‘I Have Accomplished Everything Necessary to Achieve the Task’

Cheon Seong Gyeong 663

If we just carry on in a casual way, the spirit world will do the same. In this sense, God unfolds His strategy through Satan and He lets us suffer unrelentingly. Sometimes He lets us get killed. Death itself is pitiful, but the reaction creates unity. (49-108, 1971.10.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 684

Jesus died bearing the cross during the course of performing the mission of John the Baptist. Thus he was unable to completely fulfill his mission as the son. From his death until now, he has been working to restore the archangel. After restoring the archangel, he must go the way of the son. In this way he has been seeking to go the way of the servant and that of the adopted child. Jesus could not fulfill his mission as the legitimate Son. He went the way of the archangel, the way of the servant and the way of the adopted son.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

II. The Final Prayer of the True Parent   

Today, I have made the final completion and finalization and offered that to you, my Father.
    Father, I know that I have offered to you my entire life, and in accordance with that will, I have now come to the time to conclude, with devotion, all my life.
    Now, we are able to return to the original Garden of Eden in which no Fall has taken place, where we are now able to transcend all the circumstances where Eve was corrupted, and Adam became compromised by his portion of responsibility.
    With the authority of the liberation and complete freedom of all things, I proclaim that anyone, as long as they follow the True Parent, in the 4th dimension, even in the 14th dimension, if the tribal messiahs, centering on the 14 sons and daughters and the 4th dimension registration that can adopt into Heaven those who otherwise go to hell, achieve a status that can represent the nation and restore the 387 nations,* all will be finished.
    I have accomplished everything necessary to achieve that task. I have accomplished everything necessary to achieve that task. I have accomplished everything necessary to achieve that task. Aju! (August 13, 2012)
*Abel UN sphere 194 nations, Cain UN sphere 193 nations

III. Seonghwa of the True Father of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

1) True Father ascends at 93 years of age (September 3, 2012 1:54 am).
2) Before he ascended, True Father perfectly completed, concluded and finalized the providence of restoration, such that he prayed ‘I have accomplished everything. I have accomplished everything.’’ He then emphasized that what remains is the mission of tribal messiahs, and blessed the future, saying, ‘My fatherland, shine forth! Fatherland shine forth! Fatherland shine forth!’
See slides 43 and 44 below: 

Let Us Live to Create a Life that Exists for the Sake of Absolute Sexual Ethics

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#139-Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1788

What is ironic in America now is that even while free sex may be prevailing among the youth, they leave their own homes. This, in a way, is in heaven’s favor. Leaving home, they are able to get away from their folks and country. American youth have no ties to the world, their country, family or parents. Based on free sex, they accept homosexuals and lesbians, and deny masculinity and femininity. If this continues, humanity will all disappear within a century. How unspeakably pained must God’s heart be as He looks upon this miserable state of humanity caught in the devil’s spell! (208-265, 1990.11.20)

Richard: This was spoken in 1990. What a prescient view of what is going on now, 33 years later. If only we had listened and acted accordingly. We can and must do that now.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 578

Saints, sages and numerous founders of religions, stopped on their paths of life, interrupted the concerns of their minds and the inclinations of their hearts, and asked themselves where they were going, as they struggled to resolve this issue. They came forth to resolve this issue, but to this day no one could confidently claim, “My body has gone to such a place. My mind, my heart, my life, and my ideals have hastened there; hence, all beings in heaven and earth should go there.” (8-194, 1959.12.20)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

Lessons learned from the Life of the True Parent
   1) Principled Life & Practice
       (1) Human portion of responsibility
      (2) Guidelines for life
          i. Become the master of yourself before desiring to be master over the universe (govern your desires for food, sleep and sex).
         ii. Become a true person.
The source and origin of that which is true is God, the content of that which is true is that which is liked.
   2) Victorious Life & Practice
      (1) Love your enemy.
The standard that determines victory or defeat between God and Satan is loving the enemy.
   (2) Live by the law of the Principle.
   (3) Do not tell lies, and do not make excuses.
   (4) Do not worry, and invest all your sincere effort and devotion.
3) Hoon Dok Life & Practice
   (1) Become the substance of God’s word.
   (2) Throw off the clothing of the fallen world, seek the center and attend it.
   (3) Hoondok Family Church
Wolli Boncheron absolute sex teaching, the Blessing, hoondok life practice
4) The Three Ironclad Rules and the Three Primary Judgments
   (1) The Three Ironclad Rules
      i. Preserve the Lineage (Purity/Chastity)
      ii. Do Not Violate Human Rights
      iii. Do Not Misuse Public Funds
   (2) The Three Primary Judgments
      i. The Judgment of Character = Love
      ii. The Judgment of Meritorious Service = Public Life (human beings are public beings)
      iii. The Judgment of Public Funds = All things are public things
Let us live according to God’s word to create a life that exists for the sake of
absolute sex, lineage, true love, and the spirit world.

See slides 41 and 42 below:

The 8 Great Textbooks are the Entire Life Course of the True Parent

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#139-Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1168

Since God’s blessing is so precious, it is of utmost importance to bequeath the tradition of the chosen people of God. This is the reason the lineage had to be maintained. Tamar’s second husband had died, however, and he had no suit- able brothers left. In the Jewish tradition, if the elder brother died, the younger brother took the wife of the elder broth- er as his own wife, but the second son had also died. Thus, in order to continue the lineage, she resorted to dressing as a prostitute so as to deceive her father- in-law, and to conceive a child. Do you understand the meaning of this? What was stolen must be won back from the satanic world. Thus, the father-in-law represented the husband – the elder brother. In order to stand such a position, the right of the eldest son….Tamar risked her life to pass on the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, these four generations. (227-347, 1992.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 683

    Jesus died bearing the cross during the course of performing the mission of John the Baptist. Thus he was unable to completely fulfill his mission as the son. From his death until now, he has been working to restore the archangel. After restoring the archangel, he must go the way of the son. In this way he has been seeking to go the way of the servant and that of the adopted child. Jesus could not fulfill his mission as the legitimate Son. He went the way of the archangel, the way of the servant and the way of the adopted son.
    Consequently, even those who believe in Jesus Christ can only become adopted children. They are in the same position as Cain who is of a different lineage. A relationship that is not linked by blood remains in the archangel’s position. Providential history until now has been that of a struggle to link the lineages

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    Adam and Eve fell, thereby becoming false parents and creating a world of immorality and lies centering on Satan, both in the Physical world d and in the Spirit World.  Sins must be erased while on earth.  While he is on Earth, the True Parent establishes all the laws of indemnity to allow for the liberation of Heaven and Earth, the liberation of God, and the liberation of humankind, and open the way for forgiveness in both the physical world and the spirit world (in all vertical and horizontal 8 stages). 
    Divine Tribal Messiahs are to bless their tribes in both the spirit world and physical world.
    While he is on Earth, the True Parent establishes all the laws of indemnity to allow for the liberation of Heaven and Earth, the liberation of God, and the liberation of humankind, and open the way for forgiveness in both the physical world and the spirit world (in all vertical and horizontal 8 stages).
    The mission of divine tribal messiahs is to complete the mission of family hoon dok churches by educating their tribes in Wolli Boncheron (Original Substance of Divine Principle) and the absolute sex teaching, blessing them and restoring them to attend God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind in their own family, so that they can become God’s true children through reading and studying God’s word. In this manner, they must realize Cheon Il Guk, which is the ideal world, through Hoon Dok family churches.
    The Abel Women’s United Nations established by True Father on July 16, 2012 should work with the Abel UN centered on men (the Universal Peace Federation) to carry out the absolute sexual ethics education of all humankind.
    The entire life course of the True Parent is the 8 Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials bequeathed to us. The fact that the True Parent established the 8 Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials, which is the last will and testament of the True Parent’s entire life, means that the True Parent was able to complete all his purpose. The True Parent created the 8 Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials so that humankind could live as God’s children for eternity.
    See slides 38 to 40 below.



Blessed Families Are to become Divine Tribal Messiahs

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#139-Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Cheon Seong Gyeong 511

God hoped that Adam and Eve would in the future stand in a position where they could establish the way of loyalty and filial piety before Him as the ancestors of hope and the sovereigns of all humankind. Nevertheless, they failed to become the companions who would dispel His solitude. (20-80, 1968.4.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 438

In oriental teaching, there is a saying that goes, “All goes well if there is true harmony in the family.” This is a good saying. When we talk about a home, of course it has people at its heart. There are the grandparents, parents and children, but this is not all. The house itself is a microcosm of all creation. All things are gathered here. When we say, “my home,” we normally think of it as the place where my mother and father and wife and children are. But my home is not just this. There would also be my grandparents, and the house itself and the yard. The surrounding environment harmonizes well with this microcosm of creation. This is essential for happiness.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    We are in the era of “High Noon Settlement”, where there are no dark shadows.
    The providence has moved through eight vertical stages over the course of history.  This providence was concluded by True Parents, True Father and his bride, True Mother, fulfilling their respective portions of responsibility.
    The providence has also moved through eight horizontal stages, from the individual, then family up to the Cosmos (spiritual and physical worlds, together), up to God.  This providence has been concluded on earth.
    Since January 1, 1999, ceremonies were performed for the liberation of ancestors.  Ancestors are to return tot he physical world so that the evil spirit world will be dissipated and the good spirit world of the original creation is opened up.
    Blessed families are to become Divine Tribal Messiahs and after educating their descendants and tribe in Wolli Boncheron and the absolute sex teaching, bless them and guide them to do hoon dok (gathering for reading and learning with the Eight Great Textbooks) at home. In this way, blessed families should bring their ancestors who have returned from SW and all the members of their earthly clan to become God’s children and together drive out, from both the SW and the PW, the evil forces that center on Satan, thus accomplishing the world of God’s creation ideal.
    See slides 34 to 37 below:


Those Supporting True Parents’ Work are Co-Owners

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#139-Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1109

The portion of responsibility is necessary until you reach maturity. After you reach maturity and become a young adult, everything is finished. Once you enter the realm of love that is the realm of direct dominion. (198-371, 1990.2.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 776

When people look at things based on their own perspective, they seem to have hope, but still they lack the hope necessary to move them through the valley of death. People are passing away without having that kind of hope. Is our model of life one in which we have to die with lack of hope? Or will we search for a single hope through which we can scorn death and conquer it, and still live while enjoying that hope? This is a very important issue about which people who live on earth today have to think. (6-45, 1959.3.22)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    In Las Vegas, True Father proclaimed several important providential milestones.
    The Coronation Ceremony for the Realm of Liberation of God, the King of
Kings was held in Korea on January 15, 2009, and again in both Korea and the United States on January 31, 2009.  Hyung Jin Moon and his wife, Yeon Ah Moon, received crowns, representing True Parents.  Hyung Jin explained on January 17, 2009 that “it’s very important theologically that there won’t be any future kings, but everybody that’s truly supporting the activities of True Parents, truly, truly the co-owners of our church traditions, those people are the ones that will be able to bring glory to God.”  Up until this event was held, God recognized the satanic world sovereignties of Cain and Abel, divided by the fall, but after the Coronation Ceremony for Realm of Liberation of God, the King of Kings, was held, he cannot recognize or acknowledge the Cain and Abel sovereignties of the satanic world.  Only the sovereignty of God, the King of Kings, is recognized.     South Korea was declared as god’s fatherland and homeland. 
    True Father and True Parents proclaimed and carried out rallies titled “Cosmic Rally for Proclaiming the Substantial Word of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind” and bequeathed the Eight Great Textbooks.
    True Father, in May 2010, made special proclamations:
    Proclamation and offering of the Era of Full Transcendence, Full Imminence, Full Authority and Omnipotence on the standard of the Completion, Conclusion and Finalization after True Parents Couple have achieved the Final Oneness and
    Proclamation of the handing over to S. Korea of the ceremony for the victory of the 1st ,2nd and 3rd Israels for the conclusion of the Rebirth & Resurrection Sung Hwa Ceremony (Eternal Life) during the time of the life course.
    Foundation Day (January 13, 2013, Heavenly and Lunar Calendar) was declared on January 13, 2010. Foundation Day is the day that True Parents would be completely victorious, internally and externally.
   See slides 30 to 33 below: