The Devil Killed Our Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1998

The ideology that will guide this world in the future will be the one that teaches us to save the world, even if it means sacrificing one’s own nation. When a country follows such a teaching, a nation and people that center upon such a new movement will appear on earth. A new world of hope will be realized, leading to the establishment of a unified and ideal world. Those persons with limited national and historical views who fail to transcend traditional boundaries cannot inherit God’s ideal world. (51-44, 1971.11.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1662

    The position of a married couple is truly a great one. There, the fulfillment of hope that humankind has yearned for throughout history blossoms in the form of children, siblings and spouses. In this way, just as God began His work of creation with love, the couple that represents Adam and Eve will begin to create on their own through the act of giving birth to their children. They take the position of substantial creators, and in the position of horizontal creators in relation to their children, they bear them. This is the making of the third creators, namely the children.
    Thus, parents raise their offspring as God’s children from the position of substantial parents in His stead. In so doing, they substantially experience how the invisible God nurtured His children. God also underwent a similar developmental process. He passed through infancy, siblinghood, matrimony and parenthood. By parents giving birth to and raising their children based on the invisible God’s past, their children can gain sight of God, the first and incorporeal Creator, from the time of His invisible babyhood onward.
    Adam and Eve were destined as the visible second creators to raise their children as siblings and later to have them marry to form couples, so that God, who raised Adam and Eve as His son and daughter and as brother and sister, could see through them the substantial reality of His every intrinsic and invisible desire on earth. Those who can fulfill this desire are their own sons and daughters. (263-148, 1994.8.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.5. The remarkable proclamation of True Parents

    I have brought together the rightwing and the left-wing. Nobody knows how much I have suffered while walking this path. We need to build a domain where Godism, the God-centered ideology centered on head-wing vertical thought, can be publicly recognized in schools and at all levels of leadership. So the Soviet and American governments should say that when they live centered on Rev. Moon, America will live and the Communist party will live. Continue reading “The Devil Killed Our Parents”

The Kingship that Proceeds from God Will Be Established

Cheon Seong Gyeong 681

    Where are you now? You must know your location. You must know where you are. Satan and God are dividing you up between them based on the fulfillment of your portion of responsibility. They are saying, “This person is yours, that person is mine.” People who do not fulfill their portion of responsibility will not belong to God. Satan will claim them as his.
    While longing for God’s love, ideal conjugal love and ideal filial love, fulfill your portion of responsibility. You cannot do that by saying, “I need money. I need this and that. I must educate my children.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1068

    Up to the point when they die, parents should bequeath the heavenly tradition. For what does a family exist? Even though it exists for the children, first of all it should serve God and the nation. In the end, this is the path that will benefit your children. Only then can your children gain the fortune of God and the fortune of the world and nation. Accordingly, even though your precious children born after your Blessing go through suffering, you should not align yourself with them but rather with the fortune of God, the world, and nation. (21-87, 1968.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.4. Phenomena occurring after the proclamation of True Parents

2.4.4. There will be no conflict in the future

    Until now Koreans have never even once invaded a foreign land. The Korean people are a race who have deep affection and love for humanity. From this point of view, I can say that the Korean people are close to the realm of God’s heart because they have sacrificed more than any other people. Continue reading “The Kingship that Proceeds from God Will Be Established”

Communism and Democracy Have Reached Their Peak

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1831

We should go to the North Pole to mine, and dig up diamonds and gold from deep in the ocean at the South Pole. You should go to an underwater vein of diamonds and excavate them all. Men and women alike should do this. If you can go in the middle of that and engage in true love, if you can dive into the deep ocean waters and make love, you may have a hard time getting there, but that love would be so sweet. You may suffer a shock or be under distress, but you have gone all the way to that place in search of the ideal love. If you can make love there, would it be breathtaking or unsatisfactory? Don’t you want to go to the bottom of the ocean and make love? Everybody will die anyway eventually. If the two of you can live at that bottom of the ocean, make love and die, you would be happy. (299-186, 1999.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 953

    I have liberated the saints and murderers in accordance with principles. Your husbands, who were set against the Unification Church, and even those who went to hell, can therefore come and be liberated and blessed by me if you desire to bring them to True Parents. Since there was such a principle of bringing saints and murderers together, such things are now happening. Through this, a united domain of the Blessing for the spiritual and physical worlds should be created, and they should all even go through the three-day ceremony. Therefore, amongst those in the spirit world, I am now liberating and even blessing the people who did not live long on the earth or died without getting married, and all those above the age of sixteen.
    By opening the gates of hell and giving the Blessing to all those who went to the spirit world, God’s authority over His lineage has been recognized. Because of this, Satan must completely retreat. This is a revolution. There has never been a revolution like this amongst all revolutions. I created the environment where all those who died because of the Fall can enter heaven. By creating all the foundations enabling those who died without getting married, ever since the Fall of Adam and Eve, to enter and live in heaven, and by creating the environment enabling all our ancestors to enter a realm of the spirit world within the domain of the Blessing, I have created a highway that leads to heaven. I have restored all those foundations through indemnity. (300-305, 1999.4.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.4. Phenomena occurring after the proclamation of True Parents

2.4.3. The coming of the heavenly fortune for unification

    This is why the appearance of True Parents on this earth leads to the formation of the families in the heavenly nation and the organization of entire tribes, peoples, nations, and the world under the dominion of True Parents.
    What does it mean to be victorious here? It means that all go into the domain of True Parents. This is why Satan attacks this domain from every side, and strikes it to keep it from growing. But we achieved victory in all these battles over the last forty-three years and have triumphed in America. Continue reading “Communism and Democracy Have Reached Their Peak”

The Mission of the Unification Church Is to De-emphasize Material Interests

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1861

God will restore human beings back to the world before the Fall. God has to take care of all the enemies in order to restore Adam’s perfected world before the Fall. There were no enemies in that world. Everybody was like brothers and had only the concept that they were one family. It is about swallowing one another. In the fish world in the Pantanal, the larger fish swallow the smaller fish without regard, whether there is something filthy or not. It swallows the excrements of the internal organs and everything else. (297-170, 1998.11.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 677

People are living in hell on earth, and spirits are suffering in hell in the spirit world. The gate of hell on earth and the gate of hell in the spirit world must be opened. Through these gates a pathway must be connected leading from the individual to the nation and world on earth. Then there must be a connection leading from the earth to the spirit world. It must connect to that single pathway that leads to the mainstream. Your mind and body must become one. With that level of oneness, there must be no barriers blocking your path as you pass through the family and tribe. From that level you transcend the race, nation and world to the spirit world. Everything must be broken down

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.4. Phenomena occurring after the proclamation of True Parents

2.4.3. The coming of the heavenly fortune for unification

    With what do we settle down? We settle down with the love of Adam and Eve, and with True Parents. We should settle down with God’s vertical love and True Parents’ horizontal love. From here true children’s blood connection with the original True Parents will finally emerge, horizontally expanding from the individual, family and tribe and leading to the formation of a tribe and people. Continue reading “The Mission of the Unification Church Is to De-emphasize Material Interests”

There Is No Ideology Other than that with God at the Center

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1538

Without understanding about the Human Fall through the Divine Principle, we cannot resolve the fundamental problems in the world, and settle all the moral problems of humankind. Without the Divine Principle, human problems cannot be rectified because the troubles we face are part of the final hopeless phenomena of the Last Days, putting an end to the history brought about by Satan after his betrayal of God. These conflicts are Satan’s strategy to ruin and destroy humanity. Unless solutions are found, history cannot be resolved. Without resolving the past, we cannot expect to straighten out the present. Therefore we need to first come up with counter-proposals with regard to God’s creation and ideals, and based on that, return to Godism and the way of true love, which are not self-centered but rather altruistic. In short, objects of love must be created. There is no other way to settle these matters. (219-266, 1991.10.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 200

What is the task that the returning Lord should carry out? He must win over Satan and then win over all the people in the spirit world. There are many spiritual masters today who brag about who they are in heaven and earth. However, in expectation of the time to come, they should not merely be making spiritual efforts, no matter how sincere, without knowing how to resolve the world that came about as a result of the Fall.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.3. The place where the proclamation of True Parents is made

    You should understand why I have suffered. If it were for my own country, why should I suffer? I am a smart man. I am very well acquainted with Korean customs. I am going this way because I want to serve the world and the heavenly kingdom. Korea has done all kinds of things for the past forty years. The nation has committed many sins against me. I have set up everything, carrying the burdens of my brothers and sisters and those of all the Korean people, all of whom are related to me in varying degrees. After all this, I have come this time and given the Blessing. This is why I proclaimed True Parents. Where did I make this declaration? It was not in Moscow. I did it in Korea. The Korean people should be grateful for this. (204- 187, 1990.7.8) Continue reading “There Is No Ideology Other than that with God at the Center”