Put Up True Parents’ Picture First

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1827

Since the sea has a vast amount of resources, we should prepare for the future by building ships around the world, in France and Germany, and in dozens of other nations when the order is given. Then we should build excursion ships for diving underwater, which will be needed to develop a leading position and secure economic strength in a global age. Only by making preparations in several dozens of nations can we ensure a leading position in this field throughout the world. Can you imagine that! Do you think that is possible? (95-225, 1977.12.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1264

Who are true parents? If Adam and Eve had not fallen, God would have bestowed His vertical love on them, and Adam and Eve would have become the body of God. They would have represented the body of God. God would have been like the bones, and Adam and Eve like the flesh. God can have a mind and body through Adam and Eve. He would have become the internal parent in the internal position, and Adam and Eve would have become the external parents in the external position. The internal and external parents must become one through love; at that place, we come to have external parents and attend the internal parents in heart. With the union of love between God and Adam and Eve, then true parents – the perfected man and woman – would emerge. There can be no perfected human beings if there is no union through love. (184-71, 1988.11.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 4. Keeping True Parents’ Photograph

4.2. The power of the picture of True Parents

    On this earth, in order to take back all the authority Satan has had, you just have to raise the flag, hang up a picture of True Parents and register. This will change your affiliation. Thus, what I am especially emphasizing in our movement is to display True Parents’ pictures and raise the flag. It has already been three years. I started this campaign because I knew that such a time would come. This is why I am asking you to have people fill out membership application forms. When you receive the membership forms, greet those who sign them, saying, “Please do well.” Satan will not receive salvation unless he submits to Adam. The next step is to attend the Parents. Continue reading “Put Up True Parents’ Picture First”

We Have to Do Three Kinds of Campaigns from Now On

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The next online Blessing Preparation Course begins today, June 11th.
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Strengthen your marriage by taking the Blessing Preparation Course.
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1669

So far the Greenwich Observatory has discovered stars that are ten billion light years away from our world, and the era has now dawned in which stars even fifteen billion light years away can be observed, and we will soon be able to discover others even further away.
    The size of this vast universe is approximately 21 billion light years. This is a Principle number. That is how big it is. For your better understanding, we will say that the distance traveled in a day by light starting out from here is a light-day, in a month a light-month, and light travels 300 million meters in a second. To cover this distance, you would have to go around the planet seven and a half times. Seven and a half! With a snap of the fingers light would have already gone round the earth seven and a half times.
    Light traveling at such speed will have backaches, will not be able to think at the end of the day, and will say, “I don’t care.” Consider then that it is traveling not just for one hundred light years, but tens of thousands of times that distance, 100 million light years. 100 million years would have passed by since it first set out, and during that time, one million people living consecutively to the age of one hundred would have died. Still light would not have ceased traveling. Then how long is 21 billion light years? During that time, 210 million people living to one hundred would have died, and yet light would still be traveling. It does not go in a straight line; instead, it goes round and round. Such is the universe. (181-195, 1988.10.3) Greenwich Observatory has discovered stars that are ten billion light years away from our world, and the era has now dawned in which stars even fifteen billion light years away can be observed, and we will soon be able to discover others even further away. The size of this vast universe is approximately 21 billion light years. This is a Principle number. That is how big it is. For your better understanding, we will say that the distance traveled in a day by light starting out from here is a light-day, in a month a light-month, and light travels 300 million meters in a second. To cover this distance, you would have to go around the planet seven and a half times. Seven and a half! With a snap of the fingers light would have already gone round the earth seven and a half times. Light traveling at such speed will have backaches, will not be able to think at the end of the day, and will say, “I don’t care.” Consider then that it is traveling not just for one hundred light years, but tens of thousands of times that distance, 100 million light years. 100 million years would have passed by since it first set out, and during that time, one million people living consecutively to the age of one hundred would have died. Still light would not have ceased traveling.
    Then how long is 21 billion light years? During that time, 210 million people living to one hundred would have died, and yet light would still be traveling. It does not go in a straight line; instead, it goes round and round. Such is the universe. (181-195, 1988.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1361

We entered the era of international marriage with the 777 Couples Blessing. Everyone will be brought together. From there we can pass through formation, growth, and completion stages; this time I might even intermarry all of you. What era did I say we are living in now? We are now in the era of international and interracial marriage. (100-34, 1978.10.4)
Richard:  Join UnionStation.love to find your eternal match.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 4. Keeping True Parents’ Photograph

4.2. The power of the picture of True Parents

    Until now has been the time when Abel had to sacrifice for Cain for the sake of the restoration of the right of the eldest son. Because of this, the spirit world has been using the earthly world. But on the thirty-first Children’s Day, the positions of the spirit world and the physical world are being completely reversed. Now that the right of the eldest son has been restored, Adam becomes the center and the eldest son. So the archangel has to listen to Adam and attend him. Continue reading “We Have to Do Three Kinds of Campaigns from Now On”

You Must Hold Revivals in Your Hometown

Are you ready to be the best husband or best wife that you can be for your future spouse?
Then, take the UnionStation.love challenge.
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The next online Blessing Preparation Course begins June 11th.
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Strengthen your marriage by taking the Blessing Preparation Course.
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1623

    God’s joy before the Creation, and the great stimulation of love He felt when harmonizing with His partners in love thereafter. Even if He were to dance and dance for a thousand or tens of thousands of years, that joy would not come to an end. But could God dance alone? Would He want to sing alone? We were born because of love and we live to become the objects of the Lord of love who will unite the universe and have dominion over it. Then we too would be able to be lords of love. Seen in light of God’s intense hopes at the time of Creation, God’s beloved object partners are superior to Him, are to stand in a position above Him.
    Consequently, when we call out, “Heavenly Father” He comes to us, and when we tell Him, “Come on,” He follows in our wake and never complains. Even when He is made to follow us for thousands of miles, He will gladly continue to walk behind us. Words cannot express the joy felt by parents following their children. When heaven and earth harmonize with and welcome their children even more than themselves, the parents will be so pleased that even their cells will burst forth in peals of laughter. (215-109, 1991.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

   Men and women are horizontal. They are level. The union of man and woman is to be engrafted, based on vertical, lifelong and eternal love. As men representing east and women representing west have lost the central line, they will seek to graft into this, so they must absolutely get married. Aren’t there many in America who oppose marriage? There are many who, like homosexuals or lesbians, dislike having children. Those without children have lost out when they pass on to the spirit world. This is the formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 4. Keeping True Parents’ Photograph

4.1. The reason for keeping True Parents’ photograph

    Now, you should go back to your hometowns and restore your families and relatives. You must hold revivals in your hometown. As you hold revivals, you should also all work on the district level. If you want to be a tribal messiah, you should display my photo. Pictures of me should not be just given away for nothing. Frame a few hundred photos and distribute them, saying they are good pictures. Get people’s permission to go into their homes and find the best places in the best rooms to hang them up. Continue reading “You Must Hold Revivals in Your Hometown”

I Have Proclaimed that I Am the True Parent

Are you ready to be the best husband or best wife that you can be for your future spouse?
Then, take the UnionStation.love challenge.
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The next online Blessing Preparation Course begins June 11th.
Join UnionStation.love here (Blessing Preparation Course is included).
Strengthen your marriage by taking the Blessing Preparation Course.
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2190

Filial children are those who would love and embrace their parent as their own baby even if he or she became incontinent or worse. Such children will go to heaven. (116-86, 1981.12.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeon 425

    If God is absolute, then the question arises: “Why did such an absolute being create human beings?” It was not for money, knowledge or power. He created human beings because that was the only way God could love. In this scenario, the relationship between God, the Father, and human beings, as the sons and daughters, forms an axis line. If this axis had been connected, it would have been impossible to separate human beings and God in their relationship of love. Do you think that a man or woman who has tasted God’s original love would ever want to be separated from it? Continue reading “I Have Proclaimed that I Am the True Parent”

No One Can Say “Rev. Moon Is Not the True Parent”

Are you ready to be the best husband or best wife that you can be for your future spouse?
Then, take the UnionStation.love challenge.
Can you successfully complete the 40 day online Blessing Preparation Course?
The next online Blessing Preparation Course begins June 11th.
Join UnionStation.love here (Blessing Preparation Course is included).
Strengthen your marriage by taking the Blessing Preparation Course.
Join UnionStation.love here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 458

You are born from your father and mother. What is more fundamental is the fact that you are born from God by having borrowed your mother’s womb. You find true parents through the universal parents and through your physical parents. Your physical parents are temporary, so the moment of your death is a time of jubilation when you go to meet the True Parents. The true love of the true parents is there. This is the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, where the atmosphere is composed of love and filled with parental love. That love is not for me; it is a love that is in keeping with the unilateral law under the principle of service and sacrifice. In accord with this principle, you must love the universe and humankind. Your life on earth is the training ground for the development of such love. (105-108, 1979.9.30)

Richard: “you are born from God by having borrowed your mother’s womb” Wow!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1073

    Everything that parents do should encourage their children to follow the correct way of the Unification Church. This is how it should be. Parents must also follow this path. They should first go through that course and only then can they teach and educate their children. If parents try to educate their children in something they have not done, this will go against the heavenly way.
    I teach you about what I have first practiced and established as a victorious foundation. If you cannot believe it, pray to God to see if I am telling the truth or not. (23-322, 1969.6.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 3.  The Proclamation of True Parents and Kingship

3.3. The restoration of kingship

     Why do we need the right of parents? We need it in order to restore the right of kingship. To restore the right of kingship, we should not be stuck on any one of the four directions of east, west, south, and north.

Continue reading “No One Can Say “Rev. Moon Is Not the True Parent””