The Mind Yearns for Its Purpose

Cheon Seong Gyeong 175

If you have something most precious
to you, where would you want to keep it?
You would want to keep it in a place that
only you know, a place where no one else
can touch or interfere with it. It would
be a place where only you can handle it.
Where is that place? It is in the deepest
part of your heart. You bury it deep in
your heart and, thus, you are led to say, “It
is safe here; I can relax.” In other words,
you put it in a place similar to a chest
where people commonly keep valuables.
From this point of view, the place where
trueness can stay is the deepest part of
your heart. (24-317, 1969.9.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1442

The issue at hand is how you can
accomplish 160 couples. That is the mis-
sion of the tribal messiah. In this man-
ner, by bringing together the 160 cou-
ples, centering on your family, you can
then connect to the 160 nations. That
is how you can perfect the family of
Adam which was lost. So, do you abso-
lutely need the 160 couples, or not? Why
do you need them? It is so that you can
inherit everything won by God and True
Parents. The word “inherit” signifies
having everything liberated and becom-
ing like God. Do you finally understand
how important tribal messiahs are?
Without them, you cannot follow True
Father. What that means is that you can-
not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That
also means that you cannot liberate the
satanic world. That is why you need to
fulfill the mission of tribal messiahs, no
matter what hardships come your way.
Only by fulfilling this mission can you
enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only
then can you be registered. Otherwise,
you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heav-
en. (268-85, 1995.3.5)

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

The title of today’s sermon which I am going to deliver to you is “Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.

Today you may know very well that you feel indescribably impetuous and busy, yet at the same time you feel sad. You cannot deny that there is a mind within you nor that there is some kind of purpose within the mind’s yearning which causes the mind to ceaselessly seek to influence and absorb the body into that purpose. You cannot deny that you live in the condition where you feel that something, even if you do not know what it is, is leading you ceaselessly toward an unknown destination.

If you feel something like this, you must re-examine your minds and bodies. If there is some kind of ideological, invisible world of which human beings are ignorant, we must re-examine ourselves centered upon the spirit of that world.

Thus, by forming a relationship of oneness with that ideological realm, you can continue in a sure direction. If you do not do that, there will be no peace in your hearts. Even though you may hope for peace and other things, your hopes will not be attained. I affirm and assert this to you. Continue reading “The Mind Yearns for Its Purpose”

Like God and the One Whom God is Seeking

Cheon Seong Gyeong 323

Our minds can be infinitely enlarged
through heart, rather than through
knowledge. A heart of love is so big that
it can more than embrace the universe,
so once we develop this original and
mighty domain, even God will want to
come and take naps there. Since we can-
not embrace God through our knowl-
edge, we must know how great a heart
of love is. (Blessed Family – 1053)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1019

One does not start out as a central
figure with confidence. I, too, have nev-
er thought myself as being confident. I
realized that before I liked myself, I had
to like God and I had to like the one
whom God was seeking. How to possess
this kind of heart was my endeavor. If
I have that heart, there is nothing that
is impossible. You must have a mind to
make people happier and console the
sorrowful person. (70-170, 1974.2.9)

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12


Father, at this time when this year is drawing to a close, please allow us to have the Shim Jung of preparation with which we can usher in a new year, reflecting upon the old one. Please lead us to the place where we are grasped by the Father’s hands with a deeper and more sincere heart than last year’s, looking forward to the Father’s new glory in the new year, where we can connect to the Father’s situation. Please allow us to be led into Your bosom and to have the preparation and resolution with which we can follow You anywhere and everywhere.

Father, we know that our lives do not belong to us. We know that our ideologies and our loves do not belong to us. Please allow our minds, our bodies, and even our lives to arise from You. Guide us so that they will not be things that come from ourselves.

We know a man’s self-centered conceit can be maintained only as long as he wears his physical body. We have awakened to the fact that no matter how high a person may say he is, he is insufficient on his own and cannot exceed the limits of time. Please give us minds that can emulate the Father’s lofty and broad Shim Jung through comprehending Your heartrending situation. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You let us have a mind to deny ourselves, of our accord, to resemble Your deep Shim Jung and prostrate ourselves in the presence of Heaven. Continue reading “Like God and the One Whom God is Seeking”

We Must Know God’s and Jesus’ Shimjung

Cheon Seong Gyeong 437

Parents need to get permission from
the grandfather before sending their
grandson anywhere. Parents cannot
simply do whatever they want. This is
because the grandfather stands in the
position of God. (107-326, 1980.6.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1421

What are we trying to achieve? We
want to be registered in the positions of
sons and daughters who can be loved
eternally by God and True Parents. The
registration will begin from this time
forth. You will be registered in the Book
of Life of the Kingdom of God. A new
form of registration should take place
based on the true parent-centered ideol-
ogy and Godism, and at the same time,
the organization of tribes should also
take place. Similar to the twelve apostles
of Jesus and the twelve tribes of Israel,
we also need to organize ourselves into
tribes. (146-230, 1986.7.1)

Richard:  This process has begin with the “Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing” that occurred on Feb. 28, 2018:

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

God does not exist higher than the cosmos. No created thing can achieve completion without having a connection with God. When we build a house, we must link up all the materials and have them relate to each other to be a complete house.

Now we must seek God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung in the 66 volumes of the Bible. Only when we get to know God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung can we know our minds and Shim Jung. Yet God’s and Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung are not completely manifested in the Bible. It is written in the Bible that the Kingdom of Heaven is in your mind. Yet how many people are there who can indeed say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is in me”?

Where are such people? There are many people who have memorized good scriptural passages, wonderful, celebrated verses. Yet in order for us to know Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung, we must know why Jesus, the Savior of all humankind and the True Father of all human beings, grieved on this earth. What caused him to grieve the most? We must know these things. Only when we know these things can we say we have come to know Jesus’ mind and Shim Jung. We must know what the most unjust, vexatious, and painful thing was to Jesus, and the reason for it. Continue reading “We Must Know God’s and Jesus’ Shimjung”

The Human Mind Looks at the Other Shore, the Heart of Hope

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2256

You must not only be filial toward
your parents, but you also need your
spouse. Thus, you must form a four-
position foundation. This is the absolute
Principle. When we understand this, we
need to ask what has happened today
to the individual, family, and national
four-position foundations. The expan-
sion of the family four-position founda-
tion creates the nation, the expansion of
the national four-position foundation
creates the world, and the expansion of
the global four-position foundations is
the cosmos. The family is the base.
Education in Jardim will make it
so that not even a single Satan will be
able to follow you as you go this way.
Without going through this education,
you would fall away. You would become
a family that has lost its nationality.
Things might occur even more tragic
than going to Bethlehem to register the
family and giving birth to the baby Jesus
in a stable. You have to receive education
at Jardim. (297-187, 1998.11.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

The reason people need to get mar-
ried is so they can relate to the love of
God. In other words, a man and woman
cannot fully connect to the love of God
if they are not married. When a man
and woman get married, the love of God
resides with them, and they become one
centering on this love. Then, God can
bequeath to them the whole universe,
including God Himself, His love, and
everything that belongs to Him. (135-327,

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

Unificationist ideology is the historical standard, the universal standard and the macrocosmic standard which must appear in the new age without fail. You must realize that this is the standard upon which the unification of religion will take place. In this sense, the name “Unification Church” makes sense. No crowd of people has appeared until now who are being hounded yet who are ceaselessly progressing toward a Unificationist ideology, asserting that ideology and fighting at the forefront of this world.

What must we seek and establish in the age of thought, the age of doctrine? Human beings have always longed for the original homeland in their minds, eagerly desiring and dreaming of the garden of love they can enjoy, centered upon God’s Shim Jung.

When we look carefully over the course of historical development, the first human civilization was the Egyptian, a watercourse civilization centered on the Nile River. In other words, the Nile River was the cradle of Egyptian civilization. Yet how did Egyptian civilization develop? They were curious to know, “What is on the other side of the river?” They wanted to go and see. This became the spiritual background of the development of Egyptian civilization. After the watercourse civilization age had passed, Mediterranean civilization was established. Human society has come to develop stimulated by the ardent mind which looks at the other shore, the heart of hope. What is more, you must understand that the ardent Shim Jung toward the other shore caused the revolution of civilization. Continue reading “The Human Mind Looks at the Other Shore, the Heart of Hope”

Where Is the Place of Rest for the Human Mind?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1892

Peter was a fisherman, wasn’t he?
Then aren’t you all the descendants of
a fisherman? So you all should know
about the sea. You came all the way to
Alaska to catch what you did? Halibut
is the fish that lies on its belly in the sea-
bed, acting like a king. It eats and lives
lying on its belly. It looks like a piece of
mossy rock, living on the bottom of the
sea with eyes springing out like anten-
nas. Since it stays lying down and has a
smell, small fish tend to gather around it.
When those small fish gather, the hali-
but twists its body to swallow them up.

A halibut eats and lives lying down on
its belly. It is the same as Satan. It is the
“King” Satan. It thinks, “Who on earth
dares to touch me!” Even when this hali-
but is caught on a fishing line, it keeps on
saying, “Who on earth is touching me!”
But then, after staying calm for awhile, it
starts to think, “Oh, no. I am in trouble!”
The Alaskan halibut has been struck by
the lightning of Rev. Moon. No one else
in Kodiak has caught a halibut heavi-
er than eighty pounds. However, with
my appearance in these waters, halibut
weighing two hundred and three hun-
dred pounds have been caught. (206-274,

What is the hope of humanity? It is
to attend True Parents. Six thousand
years ago, Adam and Eve were supposed
to be blessed in marriage, an event that
would have allowed all humankind to
subsequently become the descendants
of God. However, due to the Fall, every-
one became the descendants of Satan.
Therefore, True Parents, who were lost
six thousand years ago, must be restored
on the side of heaven, and human beings
have to be reborn through the relation-
ship of the love of True Parents. Only
then can they become citizens of the
Kingdom of Heaven. (19-203, 1968.1.7

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266

What is the hope of humanity? It is
to attend True Parents. Six thousand
years ago, Adam and Eve were supposed
to be blessed in marriage, an event that
would have allowed all humankind to
subsequently become the descendants
of God. However, due to the Fall, every-
one became the descendants of Satan.
Therefore, True Parents, who were lost
six thousand years ago, must be restored
on the side of heaven, and human beings
have to be reborn through the relation-
ship of the love of True Parents. Only
then can they become citizens of the
Kingdom of Heaven. (19-203, 1968.1.7

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

What have human beings lost through the fall? They have lost God’s love, they have lost God’s Word, and they have lost the substantial incarnation of that Word. What must we, who seek our original selves, inevitably do? We must regain what has been lost. That is, because God’s love, God’s Word and God’s person have been lost, we cannot help wandering about seeking them. God has unfolded the providence of salvation until today trying to regain these things.

Human beings have lost the love, the Word and the incarnation. What could have caused them to lose the love, the Word and the incarnation? They lost them because they did not have faith. For that reason, for God to seek human beings, people must set up the condition of faith. God relates to human beings through the condition of their faith. Furthermore, He unfolds the salvation providence for human beings on the condition that they have faith. Continue reading “Where Is the Place of Rest for the Human Mind?”