Find Your New Second Self

Cheon Seong Gyeong 407

Can you see your mind? The spirit
world is a world where your mind takes
form, and it is a world that transcends
time and space. There you can eat meals
whenever you want. You do not have to
worry about your meals. You do not have
to worry about water. Nor do you have to
worry about drinking. There is no need
to worry about clothes. The spirit world
is a place where you rise above the need
for clothing, food and shelter. Would
you need cars there? Do you think there
are automobile factories there? Do you
think there are food, clothing or textile
factories there? There are none of these.
It is a place where you can move hun-
dreds of millions of kilometers in an
instant. But by what force? By the force
of love. If you say you want to see your
loved one, he will appear before you.
(210-225, 1990.12.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

Men and women are horizontal. They
are level. The union of man and wom-
an is to be engrafted, based on vertical,
lifelong and eternal love. As men rep-
resenting east and women representing
west have lost the central line, they will
seek to graft into this, so they must abso-
lutely get married. Aren’t there many in
America who oppose marriage? There
are many who, like homosexuals or les-
bians, dislike having children. Those
without children have lost out when they
pass on to the spirit world. This is the
formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1289

The place where two lives come
together as one, centered on love, and
the place where the blood of man and
woman become one, is the sexual organ.
You must know that this place is more
precious than sons and daughters, hus-
band and even God. It is a place that is
more precious than your children, hus-
band, and even parents. If sexual organs
did not exist, parents would be value-
less, husband and wife would be value-
less, and sons and daughters would be
valueless. Since this place is so very pre-
cious, it is kept under lock and key, away
from other eyes, during your lifetime,
as the treasure of treasures. The key that
can unlock the sexual organ of a man is
owned by the woman, and the key for
the woman is owned by the man; there
is only one key for every person. There
should only be one key per person. Do
you want to possess ten or twenty keys,
as in the case of free sex? Do you want to
become a ruined house that has its gates
open for everyone and does not have an
owner? Do you want to become a place
that anyone can pass through and come
and go at will? (280-199, 1997.1.1)

Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959

Matthew 26: 36-46

Attending the True Parents of humanity, you must alleviate all grievous situations, sorrows and grudges. Your heart must completely become one with the heart of the True Parents. You must thus become the incarnation of joy, every part of which is overflowing. In this way, the True Parents must be able to say to you, “You are my beloved. You are my joy. You are my goodness and happiness.”

When we reflect upon ourselves and our many sorrows, we have been so miserable that we can hardly say we have been living like people. Now we should no longer be lost in agonizing thoughts. We should become new, second selves who can dance in joy, bliss and glory. If such an event does not take place on the earth, God will truly be a miserable God.

Our fate compels us to deny ourselves and be recognized anew. However, the earth on which we live and our earthly lives have not borne heavenly fruits. Hence, even if the world, your friends, your parents, your spouses, your children and everything on the earth were to leave, your earnest heart which looks to Heaven must tell you not to leave. Continue reading “Find Your New Second Self”

We Must Cultivate Our Heart at the Second Advent

Cheon Seong Gyeong 995

Whatever you may do, be it eating,
drinking, sitting or standing or whom-
ever you may relate with, you’ll receive
a perfect score if you show your lov-
ing heart before True Parents and God.
It does not come about by having a lot
of knowledge or scholarly attainment.
Will you live in God’s presence saying,
“I have a Doctorate”? There is no need
for that before God. Therefore, how can
we entice God’s love? There is only one
path: “Sincerity moves heaven.” There is
no other way. (78-38, 1975.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1210

During the course of restoration,
one must go up, starting from the era of
servant of servants, through the eras of
servant, adopted son, and direct son. If
so, can one be connected to the era of
direct son after going through the era
of servant of servant, the era of servant,
and the era of adopted son? You cannot
get connected to the era of the direct
son without doing anything. You must
go through the process of establishing
the foundation of faith, the foundation
of substance, and the foundation for
the Messiah according to the Principle.
In short, you must receive the Messiah.
The Messiah is the true son of God. An
adopted son and a true son belong to dif-
ferent lineages. Therefore, the change of
the lineage is necessary. (55-192, 1972.5.9)

Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959

Matthew 26: 36-46

Today, 2,000 years after the coming of Jesus, everyone who lived for Heaven was attached to his life. There was no one who did not feel sorrow springing from within. Yet, they sensed the sorrow and the torn life of their Lord more than their attachment to their life and sorrow. Our ancestors denied all they had and followed the heart which guided them toward Heaven.

Where has the providential course of Heaven, stained with the ancestors’ blood, sweat and tears, gone? It has progressed alongside the course of human history. Where will the last days of history lead us? If at the close of the providence a person appears who can become the sacrifice of blood, tears and sweat for the sake of the whole, who proclaims, “Heaven, please receive me,” then that person is the Savior of the last days. He is the Savior of life.

If such a person takes charge of the providence, he will appear on the earth with heavenly conditions and represent Heaven’s heart. When you face that prophet, even if you do not understand his heavenly heart and character, you must deny the practical reality and behold him with a fresh perspective. You must open your eyes and be able to see and distinguish the value and character of that person. If you cannot do this, then even if Jesus were to come to the earth, you would not recognize him. Continue reading “We Must Cultivate Our Heart at the Second Advent”

Look Toward Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1734

Internally, Adam and Eve’s mar-
riage ceremony is God’s marriage: in
other words, it is a dual wedding. What
unite the two are the male and female
organs. Without those, one’s life would
not have come into being. Through
the organs, the lineages and history of
humanity have been perpetuated. Even
God’s ideal world will be established by
the children, the beloved children, who
have passed through those gates. That is
how His kingdom will be built. (290-81,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1223

The Fall in essence is a lapse into
the state of death. In order to be saved,
therefore, you have to plunge yourself
bravely into that state of death. If that
is an unavoidable and destined course,
then you must confront it as a man
should – with a joyful heart. When the
number of church members walking the
way of God’s will with such determina-
tion increases, the world will move in
a new direction. Our hearts are burn-
ing with the desire to form that kind of
foundation. Do you have the conviction
that enables you to transcend the border
between life and death?

Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959

Matthew 26: 36-46

We must open our eyes again. We must open our eyes again and look to Heaven. When we lift our gaze and look toward Heaven, we will feel awe-stricken. Heaven never forgot human beings, who are deep in sleep and lamenting before the death they face, all the while struggling to find the path in the world of death. Heaven has thought about humanity, which has betrayed Him, many thousands of times. You will fathom this and feel the heart of God, who loves human beings. The moment you realize that Heaven really exists, you will cry out of mixed emotions of sorrow and gratitude.

How many times has Heaven looked at us while protecting our lives! Heaven has been watching over us through our life course, our ideological conditions, and our desires, even while we were not aware of it. Do you understand the sorrow of God? Have you ever felt the misery that by far surpasses our misery and sadness? If you have not, you will not be able to bring resolution to all this in these last days of the 6,000- year history. It is not possible. The fundamental problems of humanity cannot be solved before humanity shatters all these walls and experiences the heart of God after returning to the original position of Adam. This is how it is. Continue reading “Look Toward Heaven”

Adam and Eve should have opened their eyes once again and looked toward the sky

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2252

Yet until now, people of faith did
not know that realizing God’s ideal of
creation based on His love carried such
meaning. The fulfillment of His will and
the realization of His ideal of creation
comes with the completion of the four-
position foundation. What happens
when the four-position foundation is
completed? Heaven and earth find their
rightful positions and settle for the first
time. Heaven forms an upper axis and
earth a lower axis; everything can be
united with them at the center.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1388

God has taken hold of me and cannot
let me go because I have practiced every-
thing inside and out. I did not preach
before practicing, but I practice before
asking others to do the same. This was
also the case with the 360,000 Couples
Blessing. I embarked on this great ven-
ture after laying the groundwork for it,
so I knew clearly that it would be accom-
plished. Since I know that we now will
be able to accomplish the Blessing of 3.6
million Couples, I have instructed you
to start working on it. You will defi-
nitely be able to accomplish it if you fol-
low my words with absolute faith. (272-47,

Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959

Matthew 26: 36-46

The fall took place because God’s thinking and human beings’ thinking were diametrically opposed. Thus, we must cultivate ourselves and reflect upon ourselves. We must reflect upon and recover ourselves. Because human beings have this obligation, countless philosophers and religious people have sought to resolve this issue, without much success. We understand this very well. In other words, who am “I”?

If human beings necessarily live in relationships, then who is the subject of these relationships? If there is a master of our lives, who is it? It is someone about whom we would say, “Only that person can represent my entire being, my thoughts and my life. I cannot live without him.” The day we recognize that person, we will understand God, the unchanging Master, who has been fighting to hold on to us through the long course of history. From that moment, everything will go smoothly. We came from the one Master, so we will understand what the Creator God has entrusted in us and what He has been struggling to govern. Continue reading “Adam and Eve should have opened their eyes once again and looked toward the sky”

Restoring the Family Is Salvation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2314

You must endure, sacrifice for and
serve your fiancée even if you do not like
her. “If I hadn’t met her I wouldn’t have
learnt anything. Now I see that I was giv-
en this person so that I could go through
more hardships in order to attain a spirit
of service and sacrifice and thus go to
heaven.” Those who think like this can
become great people and enter heaven.
God wants to have even sinners
become His sons and daughters. Just
because your fiancée might not have
such a pretty face or is Japanese or is a
little short, can you think, “Oh, I don’t
like her”? You men should be convinced
that you would go to the highest place
in heaven if you took the ugliest woman
and sacrificed yourself for and served
her more than anyone else. You should
understand that you would then become
the greatest husband and a saint of a
husband. Unification Church members
should be capable of having that level of
thought. (116-95, 1981.12.20)

Richard:  This is great advice for success in your marriage.  Even if your spouse is not the most beautiful, etc., you will grow as you love her and God will make up for any lacking of your spouse in the fullness of your relationship with Him.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1273

Everyone, you must change com-
pletely after you go through the cere-
mony of converting the lineage. Would
this be possible if True Parents were not
here? Think about the path of hardships
previous generations had to persevere
through ever since the time of the cre-
ation of the world. Having True Parents
here right now is something for which
you should all be truly grateful. It is even
more amazing that you have received the
Blessing from them in person. Through
the Blessing, the tradition of the lineage,
that is, the tradition embedded with true
love, life and lineage can be established.
You must always keep this in mind.
(216-36, 1991.3.3)

Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959

Matthew 26: 36-46


Father, every time a sad event takes place on the earth, Heaven mourns, our ancestors mourn, all things mourn, and we feel the same sorrow. Father, you have spent 6,000 years in fruitless wandering and struggling, unable to find that for which You were looking or a place to go, wishing all the while for the day of liberation from this sorrow. If You were to appear before us now, we would feel like crying endlessly.

Now we understand everything and have come seeking the original Parents. We wish, from the depth of our beings, for the day to come when we can shed tears of joy, rather than tears of sorrow-when we can cry for heaven and earth with such intensity as to even forget our existence. We wait for the day when we can remove all sorrows and leave only joy behind. Continue reading “Restoring the Family Is Salvation”