God Is Our Father

New Richard Urban Show:
#146-Solar Farms Cause Esthetic & Environmental Damage to Jefferson County WV

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1876

When you visit the ocean, you can learn many things. It undergoes changes several times a day. There is a saying, “A person’s mind changes morning to evening,” but the ocean does not change only morning and evening, it changes every hour. Even on a fine day, if you go to a certain area, the waves would be mild. Yet when you go to another area, the wind would be blowing. It would not be a strong wind, but different in mood. Just as peoples’ faces are all different, so are water and mountains. Climate also differs depending on the height of the mountain. The ocean exhibits beauty in all sorts of forms and figures. (263-18, 1994.8.16

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1272

God wants everyone reborn. From His position, He is trying to bring all of humanity, which is still in the realm of Satan’s false love, to His side through His greater love. Since all humankind was born through the parents, ancestors and lineage of false love, they need to be reborn through the parents, ancestors and lineage of true love. In this way, they can become the children of God and the people of God’s Kingdom. The precious blood of Jesus and the ritual of the Last Supper all symbolize the providence of becoming the children of God through the conversion of the lineage. (135-12, 1985.8.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 3. God is a Personal God
3.2. We need a personal God with whom we can be one

    The final destination of philosophy is the discovery of God. What kind of God is He? He is absolute, unchanging and unique. In discovering God, we will find that He has to be a personal God, one needed by human beings. In order to have a relationship with us, God has to be a personal God who shares the inner and outer aspects of all our thoughts, ideals and will. He has to be someone who can deeply relate with us in all aspects of our being, emotional, volitional, or intellectual. Otherwise He has nothing to do with us. From this point of view, on the basis of the premise that He must be a God whose character includes human-like character, philosophy has not honored God. (138-142, 1986.1.21) Continue reading “God Is Our Father”

Christianity Can Reintroduce True Parents

New Richard Urban Show:
#146-Solar Farms Cause Esthetic & Environmental Damage to Jefferson County WV

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1581

No one until now had any inkling of the anguish You harbored in Your heart, and as You haven’t had a single son or daughter on earth who could be devoted to You, You have been a lonely and miserable Father.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Wherever they visit, members should first go to the holy place, in other words, the holy ground or the church. If they cannot, they should at least set up a condition of having done so. Each of you is an individual; yet you should bear in mind that you are more than this. You should each stand in the position of a first ancestor. (17-86, 1966.11.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 3. God is a Personal God
3.1. A personal God with intellect, emotion, and will

    Do you think God laughs? Have you seen God smiling? Do you think God has eyes? Do you think He has a nose? How about a mouth or ears? Does He have a body? If you examine Christianity carefully you can see that Christians do not have a sense of this. They do not know if God has eyes. If you ask them, “Have you really seen His eyes?,” they do not know. If you ask them, “Whom does God resemble?,” they will answer, “What do you mean? God resembles Himself.” What kind of answer is that? Whom does God resemble? His children. This is why God has to be a personal God. As a personal God, He demands of us the highest standard of character. What forms the base for the highest standard of character? It is measured neither by money nor by power, but by love. (182-59, 1988.10.14)

    If God exists, He has to be a personal God; He has to be like a person. As a personal God He must possess intellect, emotion, and will. Based on these attributes, all His feelings and desires, and all of the goals He sets according to His will must become concrete. (174-162, 1988.2.28) Continue reading “Christianity Can Reintroduce True Parents”

Does God Have the Thing All Men Have Dangling From Them, or Not?

New Richard Urban Show:
#146-Solar Farms Cause Esthetic & Environmental Damage to Jefferson County WV

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1891

Swordfish and yellow-fin tunas are to be found in the middle of the ocean. They each weigh about three hundred pounds, which is about 150 kilograms. That is one and a half times my weight. Because such big, heavy fish move around in schools, once one is caught, you can catch hundreds of them. These schools of fish become the prey of shark attacks. Once a shark makes an attack, blood spreads through the water. Then all the sharks in the vicinity gather round, and about two-thirds of those fish will become food for the sharks. This is shocking. Due to these shark attacks, the situation becomes instantly hopeless for the seamen aboard, who had have hope and expectations for a big catch. (192-152, 1989.7.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1004

Your eyes are blue whereas my eyes are black, and our hair is different. My hair is white. I am an Asian, and my face is flat. When taking after True Parents, you only need to resemble the most essential parts. By essential parts, I am talking about winning over Satan and loving God absolutely. That is all you need to inherit from me. Then you can dominate and control Satan. (170-237, 1987.11.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 2. The Incorporeal God Needs a Body

2.2. Adam is the first ancestor and visible God

    Why did God create Adam and Eve? The incorporeal God cannot have dominion over this substantial world. The formless, invisible deity cannot rule over the visible world of created beings – the universe. For this reason, God must acquire a body, based on love. This is why He created. When He takes on a body centered on love, He can feel internal and external stimulation. Stimulation occurs. (166-232, 1987.6.7)

    Since the invisible God has no bodily form, the True Parents represent His form. The True Parents are parents on the level of the individual, family, tribe, people and nation. In the future God will appear in the form of the True Parents in the spirit world. (98-224, 1978.8.1) This teaching marks the greatness of the Unification Church. The greatness of Rev. Moon is that God wants to assume his form. (166-232, 1987.6.7)

    God is without form. The incorporeal God has now appeared as a God with form. What is this corporeal God? It is what we call the True Parents, who have not fallen. (201-83, 1990.3.4)

    Ultimately, since God is spiritual and without form, people can neither directly receive what He teaches, nor receive the experience of rebirth from God. Hence, God established central figures so that people can be taught and experience rebirth through them. They are the corporeal and incorporeal True Parents. (91-101, 1977.2.3)

    What was God’s purpose in creating Adam and Eve? As human beings we have a body, but the invisible God does not. Without a body, God cannot govern the spiritual and physical worlds. Hence, although God exists, if He wants to manifest as the parent of humankind, He must acquire a body. God’s representatives who have that body were to be Adam and Eve. God was to appear by assuming the form of unfallen Adam and Eve.
    Therefore, while Adam and Eve are the first ancestors of humankind, they were also supposed to be God, who rules over heaven and earth. Adam and Eve were to be God in bodily form; that is, they had the responsibility to govern the world in the position of parents, assuming the external form of God who dwells in the eternal visible world. (133-91, 1984.7.10)

    God’s aim was not only for God and human beings to perfect a vertical love relationship as subject and object partners. He also sought on the basis of the perfection of their vertical love to bring the horizontal love of Adam and Eve to fruition.
    When God comes as the internal parent, and Adam and Eve as the external parents achieve complete oneness with Him, in that moment the ideal of love is realized. As the invisible parent, God becomes the eternal parent in the visible world by taking on the form of Adam and Eve. At this point, Adam and Eve would become the true parents and true ancestors. (135-10, 1985.8.20)

Section 3. God is a Personal God

3.1. A personal God with intellect, emotion, and will

    Today, many Christians say that because God, the Creator, is a unique and absolute being in the position of the Most High God and the being of supreme goodness, He cannot have a relationship with human beings whom He created, that is, with created beings. In other words, they say His creatures are profane, whereas He is absolute and divine. But from the viewpoint of love, no matter how elevated and good God is, and no matter how lowly His creatures are, they must have the same character as God if they are to have a relationship of love. They must have the same heart. It means God must have the same personal qualities as a human being. (138-245, 1986.1.24) Continue reading “Does God Have the Thing All Men Have Dangling From Them, or Not?”

God Created Adam & Eve for Two Purposes

New Richard Urban Show:
#146-Solar Farms Cause Esthetic & Environmental Damage to Jefferson County WV

Cheon Seong Gyeong 994

What does it mean for you to serve with all your heart, with your entire mind, and with all your devotion? It means to offer your life. Is there anything greater than that? To devote yourself with all your heart means giving up your life. To serve with all your mind and devotion means giving up your life. Isn’t there a saying, “Sincerity moves heaven?” Is there a limit to sincerity, an end to one’s devotion? Put your life on the line and offer devotion. God will recognize the person who is ready to sacrifice his life and offer a life of devotion. (38-242, 1971.1.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1042

    When comparing the portion of responsibility and indemnity, one is on the right side and the other on the left, one is like the right leg and the other is like the left leg. They are like a pair of legs. You have to understand that advancement is impossible without the portion of responsibility and restoration through indemnity being connected. Have you thought about such things? You don’t like indemnity, right? You dislike God, the providence, the whole lot, right? From now on, even if you forget about eating, even if you forget to sleep, even if you forget to think about the person that you love, you must never forget this; you have to be clear on this point. This is how serious it is.
    God has to go through this, True Father must go through this, and the whole world must go through this. If this does not happen, then it will not be enough. You want to pass through them all for free, right? How can you become a professor or a doctor without doing anything? You have to go through the course to attain a doctorate degree or to become a doctor. How can you do so without paying the dues? If you do not pass through the course, then you are a fake. (124-106, 1983.1.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 2. The Incorporeal God Needs a Body

2.1. God created Adam and Eve in order to assume physical form

Since God is invisible and has no form, He must manifest Himself by taking on a form. To rule over humankind and all things which do have form, God must take on the form of Adam and Eve. Then, once Adam and Eve and God become one, God’s heart becomes the heart of Adam and Eve.
    You must realize that when God would enter into Adam and Eve’s heart and become one with them, He would, ultimately, be like Adam’s internal master, or the internal Adam. (90-194, 1977.1.1) Continue reading “God Created Adam & Eve for Two Purposes”

God Wants to Have a Body

Cheon Seong Gyeong 643

In observing the great universe, I am sure you will find stars made of precious stones like diamond stars. It all belongs to us. We can live with that joy. This is the ideal world where all the groups that love the universe – God’s loving family – will be able to live and move together. You should join this group and become a part of that family. Those who willingly sacrifice themselves will become the leaders and people in charge in the spirit world. However, the ones who live with a lukewarm attitude will become failures there. (126-144, 1983.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1298

    Where is the center of the universe? It is in the family. Where is the base on which true love can settle down? This base is found in your families, where you are living now. That is why the original family must have a dominion of love and build a protective relationship with the universe. It must expand the realm of this love beyond the family. It must follow the path of patriotism in loving the nation, and extend it to loving the world, beyond race and nation.
    If a person who loves his or her family is called a filial son or daughter, and a person who loves his or her nation a patriot, what do we call the person who loves the world? We call that person a saint. (Blessed Family – 925)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 2. The Incorporeal God Needs a Body

2.1. God created Adam and Eve in order to assume physical form

    Why does God need a form like Adam? All things have a form, but God is an invisible being. God has no form whatsoever. If we conceive of Him as large, He is infinitely large, and if we conceive of Him as small, He is infinitely small. Although all things of creation manifest with a certain standard form of that being, and although they manifest with a substantial body resembling that being, God cannot rule them directly. Hence, the substantial world of creation needs a substantial being with the character and form of the Master. God should have dominion over the infinite spirit world as well as over all things on earth. To be able to govern the archangel, beings with various forms, and even invisible beings, God needs a central aspect, that is, an external form. This is why God created Adam. (35-156, 1970.10.13) Continue reading “God Wants to Have a Body”