Cheon Seong Gyeong 175
If you have something most precious
to you, where would you want to keep it?
You would want to keep it in a place that
only you know, a place where no one else
can touch or interfere with it. It would
be a place where only you can handle it.
Where is that place? It is in the deepest
part of your heart. You bury it deep in
your heart and, thus, you are led to say, “It
is safe here; I can relax.” In other words,
you put it in a place similar to a chest
where people commonly keep valuables.
From this point of view, the place where
trueness can stay is the deepest part of
your heart. (24-317, 1969.9.14)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1442
The issue at hand is how you can
accomplish 160 couples. That is the mis-
sion of the tribal messiah. In this man-
ner, by bringing together the 160 cou-
ples, centering on your family, you can
then connect to the 160 nations. That
is how you can perfect the family of
Adam which was lost. So, do you abso-
lutely need the 160 couples, or not? Why
do you need them? It is so that you can
inherit everything won by God and True
Parents. The word “inherit” signifies
having everything liberated and becom-
ing like God. Do you finally understand
how important tribal messiahs are?
Without them, you cannot follow True
Father. What that means is that you can-
not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That
also means that you cannot liberate the
satanic world. That is why you need to
fulfill the mission of tribal messiahs, no
matter what hardships come your way.
Only by fulfilling this mission can you
enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only
then can you be registered. Otherwise,
you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heav-
en. (268-85, 1995.3.5)
Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth
Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958
The title of today’s sermon which I am going to deliver to you is “Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.
Today you may know very well that you feel indescribably impetuous and busy, yet at the same time you feel sad. You cannot deny that there is a mind within you nor that there is some kind of purpose within the mind’s yearning which causes the mind to ceaselessly seek to influence and absorb the body into that purpose. You cannot deny that you live in the condition where you feel that something, even if you do not know what it is, is leading you ceaselessly toward an unknown destination.
If you feel something like this, you must re-examine your minds and bodies. If there is some kind of ideological, invisible world of which human beings are ignorant, we must re-examine ourselves centered upon the spirit of that world.
Thus, by forming a relationship of oneness with that ideological realm, you can continue in a sure direction. If you do not do that, there will be no peace in your hearts. Even though you may hope for peace and other things, your hopes will not be attained. I affirm and assert this to you. Continue reading “The Mind Yearns for Its Purpose”