the family needs to do the same. They need to inherit the tradition of filial piety. Pledge number two goes on to say, “We pledge to perfect the dutiful family way of … patriots in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth.”

God’s Grief

2. God’s Painful Struggle to Save Humankind

When man is sore troubled, the Shekhinah says, “How heavy is My head, how heavy is My arm.” If God suffers so for the blood of the wicked, how much more for the blood of the righteous.
    Mishnah, Sanhedrin 6.5 (Judaism)
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!
    Matthew 23.37
    “In all their afflictions He was afflicted” (Isaiah 63.9). So God said to Moses, “Do you not notice that I dwell in distress when the Israelites dwell in distress? Know from the place whence I speak with you, from the midst of thorns [the Burning Bush], it is as if I stand in their distresses.”
    Exodus Rabbah (Judaism)
When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called My son.
The more I called them,
the more they went from Me;
they kept sacrificing to the Baals,
and burning incense to idols.
Yet it was I that taught Ephraim to walk,
I took him up in My arms;
but they did not know that I healed them.
I led them with cords of compassion,
with the bands of love,
and I became to them as one
who eases the yoke on their jaws,
and I bent down to them and fed them.
    Hosea 11.1-4
The Enlightened One, because He saw man-kind drowning in the great sea of birth, death and sorrow, and longed to save them, for this was moved to pity.
Because He saw the men of the world straying in false paths, and none to guide them, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw that they lay wallowing in the mire of the Five Lusts, in dissolute abandonment, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw them still fettered to their wealth, their wives and their children, knowing not how to cast them aside, for this He was
moved to pity.
Because He saw them doing evil with hand, heart, and tongue, and many times receiving the bitter fruits of sin, yet ever yielding to their desires, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw that they slaked the thirst of the Five Lusts as it were with brackish water, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw that though they longed for happiness, they made for themselves no karma of happiness; and though they hated pain, yet willingly made for themselves a karma of pain; and though they coveted the joys of heaven, would not follow His commandments on earth, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw them afraid of birth, old age, and death, yet still pursuing the works that lead to birth, old age, and death, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw them consumed by the fires of pain and sorrow, yet knowing not where to seek the still waters of samadhi, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw them living in an evil time, subjected to tyrannous kings and suffering many ills, yet heedlessly following after pleasure, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw them living in a time of wars, killing and wounding one another; and knew that for the riotous hatred that had flourished in their hearts they were doomed to pay an endless retribution, for this He was moved to pity.
Because many born at the time of His incarnation had heard Him preach the Holy Law, yet could not receive it, for this He was moved to pity.
Because some had great riches that they could not bear to give away, for this He was moved to pity.
Because He saw the men of the world plowing their fields, sowing the seed, trafficking, huckstering, buying, and selling; and at the end winning nothing but bitterness, for this He was moved to pity.
    Upasaka Sila Sutra(Buddhism)

The Lord Saw that the Wickedness of Man Was Great in the Earth

The Richard Urban Show:

#86-Joe Biden’s Lovers Will Be Revealed
#85-Don’t Change What God Has Said
#84-President Trump Should Stay in Office

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2100

Those of you who have read the entire collection of my sermons, raise your hands. You dreadful bunch of people! How did you educate them, nation-al leader? I could not even say the deeper contents in those sermons. I cannot express them now, either. You must know how precious these words are and that the source of life is contained within them. It is not a source of spring water. It is not just any kind of water. And it is not river water. You should know that this source of life is flowing away. It is the Unificationists’ responsibility to find a way to have this eternal water of life by groping for a way to connect the water pipes to this source. But what have you done? Are all of those books something that you can just sell to an antique book shop? (181-268, 1988.10.3)

Richard: Rev. Moon speaks strongly here on the value of the Completed Testament scriptures that he has revealed. Yet many Unification Church members are OK that Mrs. Moon has adulterated the Holy Scriptures by rewriting and changing them and creating her own new theology. On the other hand, Hyung Jin Moon does not preach on the Holy Scriptures either, and has introduced the concept of the mostly Old Testament based Rod Of Iron Ministry.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1087

When you visit a place, do you sprinkle holy salt before you sit down? If not, you should establish a condition in which you inwardly blow three times, “whew, whew, whew” before taking your seat. When you see a handsome man in the satanic world, rather than thinking, “I would like to live with this man,” you should be able to blow him away from you, even if he holds your hand. You should sprinkle holy salt, that is, inwardly blow three times, “whew, whew, whew.” You should sprinkle holy salt three times. (170-233, 1987.11.21)

Richard: We should live a sanctified life.

God’s Grief

If God is our Divine Parent and we human beings are his children, then surely God must feel great sadness of heart over his children’s bondage, degradation and rebellion. thus, religious traditions that revere a personal, compassionate God recognize God to have an aspect of sorrow. in Christianity, Jesus’ passion has regularly represented the suffering of God, as the Father is one with his son. although the biblical witness to God’s grief is sometimes eclipsed by the Aristotelian conception that perfection requires that God be impassible, contemporary theologians are affirming that the creator also suffers. in Mahayana Buddhism, the compassion of Shakyamuni and the commiseration of the bodhisattvas for human suffering stems from the heart of the cosmic buddha who is the Father of all humanity.
For Father Moon, to know God means to experience God’s painful and grieving heart: broken at the Fall, sorrowful that his children continue to live in darkness, tortured by the power and arrogance of evil that holds his children in thrall, and agonized at the thorny path that his saints must walk as they strive to fulfill the providence and attain liberation. by attaining such knowledge, we can become compassionate ourselves, and persevering in the struggle to liberate humanity.

1. God’s Grief over the Human Fall and Humankind’s Sinful Condition

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart.27
    Genesis 6.5-6
And it came to pass that the God of heaven looked upon the residue of His people, and He wept; and Enoch bore record of it, saying, “How is it that the heavens weep, and shed forth their tears as the rain upon the mountains?” And Enoch said unto the Lord, How is it that you can weep, seeing you are holy, and from all eternity to all eternity?”…
    The Lord said unto Enoch, “Behold these your brethren; they are the workmanship of My own hands, and I gave to them their knowledge… and commandment, that they should love one another, and that they should choose Me, their Father; but behold, they are without affection, and they hate their own blood; and the fire of My indignation is kindled against them; and in My hot displeasure will I send in the floods upon them… misery shall be their doom; and the whole heavens shall weep over them, even all the workmanship of My hands; therefore should not the heavens weep, seeing these shall suffer?”
    Pearl of Great Price, Moses 7.28-37 (Latter-Day Saints)
Abu Dharr reported God’s Messenger as saying, “I see what you do not see and I hear what you do not hear; heaven has groaned, and it has a right to groan.”
    Hadith of Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah (Islam) 
Whatever kind of regret I, Tsukihi [God], may have borne, until now I have overlooked it and kept still patiently…
Never think of this regret as slight! It is the result of the regret that has been accumulated and piled up.
All people of the whole world are My children. Although I single-heartedly love them, unaware of this, each and every one of them equally is thinking only of dust.
Think of the regret of God over these dusty minds! It is far beyond expression of My words.
    Ofudesaki 17.64-70 (Tenrikyo)
Abuk, mother of Deng,
Leave your home in the sky and come to work in our homes,
Make our country to become clean like theoriginal home of Deng,
Come make our country as one: the country of Akwol
Is not as one, either by night or by day,
The child called Deng, his face has become sad,
The children of Akwol have bewildered their Chief’s mind. 30
    Dinka Song (African Traditional Religions)

The Position of the First Son Was Taken by Satan

The Richard Urban Show:

#85-Don’t Change What God Has Said
#84-President Trump Should Stay in Office
#83-Was the US Capitol Breach Part of a False Flag Operation?
#82-Mike Pence Is Judas Iscariot

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

We believe in God who wants to realize one world, a world of one purpose. Since God is Jehovah and Lord of all nations, and the center of all centers, when we face Him from afar, we want to be His loyal subjects. We were born for this duty and responsibility. Understand that as we draw near to Him, He becomes our Father to whom we owe the duty of filial piety as His sons and daughters. That is our priority. Only when you have lived like that can you say to God, “If you want to send me to hell, send me there. If you want to send me to Heaven, send me there. Do as you please.” Nobody went to hell after living like that. (154-314, 1964.10.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

As viewed from God’s original ideal of creation, the eldest son should come from God’s side and, of course, the second son should also come from God’s side. Due to the Fall, the position of the first son was taken by Satan, and the position of the second son went to God. This has to be made right. Thus, when we consider the story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible, Jacob united with his mother and received her help. He gave Esau the pottage of lentils and bread in exchange for the birthright of the first-born son. Until today, we could not understand why Bible history is the way it is. With the appearance of the Unification Church, its meaning was clarified for the first time. (134-304, 1985.8.16)


2. The Futility of Human Life

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

People think, “Let us seek our pleasure during this life of less than 100 years. We have only one chance at adolescence. So, let’s eat as we wish, play as we wish, and do as we wish while we are young.” Most people who live on this earth think this way. However, even if they do everything their physical bodies desire, eventually all will come to naught. In a matter of a few years they will be bored with it all. Their life will have been in vain. (41:143, February 14, 1971)
Religions have made strenuous efforts to deny life in this world in their quest for the life eternal. They have despised the pleasures of the body for the sake of spiritual bliss. Yet, however hard they may try, people cannot cut themselves off from the reality of this world or annihilate the desire for physical pleasures, which follows them like a shadow and cannot be shaken off. This world and its desires tenaciously grab hold of religious people, driving them into the depths of agony. Such is the contradiction which plagues their devotional lives. Even many enlightened spiritual leaders, still torn by this contradiction, have met a sad end. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Introduction)
Suppose a man devotes his life to earning money and becomes a millionaire. It requires strenuous effort; he must labor through his 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s to become a millionaire in his 60s. However, at age 60, the day of his death is not distant. Having worked hard to earn money all his life, the age of retirement draws near. When he looks at all the money he has accumulated, does he feel hope or despair? As he thinks about the past, he might feel a heaviness in his spirit. As he reviews all the efforts he made at earning money, he might feel an emptiness in his heart. When it dawns on him that he lived his whole life for money, wouldn’t he feel extremely miserable?…
    Suppose a man goes to a university and earns a Ph.D. He might think it a great accomplishment. To obtain that degree he studied day and night without eating, playing or taking rest. Maybe he  even becomes a world-famous Nobel laureate. However, if we look closely at his life, we find many miserable things.
    Although he has the knowledge of a Nobel laureate, it is all within a small field of specialization. His research in his field is like digging a small cave in the wide world. Staying within the limits of his specialization, he realizes that compared with the whole world he is extremely small. Even though he boasts that he knows something, it is an extremely small thing.
    Does knowledge give human beings happiness and peace? No. Knowledge is such that we realize that the more we study, the more we do not know.
    Suppose he becomes a famous professor at the university. Every day he holds a chalk and writes on the blackboard. He writes books and takes on various academic responsibilities. Yet while he inhales chalk powder and becomes a leading voice in his field, he has no idea what kind of influence he has in the world. He does not know what will happen to the world in the future. Lacking the mind to comprehend God’s Will, he does not think about what perspective he should take in viewing the world. In fact, he is more ignorant than ordinary ignorant people, because he is so caught up in his own studies.
    Even with all his knowledge, he spends his entire life as a mere bookworm. He lacks the self-confidence to assert his own ideas; mostly he just represents and compares the ideas of others in his field. His life commitment consists of little more. Hence, even if he becomes a famous professor, what is the point? Life is too precious to invest it all for something like that.
    Another man covets power; he dreams of becoming a big shot, like the President of the United States. Yet even if he attains that power, does it last forever? The President of the United States holds power for only four years. Compared with the expanse of history, it is like the blink of an eye. Though he enjoys his power—eating the finest food, drinking the finest wine, dancing—once the power is gone, he is nothing. He no longer matters to anyone. People with ordinary aspirations are better off than he. (98:82-85, April 30, 1978)

Humanity Lost the Original Garden and Fell Into the World of Death

The Richard Urban Show:
#83-Was the US Capitol Breach Part of a False Flag Operation?
#82-Mike Pence Is Judas Iscariot

Cheon Seong Gyeong 487

Many people oppose Rev. Moon, the man who goes to America to educate and train American young people, even staying up all night and sometimes dancing, singing, and having fun with them? I do this in order to expand the realm of support that is connected to me.
Because the expansion of the universal realm of support starts with me, I push forward without fear, even if I am opposed and have to go to prison.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1380

I was planning to have the 30,000 Couples visit the Songdo Beach Resort in North Korea, taking with them tents, each for ten people. It was a time when everything could be out in the open. The North Korean government even said, “We will do whatever you want.” I also notified the present South Korean government of this plan. Who prevented me from carrying it out? It was our government in the South. Still I did not per-ish. The bright morning sun dawns on the path that follows the heavenly way, but once you leave that path, you will be enveloped in total darkness. You will be plunged into complete and eternal dark-ness. (238-266, 1992.11.22)


  1. Sorrow is Everywhere

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Humanity lost the original garden and fell into the world of death. There, we struggle against the darkness. We live in the midst of lamentation and hopelessness, entrapped in the power of the enemy. Still, in our conscience, the remnant of the original mind, we long for the original homeland. (6:291, June 14, 1959)
The world we live in is not a joyful world but a miserable world; it is not a world of delight but a world of sorrow; it is not a world where people live with gratitude but a world where people live with grudges. If you cannot overcome this unfortunate world, then you will never find the path to happiness.
    How can you know that you are unhappy? You can understand it through your mind. In your mind, is there a grieving heart that you cannot get rid of? This is proof that Satan is our ancestor. Do you have hatred and resentment toward other people? This is like Satan entangling our minds in steel nets to prevent us from going toward the original Garden of Eden.
    Human beings are living in the world of death where there is no life, the world of despair and pitch darkness. Although human beings should be singing of the preciousness of life and living in harmony with God’s eternal ideal, people today are living in despair. They are cut off from the hope of standing before the ideal of God. (2:246, June 9, 1957)
We are surrounded by evil elements. The way to evil does not need to be taught. Everyone can go that way without education, because history started from an evil foundation. Does anyone need to be taught how to be bad? Because humans fell by their own decision, society educates people to act according to their conscience based on the prevailing morality. Even so, how many people are able to live in accordance with that education? Evil things can be done without education; anyone can score 100 points.
    The conscience always tells us to be good people, but have we actually become good? Unable to solve this problem, our life is one of continual lamentation. Today is lamentation, tomorrow is lamentation, and the whole year is lamentation. Youth is lamentation, middle age is lamentation, old age is lamentation, and we die with lamentation. Evil marks our whole life. (36:57, November 15, 1970)
Due to the Human Fall, history started from a point of sadness. The saddest thing about the starting point was that we had to leave God. God was to be the source of our happiness and the center of our life, His grace pervading everything. Due to the Fall, however, humankind lost happiness, life and all things. People fell into deep despair, darkness, and unhappiness. Having lost any vision or hope, tears filled their eyes. With those tears came despair, and utter darkness. (52:36, December 12, 1971)

What is Idolatry? It Is to Abandon God and Worship Something Else

The Richard Urban Show:
#82-Mike Pence Is Judas Iscariot

Cheon Seong Gyeong 163

In the past, I saw right through those people who came to the Unification Church with the motivation to use it for their own purposes; those people did all sorts of things. I knew who they were, yet I let them deceive me. Why did I do so? It is because God has been doing so to this day. When people betrayed me and turned their backs, I could have exploded in indignation and resentment saying, “Those reprobates should be struck by lightning.” Yet when I thought about the heart of God who longs for their return, I could not do that. Each time I grasped that suffering heart of God, and had the heart to forgive, a new segment, like that of a bamboo shoot, was created. Do you understand? A segment of the Unification Church was made. That is how we are making family segments, tribal segments and national segments. (197-312, 1990.1.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1352

Do you know how important the 430 Couples are? Originally, their Blessing should have taken place last year in 1967. Instead, it was held this year on February 22, which was the twentieth anniversary of my entry into Heungnam prison. Accordingly, there is great significance in completing twenty years of my course of restoration both spiritually and physically; you therefore stand in such a significant position in commemorating that important day with me. You should realize what an honor it is to have such a right of participation. That day is not a sad one. It is also George Washington’s birthday. Knowing this, all of you should work hard to form wonderful families of your own. (159-43, 1968.3.1)

Idolatry and Materialism

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What is idolatry? It is to abandon God and worship something else, to revere it more than God. Today numerous people are worshipping the idol called “civilization” without being aware of it… They take as their idols material things; they become slaves of civilization. Hence, they do not know where to find the center of their life. Without seeking Heaven they make frantic efforts, yet they do not know what direction to go or what goal to aim for. They are no different than the benighted Israelites in the days of Ahab and Jezebel. (6:31, March 15, 1959)
The world should center on the mind, but instead it is devoted to matter… Look at the reality of education, focused as it is on the needs and values of material civilization. The precious and invisible mind is being neglected for the sake of money that is visible to the eyes. (19:287, March 10, 1968)
First theism appeared; it emerged as a spin-off of history. Next, humanism emerged as a spin-off of history, and then materialism. They each appeared as separate and incompatible ways of thinking. Thus separated, each in turn perished.
    Human beings consist of body, mind and spirit. Our body consists of matter, our mind consists of character, and with our spirit we are to unite with God. When we try to become one with God without considering the material world and human beings we do not succeed, because that way does not fit our nature. We need God, but we also need human beings and the material world. For this reason, theism, humanism and materialism should not be separate. We need them all. Therefore, religion in the future should be equipped in all three areas, guiding us to fulfill the whole of human life in all its aspects.
    Human beings, having a complex culture, are higher than matter. God is higher than human beings. Therefore, God should govern human beings and all things; that is in keeping with the Principle.
    In earlier times, when people placed religion at the center of their life, they tended to deny the value of human beings. As a result, humanism emerged, putting human beings at the center and denying the importance of God. More recently, humanism has declined as people value material above all else. For materialists, money is everything. Nothing is as valuable as money, not even human beings. They see everything in terms of money.
    Yet after living materialistic lives, people find that material things are not everything. They begin to reexamine the human being to discover their original nature. They are faced with the limitations of materialism and realize that they need to recover human beings… They begin asking questions,  “What is a human being? Is there something about human beings that needs to be restored? Do we need to once again consider the question of God?” We are living in a transitional period when these trends are evident. American young people, hippies and yippies, do all sorts of things, and many are in search of religion. (103:226, March 1, 1979)