Cheon Seong Gyeong 2136
That being the case, where would
you most like to live? I think you would
like to live in your original hometown
where you were born. Broadly speak-
ing, ‘original hometown’ can refer to the
planet Earth within the cosmos, and our
homeland is wherever God dwells as its
founding Father. Our hometown is the
earth as God originally intended it to
be – a place where parents, siblings, and
children who have not fallen would live
together. This was to be a place where
black, yellow, and white people could
live together in harmony.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1631
Unless a religious person comes for-
ward with a logic that offers a clear sci-
entific explanation of cause, process,
and result, the religious world cannot
be saved. The Divine Principle of the
Unification Church has such logic as
described above. The conclusion sug-
gested by that fits everything: that God
exists with dual characteristics, that He
is the Subject partner and the universe
is His object partner, and that therefore
He is the Subject partner of love and
humankind was created as the object
partner of His love. This fundamen-
tal relationship continued through the
power of love which bound it to the eter-
nal world, transcending history. This
action of love continued through thou-
sands of years, and whereas other forms
of power became weaker as time passed,
this power of love remained strong.
The Incarnation of Jesus, A Pioneer
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 1, 1959
The disciples did not understand the heart of Jesus. They were trying to use him to elevate themselves. Jesus understood this and had no way to alleviate his aching heart, no matter how much he cried and lamented toward heaven and earth.
Because he had a mission that forced him to go on, he suppressed his sorrow and said to his disciples, “Those who try to elevate themselves will decline, and those who try to lower themselves will rise.” (Matthew 23:12) You have to understand that he repeatedly testified to his determination, inscribed deeply in his heart, flesh and blood.
Listening to him, the disciples thought that the words Jesus spoke had nothing to do with them. Ladies and gentlemen! Please imagine how frustrated Jesus must have felt when John’s mother asked Jesus to elevate her sons to a position of glory in the last days. Although Jesus had taught his disciples and instructed them so many times, they did not understand him. Continue reading “The Disciples Did Not Abide by the Teachings of Jesus”