God Desires the World He Originally Intended

Cheon Seong Gyeong 493

Let’s suppose some parents come
forward with the idea of revolutionizing
parental love and reinventing human
history, claiming, “Even though we are
parents, we will not love our children.”
Yet, the moment their baby’s umbilical
cord is cut, a loving heart will naturally
arise in them. Every life form, wheth-
er on a higher or lower level, is created
in such a way that it cannot but love its
young. Thus, since the act of loving their
children inspires parents to invest and
use their lives as stepping stones, it is
clear that parental love brings us closest
to an eternal and unchanging standard.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1474

God created humankind for the sake
of love. Why were human beings creat-
ed? They were created because of love.
The reason human beings are different
from other forms of creation is that they
were created as God’s sons and daugh-
ters. They were created as object part-
ners who can receive love directly from
Him. Such is the privilege of human-
kind. (132-245, 1984.6.20)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

Today, after two thousand years have passed, what would the desire of God be? It is to find Jesus again on earth. We think that Jesus fulfilled the purpose of his coming on earth, went to the right side of God, and with the glory of God, bowed to Him in victory. But that is a big error.

When Jesus was departing, he sent the Holy Spirit to this earth. After sending the Holy Spirit, he has prayed ever since in the spiritual world to represent the heart of Heaven and to appear as God’s original desire. He is praying to take responsibility for his uncompleted mission.

What was the content of Jesus’ prayers? What was the purpose of his praying? What was Heaven trying to find through Jesus by preparing for four thousand years and sending him? It was victory, not the Jesus of the cross but the Jesus of glory. Jesus prayed to fulfill that will of God.

The question is how does Heaven perceive Jesus? How does Jesus perceive Heaven? How should the people of the future face Jesus, who wants them to believe in him? The way a believer receives Jesus, the way Jesus receives God, the way God meets Jesus, and the way God meets the people should all be the same. The place where people fulfill their purpose by moving with one goal is a place of victory and glory, not a place of sadness and pain. It is a place where all of Heaven and earth can rejoice. Heaven is longing for that one day, for Jesus to progress to that day, and for citizens who can attend God and Jesus as their greatest pride. This was the reason for God’s sending Jesus to the earth and the reason for making people believe in him. But that purpose has not been fulfilled on this earth even now.

Therefore, he must come again. He must come again. Where is the garden of glory that Jesus built with his victory? Where is the world where God can rejoice? It only remains in the hearts of God and Jesus.

Jesus came as the King of all Kings. He came to deeply love, to embrace and to make an unbreakable relationship with the chosen people of Israel, the nation of Judah. He came to form an iron connection with them, where, if they died he would also die. If they lived he would also live. To form this relationship, he shouted and cried. But the people violated that relationship and abandoned him on the cross. When this happened the mutual goal of Jesus and the Israelites was not fulfilled. God tried to establish a turning point of life and death through Jesus, but that standard was not fulfilled in the physical world. Thus, Satan again invaded the world of men.

Therefore, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are spiritually leading this world. They have battled innumerable times for two thousand years. God’s work was to find Jesus. But because Jesus and the chosen people did not become one, they lost him. Thus, Heaven abandoned the Israelites and God established a spiritual Israel and promised them a Messiah. After Jesus departed God promised to send the Messiah again spiritually, and He carried out a movement of restoration for the failed Israel. That is the two-thousand- year history after Jesus until now.

Then what kind of time is now? They say that these are the Last Days. What are the Last Days? The Last Days are a time when the day of Heaven’s hope is near. The Last Days are a time when God establishes Jesus again and fulfills His desire. What is God’s desire? It is the world that He originally intended. God longs for the fulfillment of the world of the original ideal on this earth through Jesus. Then, in these Last Days, are you who are living in the satanic world of sin prepared to attend Jesus whom God is looking for? God is hoping in the Last Days for a world where Jesus can have full dominion. The world should become a world God would want to show to Jesus. God has persevered for six thousand years, longing to be able to show off His chosen people and chosen children to Jesus. But this world became a world God could not show off to Jesus.

If Jesus comes to this earth again, he should reign as King of Kings, leading the people of this earth, and he should return glory to God. Moreover, we should liberate the historical sadness and sorrow and attend Jesus as the prince of victory. We should give glory to Heaven representing him. But the people of this earth do not know this.

The Heavens were Supposed to Protect and Support the Messiah

CSG 363

The sexual organ is the royal pal-
ace of love, a royal palace giving birth
to eternal life, and a royal palace where
one receives the blood ties and lineage
that will inherit the heavenly tradition
that will never, ever change. It is a royal
palace of true life, a royal palace of true
love, and a royal palace of true lineage.
It is the most precious place. You can-
not do whatever you want with it. You
cannot open it without God’s official
approval. No one can touch it except
your husband or your wife, who has
received the official approval from God
and the universe. (216-207, 1991.3.31)

CSG 1242

If you have the opportunity to attend
a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go
thinking you are just a man or a wom-
an and there is nothing else to it. When
you attend the ceremony, you are there
representing men and women who have
come and gone in the world over the past
six thousand years. You must under-
stand that you have been invited as such.
You should experience this reality deep
in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

29 You Pharisees and teachers are nothing but show-offs, and you’re in for trouble! You build monuments for the prophets and decorate the tombs of good people. 30 And you claim that you would not have taken part with your ancestors in killing the prophets. 31 But you prove that you really are the relatives of the ones who killed the prophets. 32 So keep on doing everything they did. 33 You are nothing but snakes and the children of snakes! How can you escape going to hell?

34 I will send prophets and wise people and experts in the Law of Moses to you. But you will kill them or nail them to a cross or beat them in your meeting places or chase them from town to town. 35 That’s why you will be held guilty for the murder of every good person, beginning with the good man Abel. This also includes Barachiah’s son Zechariah,[a] the man you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 I can promise that you people living today will be punished for all these things!

37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have killed the prophets and have stoned the messengers who were sent to you. I have often wanted to gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you wouldn’t let me. 38 And now your temple will be deserted. 39 You won’t see me again until you say,

“Blessed is the one who comes
    in the name of the Lord.”


Father! Today we are historically distant from Jesus. History has distance, but there is no distance in the world of the heart. Let us not become people who believe in the historical Jesus. Let us become people who know and believe in Jesus in our hearts.

Since we have already seen Your word, let us be able to picture Jesus’ humble image. Let us grieve in our hearts and bow to that countenance. Let us be filled with the anguished, sincere and awe- stricken mind that can hear Jesus’ words of appeal to his people at the time.

Let us be able to call You Father without self-consciousness. Let us be able to feel the rapture of Jesus’ grace without our noticing and be thankful. Make us grieve over the fact that the Heavens were supposed to protect and support the Messiah You sent but that he went through a miserable course upon his appearance on earth. Let us be able to care for the work he did. Let us feel anguished at the mistreatment he received. Let us be able to inherit in our hearts today the works that our ancestors did not fulfill. Let us be able to comfort and console Jesus in their place. Make us his reciprocal objects of hope.

We know how miserable Jesus was. He had to lament when he looked at his people. He could only weep bitterly when he saw the state of the religious body. People did not recognize the fact that he had to take responsibility for Heaven’s dispensation.

No one knew his heart as he wandered the mountains alone at night, leaving humanity behind. They should have felt the pain of his circumstances. He had to leave behind the church that should have shared his heart and the people who should have lived with him. Today let us not become like those who follow and believe in Jesus without knowing him. Let us be able to cry infinitely for him, holding onto his heart. Let us be concerned for him. We know that we must become people who do not refuse even death for his sake.

Why did Your sons and daughters come to this place today? We do not teach any knowledge or scholarship of the world here. We have gathered here to find the resting place for our minds. We have gathered to connect with Your original heart and to become people who must go the way of Your will, who must bow to You, and who must share our hearts with You. If we have gathered here to repent to Heaven and to cleanse ourselves, let us not claim to have come here by our own efforts alone.

Make us know that without Your hands of compassion and sympathy, we would inevitably fall prey to Satan. Let us be grateful and thankful. We know that you have approved of this place so that it can create sons and daughters who are filled with the heart that says, “Father! Have compassion on us.” Let the speaker as well as the listeners be filled with that kind of attitude.

We know that we have met here today as a result of Heaven’s work to connect us to generations of ancestors and to build the one day of victory. If we feel something in our minds, experience something in our hearts and have a new determination, let us realize that effect was not produced in an hour. Make us feel that each person here was shaped by our ancestors, by the prophets and righteous people who made bridges and connections through the historic achievements of their work.

Even though each of our hearts and countenances toward You is different, let our minds move together. Let our hearts all be the same when connecting with You. Mold us into one likeness.

Let the speaker and listeners not have two minds. Make us realize that Satan is aiming at that kind of base, and that he is attempting to put up a wall of death in front of us. Give us strength and ability. Give us the protection of the Holy Trinity. Allow us to be shaped only by the glory of victory, the glory of re-creation, the glory of nobility, and the elements within us that we can be proud of. Let us feel only these aspects.

Please give the same blessings to each place, spread out in the districts where lonely members are kneeling and praying. I pray all this in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

They Should do Everything for the Sake of Jesus

CSG 533

Since your start was all wrong, you
must return to the original point. As we
originated from false parents, we need
to return and start anew from true par-
ents. How serious is this? It is impera-
tive to inherit God’s love, life and lineage
That is why, when you receive the
Blessing, you undergo the ceremony for
changing the lineage. You must believe
in this more than your own life. Just
because it is a Unification Church cere-
mony, you should not think of it as some
ordinary ritual. It is like a wonder drug,
an antidote, to restore the dead back to
Our ancestors committed an error so
grave that countless people fell victim to
its aftereffects throughout the course of
human history. Knowing this, we can-
not tread that same path again ever
again! We paid a ghastly price through-
out history for having perpetuated illicit
love in the fallen spiritual and physical
worlds, with far-reaching consequenc-
es for individuals, families, societies,
nations and the world. (216-109, 1991.3.9)

Richard: The marriage Blessing is not just a nice idea or a marriage re-dedication. It is an essential rite for all of humankind.

CSG 495

When I was in Danbury prison, I
witnessed an interesting thing. A slope
was being bulldozed into a tennis court.
However, when the rainy season came,
work had to stop for a few weeks until the
weather cleared up. During the delay, a
water bird built a nest only three meters
away from the path the inmates used for
their exercise. The water bird was not eas-
ily noticeable as her colors allowed her
to blend into the background. Therefore,
while she was guarding her eggs, no one
realized she was there, even through they
repeatedly walked right by her. When
the water bird curled up, she looked just
like a round black stone from the side,
but when her eggs hatched and the baby
birds started feeding, they were pretty
noisy and gave away their location. Sev-
eral of the inmates tried to mess around
with the water bird, but she proved very
capable of protecting her young. When
she returned with food, she never land-
ed close to her nest, but chose different
locations, then slowly crept over to her
chicks. Every day she approached from
a different direction in order to pro-
tect her young. This is how she protect-
ed them. As her chicks grew larger, she
would make lots of noise and peck any
inmates who came too close. She was
clearly warning them to stay away. Who
taught the water bird to be like this? It is
the power of the universe. All things of
creation are on a level plane, centering
on God’s love as the axis. They may have
different positions on that plane, but
their level of love and care is the same.
(136-23, 1985.12.20)

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

What kind of person is a son of filial piety? To become such a son, one has to attend one’s parents well, and one should bear children. No matter how pious someone may be, no matter how great one may be, no matter what one may have given to one’s parents, one cannot be a child of filial piety if one cannot have children. Jesus was born as God’s historical son of filial piety. Even though he realized the glory of the only begotten son and fulfilled everything, without children he could not stand proud before God. Do you know why Jesus has toiled for two thousand years?

Jesus knew that God worked like a crazy man to find His beloved son, so Jesus spent thirty-some-odd years of his life with the same intense heart toward the people of the earth. For two thousand years, he worked as if he was a crazy man, as if there were no Satan. You have to understand that Jesus longs for people on the earth to the point of madness. Even if you forget all the words in the Bible, all you need to do is to connect with that heart of Jesus. Jesus has to resolve the most sorrowful, the most indignant and distressful as well as the more joyful things. There are those who want to be a member of the 144,000 chosen people or boast that they are the chosen people, but they have to resolve these three things.

What were the most sorrowful, indignant and joyful events of Jesus’ life? Although we know of the times he was indignant and sad, we do not know of any joyful moments.

To become a friend and someone who is loved, one has to understand the other person’s sorrow and pain and comfort them. Only then can one become the other person’s friend. If you connect to someone’s heart and build a relationship of love, then you can move that person as you wish, and you will also do as he wants.

Jesus understood the sorrows and joys that God felt during the four thousand years. Yet Jesus passed away without revealing them. You have to understand the sad heart of Jesus who said, “You cannot believe in the things that I say about this world, so how could you believe in the matters of Heaven if I were to speak about them?”

Since Jesus understood the sorrow, pain and joy of God, we should also understand the sorrow, pain and joy of God. Moreover, since we have an additional two thousand years of history during which God has worked laboriously, we have to understand that as well.

What is God’s sorrow and pain? It is having lost His sons and daughters and the struggle to find them. This is His pain. The moment God can love his sons and daughters with a heart of love which can forget about all sorrows and pains of the past, joy will begin.

For this reason we who believe should become crazy for the sake of Jesus. To what extent? We should become more crazy than the intensity of the love between any couple. Christians are those who have the mind-set, “How could my loyal heart toward you ever change, even if my bones are crushed and my life is lost?” They should do everything for the sake of Jesus, including eating, seeing and hearing. Isn’t this true? Many among all those who claim to believe in Jesus only go sight-seeing. Even though there is a deep-seated sadness between parents and children, they go sight-seeing. These people have nothing to do with God. They can never become direct children. Why did God struggle so hard? We have to understand that He continuously carried on the toil of history for the purpose of raising up beloved children.

God was Indignant when He had to Witness the Death of Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 440

When you stand in the world of
space, you need top and bottom, left and
right, and front and back. Only then is
the status of your position stable. Your
shape will vary depending on the posi-
tion in which you stand: top and bottom,
left and right, front and back. When
dealing with matters that concern the
relationships of top and bottom, left and
right, front and back, and also problems
in the family, nation and world, there is
only one solution. Just as there has to
be top and bottom, left and right, and
front and back with the individual at the
center, there also have to be parents and
children, husband and wife, and broth-
ers and sisters.
The same applies in a nation. With
the leader of the nation at the center,
all families should embrace the civili-
zations of east and west, and the civili-
zations of north and south, and all the
people of the world as their brothers and
sisters, and eventually establish a fam-
ily model. This model is the same for
all. You yourselves are the center of that
model. This model represents a principle
that requires that from you should come
your family, which then expands to the
nation, world, heaven and earth, and all
the way to God. You not only want to
be the center of the universe, you can be
the center. In the same way, the family is
the center of the universe. If you think
of heaven as the parents, then earth rep-
resents the children. When considering
east and west, the east symbolizes the
man and the west the woman. So after
marriage, the woman goes to the place
where her husband is wherever it may
be. This is similar to the west reflecting
the sunlight that shines from the east.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2050

The Unification Church must now
ready itself to bring about the unification
of North and South Korea from the posi-
tion of Abel. But the Unification Church
is not totally settled yet. What does tong
ban breakthrough mean? It means we
must overturn everything centering on
the families of the land of South Korea.
Why? Because the Fall started from the
family, we must change the thinking
of people on the family level. However,
before God can find the environmental
conditions to accomplish this, the exter-
nal world of Satan’s side uses all of its
energy to oppose God’s efforts. Until
now the political environment, start-
ing from the era of the Liberal Party,
and then moving on to the era of the
Republican Party and the Democrat-
ic and Justice Party, have opposed the
Unification Church’s efforts to organize
itself and spread out into the country-
side. They have opposed the settlement
of our church. (207-330, 1990.11.11)

Richard: God’s Kingdom settles through tong ban (Home Church) activity in neighborhoods.

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

Had the three disciples been willing to die with Jesus, he would not have had to die. Everything would have been realized on the earth. Since the Holy Spirit came and there were spiritual sons and daughters, the father and mother spirit could build a foundation on the earth, at least spiritually, and fulfill the will. Some people may say that we cannot find these words in the Bible.

Why did Jesus who came to save the earth ascend to Heaven, and why did the Holy Spirit, the mother spirit, come down to the earth on his behalf? The earth is the symbol for the mother. Since the Fall took place because of Eve, who was the mother, it is the mother who must cleanse the fallen world of sin. The Holy Spirit and believers were to join together to cross the line of death and rise to the position to serve Jesus in the spirit world.

Although God sent Jesus on the basis of the four-thousand-year history, He could not embrace him and love him fully. Although human beings received the beloved Jesus, they could not embrace him and love him. When Mary Magdalene tried to hold Jesus right after the resurrection, Jesus told her not to touch him. Why did he block her? This is sorrowful. When God was sad, Jesus was sad. Because the situations of Heaven and earth are tied to this, you cannot move forward without unraveling this. How distressed must Heaven have been since He had to resolve the situation?

God is looking for those who can substitute for the lost Adam and Eve. It is said in I Corinthians that Jesus was the last Adam. It is said that Adam is the tree of life. Jesus was the one who came in place of the lost tree of life. Did God ever elevate beloved Jesus on the earth and praise him before the believers? Did He ever boast about him before the family which is looking for the one person God loves? Although two thousand years have passed since then, God could not boast before any people or the world.

You have to understand that God was indignant when He had to witness the death of Jesus whom He had sent and would have to send again. He was more indignant than when He had to chase Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. Although he was sent with the mission of a son, Jesus could not complete the mission. Because in Jesus’ time there was not a moment when God and his son were happy together, there had to be a Second Advent. The day will come when God can rejoice with Jesus. This will be the moment He can reveal the grieving heart of the six thousand years and connect the sons and daughters with God and the Lord who is to come.

True Happiness is Finding Love and Living in Attendance to God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2082

North and South Korea cannot
become one if they remain as they are.
For this, we need patriots who fight with-
out sleep and possess hearts of determi-
nation, willing to overcome all obsta-
cles. The unification of North and South
Korea begins with people who think, “I
truly want to live together. I would like
to die together if we must die, or live
together if we must live. I would like to
live together with our forefathers, with
those who are in the spirit world.” (148-277,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1319

Since I put great emphasis on the
family, I blessed 30,000 couples last
year. This was like dropping a bomb
on the world. Think about it, the mar-
riage of 30,000 couples! We are living in
a world in which even the parents can-
not control their own children, and yet
Rev. Moon of the Unification Church
brought together young people from 131
nations around the world and married
them. Can you think of anything more
miraculous or amazing in the world?
(243-214, 1993.1.10)

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

However, there has not been even one person who loved his or her sons and daughters with the same heart of love that God had toward Adam and Eve. There has never been a couple who came together with such heart and love.

Sinning daily and making a lot of noise is love below the level of the angels, love which is a product of the Fall. People are distant from the love of God who exists as the center of ideals and as the ideals themselves.

You have probably not given much thought to the fact that Adam and Eve fell. You are unclear about the significance of what you have vaguely heard. There is no deep response of the heart in you. That should not be so. The moment Adam and Eve fell, God’s heart was torn so painfully He almost went insane. You should never forget about the Father who was shaken so thoroughly as to almost forget Himself. Have you ever thought about that?

Even when fallen people on the earth watch their children die, they feel their bone marrow melt. They want to save their children even at the cost of their own lives. How must the heart of God have been as He watched Adam and Eve walking the path toward the Fall and crossing the line of death? Unless you understand that heart, there is no way for you to become God’s sons and daughters.

If someone has experienced the sorrow of God as he watched the Fall of Adam and Eve, nothing of this human world will pose any problem for him. Even the greatest love in the human world cannot comfort the sorrowful heart of God. We understand the history of restoration through indemnity. To return to the original world, we have to go through God’s heart and build a relationship of love with Him. Only after that can we become God’s sons and daughters. Have you ever felt the heart of God who mourned while watching the Fall of Adam and Eve? For six thousand years, God has been ceaselessly struggling to liberate the grieving heart of the Fall. God sent many prophets to liberate it. He sent His beloved son. God sent His beloved son to execution to liberate the grieving heart of the Fall. It is to liberate this that countless people are in pain.

If a day of joy were to come to the earth, what kind of day would that be? The day of joy is the day that the grief which is rooted deep in the heart of God since the human Fall is removed. However, today that grief in God’s heart remains unresolved. The universe is surrounded by sadness. For this reason we are struggling in the sad and painful course of history. In the meantime we are struggling to find happiness. We have to understand this.

Why did we come to have this sorrow? It is not because we do not have money that we are sad. It is not because we do not have prestige that we are sad. It is not because we do not have people to love. What is the pain? It is not the pain that you experience when you are wronged. There is no greater pain than not being able to love one’s beloved.

What is true joy? Becoming a millionaire does not make one happy. Making the universe our own does not make us happy. We have to understand that true happiness is finding love and living in attendance to God.

We fallen people live in sorrow. We fallen people experience pain in our lives. Although we have thirsted for the ideals of goodness for six thousand years, nothing of the kind has emerged. You know very well that the society we live in, the world and current trends of thought cannot build the ideal garden of goodness where God’s love and life can dynamically flow. Yet, to our grief, we cannot deny this world. It is our fate to cross this pass of grief.

How can we cross this pass of grief? We have to go through the love of God. To do so we have to understand the wound in God’s heart and comfort Him. You have to understand that; otherwise, there is no way to usher in the time of hope.

God has sought for us to accomplish this goal. In the Old Testament of the past, God established offerings as the condition to build a bridge to fallen people. God placed nature before human beings and they came to Him through it. Even when God came through nature, our ancestors did not worship Him sincerely. Many prophets in history did not know that by making the offering they were to build a relationship with God’s heart of love. They frequently made mistakes. Using the offering as the sacrifice, God tried to place human beings higher than nature. By doing so He pushed history forward. He sought an individual and connected him to God’s heart, then expanded it to the family and national levels. On that foundation of a nation, God sent a representative whom He could love.