Vertical and Horizontal True Love Must Meet at Ninety Degrees

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1843

North America has three of the great fishing grounds in the world. These are the waters off Alaska, the waters of the Atlantic from Nobaska Point up to Canada, and the Gulf of Mexico. You do not know how abundant the marine resources in these locations are. If you really knew, you would be astonished. A vein of gold would dry up after several decades of digging, but ocean resources are eternal. They have no owner. That is why I have made a twenty-year plan and have now been investing in the marine industry for fifteen years. The people in the marine industry in America are holding demonstrations, shouting out, “Rev. Moon is a heretic!” and “Out with Rev. Moon!” They are making all kinds of noise, but it does not matter because the key point is competence. (191-73, 1989.6.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1067

The man should take responsibility for all the disputes that arise in a family. He should maintain the central position of authority in the family. (21- 87, 1968.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 5

The Kingdom of Heaven and True Parents

Section 4. The Kingdom of Heaven and True Love

    The coming of True Parents marks the beginning of a new love, a new culture, and the birth of an ideal history. Through True Parents there begins new life, a new family, a new nation and a new world. They also represent the beginning of the heavenly nation and of God’s love. The term True Parents represents far more than just the words themselves. You should know that many individuals, families, and nations have suffered and died in order to make a relationship with the coming age. The blood of hundreds of millions of sacrifices is crying out to you at this time.
    The Bible says that Cain accused God when he killed Abel and shed his blood. This is the only place where such a history can be set right through the liberation of resentment. The people who have gathered to inherit this mission and undergo the amazing task of restitution are the Unification Church members. If you truly come to know this, you cannot complain about your life or situation even in your dreams, even though you may die a thousand times. (67-226, 1973.6.27) Continue reading “Vertical and Horizontal True Love Must Meet at Ninety Degrees”

You Cannot Bring About the Kingdom of Heaven without True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1227

Nowadays believers are forgetting that they are going the way of restoration through indemnity. Why did Adam and Eve fall? It is because they forgot about the course of the portion of responsibility. They fell because they forgot about the reality. While the realm of the portion of responsibility remains incomplete, human beings stand in a position where they cannot but groan; moreover, they are not in the position to freely enter this realm. Since human beings are fallen, in order to reach the position where they can freely fulfill their portion of responsibility, they must emancipate themselves from the historical realm of the Fall. Otherwise, people cannot walk the path of restoration. (142-82, 1986.3.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266

You were born of the lineage of false parents, driven away from God, and have no connection to true parents. Therefore, in order to free yourselves from this lineage, you must stamp it out and uproot it. Only when you do so, and totally change the lineage, can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (22-271, 1969.5.4)

Richard: This is the internal meaning of receiving the Blessing with your spouse. You can receive the Blessing at The next Blessing Preparation Course (required) begins on May 7, 2024. Both singles looking for a match and married couples can join this course and receive the Blessing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 5

The Kingdom of Heaven and True Parents

Section 3. The Kingdom of Heaven is Possible Only Through True Parents

    You cannot bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on your own. It requires the coming of the True Parents. You need to become one with the Holy Spirit and harmonize with the love of Jesus. Only then will you have the possibility to engraft to the olive tree on God’s side. However, since this is a spiritual engrafting, it is only partial; a complete engrafting cannot take place until the True Parents come in the era of the Second Coming and fully engraft you. Continue reading “You Cannot Bring About the Kingdom of Heaven without True Parents”

What Do You Have to Do to be Awarded a Passing Grade by the Families of Your Ancestors?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 674

    Who can be the object of happiness in your family? For the husband, it is the wife. For the wife, it is the husband. For the parents, it is the children. For the children, it is their parents. From this basis, it is possible to build the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven was within us. But imagine how lonely and miserable he must have been, when he could not say that the Kingdom of Heaven was in our families. You sing of happiness because you have families. For us, there is at least a moment in which we can do this. However, Jesus, the master of truth seekers, God’s only begotten Son, who was to save the universe, could not even dream of the base for the external Kingdom of Heaven. He wandered around saying that the Kingdom of Heaven was within us, and for this he was crucified. He sought for nearly three years to revive this in our hearts. How utterly lonely and miserable His life was!
    If the kingdom that Jesus desired was only that of the heart, it would be eternally impossible to realize the substantial Kingdom beyond that. It would also be eternally impossible to realize the kingdom transcending the family through the society to the nation. When will the global Kingdom of Heaven and God’s Kingdom in heaven be realized? The Messiah had the responsibility to save humankind, and to liberate the spirit world and God. When you think about his situation, how frustrated he must have been! For Jesus, being crucified was nothing. If he had collapsed, he could not face God. If he were to stand as a failure in the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven and the ideal society, if it existed, he would have wanted to go and seek a wrapping cloth with which he could cover his face and hide. Who can understand the remorse that would fill Jesus’ heart, remorse which he could not remove even if he were to die a hundred times? (120-47, 1982.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1127

We must be very familiar with the human portion of responsibility. The history of salvation is the history of restoration and the history of restoration is the history of re-creation. Re-creation has to be carried out according to the Principle. We must fulfill our portion of responsibility. Fulfilling our portion of responsibility means to have absolute faith and absolute obedience. That is the only way. You should not insist on your own way. Eve fell because she insisted on her own way. I am saying that after you join the church you should not complain. (143-113, 1986.3.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 5

The Kingdom of Heaven and True Parents

Section 2. The Reason We Must Attend True Parents on Earth

    The spirit world is a realm controlled by our ancestors, starting with Adam. Moreover, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is a world controlled by their descendants. This is how it works: when you die, you will surely find yourself in the realm inhabited by tens of millions of your ancestors. You will then have to face each one. If you have any faults, you will receive judgment from them. What is the basic standard for receiving a passing grade through this judgment? That is the question. Continue reading “What Do You Have to Do to be Awarded a Passing Grade by the Families of Your Ancestors?”

The Fundamental Basis for Realizing the Harmony of Heaven and Earth is Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1889

When establishing a relationship with the ocean, the most important aspect is to have a boat that can float well in the water. Unlike ships built by other companies, the ships of our company must hold with tradition; we must build ships that are praised as history progresses when seen from a worldwide point of view. (262-243, 1994.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1280

This Holy Wedding Ceremony being conducted today has been the hope and ideal of God. It is the Holy Wedding Ceremony that God had planned for Adam and Eve after they fully matured. It existed in His heart as the ideal of creation, and so, conducting this ceremony is truly a historic event. You must realize that this is the first time such a ceremony has been held since the time of creation. (9-83, 1960.4.16)

Richard: Receive the Blessing at

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 5

The Kingdom of Heaven and True Parents

Section 1. The Meaning of the Characters for Cheon (天) and Bu-mo (父母)

    If we analyze the Chinese character for cheon (天), meaning heaven, it consists of the character for two (二) and the character for person (人). The character for in (仁), meaning virtue, also includes the characters for two (二) and for person (人). Two people. But what kind of people are they? They are people in whom heaven and earth can become completely one, both vertically and horizontally, by virtue of their perfect love. The fundamental basis for realizing the harmony of heaven and earth is love. It begins from love. (186-60, 1989.1.29) Continue reading “The Fundamental Basis for Realizing the Harmony of Heaven and Earth is Love”

Think About This Every Time You Use the Word “I”

#150-Iconic Symbol of American Freedom Destroyed in Likely Cyber Attack
The Richard Urban Show

Cheon Seong Gyeong 915

From the earthly perspective, all your ancestors will come and build a bridge. Since your ancestors are in the archangelic position, they co-operate with recreation and are raised up according to their bond with True Parents’ love. Since even the gates of hell are opened to a path that rises to the heavenly world, you should receive education and…. Your parents and ancestors are the archangels, aren’t they? But they are no longer the angels who bring ruin to the heavenly side. They take on the mission of the angel who brings ruin to the fallen world. This is the archangel on the heavenly side, who, according to the laws of restoration through indemnity, stands in the opposite position to the past. Consequently they will co-operate with their descendants and Adam-like figures. Such phenomena will occur when the spirits in the spirit world co-operate and can be resurrected along with people on earth. (164-276, 1987.5.17)

Richard: This is great news!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1674

Is it wonderful to be awakened by the twittering of the sparrows rather than on one’s own? How poetic is that? What do you like better: to sing by yourself or to hear someone else sing? Isn’t that poetic too? To hear birds twitter rather than to twitter yourself and to have your beloved awake you rather than to wake up by yourself; would it be ideal to wake up to various tunes of harmony? So the birds are my friends too. What makes them my friends? In view of the pair system, they can become my friends. Man and woman are also a pair. How poetic is that when you consider birds as being friends? (177-271, 1988.5.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 4

The Mission of the True Parents

Section 5.  True Parent’s Love   

If you have discovered your true, original self, then God is in your heart and you are within the realm of liberation. Your original self was born to continue the history of the original lineage through God and True Parents’ original love. Finding this self will resolve every- thing. It is there that True Parents and their love can be found. Since you began from God’s love, when you find yourself, you will discover the two original images of love already planted within you. They are implanted there as the root. You can- not pull yourself out of God nor out of True Parents. Since you are one of their branches, you cannot deny that you have become that branch. For example, if you look at cells, they are all alike, whether they are from a leaf or from the root. These days, they even multiply plants by multiplying cells. It is the same principle. Leaves contain elements of the root and of everything else.
    This is why you are great. You have all of God’s love and True Parents’ love. God’s love and True Parents’ love form the core of their dominion over the uni- verse. They are the eternal standard for the essence of a subject. Everything is governed through love. And thus you can become the representative of every- thing. You can represent not only God, but also your mother and father, your elder or younger brother, even your elder or younger sister. You can become such a representative. If this happens, your clan will welcome you and all fighting will cease. There will be no opposition; everyone will be embraced. This may be simple to say, but it is the core of the Principle. You must become fully mature. The reason for going through spiritual training is to perfect yourself.
    In order to reach the point of self- perfection, you must eventually become engrafted to God and True Parents. This engrafting is particularly important given that you are already fully- grown and therefore cannot literally be reborn through the womb. It is for this reason that the Messiah comes. The Messiah comes as a man with fully mature, original love – that is, the True Parent’s love. He comes as a representative of the original ideal. Think about this every time you use the word “I.” This is how you can be liberated. If you are liberated from Satan, liberated from Satan’s realm of daily life, and liberated from the realm of Satan’s lineage, everything will be completed.
    Then what will you do after having been liberated? Because you will serve and attend God instead of the devil, you will have to create a new cultural realm. You have to create True Parents’ realm of daily life. When you stand in the position of the perfected Adam, you realize 219 the purpose of your birth. When this happens, the love of God and True Parents will continually reside within you. This love is the basis of the harmony that completes you. In other words, you will have love, life and lineage. This forms a trinity. (202-283, 1990.5.25)