You are Connected to the Vast World of Heaven and Earth

Did you know that West Virginia is one of only three states that do not allow religious or conscientious exemptions for mandatory vaccines for school admittance?
Dr Chanda Adkins, expert on Vaccines and Vaccine Choice will speak at the opening session of STAR Interfaith Leadership Training via Zoom teleconference on November 24th, 2017 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  This session is free and open to all community members. Registration is required.  Register here for Dr. Chanda Adkins only.  Click Here to Register Now for Dr. Adkins presentation, only.

Join us for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
Informed choice between a lifestyle of sexual abstinence before marriage and one of non-abstinence is a crucial issue for societal stability and personal happiness.
This conference provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage. 

CSG 1150

If you have only one son or one
daughter and this only son dies, how
great will your pain as a parent be?
There is a saying that if the only son
of an only son for seven generations
dies, the entire neighborhood and sur-
rounding villages will mourn for him.
It is impossible to fathom the sorrow of
parents who have lost a seventh genera-
tion only child, therefore all the fam-
ilies in the area, all parents, children,
brothers and sisters will sympathize
with them. When we consider this, we
should reflect on the fact that Adam
and Eve were the only son and daugh-
ter for how many generations? For bil-
lions of generations!

CSG 1583-1584

In the name of the True Parents,
the era has now arrived in which we can
publicly carry out activities after we have
brought all those in both worlds together
and established a foundation on earth.
Then together with all created beingsw can march forward in full force for
the victory of the eternal sovereignty of
Your love and the establishment of Your
kingdom on earth and in heaven, which
is founded on true love and the realm
of heart of Your true lineage and that of
the True Parents. All this I declare in the
name of the True Parents! Amen! Amen!
Amen! (296-9, 1998.10.5)

The True Shepherd and His Flock; the False Shepherd and His Flock

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
April 6, 1958

I will speak to you briefly today on the topic, “The True Shepherd and His Flock; the False Shepherd and His Flock.”

When you, who are sitting here today, look at so many people wondering how to lead their lives, you must feel that it is difficult to help them unite their minds and bodies and guide them in the one direction. Even when you look at yourselves, you are probably aware of the fact that unyielding determination and effort must be made to unite your bodies with the direction your minds are pursuing.

You must clearly realize that it is a historically great, and extremely important, task to push our bodies to rely on and follow our minds, and vice versa. No one is deliberately trying to carry out actions that run counter to our minds in pursuit of our desires. In the course of history, achieving unity between the mind and body in action has been the ardent hope of humanity and what Heaven and earth have been pressing for. Although this is fortunate for humankind, the fact that the situation has become like this is something over which we must grieve. Even if someone commands authority and glory in society, if he cannot unite his body with his mind, he must realize he is an unfortunate person. Continue reading “You are Connected to the Vast World of Heaven and Earth”

Be Ready to be Expelled

Watch my eye-opening video:

Was President Kennedy Really Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald?:

STAR Interfaith Leadership Training provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.  Our opening session will be about Vaccine Choice: (
Join us Nov 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.
Find our more and Register:
View the promo video:

CSG 1654

Why should we practice true love?
It is because the universe originated
from the principle of true love. There-
fore, through this love you can form
a relationship with everything in the
universe. This is only logical. So in this
kind of relationship, if one is positioned
above, the other would be below, if one
is on the right, the other would be on the
left. This is how everything in the miner-
al, plant and animal worlds is arranged.
God created a world in which everyone
would desire to give as the origin had
done, and therefore it can be understood
that the universe is a place where every-
thing exists in order to give to others.
In this sense, everything is trying to be
absorbed into a being which stands at a
higher level than itself. From this view-
point, where would the source of conti-
nuity of the universe be? All existence in
the universe carries out actions, which
are guided by the desire to give, based on
love from a higher level. (128-291, 1983.9.11)

CSG 1950

How did Great Britain gain control
over the oceanic rights of the world?
Britain, an oceanic nation, was the Eve
nation. Since it was a female nation and
an island nation, it opened up and con-
trolled the oceans of the world. That is
how it made America its colony. Ameri-
ca is like a son to Britain, so Eve should
be the one to give birth to an ideal hus-
band. Otherwise, an ideal husband can-
not be born. (119-241, 1982.9.13)

What Is God Going to Do with Exiled Humanity?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 30, 1958

You must not expect that you will forever possess the materials or honor you possess now. You have to understand that philosophy, politics, economics and all these things will cause great change. If what Jesus talked about 2,000 years ago is not the consensus, then nothing today can be maintained as part of the new age.

Therefore, if you cannot represent the universal ideology and the entire providential will of God as a citizen of Heaven, you will not be able to stand as the bride of Jesus who is to come. Accordingly, today you must not stand in the position of satisfying your own individual desires and live only for the sake of this people. You must become someone who can shed tears for the sake of the people, the nation, the world, and beyond that, the cosmos. God has been conducting the providence until today to raise this kind of person. Continue reading “Be Ready to be Expelled”

Heaven’s Side is Magnanimous

Watch my eye-opening video:  

Was President Kennedy Really Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald?:

We extended early bird registration to today, Nov 1 for STAR Interfaith Leadership Training which provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by October 31st:  View the promo video:

CSG 614

Although our subject partner is
established, we cannot feel it. We cannot
conclusively distinguish such a spiritu-
al thing as clearly as we perceive things
with our five physical senses. When we
consider from where we should begin
approaching this problem, we under-
stand that we cannot start by looking
into the subject partner. We could not
possibly start by looking into God Him-
self. We should, to that end, begin look-
ing into ourselves first. Each individual
has a mind and body. Although we have
both mind and body we cannot, howev-
er, begin to seek within ourselves for this
position centering on our body. Only by
centering on the mind should the exam-
ination be carried out.

CSG 1250

Adam and Eve should have fully
matured and become the object partners
of God as the bride and groom. Then
they should have received the Blessing of
God and become a family through His
love. This would have created the realm
of perfected love that was achievable in
the Garden of Eden without the Fall. If
Adam and Eve had fulfilled individual
maturity, they would have risen to the
position where they could receive the
Blessing. (76-45, 1975.1.26)

What Is God Going to Do with Exiled Humanity?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 30, 1958

If there is a place where such a will is manifested today and can represent the heavenly principles, you will hope for that place with the utmost sincerity. Furthermore, if the will, centered on the way of the heavenly principles, is to be manifested, then you must be determined to offer your lives for the sake of that will. Accordingly, now you must become the same as Jesus, who forgot all kinds of love in this world and led his life intoxicated with the love of Heaven. He stood as the embodiment of the love of Heaven and the bridegroom of all humanity.

You wish that such a will would be manifested to the Korean people. However, if this will manifests itself before this people, you will be driven out on the individual level, and later on the world level. However, I believe that the period of suffering will not be long.

Therefore, now you must understand that the reason you are in the position of being chased out is not to bring you to ruin, but to let you inherit the blessing. Furthermore, you are put in this kind of sorrowful position so that you can inherit the blessing on the world level connected to the family, the society, the church, the nation, and the blessing of the heavenly principles kept inside the cosmos. Accordingly, if you have the desire to step above the laws of the heavenly principles and stand before the will of God in the last days, you must have the determination to overcome life and death.

Why did Jesus wish blessings upon his enemies? If the heavenly side wishes for the blessing of the enemy Satan, then Satan must hand something over to the heavenly side. Although Satan betrayed the heavenly way and tried to replace God by asserting his own authority, though he should have attended God, because Satan is fundamentally demolished when people display the magnanimous heart that even loves their enemies, Jesus wished blessings upon his enemies. In other words, though Jesus was betrayed on the individual level, the societal level, the national level and the world level, he did not condemn them. On the contrary, he had a loving heart toward them. This is the reason Jesus cried out that we should love our enemies.

Why did he speak those words? He spoke those words because he wants to take back, even the enemies who are inside the realm of Satan. Because Jesus could raise his hand on behalf of Heaven and wish blessings upon his enemies, even as they struck him, even they could become the place of rest where Heaven could dwell.

Because this is what the spirit of Jesus was like, Christians who believe in Jesus today have to be able to endure indignation on a one- on-one basis. One cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven alone. If one cannot endure the cross and persecution of the family, then one will go to a Kingdom of Heaven smaller than a family. Accordingly, you have to clearly understand that only when you can overcome the persecution of a society, a nation and the world can you enter a higher realm of the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, Jesus died on the cross to introduce this to the humanity of the time and to the faithful people of future generations.

Which state is your mind stuck in today? Today, because we are the founders of a new universe, it is not enough to only deal with the old. We must have something new. We must become one in heart with this kind of conviction. In our life, we have to have the conviction that what we speak is not for ourselves; what we eat and drink is not for ourselves. It is for the sake of the 2.4 billion people of humanity.

If there are many people who have this kind of will, they can turn this world upside down. Because God has transcended the world and is conducting the providence with this kind of universal ideology of unification, if there is a people who have this kind of ideology, then God will raise them as the foremost people of the world.


Loving People in Place of God

Just two days left to take advantage of early bird registration for STAR Interfaith Leadership Training which provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by October 31st:  View the promo video:

CSG 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex
is Satan’s domain of love filled with
ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the
downfall of humankind and expand
hell on earth. From the viewpoint of
the God of absolute love, the grand-
mother and grandfather are one; they
cannot be separated. They must abso-
lutely become one centering on God,
and centering on love. What is love? It
is fitting convex and concave together
absolutely; mother and father, husband
and wife, son and daughter – all must
unite in this way absolutely. This is what
God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Richard:  You gotta believe in something!  If you/your children are not teaching/encouraging good sex, then the word’s teaching of bad sex will fill the vacuum.  Why not attend the upcoming STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference to equip yourself and your children with a value system centered on absolutely good sex, the teaching of Rev. Sun Myung Moon?

CSG 2167

You people have to become those
who can deny themselves and live for
the nation and that purpose. No mat-
ter what kind of difficult situation you
find yourselves in, you have to be people
who can fight and overcome it thinking
of the hope that your father has in you.
You have to become that kind of person
before you can be called God’s true son
or daughter.

What Is God Going to Do with Exiled Humanity?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 30, 1958

We who are living on the earth now must rectify justice through the human principles and clarify the heavenly way through faith and religion. You stand in the position where you must establish the heavenly principles that can fulfill the eternal hope. You must realize that not only do you need to be connected to propriety and the way of the human principles; you also need the one hero to whom you can entrust your life and in whom you can rest your heart in peace the hero who can represent the heavenly principles. Continue reading “Loving People in Place of God”

Love Jesus More than Anyone Else

Just five days left to take advantage of early bird registration for STAR Interfaith Leadership Training which provides a practical and scriptural framework for understanding the benefits of practicing sexual abstinence before marriage and faithfulness within marriage.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering by October 31st:  View the promo video:

CSG 663

If the person responsible for a nation
were captured by the enemy and then
given preferential treatment, his peo-
ple would scatter. If instead, he suffered
a miserable death his people would be
inspired to remain together. We can,
therefore, create unity with the spirit
world by going through difficulties. The
more we suffer, the more the spirit world
will relate to us and stand together with
If we just carry on in a casual way,
the spirit world will do the same. In this
sense, God unfolds His strategy through
Satan and He lets us suffer unrelentingly.
Sometimes He lets us get killed. Death
itself is pitiful, but the reaction creates
unity. (49-108, 1971.10.9)

CSG 834

In the original world, all elements
are connected, as the parts of a plant are
connected to the root. The sap, leaves,
and flowers growing from the same
roots will all be of the same strain. If
you can harmonize with the essential
elements coming from your roots, then,
when there is unity, there is nothing
extra you need to learn.

What Is God Going to Do with Exiled Humanity?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 30, 1958

To allow people to avoid the time when they must cut off their relationship with everything, God has given the news of blessing. This is none other than the words of the New Testament, the Gospels that Jesus proclaimed. However, contained in those words was the amazing statement, “Love me more than anyone else.” Those words were intolerable at the time, but Jesus said them because he understood that people who walk the path of the heavenly principles must abandon all at once. Continue reading “Love Jesus More than Anyone Else”