The Family Is a Textbook for Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#142-Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1011

The church is a holy place that connects heaven and earth. It is a gate to the world, enabling people to interact in relationships of cooperation, and is a spiritual pillar for the well-being of the nation. As the source of spiritual life, the church supplies strength in your daily life. (The Way of the Spiritual Leader – 238)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 699

If such work could have been done, despite Jesus’ death, Christianity would not have needed to sacrifice as it did until now. Yet there has been no other way. Why? Jesus had to go to the other world and return because, within the realm of True Parents’ heart, separation from Satan could not be done within the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle; and because the foundation of love was not established within the realm of direct dominion.

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 3. A Training Ground of Love for Entering
the Kingdom of Love

God’s will is to realize the kingdom of love. If God’s will is to
develop and globalize the ideal world of love, the family is the
experimental ground where you earn credits, all the way from an
elementary school certificate to a bachelor’s degree and PhD. The
family expands to the world. If you look at the world carefully,
you will see that it is a world where grandfathers and
grandmothers live, a world where adults like your uncles and
aunts live, a world where people like your elder brothers and elder
sisters live, a world where youths live, and a world where children
live. So these places where old, middle-aged, young people and
children live are larger expansions of the family. (147-281,

The family is the smallest unit within the training center and is
also a textbook for entering the Kingdom of Heaven. It has all the
levels: the grandfather’s level, mother’s level, couple’s level and
sibling’s level. These levels expand into larger groups of
grandmothers and grandfathers, mothers and fathers, your own
peers, and your sons and daughters, and together they form

Only families that can love all human beings as their own spouses
and as their own parents, and serve them as their own sons and
daughters, can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. This is amazing.
The right to inherit all the power and authority of heaven and
earth created by God lies here. (143-285, 1986.3.20)

The family is a textbook of love through which at the time of
death you receive the right to be registered at the Palace of Peace
and the Kingdom of Heaven. The family is a training ground of
love. The extension of this family is the world. The world is made
up of smaller worlds: there is a grandfathers’ world, a
grandmothers’ world, a world of fathers and mothers, there are
husbands’ and wives’ worlds and sons’ and daughters’ worlds.
When these combine we have the whole world.

Thus if you love the people of the whole world as you love your
family and as you love God through the family, this will make a
straight road to the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus the first
commandment is, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” And the
second commandment is, “You shall love your neighbor as
yourself.” If you love God and love humanity, everything will be
accomplished. If you cannot do it, your spiritual training will have
been in vain. No matter how great a religion’s spiritual discipline
may be, if it does not know how to love God, humankind and the
whole universe it will fail the test.

In the family you should deeply experience love by going through
the official course of the training center which is an encapsulation
of the whole universe and then expand this and love the world.
You have inherited this from your family, your training ground,
where you were raised with your mother and father. Therefore if
you love your parents more than your wife, love your sons and
daughters more than your wife, love humanity more than your
wife, and love God more than your wife, everything will be
accomplished. This doesn’t mean that you should abandon your
wife. If you love in this way, all the recipients of that love will
come to love your wife as well. Is there a more glorious place than
this? If you want to love your wife, follow this way. (143-285,

The Universe Is an Expansion of the Family

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#142-Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

Cheon Seong Gyeong 399

The family is an encapsulation of history. It is connected to history, with its origin in God. You inherit the family vertically. However, inheritance must take place in a perfectly vertical manner, at a ninety degree angle. The grandfather and grandmother, representing God, have already inherited this. (216-262, 1991.4.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 445

What has God been looking for up until now? He has not been seeking a subject partner; rather He has been looking for an ideal object partner. He has been looking for those who resemble God and possess the inner and outer aspects of the world He created. What is the starting point that leads to such a result? It is the family. There is nothing that can represent the universe better than the family. To be one with the parents is for past and present to meet. Here, you can love the past by loving your parents, love the present by loving your partner, and love the future by loving your children. Therefore, you can deeply experience the love of three generations. The place where these three kinds of love are concentrated is the family. (30-80, 1970.3.17)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 2. The Family is the Textbook of Love
Through Which We Can Connect with Universal

What is the universe? Everything in the created world is designed
as a sort of training aid to help God’s beloved sons and daughters
find the ideal of love. This is why everything exists in reciprocal
relationships. Minerals are based on the reciprocal relationship of
subject and object partners and so are atoms. Protons and
electrons also exist based on the reciprocal relationship of subject
and object partners. Without reciprocation they cannot continue
to exist. Without give and take action they cannot exist eternally.
Therefore, the universe is a world created in such a way that its
center can only be reached through human beings. (137-59,
Continue reading “The Universe Is an Expansion of the Family”

God’s Heart Is Like a Central Railway Station

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#142-Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

Cheon Seong Gyeong 966

When you go to the spirit world no one will tell you to go to hell. You go on your own. You go to the place that fits your own level. Even within the Unification Church, though the goal is to head for the same realm, where you go will depend on your spiritual state. Then, in what ways are Blessed Families different? The members of a Blessed Family cannot be separated from each other no matter how hard they try. When you pass to the spirit world, if your wife failed to fulfill her responsibility, you would take joint responsibility and bring liberation to her. Even if only the wife had done wrong, they would both be accused; even if the husband had done wrong, both would be accused; even if the children had done wrong, they would all be accused. (242-108, 1993.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 858

A person who understands genuine love will have nothing more to learn in heaven. Such people can go in and out of God’s heart at any time. They can freely move east, west, south, and north through God’s heart, which is like a central railway station. When you go in and out of there, tremendous power is generated, because all energy from the north, south, east, and west becomes concentrated there. Even a humble person will be elevated to the same position as God when he comes through the center of love. Love has such great power. (202-86, 1990.5.6)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 1. The Family is the Central Model
for All Beings

When you stand in the world of space, you need top and bottom, left and right, and front and back. Only then is the status of your position stable. Your shape will vary depending on the position in which you stand: top and bottom, left and right, front and back. When dealing with matters that concern the relationships of top and bottom, left and right, front and back, and also problems in the family, nation and world, there is only one solution. Just as there has to be top and bottom, left and right, and front and back with the individual at the center, there also have to be parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters.

Continue reading “God’s Heart Is Like a Central Railway Station”

We Were Originally Created as Eternal Beings

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#142-Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

Cheon Seong Gyeong 690

    There is no self there. God is not the one who must walk the way of suffering in order to save the fallen world. He does not have to deal with the fallen world. He comes forward with a new bond of true love. He comes to us with new hope and a new foundation for restoration. These are the circumstances in which the bond between God and you is formed. It is a bond by which the four directions can be brought into oneness, and it is linked at one point of origin so that it can destroy the world of death and establish the foundation for a new heaven and earth in the bright future. In this way, the world can make a new start by practicing the parent-child relationship.
    No sword or power can break the bond between you and the True Parents – not even the power of Satan. Why? Because this bond possesses the special authority to break through all of today’s problems and bring salvation to humankind, and because the power that humankind has historically desired has been concentrated in this bond, or stronghold. Thus, no historical concentration of power would be strong enough to break this relationship. In this way, the True Parents are the ones whom God has sent forth as historical sacrifices for the purpose of doing away with all evil and making a new victorious beginning based on a new bond.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1056

From now on, we should cut off what needs to be cut off and divide what needs to be divided. You should not do as you please. The Unification Church must establish the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, it should restore the family rather than the individual. Those who cannot become exemplary in their family life will suffer worldwide criticism, even throughout all of heaven and earth. (30-230, 1970.3.23)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 9. The standard of birth and the standard
of life
9.2. The standard of life

When I say life here, I mean eternal life. I am not referring only to the spirit world, but to a life to live for eternity. Each individual was created to be an object of God’s love. You are the object partner of the absolute God, and the partner in His love. God cherishes the notion of true love more than He values Himself. He is the absolute and eternal center of life. His ideal is even more eternal and the center of that ideal is true love. The partner of that love is you.

The attribute of love promotes unity between partners. Such love can unify a nation. Thus, one partner can accompany the other partner in any position and follow unconditionally. You can inherit God’s entire fortune and even His entire heart. I went through a miserable course to discover this and now stand on that foundation. It is sublime and lofty and cannot be exchanged for anything: it is an amazing grace. For that reason, I stand in the same position with God. I share the eternal position of true love. The spirit world is in a different dimension from this limited earthly world. We cannot move freely within mundane confines, but as the spirit world is a higher-dimensional place, you can do anything there; you can leap across time. if you want something based on love, you can have it all anytime, anywhere.

We were originally created as eternal beings. If we become eternal beings of true love and go to the spirit world, we will be free. The first standard of life is the standard of good and evil, the second is the original starting point, and the third is eternal life. (216-107, 1991.3.9)


Satan’s Blood is Running through

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1677

Re-creation involves the creation of an environment with subject and object partners, followed by corresponding developments. This is how evolutionary theory should also develop; it cannot develop as it is. Subject and object partners must unite, be absorbed into something greater, and pass through the gates of love. According to this principle, to progress from the loveless amoeba to the human being thousands of levels need to be passed through, and these gates of love cannot be crossed just like that. (230- 68, 1992.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 893

The reason you suffer now is for the sake of finding the freedom of heaven. It is to create heaven even in hell. Even if you go to hell and act like a judge, those serving time in hell would say, “Since you went through it all, we cannot accuse you!” In this world if a person went down to this position or if he went down from a high level to a lower one, wouldn’t he make a fuss? He would say, “Why should I go there? Why should I go?” Going down to a lower position is something that would never happen in a society of brothers, but is only possible within the realm of the parental heart. God, the most High, can go all the way down to the bottom of hell. That is a parent – a true parent. He would do that even if He were to be injured in His face or whatever may happen to His body. (116-115, 1981.12.27)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 9. The standard of birth and the standard
of life
9.1. The wrong standard of birth

People in today’s world who flaunt their pedigrees and parade their degrees as marks of social distinction, are unaware that their births were spiritually sullied. They do not know that they were born with the love, life and lineage of Satan; God’s enemy. This is a serious problem.

Due to the Fall, people have been born from Satan’s love which was passed down to their parents. Satan’s blood has made its way down through the lives of our mothers and fathers to us in the present day. The fruit of those three then, is you. As such, you all belong to the satanic lineage. In other words, Satan’s blood is running through your veins. Therefore, he automatically bears his ideal fruit while God strives to redeem those very men and women and transform them into originally pure and perfect people. You all began from Satan’s love and are born from his lineage.

Since your start was all wrong, you must return to the original point. As we originated from false parents, we need to return and start anew from true parents. How serious is this? It is imperative to inherit God’s love, life and lineage afresh.

That is why, when you receive the Blessing, you undergo the ceremony for changing the lineage. You must believe in this more than your own life. Just because it is a Unification Church ceremony, you should not think of it as some ordinary ritual. It is like a wonder drug, an antidote, to restore the dead back to life.

Our ancestors committed an error so grave that countless people fell victim to its aftereffects throughout the course of human history. Knowing this, we cannot tread that same path again — ever again! We paid a ghastly price throughout history for having perpetuated illicit love in the fallen spiritual and physical worlds, with far-reaching consequences for individuals, families, societies, nations and the world. (216-109, 1991.3.9)