Where There Is No Love, There Is No Happiness

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1155

If Adam and Eve had been able to fathom God’s inner heart, they could not have possibly fallen. God loved His children as a Parent, but they did not understand the depth of His parental heart. Of course Adam and Eve fell while they were still young, but their young age itself was not the cause of the Fall. Rather, they fell because they were lacking in heart. Had they been able to feel, “He is living for me. He can never, ever be separated from me. He is involved in everything related to me,” they would not have committed the Fall. Ultimately Adam and Eve fell because they could not reach unity in heart with God. This dreadful problem occurred because their desires deviated from God’s desires and the direction of their thinking was different from the direction of God’s thinking. (65-173, 1972.11.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1365

The 160 couples are based on the number four multiplied by four. Due to the failure of Adam and of his children to establish four-position foundations, it was impossible to open the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Nevertheless, during the era of indemnification, by virtue of 4.4 Jeol (Four-Four Day), we can restore this foundation because four times four equals sixteen – the number symbolizing God’s ideal that was usurped by Satan. If the number six is the foundation on which we can reclaim the satanic world for God, then that number times three, representing formation, growth, and completion, would equal eighteen, which explains why I blessed 1800 couples. The 1800 Couples correspond to 1600 couples. This is the number that can destroy Satan completely. (296-179, 1998.11.9)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Family Pledge 4; Building the Universal Family and Perfecting the world of Freedom, Peace, Unity and Happiness

Core Concept 50:  God’s ideal comes only when we help other families become Blessed families of true love who lead a principled life.


4.3. The world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness

4.3.1. Our idea: one unified world

Continue reading “Where There Is No Love, There Is No Happiness”

There Can Be No Perfection in Ignorance

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1267

What is the responsibility of true parents? They must right the false lineage, which is the root of the satanic world, and right the false path of love. In the Bible it is written, “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.” Why did he put forth such a paradoxical logic? It is because the satanic world must die. (169-39, 1987.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1260

There can be no perfection in ignorance. Who did I say Satan is? He is the adulterer. I have made all this clear to you. Do you think you can go to the Kingdom of Heaven if you ignore this? Do you think you can be saved if you ignore it? There is not even the slimmest chance. What a set of ignorant people! If you could be saved by just believing what you are told to believe, people like you and I would have been saved a long time ago. We would not have to suffer like this. (188-230, 1989.2.26)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Family Pledge 4; Building the Universal Family and Perfecting the world of Freedom, Peace, Unity and Happiness

Core concept 49:  In God’s ideal world, the whole purpose and the individual purpose are naturally harmonized.


4.2.2. The core of a society of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values is love.

The original relationship between God and humankind is based on true love. There are many instances of co-ownership between God and the individual, between the whole and the individual, and between the neighborhood and the individual, but we are supposed to have a co-ownership with a grateful heart arising out of God’s true love.

    In the ideal world built by the people who have actualized God’s love, the whole purpose and the individual purpose are naturally harmonized. Since human beings also have desires and the autonomy of love, they are permitted individual ownership and individual purpose. Even so, they do not pursue unlimited individual possession or an individual purpose that undermines the whole purpose. Perfected human beings are meant to own property commensurate with their position and circumstances according to their conscience and original nature.
    In particular, since the economic activity of ideal human beings – who have the character of true owners of all things by virtue of true love – would manifest love and gratitude, there can be no avarice or corruption. At the same time, there could be no emphasis on regional or national interests inconsistent with the purpose of the whole, and economic activity will have its aim and focus not in the pursuit of profits but rather in overall welfare. (271-76, 1995.8.22) pp. 2476-2477

The principle of interdependence is an ideal that pursues the politics of conjoint participation based on God’s true love to realize the ideals of freedom, equality and happiness. Participating in communal politics serves the purpose of electing representatives. Yet if we understand political units to be an expansion of love-centered family relationships, then antagonistic relationships would not exist among candidates. Their candidacy would be rooted in a calling to serve, and they would be nominated by their constituents, who would relate to them as siblings serving one God as their common Parent. After due process, the final result should be determined in accordance with God’s will, in which no improper considerations can be involved. That is to say, it will be a method by which the winner is finally decided through a solemn process of drawing lots with prayer. As the result is determined by God’s will and heavenly fortune, everyone would come to accept it with gratitude and joyful hearts. (271-76, 1995.8.22) p. 2477

God’s Will Is to Realize His Ideal of Creation

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

You need to attain oneness with your spouse. Through the unity of subject and object partners, reproduction takes place. Only through give and take action can reproduction take place. The place where reproduction occurs is truly one of joy. Does God Himself have dual characteristics of internal nature and external form? When separate, neither can be the subject partner. Only when man and woman unite, can the subject of the couple be established. When they are united, the man automatically becomes the subject partner, even if he did not wish it to be so. (42-115, 1971.2.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 605

    In the spirit world, the earth seems like a speck of dust. You would not know how immense the spirit world is. It is an infinite world that transcends time and space. You will only have to call out, “Whoever lived on earth with such and such a heart at such and such a time show yourself!” and that person will appear in the twinkling of an eye. It is a world where intuitive sensations become real.
    It will not be a problem to host a banquet for a million people at once. You would just have to say, “I want to share with everyone this joy of ideal love by having a banquet in which the women will be dressed in such and such a way and the men will wear such and such clothes and I’d like it to happen now!” No sooner said than done, meals and fruit will appear instantaneously according to your wishes. If everyone has eaten their fill, what will you do with the leftovers? There are no kitchens there. You don’t need to worry about anything.
    There are no food-processing plants or auto-manufacturing plants or anything like that. There are all kinds of flowers. You can create as many houses as you want corresponding to the level of your heart of love. (224-105, 1991.11.23)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Family Pledge 4; Building the Universal Family and Perfecting the world of Freedom, Peace, Unity and Happiness

The Big Idea:  The universal family centers on God’s true love and His truth.  The individual and whole purpose are naturally harmonized.  Families should not just live by themselves.  Rather, they should help other families in the community to realize God’s ideal.

Continue reading “God’s Will Is to Realize His Ideal of Creation”

God’s Blessing Is Absolutely Public In Nature

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1593

    The mere fact that the Declaration of Congratulations for True Parents’ Cosmic Victory could be made shows that the foundation of gratitude before God, the True Parents and heaven and earth now extends goes beyond the scope of God’s hope when He created the universe.
    It also shows that the victorious hearts of God and the True Parents yearn for the era of the fourth Adam to inherit the entire world and secure something greater than that of perfected Adam. During their lives the True Parents’ must liberate God by following the path to perfection that is even hundreds of times more severe than Adam’s original course. They must do so with a fully devoted heart that surpasses even God’s love.
    After completing that path they must stand in the position of filial sons and daughters in the family, patriots in the nation, saints in the world, and God’s divine sons and daughters, and thus inherit everything from Him. In order for us to accomplish this, we must offer everything.
    My conclusion is that, once we have offered all those things, God can bequeath everything to us with this eternal victory for all generations. Even the eternal God could not ask for more. He will then be able to exercise global, victorious authority, overcoming His anguish over the Fall. Satan’s defiled lineage should be eliminated completely, leaving no trace. (302-246, 1996.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

God’s Blessing is absolutely public in nature. It is not just for an individual, family, nation, or even the world. God’s Blessing is for the whole universe. (15-67, 1965. 2.13)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 3; Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family (continued)

Core Concept 47:  We create the realm of the royal family by loving Cain, thereby helping all families in this world become our younger brothers, and to be connected to God’s lineage through the Blessing of True Parents. Continue reading “God’s Blessing Is Absolutely Public In Nature”

Become God’s Grandchildren

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1731

Adam and Eve came into being from the invisible dual characteristics of God. Those two characteristics, which are invisible, together make up the one being. They are harmonized based on true love. In this state, God stands in the masculine position, and created His son and daughter to be in the objective position to His dual characteristics. Thus, when they grew up and became husband and wife centering on love, God on high could come down to where they were. He would stand as the invisible Parent and they as the visible parents, were to be united through true love. (222-317, 1991.11.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1360

I held a joint wedding for Unification Church members. At the time of the ceremony, people from all over the world flocked to Korea. There is no one who could accomplish such a task in the whole world apart from Rev. Moon. If awards were given to those who performed the greatest number of weddings, I would definitely receive first prize for bringing together 777 Couples from ten nations across the world. When you consider these facts, you cannot help but be astounded. (41-43, 1971.2.12)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 3; Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family (continued)

You should understand that the position of the second creators was promised, but God was not able to see the third creators, His grandchildren. Therefore, you should also understand that it is you who should become God’s grandchildren. Grandchildren should recapture all of the past history of the first invisible God and the second visible God, and make them feel the love of two worlds through which they can rejoice. It is the grandchildren who stand in that position. It is not God, nor is it Adam or Eve.
    That is why even God reveres his own sons and daughters, why he even reveres his grandchildren. Adam too, then, should also revere his children. He must make sure not to neglect his children or fail in raising them in the right way. For this reason, if one of the children in the Blessed Families happens to fall, the result is the corruption of the entire family, the family fall. You should understand that it carries this kind of devastating result.
   You should perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. Your grandfather represents God. Because your father stands at the center of the second generation, he stands in the position of the king of your family in this world. You should, therefore, attend your parents as if they were a king and a queen. Likewise, you should attend your grandparents as if they were God. So by receiving these two loves, by receiving the two loves of your father and mother who represent God, you, in the place of the grandchild, start to expand the heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven. The love spills over and forms Heaven in this way. (264-195, 1994.10.9) p. 2446

The perfection of the Four Great Realms of Heart can only be obtained through oneness between husband and wife based on love in marriage. If this oneness is broken, the result is the imperfection of the children’s realm of heart, the siblings’ realm of heart, the husband and wife’s realm of heart and the parents’ realm of heart; all of these will be left incomplete. Before going to the spirit world, we have to perfect these Four Great Realms of Heart, but because of the Fall, these realms of heart have never been completed. That is the reason why we need restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11) p. 2447

Core Concept 46:  The Three Great Kingships are the kingships of grandparents, parents and children.  Love has to unfold through these three stages.


3.2. The Three Great Kingships
3.2.1. The Three Great Kingships are the basic framework of the ideal of creation

What is the position and significance of grandfathers and grandmothers? They are the ambassadors dispatched by the heavenly kingdom with full and complete authority. That is why you should attend your grandfather and grandmother in the same way as you attend God. Your mother and father are the king and the queen of the present human family of five billion people. You yourselves are princes and princesses who will inherit the kingship of the future. This is the tradition of which you are a part.
    So then for what purpose do human beings live? The purpose of human life is to inherit each and every kinship realm of the heavenly kingdom: the kingship of the past, the kingship of the present and the kingship of the future. Isn’t that true? Doesn’t everyone want to be a king or a queen? Based on this kind of thinking as the mainstream thought of life, we become a people who form reciprocal bonds of heart as brothers and sisters, and create that brotherly realm of the heart. Centering on the lineage passed down through the eldest son’s line, this foundation of heart will be passed on into the eternal future for a thousand, for ten thousand generations, as the lineage of the royal family. (228-282, 1992.7.5) pp. 2449-2550

3.2.2. Restoration of the right of the first son, the right of the parent and the right of kingship

What are these Three Great Kingships? The grandparents are the king and queen of the Kingdom of Heaven, the parents are the king and queen here on earth, and you yourselves are the kings and queens of the future. For this reason, you should humbly follow the teachings and instructions of your grandparents, who represent the spirit world, and also the teachings and instructions of your parents. Because it is even more important for you to walk the path of patriots even more than it is for you to walk the way of filial children, you must obey humbly and absolutely. The grandchildren, the children of Adam and Eve, were to receive love both from their parents and also from God, the grandparent. Adam and Eve only experienced the parental love of God; they were unable to receive the love of a grandparent. On the other hand, Adam’s children were meant to receive the love of grandparents, and this is how the three generations were intended to be formed. Only once the grandparents’ love is received does horizontal expansion begin. The love needs to unfold through three stages. This, then, is a model. It is the four-position-foundation. These three generations must be connected, and for this reason, when grandchildren receive their grandparents’ love, they are connected to the kingdom of spirit while they are still alive on the earth. They become the successors of the royalty of the kingdom of spirit, the heavenly kingdom, likewise, the successors of the royalty of the earth. (283-79, 1997.4.8) pp. 2455-2456

The political system of the democratic world is a system of conflict and struggle. This is the reason why we have to rise to up to the position of parents. It’s the only way we can stop the fighting. With the parents at the center, all the brothers become united. That’s the only way. First, we need to find the True Parents, and then it becomes possible to find true children, true nations and true peace. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1) p. 2457