There Have Been No Parents in This Universe

WV Election 2024West Virginia Primary Candidate Interviews on the Richard Urban Show
Interviews with Mac Warner, Zachary Shrewsbury, Barbara Fuller and Michael Mood have just been added.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

Men tire of women and women tire of men, so they go around daily, hungry for love and always lonely; they will all become homosexuals and lesbians and end up in the trash can. They smoke opium and all fall into the straits of self-destruction. Who will take responsibility for this? Will the State Department or the Pentagon be responsible? Will the nation’s president take responsibility? All of us should take responsibility. (207- 111, 1990.11.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1661

Ideally, Adam and Eve as a loving couple giving birth to a child would be the same as standing in God’s position as the Parent, wherein His invisible Self, that is His internal nature and external form, united and lovingly created His children. The first Creator, the invisible God, created Adam and Eve as the visible second creators, and by their giving birth to children from the position of substantial second gods, they are elevated to the position of parents. Through these young children’s growth, God’s past history is displayed substantially, which also includes Adam and Eve’s infancy, siblinghood, matrimony and parenthood. Thus, parents desire to love and be close to their children because they are their second selves. (258- 240, 1994.3.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 6. Things We Should Cherish as Our Own Life

6.6. We must inherit the tradition

    Until now, there have been no parents in this universe. Those who acted like parents were evil parents, using and ruining their children. What got broken through this? Brothers and sisters, brides and bridegrooms, and fathers and mothers, who are meant to become perfect, have split apart. They have not had children of goodness, meaning they ultimately lost the family. The family is a representative of universal history; it represents the world, the heavenly kingdom, the nation, and all families. God is trying to find its center. History also has been looking for it. Continue reading “There Have Been No Parents in This Universe”

We Need to Pay Close Attention to True Parents

WV Election 2024West Virginia Primary Candidate Interviews on the Richard Urban Show   New interviews are now posted.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1442

When registering, the order in which you register determines who the ancestors are going to be. Yes, it is determined by who is the first to become a tribal messiah and be registered. Jesus tried to register his 120 followers, but could not accomplish this; in the era of the Second Coming, you need to register based on 160 or 180 couples. It came to be 160 couples because everyone wanted 160, not 180. The number 6 is the number of Satan, and so you need to perfect it in the satanic world. The number 4 is the ideal number. Therefore, four times the number 4 symbolizes the whole. (253-83, 1994.1.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 941

Do you understand what I am saying, you good-for-nothings!? By saying insulting things in this way, I am establishing the condition for your forgiveness. Some may say, “Rev. Moon, how can you swear like that? This is my first time to see you and I cannot believe anything you say if you insult me in this way.” But I swear at you so that I can forgive you when the time comes. In this way, when they pass into the other world they will say, “Since you swore at me, I didn’t believe in the Unification Church.” Then that is understandable. I say insulting things to people to establish a state of forgiveness for them in the spirit world. But when I curse them it does not cause them pain in their heart. They just go back home. They may say, “Oh my, how dreadful!” but they will have forgotten about it by the time they get home. That is how the mind works. Do you understand or not? Those who say “I understand.” raise your hand. Now you‘ve got it. (283-211, 1997.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 6. Things We Should Cherish as Our Own Life

6.3. We should love True Parents

How much love do True Parents receive? Have you ever thought about that? If there is someone who condemns the declaration that God is dead, he would love True Parents more than God does. Continue reading “We Need to Pay Close Attention to True Parents”

You Should Love God More than You Love Your Wife or Parents

WV Election 2024West Virginia Primary Candidate Interviews on the Richard Urban Show   New interviews are now posted.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1645

    Everything you see in the world exists in a pair system. We are at the head of them all. When God looks upon everything, He says, “Ah, you take after me too. When you are alone, you are lonely aren’t you?” Accordingly, this universe is a natural museum replete with everything on display according to the ideal pairing system, irrespective of rank. It is a natural museum and yet, at the same time, a museum of love. How do you think about that? Passing along the way, didn’t you see the pine trees and innumerable poplars by the roadside as usual, without actually being really aware of them? When you look at them, you should be able to say, “You are like me because you also live in a love relationship of give and take between subject and object partners! Comparing myself to you, I feel ashamed because I am all alone and living a fallen life.”
    If such a world existed, even people who have fallen behind would have value. If humankind came to see the world more profoundly and respect it, how beautiful it would become! How lovely the world would appear to our eyes! Since God has a loving mind, He cannot but create the world as such, and therefore everything exists according to the pair system. (209-189, 1990.11.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 700

Since Heung-jin left behind the condition of having loved the whole world on behalf of the True Parents by offering his life, you are also linked to that destiny of loving the world with your life. Heungjin went instead of the True Parents. For that reason, loving Heung-jin becomes a condition for loving the True Parents. Your love for Heung-jin is linked to your love for the True Parents.

Richard: Heung Jin is the second son of Rev. and Mrs. Moon. He died in a car accident at age 17 in 1984, having turned the car to save his friend in the passenger seat.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 6. Things We Should Cherish as Our Own Life

6.2. We must become one

    To what extent do you know True Parents’ heart? And how united are you with True Parents in matters of lineage, character, God’s Word and daily life? Continue reading “You Should Love God More than You Love Your Wife or Parents”

We Should Not Insist on Having Our Own Way

WV Election 2024West Virginia Primary Candidate Interviews on the Richard Urban Show

Cheon Seong Gyeong 496

Is there a limit to parents’ love for their children? Parents love their children not only during the childhood years, but throughout the child’s entire life, and even into eternity. If a relationship is established between a parent and a child through which they can feel increasing worth and value, then infinite force, infinite stimulation and something infinitely new will arise within that relationship. (32-12, 1970.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1279

The mass holy wedding is held to find and establish the new family of God. In other words, the ceremony is held so that you can learn to love God more than anyone else in the world. (Blessed Family – 563)

Richard: Receive the Blessing of Marriage by joining The next Blessing Preparation Course begins May 7th.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 6. Things We Should Cherish as Our Own Life

6.1. Insisting on your own way is not acceptable

    What you have is surely gold dust, but it is gold dust in the sand, contained in ore or in the earth; hence, it needs to be placed in a furnace and melted down. It must be smelted. This is the standard procedure. As the granules of gold melt and become liquid, would they say, “This is good!” or make a big fuss, saying, “Oh no, I am dying, I am dying?” Although they may say they will die, granules of gold do not actually die. If you want to be pure, you have to deny up to 98 percent of yourself. That which is truly you is only 2 percent. Continue reading “We Should Not Insist on Having Our Own Way”

People Are Like Children Living Without Their Parents

Election 2024-West Virginia Primary Candidate Interviews on the Richard Urban Show

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1666

    Where would God, the King of wisdom and the Center of everything, place the origin of true love, ideal, happiness or peace between subject and object partners? In this question lies a serious issue. On the one hand there is the subject partner and its path to live for the sake of the object partner, and on the other hand vice versa; between the two paths, where should the requirements of the ideal be placed? This question inevitably poses a big challenge for God, the Creator.
    God had to consider, with regard to the true ideal, love and peace, whether He should set the subject partner as the center and place the ideal origin in the object partner’s living for the sake of the subject partner, or set the object partner as the center and place the ideal origin in the subject partner’s living for the sake of the object partner. After considering, He decided that if He were to place the ideal origin as in the case of the former, not only Himself but all people in the world would need the object partner to live for themselves. In other words, all would become subject partners and not object partners. If this were to be the case, the path to unity would be blocked. You need to know this. (75-318, 1975.1.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1109

When the perfect love of God is manifested, Satan cannot appear. That is the fulfillment of the portion of responsibility. While fulfilling their portion of responsibility, the love of God and Adam and Eve meet in the realms of both indirect and direct dominion. There the vertical love of God and the horizontal love of Adam and Eve are connected. (173-286, 1988.2.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 5. What We Need to Do

5.2. Our mission

    In the future, we must prepare a foundation to attend True Parents and assemble the brothers and sisters of the world before them. We are the ancestors with this responsibility. Therefore let us remove the path of the cross and persecution that may befall our descendants. This is our original mission. (20-135, 1968.5.1) Continue reading “People Are Like Children Living Without Their Parents”