A Great Tribulation Will Come in the Last Days

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1868

Ilheung Marine Industries is in
Korea. I educated about 110,000 Japa-
nese and Korean women and had them
do a Sisterhood Bridge Ceremony. Now
our people and needed personnel are
even in the low-echelon departments.
That is why I appointed five vice-presi-
dents – a representative from Gyeong-
sang Province, a representative from
Jeolla Province, a representative from
Chungcheong Province, a representa-
tive from Seoul, and a representative
from Gyeonggi Province. They were all
women. I appointed two, but now I have
to appoint three more. (262-247, 1994.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

The Lord of Creation has placed every
part of His form in the face of human
beings. Hence, God’s characteristics
can all be found in the human face. The
eyes symbolize God. Thus, when a being
comes into existence, the first feature to
develop is the eyes. Since the center of
the universe is God, the eyes symbol-
ize Him. Therefore, you can tell just by
looking into the eyes of someone, indeed
anyone, whether that person is consci-
entious or not. (39-247, 1971.1.15)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

Consequently, a great tribulation will come in the last days. What does this mean? The one who is strongly minded to own things centered on himself, the one who works to ensure his own self-centered comfort, will receive a strike in the face. This is the great tribulation. Still, considering that the Father is trying to awaken human beings by allowing them to pass through such tribulations, we must return thanks to Him.

People who try to live and die for the sake of truth will become miserable. Therefore, we must understand that the group of people who are saved from the grave of death will become the central figures in the garden of rest. He who holds onto and lives according to the truth to which Jesus attested will become Jesus’ and God’s possession, even if he casts away the rest of the Bible.

A person who says he is in charge based on who he was in the past, or who complains that people do not recognize him even though he has done such and such, should pack his bag and leave. Such a group of people will eventually be cleared away. Continue reading “A Great Tribulation Will Come in the Last Days”

Before the Time of Rest There Will Be Suffering and Death

Cheon Seon Gyeong 2222

Thus, from Genesis to the present
day, the Creator God has not been able
to designate, among the people living on
the earth, anyone as His beloved son or
daughter, or as His filial child who can
represent Heaven and Earth. He has
been unable to designate anyone as His
loyal subject or as a virtuous woman
before Him.
We, who have fallen, long for the
nation where we can become the loyal
subjects approved by Heaven, and for
the world where we can become filial
children in the presence of True Parents.
This is the original world in which God
can embrace us in His bosom as true
brides and grooms. This is the great-
est goal desired by humankind. (9-102,

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1337

t the time we were going to hold the
Blessing for the 33 Couples, I sent out
invitations in my name to the parents of
the brides and grooms as follows: “Dear
father, mother, on such and such a date,
your son/daughter will be getting mar-
ried at Cheongpa-dong church. Please
note that you can attend the ceremony
only if you are dressed in holy robes of
such and such a style; otherwise, you will
not be welcomed.” That invitation creat-
ed havoc among the parents; you can’t
imagine how much noise they made over
this, crying, “How on earth can such a
thing happen? Who dares to send par-
ents invitations to the wedding of their
own children?” Well, they can make all
the noise they want. Once I have decided
to do something, I see it through to the
end. Even if they had called the police
on me, in the end everything would have
worked out the way I wanted it to, rather
than how they wanted it. (162-321, 1987.4.17)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

Now the time must come when, having passed the absolute age of the Word, we will have to build the absolute age of substance. Therefore, after going through the Word transit age, the final historic age of the substance transit age will come. This age is the so-called “age of judgment.”

When we consider this, we see that history is ringing an alarm for us today. The steps of the prophets and sages of the past are guiding our lives and their spirits are governing the trend of our thoughts in the background. For that reason, people who drift away will definitely see the day when heavenly laws will judge them.

What then will happen after God has reclaimed the earth, having restored an earthly person and made him Heaven’s? That person must recognize the day when he can boast that God’s life is his own. He must recognize the day when he can boast of God’s ideology and love before the whole universe and humankind.

Is there anyone among you today who can boast thus? If there is, please come out. Is there anyone who has wanted to risk even his life in trying to realize the heavenly kingdom of glory? If there is, please come out. Furthermore, is there anyone who can step forth saying that he will become God’s own and build the heavenly kingdom on this earth? Continue reading “Before the Time of Rest There Will Be Suffering and Death”

Who Will Fight Against the Hypocrites?

Cheon Seon Gyeong 290

Kim Il-sung is the false father. North
Koreans call him their parent, do they
not? Why has he appeared at this time in
history? The person who is the most vil-
lainous in all the communist countries,
the greatest of all devils, will appear.
However, I am called the True Parent.
The True Parent should be able to sub-
jugate the false parent through natu-
ral surrender. He should not be struck
down by force. God’s providence of sal-
vation and God’s victory or defeat is not
determined by force. If force were to be
used, everything would be over imme-
diately. If the communists had had their
way, everything would be over. The
fallen world, which used to show off its
mighty armies that created such a his-
tory of strife in this earthly world, and
which passed down Satan’s tradition,
will have a miserable end.
God, who knows such things, is try-
ing to bring Satan to surrender natu-
rally. He tells him to do everything he
wants. After letting him do everything
he wants, Heaven will be hit first and
then it will take it all away, saying that
the one who struck the side of justice
must pay for all the damages. When
Satan arrives at the end of the world, he
will be left with nowhere to go. He will
surrender at the end of the world. God
cannot bring this to pass by Himself.
Rather, He has to prepare a person on
earth who can inherit this task. This is
why He sends the Messiah in the Last
Days. (210-231, 1990.12.23)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1019

3.1. Church leaders must practice a
public life
The person who is a leader of more
than a thousand people has been evalu-
ated and approved by the spirit world.
(18-223, 1967.6.9)
One does not start out as a central
figure with confidence. I, too, have nev-
er thought myself as being confident. I
realized that before I liked myself, I had
to like God and I had to like the one
whom God was seeking. How to possess
this kind of heart was my endeavor. If
I have that heart, there is nothing that
is impossible. You must have a mind to
make people happier and console the
sorrowful person. (70-170, 1974.2.9)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

The mind that desires to serve the thirty million Korean people before you serve yourselves, the mind that tends to think of all humankind on this earth before you think of yourselves, must seep out of you today. Going further, the mind that can cry, holding onto even one blade of grass, should be unconsciously exploding in the midst of your mind. Unless you have this Shim Jung, you cannot become God’s complete sons and daughters.

Such human beings are the fruit of God’s tears, the fruit of God’s pains. They are also the sacrificial offering on God’s bloody altar. In spite of this, human beings do not think about this and step forth asserting themselves shamelessly. The same goes on with all created things.

Who is the person to pioneer the path for these Korean people to walk? The people who beat the ground and weep bitterly, beating their chests for the sake of these people, must emerge. Who is to straighten up this fragmented religious scene? The young men and women who have burning a passion to grab hold of the religious scene should come forth prepared for a bloody battle, beating the ground and appealing to fight against the hypocrites. Continue reading “Who Will Fight Against the Hypocrites?”

Through Christ God Can Claim Ownership

Cheon Seon Gyeong 2040

During my lifetime, I must accom-
plish liberation and thereby set heaven
and earth free. In this next three-year
course, we need to push the destiny
of the Unification of North and South
Korea forward, and express our resolve.
To achieve this goal, we have to embrace
the 40 million people of this nation. We
aren’t trying to take over the leader-
ship of the political parties. We are try-
ing to become the mothers and fathers,
the brothers and sisters of the people.
We call this kind of campaign strategy,
the local breakthrough movement. To
achieve this, we need to have a heart and
mind like God’s. (197-104, 1990.1.7)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1151

Who is Satan? He is an adulterer of
God’s love…. God had to let the enemy
Satan embrace Eve.He had to listen to
Satan’s accusations ten thousand times
and yet He had to love him. That has
been God’s position. You have no idea
how difficult God’s situation is, have
you? You should know that God’s posi-
tion is even more difficult than the posi-
tion of a man who had to let his beloved
wife be embraced by his enemy and yet
had to pray for that enemy’s happiness.
Would you all be able to do that? (182-
174, 1988.10.16)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

What was the purpose of Jesus’ coming to this earth? The purpose was to restore a nation God could own, a man whom God could own and to restore all created things. What doctrine did Jesus promulgate? His principle was to sacrifice himself and serve the nation, the world and the cosmos. The person who serves and sacrifices for the sake of the cosmos becomes the central figure of the cosmos.

We can see many such people, even in the evil world today. We can understand that the people who give devoted service and sacrifice in silence will become the central figures wherever they go, in their nation, their society, anywhere.

Now we must feel we have the responsibility to restore God’s authority to own our individual selves, our families, our society, our nation, the world and the cosmos. This kind of right of ownership is not for God Himself to set up; it is for human beings to establish and resolve for Him. Because this very important duty has been left unfulfilled, the numerous sages and wise men who represented the historic providence could not but go forward, even at the price of beheading and death, to fulfill this duty. Continue reading “Through Christ God Can Claim Ownership”

Great Men Are Selfless

Cheon Seon Gyeong 227

Now the time has come when you can
develop a vision for the nation. It is an
amazing fact that you can stand in the
front line as a fighter for sake of the inde-
pendence and deliverance of the nation.
Those who do this become representa-
tives of human history and the history of
the universe. When God sees this, how
proud and content He will feel!
It is also an amazing fact that True
Parents have appeared on this earth. We
have severed that which has come from
the false parents. Based on this accom-
plishment, we want to bring everyone
through the gate to the True Parents on
the opposite side. Accordingly, we aim
to turn the path to hell back toward

Cheon Seon Gyeong 490

If a son commits a crime and is sent
to prison, the parents tearfully forgive
and reach out to him, instead of saying,
“Serves him right!” This is why paren-
tal love is extraordinary. Similarly, if a
son is sentenced to execution, his moth-
er will be totally grief-stricken and seek
any way, even changing the world’s legal
systems or risking her life, to save her
son. (91-147, 1977.2.6)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

What did Heaven wish to do by sending numerous prophets and sages and by sending Jesus? It was to exercise the right of possession against Satan by raising a person who knows God’s situation more than Satan and who cares for God more than Satan. Accomplishing this task is the purpose of the history of the Second Advent.

What was Satan’s motive for becoming Satan? What was the motive that destroyed the heavenly principles? He wanted to receive more love than Adam and Eve. If he had tried to love Adam and Eve more than God loved Adam and Eve, if he had tried to love God more than Adam and Eve loved God, he would not have fallen. Here was the condition in which he was caught. What is evil? Evil is being unable to care for others, rather than oneself. Evil is being unable to serve goodness. Fallen human beings today all are caught in this condition. Continue reading “Great Men Are Selfless”