Now We Will Mount Our Counterattack

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1511

    The vertical Father requires a horizontal father that can unite with Him. Why? He is needed to create a sphere. A being cannot just form a sphere on its own. A sphere comes into existence only when front and back and left and right are connected relative to the vertical and horizontal. Only when a sphere is formed can you harmonize with others and not live a self-centered life.
    The universe revolves on its axis; it is in an objective position to, and revolves centering on the great axis of the universe, God. That is why it is standing on the same level. Therefore, there is only one creative true love of God in the universe. There is only one axis. There cannot be two. (182-143, 1988.10.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271

Who is supposed to carry out the conversion of the lineage? It cannot be performed by just anyone. You must know that in order to become the one who can perform it, I walked the tearful path of the cross. Because I set such a standard, you are able to become a part of the tradition of the Blessing without having to do anything for it. It took thousands of years of hard work on God’s part and my substantial life course, which was filled with hardships and suffering, to establish the victorious realm of the conversion of lineage. You are now standing on the foundation thus laid down. To receive the Blessing is to completely cut off the evil lineage and to engraft a new lineage. By engrafting, the lineage is completely changed. (35-178, 1970.10.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.7. What we need to do after the proclamation of True Parents

2.7.2. Accumulate results

    NBC, CBS and ABC have reputations as the best broadcasting companies in America. They are recognized around the world but they have done all kinds of wicked things to destroy me. Continue reading “Now We Will Mount Our Counterattack”

You Must Ignore Your Own Fundamental Existence

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1200

At the time of Jesus’ crucifixion, the thief to the right of Jesus and the thief to his left fought, but in front of me, they became united. This division had to be restored through indemnity. This became a historical indemnity condition. Then, where would these people go? When the Lord says, “You should both go to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth,” and they reply, “Yes!” then it’s finished. Well, has that happened, or not? Jesus passed away while the thieves on his right and left were fighting, and accusing each other. However, from the Principle viewpoint, both of them ought to have made peace and welcomed Jesus, so that they could be resurrected and make a fresh start on a new level. Is this in accordance with the Principle or not? (135-68, 1985.8.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 562

    We need indemnity for restoration. Restoration is also re-creation. You should leave behind a life of value. Some people say to themselves that when they get old they will believe in Jesus, die and then go to heaven, but when we get old it is difficult to rectify anything. Therefore, the younger the better: it is more valuable for you to know the truth at the age of fifteen rather than twenty, and even more so to grow up knowing the truth from infancy.
    Is the water inside your bodies pure or dirty? It would contain sand and pebbles. After heavy seasonal rainfall, rivers and streams become dirty with all manner of refuse floating in them. Likewise, you are full of all kinds of impurities. Thus, you need to go through the stirring and straining processes of a filtration system. Do not be egoistical otherwise there will be blockage. If excessive dirt accumulates, the filter gets clogged up, and the water flow is stopped.
    Have you ever thought that you would be inspected by a system like an X-ray machine when you go to the spirit world? God also needs people who have passed through the filter. (97-60, 1978.2.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.7. What we need to do after the proclamation of True Parents

2.7.1. Be grateful for the proclamation

    What will happen through the proclamation of True Parents? All the good spirits in the spirit world that have served God and all the evil spirits centered on Satan will be sharply divided. When you are centered on True Parents, you stand in the position of perfected Adam and Eve. Perfected Adam should always be protected, nurtured and helped by the archangel. When you stand in the realm of perfected Adam, the archangel must not only help you, but must also serve you as the real master in keeping with the ideal of love. This is the stage where you can give the orders. You will rise to such a position. This is why this is the end of the world. Continue reading “You Must Ignore Your Own Fundamental Existence”

The Realm of Religion Will Break Down

Cheon Seong Gyeong 597

    Therefore, love your spiritual sons and daughters more than your own children, and do more for your spiritual parents than for your natural parents. The parents who gave birth to you are parents from the satanic world, but your spiritual parents are parents from the heavenly world. Therefore, serve them more than you would your own mother. Furthermore, spiritual sons and daughters have the responsibility to nurture the children of the people who saved them and to help them get married. Such is God’s will. They are to raise all those children.
    Thus, unless people become linked to eternal life, everything is in vain. It is not over after they have heard God’s Word. Keep encouraging them in order to bring them to the Blessing. They must receive it. If they do and start witnessing, a connection will be made naturally. If they can overcome persecution in the difficult circumstances of the satanic world, they are already on the path of life. When they receive the Blessing, your job is done.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271

There is no other way of becoming one with Jesus except through love. You cannot become one with him through truth or justice. Love is necessary before there can be life. Love goes beyond history, and is not limited by distance or space. (35-164, 1970.10.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.6. How we should conduct ourselves after the proclamation of True Parents

    Until now, because of the Fall, it has been difficult for the hearts of people on earth to be vertically connected to the heart of God. The appearance of True Parents will connect them. Your relatives who do not oppose True Parents at that point are not the Cain sphere. They have entered the Abel sphere on God’s side. Continue reading “The Realm of Religion Will Break Down”

You Should Become Bold

    We remember and thank those who sacrificed their lives to preserve freedom on this Memorial Day. And we thank their families.
    Stacey and I are always touched by the National Memorial Day Concert.  I recommend seeing this year’s concert, which was broadcast last night from the National Mall. Watch the concert here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1666

You may look at nature and say, “Oh, I don’t need the four seasons. I only like spring; I hate summer, autumn and winter.” However, if you were to ask God, He would answer, “I love all the four seasons.” Hence, you need to learn to like summer, autumn and winter, even though you may have disliked them in the past. When the winter snow comes, God looks upon the world covered in white and derives pleasure from it. So you should also be saying, “Oh, I like it too!” That is the way it should be. (133-28, 1984.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 455

Everyone should get married and have and raise their children so they can know both children’s love and parental love. It seems that western people are not like this. They avoid having and raising sons and daughters. They hesitate to have children because the children may limit their freedom to marry and divorce. But when people fail to establish the fourposition foundation, they cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven because they do not know God’s heart of loving people. (Blessed Family – 934)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.6. How we should conduct ourselves after the proclamation of True Parents

    Our purpose is to liberate and save God, humankind and everything under the satanic dominion. This is our goal. This is True Parents’ purpose. We are declaring the heart of such parents as we march on. Satan cannot survive in such a place. This is the Principle view. It is the same with all things. They will shout Mansei! as they see you being saved. You have to be able to hear this kind of sound. Continue reading “You Should Become Bold”

The Purpose of the Bible is Solely to Find True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1417

Unification Church Blessed Couples stand in a historic position. How many times has God initiated this work in history? This is His second attempt. At the first attempt, perfection was not achieved due to the Fall. To restore this, God invested His omnipresent love to build a foundation of faithful families that everyone could harmonize with, centering on the establishment of the chosen nation that, all told, had four thousand years of Judaic culture as its foundation. In simple terms, God wanted to create an ideal couple by sending the Messiah and having him receive a queen who could become the object partner of his love. (113-181, 1981.5.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1375

We are now living in the era when we can bless everyone at once. Therefore, anyone can be blessed after one week of education, corresponding to the number seven. I announced this at the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing. That does not mean everything is completed within one week. That is like the connection formed in the six hours of incoming tide. Once the water starts to ebb away, it will take six hours of expending all your effort just to stay where you are. Thus, you need to be trained in the traditional teachings of the Unification Church and engrafted, but as long as you have survived and are still with us, there is no need for anything else. This is all logical. It is not a sham. (258-210, 1994.3.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.6. How we should conduct ourselves after the proclamation of True Parents

    I told Gorbachev to get rid of the statues of Lenin and Marx. In the history of the Communist party, nobody except Rev. Moon ever said such a thing. The Communist party leaders were all in commotion, saying, “Is he really speaking about Godism in front of us? How can he talk so arrogantly?” Continue reading “The Purpose of the Bible is Solely to Find True Parents”