The Wise Person Takes Possession of the New Era of Hope

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1571

How is the communist world faring? I told Gorbachev to take down the statues of Lenin and Marx. In the whole history of communism, there was no one but myself who dared to say such things. The communist leaders of the Soviet Union clamored, “How dare he talk of Godism in front of us? How dare he speak so arrogantly?” Regardless of how much they hated me, the communist world declined to its present situation. The person they feared the most in the world became their only hope. There is no other hope for them. So I told them plainly, “Listen to my words and follow, for there is no other way to go.” (202-351, 1990.5.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1232

Up to now I have not told you, “Oh, you must absolutely obey my words.” We must comply with the historical course. The historical course is a course of providential history trodden for the sake of God. It is for that reason that I have been teaching you about the course of the providence of restoration. I did not teach that for the sake of Rev. Moon of the Unification Church. That is why I, too, am going that way. We are heading toward the purpose of God, the Subject, and toward the purpose of humankind, the object partner. These objectives have not been accomplished, so the Unification Principle and Unification Thought advocated by the Unification Church today, in this age, are calling upon people to complete them. (71-66, 1974.4.28)

Richard: We are not talking about fulfilling the purpose of Rev. Moon, put the purpose and ideal of God.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 2. The Messiah, the True Parent

2.1. The Messiah is the True Parent

    What kind of person is the coming Messiah? He stands as an embodiment of faith, hope, and love for the individual, and for the entire family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos. Only when he stands in this position, can the faith, hope, and love that still remain unfulfilled in human history finally bear fruit. Otherwise, faith, hope, and love will be unable to bear fruit. His words are not just those of one individual. Even in your case, when you speak with such conviction, the content of the words you speak as an individual will be related to world history.
    What kind of person is a wise person? He is the first to understand and recognize the global era and the time of hope. The wise person is the one who can bear the responsibility of being the first to recognize it, analyze it, criticize it, and take action. In this way, he takes possession of it. Although he comes as an individual, when the Messiah appears on earth, he is not just an individual. He is the fruit of faith, hope, and love that the whole world desires. This is his value. All the paths of history are connected to this fruit. In other words; past, present and future are all connected to it. Furthermore, all individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world are connected, and both heaven and earth are connected to it. (13-142, 1964.01.01)

The Messiah is the True Parent and we are to be true children. We must stand in the same realm of destiny and participate in it. (55-97, 1972.04.23)

Jesus Was Unable to Become the True Parent

Cheon Seong Gyeong 398

The family is a textbook through which you can connect to the heavenly kingdom. It is a textbook for your education. If you apply this family education to the nation, you will be a patriot; if you apply it to the world, you will be a saint; and if you apply it to heaven and earth, you will be God’s divine sons and daughters. (137-77, 1985.12.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1048

What does Abel have to do? He has to restore three generations. First, Cain must be restored. Then, parents must be restored. Then God must be liberated. These are the three great missions. In other words, without liberating the satanic world, parents cannot appear. Without liberating the parents, God cannot be liberated. It is Abel’s mission to be responsible for the three realms of liberation. (58-68, 1972.6.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents

1.4. The providence of restoration has sought the True Parents throughout its history

    In accordance with the original plan originating the Principle of Creation, True Parents are to be physically and spiritually blessed by God. But Jesus was unable to become the true parent due to the disbelief of the people of Israel. Even though he is in the spirit world, Jesus has been preparing the foundation for the attendance of True Parents. What does this mean?  The Lord at the Second Advent should restore the positions of spiritual and physical parents. Knowing this, Jesus has been working in the spirit world for the past two thousand years, laying the foundation upon which the returning Lord can avoid persecution and abuse from the spirit world. Jesus laid the spiritual foundation on the levels of the society, nation, and world. Since Jesus has been working in the spirit world rather than on earth, it is as their spiritual parent that Christians have been relating with Jesus. Continue reading “Jesus Was Unable to Become the True Parent”

God Will by All Means Send the Lord

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Wherever they visit, members should first go to the holy place, in other words, the holy ground or the church. If they cannot, they should at least set up a condition of having done so. Each of you is an individual; yet you should bear in mind that you are more than this. You should each stand in the position of a first ancestor. (17-86, 1966.11.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1065

God’s love is to love not only all the things of creation and all humankind but all the people of the past, present, and future. Therefore, God is working to liberate even the spirits of people who have passed into hell. Human beings must go the way of truth, life, and love. No matter how great you may be, if you do not have a foundation of living for the sake of others, nothing will follow you. On the other hand, someone who lives for the sake of others will naturally become the subject being. He will become a person of true life. (133-30, 1984.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents

1.4. The providence of restoration has sought the True Parents throughout its history

    Who are the True Parents who must appear on this earth representing God’s will? They are the ones who must prevail over the satanic world in order to rule over all things; they are to destroy Satan who dominates the human world. They must confront the spirit world in order to gain the absolute position from which to rule the numerous people in that world. This is the mission of True Parents. God has been paving the way to send True Parents in order to restore the world where all things and all people are one with God. Continue reading “God Will by All Means Send the Lord”

Religion Should Find One Person Who can Share True Love with God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 214

    If we look at the history of the people of Israel, we see that Jacob could establish the conditions for individual restoration because he was victorious in the individual struggle with Esau. Later on, he could have a family because with God’s help he had prevailed in the family-level struggle at Laban’s house. Afterwards, Jacob’s descendants entered Egypt, the satanic world, in order to create a people. They were rescued from there with God’s help and were then able to enter Canaan and gain victory over its seven tribes. In this way, the Israelites could finally attack the satanic world while going through the forty-year course for the restoration of Canaan. Prior to the forty-year wilderness course there was a three-day course. The Israelites were finally able to begin the restoration of Canaan after going through this threeday course. Moreover, after entering Canaan, the Israelites had to restore the number forty once more.
    Since the providence of restoration has passed through such courses, I have to walk a three year course and a four year course after going through a forty year course. Adding the three year course and the four year course together gives you a seven year course. I will be able to bring the history of restoration to a conclusion and establish the heavenly sovereignty only when I pass through all of these courses.
    Originally, Jesus also was to have walked a seven-year course from the era of thirty-three and then established the standard of parents desired by God. He was to establish the standard for the restoration of all things, thereby concluding everything and fulfilling God’s will at the age of forty. Although this was the mission of Jesus, the Will remained unfulfilled because Jesus died on the cross without being able to accomplish it. Since the True Parents, the Second Coming, must inevitably take responsibility for the internal and external conflicts, they have passed through a forty year preparation period, a period of conflict. Although externally it was a forty year period of preparation, internally it was a period of strife. After having laid the spiritual foundation for victory, the groundwork for laying the substantial foundation combining the spiritual and physical was finally prepared on earth.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 905

    Would you all like to go to the spirit world? Between your desire to go to the spirit world and the desire of spirit people to return to earth, which is more sincere? From the standpoint of the Principle, should you be more passionate, or should the spirit world be more passionate? The spirit world is the world of the archangel, and this world is the world of Adam and Eve, the world of the children. The children should be more passionate than the servant, not the other way around.
    Are you supposed to help the spirit world or is the spirit world supposed to help you? The spirit persons are waiting to come to your aid, but why are they still waiting? Would they help you in building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth or would they help you to live comfortably? They help you in building the kingdom on earth. (161-227, 1987.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents
1.2. The Desire of History

    The Unification Church uses the term True Parents. When we look into the history of the fallen world, we realize that fallen parents were born into this world and built the fallen world.
    We live in a world connected to false parents. It has nothing to do with the ideal world God and the True Parents envisioned. Many people have come and gone throughout the long history of this world, but there has been no one who could proudly say to the universe, “Ah! I am happy I was born as a human being and I have succeeded in all aspects of being human.” Hence, human history has been a sea of suffering and a history of sorrow, war and disease. This is the result of the Fall. Continue reading “Religion Should Find One Person Who can Share True Love with God”

Without Shaking off Satan’s Love, Life and Blood, Peace on Earth Cannot Come

Cheon Seong Gyeong 137

What is it that God regrets? It is that humanity inherited a false lineage. You inherited false blood. Satan is the origin of this. He always wants to create havoc with all things of creation. You are connected to such a universe, such rights of ownership and such a lineage. The sources of all these five functions – what you see, think, smell, say, and touch – belong to the satanic side. Your ancestors are the fruits of a very evil parent. How much distress God experiences in His yearning to save them! Why could God not simply get rid of fallen Adam and Eve and create them anew? He had the power to do this, but because He originally created within an eternal relationship based on eternal true love, God could not do so. (216-36, 1991.3.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 952

When everyone is mobilized in the spirit world, many good things will happen on earth. There will be many occasions to embrace one another. There will be people rejoicing, and those who had run away cursing the Unification Church will strike the earth in regret saying, “How can this be possible.” (302-71, 1999.5.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 1. History and the True Parents
1.1. The Fall and the True Parents

    Today, the True Parents live in the same world with us. Sons and daughters of the True Parents live on this earth and so do the sons and daughters of fallen parents. Originally, all people should have become God’s beloved sons and daughters through the flesh and bloodline of true parents, but they became fallen sons and daughters due to the Fall. The Lord and Savior must, therefore, again come as a parent to resolve the wrongdoings of our first human ancestors. Continue reading “Without Shaking off Satan’s Love, Life and Blood, Peace on Earth Cannot Come”