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Human beings, of their own volition, need to engage in activities that demonstrate God’s original love; they need to love Him and come closer to Him. The first commandment in the words of Jesus was, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” What comes first is to love God. You need to love Him with all your body and soul. Stopping halfway will not work. You need to go to the very end. In such a manner, you need to attain the state in which your heart reflects God’s image, with an original nature that is absolutely aligned to become one with Him. Through this, you will attain the beginning and the end of everything. The first commandment dictates this as the way to love God. (149-237, 1986.11.23)
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The Fall occurred through the wrongful marriage in the Garden of Eden. Now the time has come for True Parents to overturn this, by marrying people in the right way. The trouble caused by the false parents should be solved by the True Parents. Through them, hell can be eliminated and the millions and billions of ancestors in the spirit world can be blessed in holy matrimony. Through the foundation of the families of descendants on earth, centering on true love, the ancestors in the spirit world and the descendants on earth can unite into one vertically. The East and West will be connected horizontally with this vertical family foundation.
What should an adopted son do? He must be engrafted to the true son. The wild olive tree must be cut off at the root, and then the sprout of the true olive tree can be engrafted into it. It would be as if there were a movement to convert all the wild olive trees into true olive trees. In order to be reborn, you need to inherit the lineage of True Parents. That is why the whole of humanity hopes for True Parents, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit yearned to carry out the marriage feast of the Lamb. (19-164, 1968.1.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2
The Messiah and True Parents
Section 2. The Messiah, the True Parent
2.2. The appearance of the Messiah
There have been many religions, but what has been their mission? Their mission is to find one particular person. Many religions talk about attaining salvation and other such matters, but they are seeking to find the one person able to rise to the highest point in the world, the one person who has even gone beyond that point. They want to bring this person into existence. In this way, the center of all religions is one specific person; he is the Messiah. In other words, all religions have been looking for one person, and this one person, the central being, is the Messiah, the Savior. When the Messiah comes, he does not come to his position immediately. He has to fulfill a seven-year course. The Messiah is a man. This Messiah has to come and gain victory over Satan by going beyond the blood relationship of the satanic world. Continue reading “The Fall Occurred through the Wrongful Marriage in the Garden of Eden”