Jesus and All Individuals, Peoples, Families and Nations that Followed Jesus Have Been Sacrificed

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#148: Parental Involvement In Your Child’s Marriage Is Crucial

My latest blog post on solar in Jefferson Count WV:
Numerous Department of the Environment Violations at Blake Solar Project Site

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1603

    Today is September 8, 1998, and when you add all these numbers together you arrive at the number 44. The number 9, which can pass over Adam’s four-position foundation, his children’s fourposition foundation, and his object partner’s four-position foundation, is Satan’s number, and the number 8 is the starting number. The number 19 comes right before 20. All the numbers connected with nine are Satan’s numbers. However, through these numbers will come the era of all-immanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority and omnipotence in which God will be free to do whatever He pleases. In other words, everything in the satanic world will be absorbed into one unified world. Then when would the number 44 appear? It would do so at the time of a historic declaration. The sum of the numbers representing September 8, 1998 is 44, and so that is why on this day I am making the declaration of 4.4. Jeol.
    All humankind must return to God in any case. Therefore, I have come to Kodiak in the North, to declare 4.4. Jeol. Centering on the second generation, you are divided into two with the national messiahs in the south, and the Cain messiahs of the mother nation in the north. These two groups should be connected in heart, and the second generation should stand in front of them. You are the plus and the minus, and wherever there is a positive charge, it should be paired with a negative charge.
    By my coming to the North, and with the firstborn, the second generation, connected to the plus and minus, I have finally been able to declare 4.4. Jeol, through which the four-position foundations of Adam’s family and that of his children can settle and ultimately open the gates to the heavenly world. In preparation for this, I blessed both saints and murderers simultaneously on June 13. They are all brothers and sisters. Satan took what belonged to God, but now God can freely do whatever He wants. Thus, the cosmos has become God’s liberated kingdom on earth and in heaven. (295-268, 1998.9.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1002

    When you look in the mirror, you should ask yourself how much your eyes have shed tears in longing to see the Parents; how much your mouth cried out for the assuaging of the Parents’ grief; how much your hands toiled while shedding blood for the land of the Parents; and how much your body has labored, until it shattered, for the foundation that the Parents are seeking. If you seek that path while feeling in your heart, “My grief is in not having been able to do those things!” it will become a path of happiness. A happy person is one who establishes a relationship with Heaven on that path. No one can dominate such a person. The only one that can move him is the Parent; the only one who can touch his heart is the Parent; the only one who can make him happy is the Parent. And the son is the only person who can make the Parent happy. The Parent’s wishes lie in their son rather than in the parents themselves. (78-35, 1975.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 3. Jesus’ View of God Based on the Parent-Child Relationship

3.1. The New Testament Age is the age of the adopted son

    When Jacob triumphed and earned the name Israel, he did not triumph as God’s son but as God’s servant. This way, people were restored from the position of the servant of servants to the servant’s position, and then in the New Testament Age from the servant’s position to the position of the adopted child. Romans 8:23 says: “but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” They said that they were eagerly waiting to be adopted sons who could call God “Abba, Father.” Even the most ardent people of faith in the New Testament Age, whether they were ministers, elders, or people holding doctorates, and so forth, are all adopted children before God. I am speaking to you frankly. They want to be adopted children. Adopted children have a different lineage. (154-257, 1964.10.3) Continue reading “Jesus and All Individuals, Peoples, Families and Nations that Followed Jesus Have Been Sacrificed”

Religions Are in the Realm of Archangel

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1191

To love an enemy doesn’t just mean to love an individual enemy. Unless you love the enemy family, the enemy tribe, the enemy people, the enemy nation and the enemy world, you cannot regain the right of the eldest son that the enemy world holds. You must know that Satan has been insisting on this, since he knows very well that this is the historical course of God’s dispensation of restoration. (131-182, 1984.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1494

Love cannot be fulfilled alone. Where does it arise? It does not come from the self, but from one’s object partner. That being the case, you need to bow to and live for the sake of your object. This is where the heavenly law dictating, “Live for the sake of others” emerges. A very precious thing is coming to you, and in order to receive it, you need to respect and live for the sake of the giver. Only when you practice altruism can you receive love. (143-277, 1986.3.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 2. The Identity of Jehovah God
2.2. The religion of the bride and the religion of the archangel

    Since God created angels before creating Adam, today’s religions are the creations of the angelic realm on earth. That is the religious sphere. What is the task of the religious realm? It must succeed in creating Adam. Then, what is the global center of religion? It turns out to be Judaism. What does Judaism do? It is a religion that introduces the bridegroom. This is the philosophy of the Messiah and Savior. (50-56, 1971.10.31) Continue reading “Religions Are in the Realm of Archangel”

Jehovah of the Old Testament Is an Angel

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
Both Singles who want to be the best person they can be as they prepare to find a God-centered match and married couples who want to receive the Blessing of marriage and take their marriage to the next level can join and begin the Blessing Preparation Class!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1674

God enjoyed Himself as He created the universe. How much fun would it have been? How interesting would it have been for Him as He created everything in the pair system, and saw that even the cells came together in pairs in their love for each other? A well-taken picture gives endless pleasure to its photographer; how much more pleasurable, then, would it be to see the real creation talk and dance with joy? (283-102, 1997.4.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 445

In order to form the family realm of love you have to be unconditional. The parents represent the past, the husband and wife represent the present, and the children represent the future. Loving one partner during your lifetime is the equivalent to God loving the world. It is a place where in oneness the parents, a couple, and the children offer their love as an example representing heaven and earth and tell their descendants to follow them. The original homeland of the heart, the place where heavenly affection is felt will be remembered in heaven and earth. (30-78, 1970.3.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 2. The Identity of Jehovah God
2.1. The attributes of Jehovah God

    You should know that the reason Moses introduced the God of authority, God of ability, and God of judgment, instead of the God of love was to give the law to the Israelites and protect and raise heavenly people with the law. It was to accomplish the will of restoration to drive them to the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. (35- 276, 1970.10.25) Continue reading “Jehovah of the Old Testament Is an Angel”

Angels Were to Serve and Protect Adam and Eve

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
Both Singles who want to be the best person they can be as they prepare to find a God-centered match and married couples who want to receive the Blessing of marriage and take their marriage to the next level can join and begin the Blessing Preparation Class!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1283

Since human beings fell while at the top of the growth stage of the growing period, we cannot go directly to the completion stage. What this means is that people at the top of the growth stage can rid themselves of original sin through the Blessing. They can then rise to the level above the point where the first ancestors fell. Therefore, you must realize that the position you have acquired today through receiving the Blessing is not that of the top of the completion stage but the top of the growth stage. (35-233, 1970.10.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1501

In a family, who is at the center? The person who is the oldest member of the family, that is, if the great grandfather is still living, he would be the center of the family. If the other members of the family choose to ignore him, just because he will soon pass away, it would be the same as ignoring the vertical world. Even if he became senile, he should still be the center of that family. As such, he should be the first to be served at mealtime. Even if your father were the president of that nation, your grandfather should still be served first. This is because the son represents the horizontal position. (34-242, 1970.9.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 1. The God of the Old Testament Age
1.3. Why do angels become involved in human salvation?

    What kind of beings are angels? They are beings that should have completed the path of loyalty to God in the servant’s position, and served as a protective fence for Adam and Eve. They should have created an atmosphere of glory that would have lasted forever in the heavenly world and lived happily with Adam and Eve in God’s love. In other words, the archangels were created for Adam and Eve. God, the Father of Adam and Eve, created the angels for their sake. (15-238, 1965.10.17)

    Because the archangel’s fall led to Adam and Eve bringing the human world to such ruin, the angelic world is working on God’s behalf to fight against Satan. The evil Satan and good angels are fighting. Only when the side of the good angels wins the battle will there be a step forward. God cannot do as He pleases. This is the Principle. (109-18, 1980.10.26)

    God created the three archangels as servants for the unfallen Adam and Eve and entrusted Adam and Eve to them, asking the archangels to raise them by educating and protecting them. Why did He have to do this? It is because the archangels are in a reciprocal relationship with their subject partner: the earth plane is the subject partner, and the angelic realm is the object partner. God’s ideal in creating heaven and earth was to expand the horizontal realm of relationships in front of God’s true love in this dual-realm environment. (208-256, 1990.11.20)

    Who should educate Adam? It is not God, but the archangels who must do this. They should protect and raise him. The archangels were responsible to carefully supervise, guide, and educate him so that he would be untainted at the time of his marriage.
    Since the Unification Church also had to follow this rule to accomplish restoration through indemnity, I have loved the 36 Couples more than my own children. (121-240, 1982.10.27)

    God is the source of life. Parents nurture the lives of their children. They are the source of life, love and protection. They protect life, give love, and nurture. So where does happiness come from? Without a protected domain, life is threatened, and when life is threatened, love cannot manifest itself.
    If you were to die now, would love manifest itself? It would not. This is why a protective realm is needed. So when this protective realm was secured, the archangels were responsible for it. After receiving life from God, the origin of life, Adam and Eve were educated in love under the archangels’ protection. (51-173, 1971.11.21)

Angels Appeared as God in the Old Testament Age

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
Both Singles looking for a God-centered match and married couples who want to receive the Blessing of marriage can join the Blessing Preparation Class, which began on January 16th, 2024 and will continue on a rolling basis.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1812

    Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have established an ideal family and tribe, and their descendants would have formed a race and nation within the realm of God’s love, and these would have expanded and accomplished an ideal world in which Adam’s ideals would also be realized. Just as the root, trunk, and leaves of a tree are connected as one living body, human beings centering on love, attending God as their Father above, and attending each other as siblings below, making them into one living body, turn themselves into beings of love and establish an eternal and ideal God-centered world. This was indeed the worldview of God’s will.
    People living in such a world do not require salvation or the Messiah because they are God’s good sons and daughters. (110-213, 1980.11.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 972

With Shin-choon’s birth into my family there are now forty members in my family. There are exactly forty people. The number forty has been fulfilled. That is why the name is Shinchoon. What does Shin-choon mean? In his name, the Chinese character for shin means “faith” rather than “new.” In terms of faith, spring has come to the Unification Church. This is the case when we look at the number of indemnity and everything else.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 1. The God of the Old Testament Age
1.2. In the Old Testament Age, angels worked on behalf of God

    In order to restore the defiled land, God has been leading the providence of salvation by building a relationship with humankind through the angels. God is carrying out the providence of salvation in order to once again deal with human beings, who betrayed God through the Fall, and fell so miserably lower than all things. To govern humankind, dominated and accused by Satan, God has been working to build a bridge. This work has lasted throughout the Old Testament and New Testament Ages until now. (1-282, 1956.12.16) Continue reading “Angels Appeared as God in the Old Testament Age”