How Will You Experience True Parents’ Heart and God’s Heart?

WV Election 2024-We now have 18 interviews with Jefferson County WV Board of Education, Conservation District Supervisor and both local and statewide Primary Election Candidates: View all Interviews.
Be sure to vote on May 14th, 2024.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1891

Swordfish and yellow-fin tunas are to be found in the middle of the ocean. They each weigh about three hundred pounds, which is about 150 kilograms. That is one and a half times my weight. Because such big, heavy fish move around in schools, once one is caught, you can catch hundreds of them. These schools of fish become the prey of shark attacks. Once a shark makes an attack, blood spreads through the water. Then all the sharks in the vicinity gather round, and about two-thirds of those fish will become food for the sharks. This is shocking. Due to these shark attacks, the situation becomes instantly hopeless for the seamen aboard, who had have hope and expectations for a big catch. (192-152, 1989.7.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1403

The whole world is to accomplish the Blessing of 360 Million Couples and root out the lineage of the satanic world. This is the end. There will be no more after this. For this reason, the gates to hell and heaven are being thrown wide open. Those who were our enemies in the past will attend the True Parents and hold welcoming banquets for them. The True Parents had not been welcomed by families, tribes, races, nations, and the world. Therefore, in the first banquet held on the cosmic level, the people who until that time were enemies will enter the heavenly way according to God’s laws and, from that point on, move toward His kingdom on earth. (296-298, 1998.11.18)

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Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 7

A Life with True Parents

Section 7. Enjoy Eternal Glory in True Parents’ Name

     Once we offer something, we have to offer in the name of God, and from God’s name it must return to True Parents. Just having True Parents will not be enough. Our offering must return to True Parents from the name of God, the Creator. It must become a possession of Adam and Eve. In other words, we need to receive it back. Continue reading “How Will You Experience True Parents’ Heart and God’s Heart?”

In True Parents’ Name We Must Take Back all Ownership

WV Election 2024-We now have 18 interviews with Jefferson County WV Board of Education, Conservation District Supervisor and both local and statewide Primary Election Candidates: View all Interviews.
Be sure to vote on May 14th, 2024.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1123

The human portion of responsibility was lost. Then, what is that portion of responsibility? It was entrusted to men and women, so that they could both mature, men taking the east side and women taking the west side…. Men were born for the sake of women and women were born for the sake of men, so they must mature and marry. Where would they meet? At the meeting point made by perpendicular lines. When plus and minus meet love explodes, and becomes the foundation for God’s love, life and lineage. This becomes a root so secure that even if someone tries to pull it out he will not be able to do so. As human beings we are to be born centered on the origin of absolute love, life and lineage. (196-222, 1990.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1429

The citizens of a nation without sovereignty are in a pitiful plight. That is why Jesus preached, out of concern: “Therefore, do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the gentiles seek all these things; and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” (Matt. 6:31-Section 33) Did he say you should seek His Son first, or His kingdom? He told you to seek the Kingdom desired by God. (34-337, 1970.9.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 7

A Life with True Parents

Section 5. Prayer in the Name of True Parents

    God is the greatest teacher for fallen people. Among teachers, He is the great King of teachers, because there is nothing God does not know. Among parents, God is the First, in other words, the True Parent. As a king, He is the King of all kings. God is the best teacher and the first parent. If He is the First Parent, would He be a false parent or a true parent? He is the True Parent. This True Parent was unable to be a True Parent because of the Fall. In the Unification Church we close our prayers by saying “I pray in the name of the True Parents.” God is the first True Parent. Continue reading “In True Parents’ Name We Must Take Back all Ownership”

Attend God Together with True Parents

WV Election 2024-We now have 18 interviews with Jefferson County WV Board of Education, Conservation District Supervisor and both local and statewide Primary Election Candidates: View all Interviews.
Be sure to vote on May 14th, 2024.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 968

    Through my son Heung-jin going to the spirit world, Abel and the angels who had been completely separated like the earth and spirit world, became closely tied together like twins. When they became one, parents could be mobilized on that foundation. This is the view of the Unification Principle.
    Heung-jin is the Abel-type son. This son went to the spirit world on the foundation of the indemnity conditions for the realm of God’s dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle, which was established through True Parents’ love. He went to the spirit world after the establishment of the direct dominion of God, based on the victory over Satan’s dominion. For that reason, he attained the state of being the son who went to the spirit world with the qualification of perfection for the first time since the Fall. Originally, if human beings had not fallen, those who passed to the spirit world would have qualified as owners, or heirs, through the establishment of a family with love at the center. In this family, the realms of direct dominion and dominion based on accomplishments through the principle would have been unified centered on the realm of True Parents’ heart.
    It is a rule of the Principle that you cannot reach the realm of direct dominion without the proper qualification.

Richard:  Heung-jin is the second son of Rev. and Mrs. Moon, who died on Jan 2, 1984, after a car accident.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266

    Throughout history, there has never been even one person who was victorious in the name of God as a representative of all men in the world. That is why up until the present time I have struggled to establish the standard of victory.
    Members of the Unification Church and I could avoid suffering, but since we know of this Principle, we have to walk the path of suffering. (91-257, 1977.2.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 7

A Life with True Parents

Section 4. Revelation in Folk Songs

    How great it would be if you could, while attending God, say “I want to live for thousands of years!” A verse in a Korean folk song that goes, “Moon, Oh moon, you bright moon, moon loved by the poet Lee Tae-baek! Oh moon, on you grows a laurel tree. I want to chop it down with a jade axe and trim the branches with a gold axe to build a thatched cottage to bring my parents to…” These are nice words, but where are the Parents? If they are parents based on their own desires, they will completely disappear. Where are the Parents who can reveal the great way of Heaven and earth and plant the tradition? My life’s purpose, until I die, is creating the way for the world that is like that folk song. (127-281, 1983.5.15) Continue reading “Attend God Together with True Parents”

Everyone Should Learn Korean

WV Election 2024West Virginia Primary Candidate Interviews on the Richard Urban Show
Interviews with Daniel Lutz, Doug Skaff, James Southern and Mike Allers Jr. have been added.
An Interview with Nate Cain, Republican Candidate for US House of Representatives, Second Congressional District has just been added.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1263

True Parents will save the whole of humanity as true people by engrafting them to the true love, true life and true lineage of God. They will do so by conducting the Blessing of holy matrimony through which the conversion of lineage takes place. Furthermore, the people will then form true families and establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (282-224, 1997.3.13)

Richard: Learn about and receive the Blessing at

Cheon Seong Gyeong 939

If you want to receive a doctorate degree, you have to go to your supervising professor and even wash his rear end for him. If he kicks you in the seat of the pants, you have to say: “Oh, thank you very much.” Only then will you get his signature. Without doing so, he will not give you his signature. You might want to say: “I’m much better looking. I have a better nose, a better face and a better stature. If we were to wrestle, I would win. I can eat more than he can. I can beat him in any competition. I’m better than him in dozens, even hundreds of ways. Yet he thinks that he can withhold a doctorate from me just because I don’t know a few things!” None of this will do you any good, though. It may just be that I have the special authority to give this kind of signature to enable you to enter the spirit world. (134-17, 1985.1.1)

Richard: Read a short biography of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 7

A Life with True Parents

Section 3. Learning True Parents’ Language

    Language is one of the most challenging problems. When Koreans are here, those who do not know Korean have a difficult time. They look pitiful. How great it would be if language were unified! Continue reading “Everyone Should Learn Korean”

Did Jesus Have True Parents?

WV Election 2024West Virginia Primary Candidate Interviews on the Richard Urban Show
Interviews with Mac Warner, Zachary Shrewsbury, Barbara Fuller and Michael Mood have just been added.
Interviews with Daniel Lutz, Doug Skaff, James Southern and Mike Allers Jr. have just been added.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 691

   Many of you here have passed your forties and are in your fifties. If you were asked what you had accomplished up until now, what would be your answer? Perhaps you will die within the next ten or twenty years. Imagine the moment when you come face-to-face with death and look back on the course you have taken after you came to know God’s will. Then think about how God could not claim His rightful place and remove the servant-like mask of unsatisfied desire from His face because of your failure to complete your responsibility to restore human beings, who remain the devil’s descendants. Will you be able to keep from bowing your head in shame after you enter the spirit world? How will you go there and walk around with your head held high? How will you live there? You will just have to go hide somewhere. Everything about you will be revealed for everyone to see….
    Because you received the precious thing called the Blessing, the door is open for you, but you cannot enter because you are not dressed in formal attire. You must go to the banquet house in formal attire. Can a groomsman go to a wedding in work clothes? Think about it. You have to dress appropriately for the occasion in order to go there and be welcomed into that environment. Otherwise you will be thrown out. People will say to you, “Get lost, blockhead!”… 
    I know the spirit world well. I know all the saints and all the founders of religions who are in any way significant. They do not want to yield to you, but you must not be shut out from that group. (212-224, 1991.1.6)

Richard:  You can receive the Blessing at

Cheon Seong Gyeong 973

   Now we are entering the age of the nation. You should adjust your focus for this purpose. I am now giving liberation Blessings to the spirit world. There will be Blessings for up to 120 generations of ancestors. In the past it was four generations. How close would four generations be in terms of kin? It would include relatives up to those eight times removed. When this is taken to seven generations it would include even more. It would be hundreds, even thousands of ancestral families for a family with many children. There will be Blessings for four generations and then for seven generations. When seven generations are blessed, it goes beyond family relatives. For 120 generations it would reach across the entire world. Since we are doing this in Cheongpyeong, all Blessed Families should compete with one another in liberating their ancestors, and they have the responsibility to open the door of the Blessing to them. (299-307, 1999.2.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 7

A Life with True Parents

Section 2. We Should Fully Understand the Words “True Parents”

    There is a term cherished in our Unification Church. Some of you might be hearing it for the first time; it is the term “True Parents.” We say, Our True Parents! Did Jesus have True Parents? We have something that Jesus did not. Did Jesus have True Parents? Are not parents responsible when they do not protect their children? Parents ought to protect their children. They must be a protective barrier against Satan and say to their children, “Be happy in our embrace.” Did Jesus have that experience? For his entire life Jesus grew up and was treated as a stepson. This is why the Bible does not contain the words true parents. It does not contain the words true parents or true brothers and sisters. These words are a part of our Unification Church terminology. They are not something I invented. They are words discovered to be part of the heavenly Principle. We use the words true parents and true children. We should understand how true children should act. True children should be able to offer their lives and everything they have for the sake of God’s Son and should be grateful even if they themselves end up in hell. Without going through such a process, nothing can be accomplished. In this way, you can return to the Father through having the heart of true children. (76-73, 1975.1.26)

    We use the words True Parents. We say that we should go forward together with True Parents and together with God. Next, we say that we should be true brothers and sisters. Centering on what? Centering on Jesus. Jesus’ parents were unable to serve him, but we should reverse that failure through indemnity and stand in the position of parents who can serve him and who are better than his earthly parents were.
    Which do you think is easier to accept: my referring to God as the Parent, or your referring to me as the Parent? You do not know how much I have suffered. You do not know how many walls there have been and how complicated it has been. Until now, myriads of people have struggled on that path and all have fallen into the pit. When you joined the Unification Church and began to understand me from the perspective of theory, it must have been easy for you to say, “Ah, he is the True Parent.” Then, which do you think is greater, the joy I felt when I realized that God is the True Parent or the joy you felt when you realized it? I could utter the word “Father” only after having gone through life-threatening suffering, but you were taught everything without suffering. This is why you can say, “Okay, I have come to know the True Parents; so what?” Who would rejoice more? Which do you think should be greater, the joy I felt when I met God in the parent-child relationship or the joy you feel when you meet me? Although my encounter came only after suffering, your encounter took place without suffering, so you should be more joyful. If I had paid hundreds of billions of dollars, wouldn’t you be you happy that you paid nothing? What have you paid? When you come and listen to the Principle you can understand everything. So, when you hear “True Parents,” you merely say “So that’s how it is!” and understand everything. (116-121, 1981.12.27)