I Must Have the Desperate Heart to Dig Through that Opposition

Cheong Seong Gyeong 387

I would say that marriage is a ceremo-
ny to open and enter the gate of the pal-
ace of happiness. It is for this reason that
marriage is a great event of human affairs.
Love is the greatest thing in human
affairs, for it transcends time and space,
and marriage is a ceremony to reveal and
confirm such love. (Blessed Family – 356)

Choen Seong Gyeong 1550

Godism is not about living for the
sake of oneself. It teaches giving for the
sake of others. In short, it is a path where-
by one puts others before oneself. The
devil’s ideology tells you to live for your-
self whereas God’s ideology asks you to
live for others. That is why the more you
give and give and then give again, the
more your possessions will pile up in the
next world of eternity. In the communist
world, the more one gives, the more one
loses, and so no one works for others.
In God’s world, on the other hand, this
is not the case, and so everyone works
night and day without rest, shedding
blood and sweat, for the benefit of every-
one else. Those who consistently give in
the same manner as God are bound to be
blessed. (209-292, 1990.11.30)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

In the world of the heart, there is no variance from the heart of God. What does the “Alpha and Omega” mean? Because God is the substance of and the central being of love, He does not have an alpha or omega, a beginning or an end. True love cannot have a beginning and an end. In the course of the providence of restoration, heading toward the world of the heart, the ideology that searches the background of history and shouts, “God’s heart is hidden here. Oh! This is the path that our race must take,” is the ideology which will save that race. If there is a person who finds God’s heart which flows behind world history and who shouts out that this is the way for mankind to prosper, that person will be able to pioneer the way for the salvation of this world. Moreover, if there is a person who can proclaim that the heart of the cosmos, Heaven and earth, the spiritual world, and everything is his, that person would be the Christ who has come again. Then the beginning and re-creation of Heaven and earth, the history of completion will unfold.

It is our hope and our life of faith to seek out this world. Since you must travel that path, you must decide the direction of heart. Ultimately, you must decide the direction of your heart. You must love God and Jesus more than you love anything else in the world. You must love the world that Jesus loved. You must be able to love the people that Jesus loved. After loving something bigger than oneself, if there is anything left, then one should think of oneself. But the opposite trend is happening today. People think that it doesn’t matter whether the nation collapses, the world perishes or Heaven grieves. “As long as my children and I do not perish, it’s fine.” This is upside down thinking.

In order to cut away from this, Jesus said that the members of your family are your enemies. For the sake of the public will, you must abandon private feelings. The person who acts for the sake of the group that he belongs to more than he acts for his family is a loyal subject of that group. Furthermore, if he sacrifices for the group as well as for nation, he is a loyal subject of that nation. Moreover, if there is a person who dies for the sake of the public ideology of the world instead of just his nation, he might be a traitor to his nation but he is a loyal subject of the world. Furthermore, if there is a person who goes over the world and lives for the sake of God, he is the greatest loyal subject. Jesus is an example of that kind of person.

The greatest standard of the happiness that is granted to man is being a true servant of God, a true loyal subject of God and a true, filial son and daughter of God. These are the words of God’s grace. What do you think? Have you become God’s loyal subject, filial sons and daughters whom He can recognize? You must step over your family, your nation, and this world and seek God. You must go with high spirits. Jesus went that course with a commanding spirit.

If my family opposes me, I must thrust through that family. If my people oppose me, then I must dig through that people. If my nation opposes me, then I must go through that nation. If the world opposes me, I must go through the world. If numerous evil spirits in the spiritual world oppose me, I must have the desperate heart to dig through that opposition. The problem is whether we have that heart. Even Satan’s iron net will be withdrawn when it faces that heart. Only the sons and daughters who can shout, “Father! I love You more than anybody. I love You more than the world. I love You just as Jesus loved you,” can become Jesus’ brides. If those kinds of sons and daughters appear, will Jesus say, “Hey, why are you doing that?” Will that happen? No. Jesus has longed for two thousand years for those kinds of sons and daughters to appear. Only a person who longs for that kind of family, that kind of brother and that kind of children, and who strives to become that kind of person will be able to become the citizen, the family, and the kin who can support Jesus, whom God wanted to establish.

Even the failure to take on the historical mission can be restored if we possess a heart of love. Therefore, we must seek that kind of place. Love cannot be compared to anything in the whole of Heaven and earth. A person will not trade a handkerchief that was given to him by his beloved for a million pieces of gold. No matter how small the number, how great it would be if there are sons and daughters of God who are connected in their hearts with Jesus; sons and daughters who can even move Jesus to the bone, who can comprehend the world of hope that Jesus desires, who can make God rest and who can bow to Him.

Jesus longed for family members who can bow to God alongside of him. He fought for two thousand years to establish that standard on earth. God sent Jesus so that He could watch mankind living together with Jesus. We must ask ourselves whether we have become people with hearts bursting with the desire to go over the level of the individual, go over the sorrow of the people, go over the hill of worldwide sorrow and connect with Heaven for this purpose. Whether we have that heart or not will determine whether we attend Jesus correctly and whether we will be able to support Jesus to become the Jesus God wanted to find.


Father! We are unworthy to receive Your grace. As time passes, man should discover more and more that he is unworthy and weep bitterly about the sorrow of Heaven. But the love of Heaven remains the love of Heaven, and the heart of the people remains only as the heart of the people. Each person goes through a course of life where he fights with others and lives an upside down life. Please forgive us.

We realize that Jesus established a connection of rejoicing, centering on the love of Heaven, going over the love of men. We beseech You that we may become Jesus’ true disciples, true family, true children, and true brides who can find that relationship with Heaven.

In that way we can support Jesus whom You wanted to establish. We can dissolve Jesus’ historical sorrow, and we can cleanse the mistakes of the generations of our ancestors in one generation. We pray that we can become family members of Heaven and children of Heaven who attend Jesus with this attitude.

Father, if what we feel began from Heaven, let it not disappear from our mind for eternity. Let it linger in our heads forever. Let that life force stay with us. If we must surely go this way, please guide us vertically, transcending time and space. Please take direct control over us.

Be with us forever with Your words. Bless us that in the course of battle to win victory we can keep pace with the providence; that we can give our utmost effort and devote our utmost loyalty to You. I pray all these things in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen. 

When You Think of Jesus, Your Eyes Should be Filled with Tears

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Cheong Seong Gyeong 441

What is the universe? It is an expan-
sion of the family. If you look at a fam-
ily that has completely realized the ideal
of family love, it has a top, middle and
bottom (parents, husband and wife, and
children), left and right, and front and
back. This is the principle. So when we
talk about top and bottom we mean the
parents and children, when we talk about
left and right we mean the husband and
wife, and when we talk about front and
back we mean the brothers and sisters.
Through what do they all become one? It
doesn’t happen through power, knowl-
edge or money. Then what can bring
it about? It is love. This is an absolute
truth. Otherwise the sphere cannot be
formed. Then what are the top, middle
and bottom in our family? They are a
textbook of love. They are a textbook of
love through which we can encounter
universal love. Go out into society and
put it into practice. How should we love?
Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as your-
Book 4 • True Family 442
self.” How should we follow this teach-
ing? We are not sure. When you go out
into the world and meet a grandfather,
treat him as your own grandfather. Treat
people like your own mothers, like your
own fathers or like your own sons. When
you go out into the world you should all
live like this. The people of the top, mid-
dle and bottom, front and back, and left
and right are all displayed in the exhibi-
tion hall of the world. You should know
that the world is an exhibition of people.
If you can love everyone with such love,
God will dwell in the midst of that love.
(128-22, 1983.5.29)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1426

Members of the Unification Church
will be able to register their names in
the not too distant future. The day when
North and South Korea are united as one
nation, in which God can take delight,
will be the day on which you can be reg-
istered. When such a day dawns, even if
you are blind or have an impaired voice
or a deformed arm, if you were blessed
first, you would be considered the elder.
You would be the elder sister-in-law. If
you were blessed later, you would have
to serve a person with an impaired voice
and deformed arm as your elder, even if
you are older and a college graduate.
Such a day is coming. Therefore, when
that time comes, all these special condi-
tions of attendance will become impor-
tant factors that will decide between
success and failure. (58-113, 1972.6.6)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

Jesus wants sons and daughters to appear on this earth whom he can bless and who can receive his blessing as he says, “My beloved! I have worked hard for two thousand years to find sons and daughters like you on earth. My death was for that purpose, and the hardship and pain I suffered were also for that purpose. Now that I’ve found you, I’ll pray to God to give you the blessing of Heaven and earth.”

If there is that kind of person on this earth, he will be filled with longing to see Jesus, who has not appeared yet. He will not be able to look at the world without tears. He will be filled with sorrow, pain and anguish. He will be filled with sorrow when he looks at Heaven and earth. He will think that he has the responsibility to remove the anguish of Heaven and earth. He will call on the Lord, feeling unworthy even after sacrificing everything he has. This kind of person is very close to Heaven.

When Jesus was carrying the cross, his mother was heart-stricken and shed so many tears, following him. In the same way, when you think of Jesus, he who suffers for us even today, your eyes should be filled with tears. You should be filled with pain deep down in your bone marrow and flesh, pain that constricts your chest. You should say in every situation, when seeing something or feeling something, “I am unworthy. I am sorry.” Is there anyone who has this kind of heart on this earth? No. Jesus stood in front of Heaven, saying, “If this race has sinned, forgive them with me as the offering. If the world has sinned, forgive them with me as the offering.” Heaven is longing for a brother of Jesus to appear who can present himself to Jesus in the same way.

Heaven wants to see Jesus rejoice with his family. Jesus longs for the place where he can say, “My beloved bride, my beloved children, my beloved brother, my beloved kin! I have fulfilled my desire; therefore, let us rejoice. Let us rejoice with Heaven and earth, with history and with the age. Let us rejoice for the future. Heavenly Father, bless us.” He must come to earth in order to find that place. But he could not, and so he prays in the spiritual world. We must know this pain that he suffers.

He is not alien to us. He worked for us. He suffered mistreatment for us. He died for us. Even in the secular world, people cry and shed tears for their older or younger brother. Then if the prince of Heaven has come to this earth, died in order to make the most lowly people into his brothers, can anyone not come to him, not cry for him? When will Jesus come and cleanse the great sorrow in his heart, saying, “My beloved bride, my beloved sons and daughters, my beloved brothers”? When he can cleanse that sorrow, the desire of Heaven, the desire of Jesus and the desire of humankind will be fulfilled.

If there is a family member of Heaven, he is probably isolated from the world. If there are sons and daughters of Heaven, they are probably ones who are hated by the secular world. You are responsible for annihilating the enemy’s nation and the city of Satan. Therefore, you will be persecuted in the family when you enter a family. You will be persecuted by the society when you go out to the society. You will experience the sorrow of receiving persecution that the nation and world, Heaven and earth, and spiritual world will mobilize. Jesus received the same persecution. God received that persecution, and people who died for Heaven received that persecution. Therefore, the historical hill of sorrow also waits in front of us. We can attend Jesus after going over that hill. Therefore, Jesus comes to become friends with people in that kind of persecuted place. Troubled by pangs of conscience for rejecting and killing Jesus, one should be able to say, “Lord! I am totally grateful for Your infinite grace.” Jesus is longing for and looking for a group, a church, a nation and a world that can say, “We are grateful that you have granted us the right to participate in the path where generations of our ancestors shed blood, to participate in the path of the future.”

You can sacrifice your bones and flesh in order to find a lost child even in the world of human love. How about the heart of Jesus, who came representing the love of Heaven? Let us compare the most loving relationship that a person has in the human world and the relationship between God, Jesus and I. The relationship between God, Jesus and I must be greater than the most loving relationship between myself and any other person.

We Must Block and Cleanse This History of Betrayal

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Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Children: https://youtu.be/SpucPG3Z_sk.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2025

When Jesus died and ascended into
Heaven, he gave Peter the keys to Heav-
en. Rev. Moon is giving you the keys to
Book 13 • Restoration of the True God’s Homeland 2026
Heaven while he is still alive. I am not
giving them to you so you can save indi-
viduals, but I am giving you the keys
that can save tribes. I am not a person
who saves individuals.
You are becoming Messiahs. Home
Church messiahship is not just some
futile theory. Things are set up on earth
so that they can go straight to the spirit
world, just the way they are. The efforts
each of you make, determines who can
dig up the most diamonds from the
mouth of the diamond mine of the uni-
verse. The members of the Unification
Church are the ones who are excavat-
ing the diamond mine of the universe.
We are doing it through Home Church.
There are difficulties, but the question
is, who can dig up the most diamonds?
(102-217, 1978.12.31)

Richard: Home Church is the way that the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is established.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1931

When we look at the stream of devel-
opment of civilization in human history,
the ancient civilizations that emerged in
the river valleys, passed to the Mediter-
ranean Sea, including Greece, Rome,
and the Iberian Peninsula. Then they
developed through the European con-
tinent, including Germany and France,
and bore fruit as a Judeo-Christian cul-
ture in the form of the Atlantic civiliza-
tion centered on Great Britain, an island
nation. Afterwards, civilization passed
westward through the North American
continent, and presently we have the era
of the Pacific Ocean centered on Japan,
an island nation. This represents the
expansion of the Judeo-Christian civi-
lization into Asia.
When we recognize this kind of
movement of civilizations in light of
God’s providence, we can see that the
island nation that has been placed in the
center of heavenly fortune today is none
other than Japan. At the conclusion of
the 20th century, Japan has come to
stand in the limelight of human history
in God’s providence. Therefore, Japan’s
current prosperity cannot be explained
without considering her relationship to
the Judeo-Christian providence of God.
If Japan has a role in God’s plan, atten-
tion should be paid to the providential
mission that Japan bears. It is because
the purpose of God’s providence is the
realization of world peace. World peace
is the very hope for all humankind.
There can be no better hope for
human society than if the island nations
around the world get together here and
commit themselves to a federation of
nations for the creation of world peace.
It is with this expectation and ideal that
I established the Federation of Island
Nations. I cannot but hope that the real-
ization of world peace will come true
as the island nations all over the world
inherit the heavenly fortune which was
given by God to Japan, and form a group
of nations dedicating their collective will
to the pursuit of world peace.

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

The apostles who did not know the historic heart of Jesus betrayed him. They betrayed Jesus who moved according to the historical will. They did not know him and betrayed the man who moved with the will of the future in his heart. Therefore, for us to block and cleanse this history of betrayal, we must become younger brothers and sisters of Jesus, and we must become brides whom Jesus can love. We must become Jesus’ family members who are able to live eternally with him. If not, you should at least become a citizen who can fight on Jesus’ side on the battlefield.

God sought members for Jesus’ family. After sending Jesus to humankind, God looked for people who could become Jesus’ younger brothers and sisters and who could become members of Jesus’ family. Heaven wanted this and had worked hard to accomplish it for four thousand years. Joseph’s family should have loved Jesus and lived with him with the will of God through life or death. Joseph and Mary should have reached the level of the bride before Jesus arrived, but they didn’t. Among Jesus’ younger brothers, there were none who said, “Brother, where are you going? I will go with you.” What happened in the Gospel of John? Jesus’ brothers and sisters did not understand or believe in Jesus. (John 7:1-9) Moreover, did John the Baptist, who testified that the Holy Spirit came down as a dove from Heaven and manifested herself upon Jesus, ask, “My Lord! Where do you wish to go?” Did he ask, “My Lord! Where do you wish to live?” Did the chosen people of Israel ask that? Because no one asked Jesus these questions, he went to the spiritual world carrying much sorrow.

The Last Days are the time of removing this sorrow. The day when Jesus resolves this unresolved sorrow is the judgment day. Those who want to survive the Last Days, open your minds, and examine yourself with a composed heart. Have I become someone who can find that Jesus of God’s hope? Am I qualified to become a member of Jesus’ family? Am I qualified to become a citizen of the nation of that ideology? You do not know that Jesus is praying with this kind of an anxious heart.

We who are gathered here are traveling a difficult road. We are pioneering that road. We are doing things that never existed in history. We are saying words that are not in the New Testament. We are experiencing truths that spiritual people have not experienced. Our purpose is to become members of Jesus’ family, members of his tribe and citizens who can dwell in his bosom. We have gathered here to fulfill that purpose.

Who should stand closest to Jesus? His bride, his siblings and children, that is, his family should stand closest to him. This is the family God longs for. This is the family Jesus sought. It is the historical desire of God to set up this family on earth. In order to fulfill that desire, we must become Jesus’ siblings, his children and his brides. At least we should enter his tribe. In that way we can join the 144,000.

God and Jesus were miserable. Our ancestors also were miserable. They passed away one by one, but they could not hail the day of liberation. The day of liberation was lost. Our ancestors followed God’s will, dying without seeing the day of liberation. We must know all the facts of sorrow, and we should be able to attend Jesus whom God sought, whom God wanted to establish, and whom we want to attend.

We are following the providential course. If we look at the history of the Korean people, we know that they were a pitiable people. Despite the fact that they went through so much misery, world attention is centering on these people. Moreover, Christianity today is turning around centering on these people.

We Are Not Church Members but Family Members

Do you like this ministry? Please give a donation to support our work!
https://www.paypal.me/visionroot .

Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Children: https://youtu.be/SpucPG3Z_sk.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1973

Britain is the Eve nation, America
is the Abel nation, and France is the
archangel nation. The mother should
embrace the son, searching for these
nations. Since what was lost has been
found in this way, following this pat-
tern, the father should be recovered.
We are searching for the Adam nation
because the Adam nation is the nation
of the coming Lord, and that is the Kore-
an peninsula.
Why the Korean peninsula? It is
like the Italian peninsula. That which
was lost centering on the Vatican must
be restored through indemnity. That
which was lost in the west centering
on the Italian peninsula must be found
in the east. For this reason, the Kore-
an peninsula becomes a global concern.
The Korean peninsula is the border-
line between death and life. The North
and South were divided between com-
munism and democracy, with Kim Il-
sung in the north and Sun Myung Moon
in the south. This is the reality. In the
north, don’t they call Kim Il-sung,
“Father”? Don’t people in the south call
me “Father” or “the True Parent”? Who
will liberate this situation? The presi-
dent cannot solve the problem. Thus, it
rests in my hands. (201-52, 1990.2.28)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1702

The fundamentals of the universe are
love, life, and lineage. We are their fruit.
Within us is the center of love, which
safeguards life. Based on that, history
and tradition are connected through
lineage. This is why you need all three.
You have all three of them within you,
do you not? You have love, life and lin-
eage. The three combine into one to give
birth to a new person. (190-223, 1989.6.19)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

After Jesus resurrected, whom did he find? He found a party of disciples who had betrayed him. Who knew Jesus’ heart when he had to forgive his disciples and receive them with happiness in order to carry out the providence of salvation? No one. This caused infinite sorrow for Jesus. Even though he was sorrowful, he had to go find them. He had to make at least a spiritual base on earth. Therefore, he had to find them again.

The apostles, who were chosen as representatives, betrayed Jesus; the disciples, who represented mankind, also betrayed him. This meant that all mankind betrayed him. That is why Jesus stopped Mary Magdalene when she tried to hold onto him. Humankind betrayed a sorrowful Jesus. Among the apostles, whom we regard as great people, was there anyone who did not betray Jesus? You who believe in them are of the same race of betrayers. Is there anyone who did not betray Jesus? No. Because we are a race of betrayers, we live a life of faith that repeatedly commits betrayal. We live a life of sin.

Since we have become a group of people who must be forgiven by Jesus when he comes again, when will the sorrow of Heaven end? We must know Jesus. Jesus tried to establish an historical relationship and a relationship with the age and the future. Jesus left behind a sorrowful story of tribulations on earth. It is the mission of the bride to carry the burden of that sorrow.

You long for Jesus to come, crying, “Come, oh Lord! Take my bag full of sin! Come, Jesus.” Why do you long for him? Isn’t it for your own wealth and well-being? He who establishes his own viewpoint or his own objectives when dealing with Heaven will one day become a betrayer. No matter what the viewpoint of a faith or ideology is, unless God and all things of the cosmos deem that viewpoint to be correct, no religion, no person can say, “Follow me.” No one can say, “You must believe in our religion. You must follow this Church.” Go ahead and pass by the Unification Church however much you like. We are in this kind of situation.

We must know the circumstances of Jesus. We should know the Jesus of God’s hope and the Jesus of His original desire. We should know who we are, we who seek Jesus. We should not endeavor to display ourselves but should become younger brothers or sisters of Jesus who can receive the love of Jesus before our death. In order to join Abel, you must become a younger brother. Before we die we must become beloved disciples to whom Jesus can open up all of his heart. We must become disciples to whom Jesus can hand over everything and who can inherit everything. In the Bible Jesus said, “I still have a lot to tell you, but you are not able to handle it now.” Today we should long for the coming of Jesus, the Jesus whom God wants to find, the Jesus whom we must attend, and the Jesus who wants to find himself. We should know and serve that Jesus.

You should not just become a disciple of Jesus. You must become his sons and daughters. Even the apostles will bow their heads to the victorious sons and daughters of Heaven. If there is a person Jesus can embrace, saying, “My beloved younger brother, my beloved family,” the apostles will become his servants. You must come to the level where even the apostles can kneel down to you and bow. Some people might say that it is heretical to say these things, but those are the words of people who do not know. The word “bride” does not pertain to the apostles. It is not a word that is approved for the apostles. If Jesus had approved that, why would he come again? It is a word designated for people of the future. Think about it. The term “children” is not the designation of the apostles but of the sons and daughters of the future who do not betray Heaven.

Many saints have come and gone since Adam, but none among them could be a son of Jesus. There is none who can become the true, direct descendant of Jesus. That only happens after Jesus comes again. You should know this.

Who will Jesus look for when he comes to this earth again? He comes to look for younger brothers and sisters. He comes to find parents. He comes to find his tribe. He comes to find a race. He comes to find citizens. He comes to find a world. But he does not want to find the world as it has been until now. That is why Unification Church uses the term “family.” We are not church members but family members.

The Words of the Bible Are the Words of a Betrayed Jesus

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 575

We are the group that seeks the ideal
of love. Therefore, we have to implant
the ideal of love in the horizontal realm
in order to stand as spokespersons for
the spirit world. We should plant it as a
seed. We can grow bigger through our
give and take action centering on the
heart of love. A couple bearing the fruit
of love in this way will enter the spir-
it world becoming one body with God
in the realm of His eternal love. (144-224,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1751

The owner of man’s love is woman.
She owns it. The owner of woman’s love
is man. He owns it. All men know this.
To whom do those things dangling from
men’s bodies belong? This was previous-
ly not understood. Thinking that your
sexual organ belongs to you is a sin. It is
a grave sin for women to think that their
sexual organs belong to them. (141-172,

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

Jesus came and went and two thousand years passed. The Israelites and the Jewish religion exist. The betraying form remains, but where is the betrayed one? He disappeared. The words that Jesus left behind while dying because of the betrayal remained. Yet where have the heart and circumstances of Jesus gone? Despite the fact that Jesus was supposed to lead the fight in place of Heaven and to decide victory or defeat in place of the earth, what shouldn’t survive remains. Jesus’ foundation, which should have survived, does not remain. Meanwhile, the Last Days have come again. What do you think about that?

Numerous Christians all over the world will follow the precedent of Israel if they are not careful. Who can be confident this will not be the case? Who can guarantee that they will not repeat the same blunder as Israel? Nobody can guarantee that.

They say that these are the Last Days. The Bible says that in the Last Days people should anoint themselves, go into a secret place and pray. Groping after what appears to be true is not the will of Heaven, and prayers bound by formalities do not attend God. Jesus, whom God installed a long time ago, appeared out of nowhere. He appeared like a thief. The prince of glory appeared like a thief. He was not born in a luxurious castle. Who would have imagined that he would be born in a stable which smelled of manure?

Where did the Wise Men of the East, who exhorted people to believe in Jesus, go? Where did the holy men who testified that Jesus was the Messiah go? Where did Anna and the group under John the Baptist go? They all disappeared. Since the people Heaven sent all disappeared, the Israelites, who were ignorant, went away as well. The Jewish religion also declined. Thus, Jesus remained alone, all alone. God had attempted to establish Jesus by laboring and fighting for four thousand years, but Jesus remained alone. The numerous soldiers whom Heaven had led, the prepared religion and people were lost to Jesus.

The words of the Bible that you believe in today are the words of a betrayed Jesus. The apostles betrayed not only Jesus but also his words. His words were betrayed and Jesus was also personally betrayed. Did Heaven labor for four thousand years to establish Jesus just so he might be betrayed? No, not at all. Why do you believe in Jesus? You must believe in Jesus in order to fulfill the hope of God and to ease the pain of Jesus. Without caring whether you go to Heaven or hell and even if you go to hell, you should fulfill Jesus’ hope. Even if you become the prince of hell, you should believe in order to fulfill God’s hope. But people say, “Even if Jesus perishes and Heaven fails, all that needs to happen is that I go to the Kingdom of Heaven.” This attitude is worse than criminal. This kind of faith is faulty in essence. Today the road of the Unification Church members is the road of setting this kind of Christianity straight.

We must find the historical Jesus. That Jesus is the Jesus of the age. That Jesus is the Jesus of history. The history that Jesus wanted to create was destroyed. The age was severed, and the future was also curtailed. Did you know that Jesus had nowhere to go? The Israelites should have laughed and cried with Jesus, holding onto Jesus, who came as the fruit of their historic connection to God, for whom God had persevered for four thousand years. The Israelites were lost to the Messiah. After Jesus passed away, did the Jews become true descendants whom Jesus could rule? This age is also losing sight of Jesus. Jesus came with the mission of Heaven, bearing with him the connection of the past, the present and the future. The fact that he even lost the past is regrettable.

If Jesus appears again in this age, in these historic Last Days, he must establish a historical connection. Christianity today must make a historical connection. How should they establish the historical connection? Christians of today must become the second Israel which can support Jesus with God’s standard, not like the Israelites or the Jewish religion which betrayed Jesus. Christians know about the Bible, but they do not know the essential spirit of the contents of the Bible. They do not know the heart of the Bible. No matter how much they dig up genealogy or discuss things, if they cannot treat that genealogy with true dignity and value, they do not have the qualification to compile it.