Some Force is Prodding You

Join us tomorrow Saturday, October 5th at 10 a.m. for Part 1 of the Unification Principle online seminar. Register here:
or call 202-544-5081 with any questions or for help.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2088

By combining the victorious, restored
features of Judaism, Christianity, and
the Unification Church with the bless-
ings of Buddhism, Confucianism and
other religions, I am forming a consoli-
dated nucleus. This is your inheritance
and the essence of the tribal messiah’s
position. You do not need to worry
about the nation. There is no need for
you to worry about the world, either. All
you need to worry about is your family.
(198-270, 1990.2.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1446

In the future, centering on the order
of registration, the great national level
migration will take place. Then those
who have opposed the Unification
Church will have to pack up their bags
and leave. Because he symbolized the
Lord at his Second Advent on Satan’s
side, Stalin ordered the Korean people of
Sakhalin to be banished to the deserts of
Central Asia, and they were left there to
die. Nevertheless, they were able to sur-
vive. The Korean race is very persever-
ing. The Korean people united togeth-
er and survived in the desert. Now, in
the same way, people will have to move.
On that occasion, people were forced to
move, but now they will move voluntari-
ly. This is in accordance with the Princi-
ple. By saying that they are going to the
Kingdom of Heaven, can they move to a
place where they can make a good liv-
ing? Of course not. When the Kingdom
of Heaven is manifested on earth, a great
migration will take place. In the order
of registration, people will line up start-
ing from right beside True Father. Then
those who opposed us will be driven out
of Korea. They will have to pack their
bags. (253-299, 1994.1.30)

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

The title of the sermon I am about to give you now is “We Who Are Walking a Life Course.” I will speak upon this subject.

It is commonly said that people are born and will pass away. From ancient times, even the greatest personalities have passed away. We have to think about how this pattern in history and Heaven relates to us. We will one day pass away. Although it is not clear what the relationship is, we know clearly that we came to the earth and will pass away from it after interacting in a complicated manner with many things and under the influence of some ideals.

For what purpose did we come and for what purpose are we going? Although many philosophers and religious people have tried to answer this question with all their hearts and souls, human history has progressed in sorrow. This continues to this day.

We are in an intense moment. We cannot deny that we are walking a life course that we cannot avoid. We were born through the lineage of our parents and found ourselves in a world that we never even thought about before. It is our fate that at some point in our life, we will grow old and die. No matter how great a person may be, he cannot stop the passing of his golden youth. We know the sad reality that there is no way to prevent one’s aging, no matter how hard one may try.

Several times in the course of your life you probably felt deep remorse and regret during a moment of reflection, as well as a strong urge to stir things up around you. Why were we born, why should we live, and where should we go? You should not think that you were the cause of your birth. We do not know the origin and purpose of our birth. Although we were born, we were not born because that’s what we wanted to do. Although we are living, it is not because we want to live that we are alive. When we die, it will not be because we want to die.

Then what do you have that is still worth being proud of? We are not born out of our own desire; we cannot live the way we want to; and we cannot avoid death. We should not be proud. If we are proud, we will only be miserable. Since we were born and are leading our life, we are to pass away after living such a life.

What is the purpose of this life? You should reflect on this question once more. Since you are not the cause, your purpose must not lie with you. Who does not want to be happy in his life? Who does not want to lead a rich and glorious life? Yet we cannot live as we want to. Still, we want to be proud of ourselves, live as we wish, and be remembered the way we want to be. In each of our hearts, we find this clash of contradictions.

Why do we, who did not cause our own birth, desire something great, wish to live well, and seek a more valuable and greater purpose? Is it because of ourselves, or is it due to some reciprocal purpose? We have to understand this clearly. There is probably no one who would raise his hand and claim that it is because of he himself. Were you born through your parents’ lineage because that was what you wanted? Although your parents gave birth to you, they cannot determine the course of your life. They cannot set its outcome the way they want to. They can neither kill you nor save your life.

Who possesses this power? The day we can clarify the possessor of this power, we can rejoice centering on ourselves. People of the present era, however, are struggling and have failed to surpass this standard. We have to understand that we are these people.

For this reason, we are pursuing something greater in our hearts. Moreover, we want to push away the realm of death in our lives and become connected to a greater life and world. Moreover, since we have a heart of emotion and love, we want to transcend the world of human emotions and connect with the world of eternal and unchanging emotions. Although it is hard to explain or demonstrate, we are often pulled by these feelings. The purer your conscience is, the more you will feel that some force is prodding you to forsake this world full of contradictions.

You Have to Inspire People by Love, Not Force

Join us on Saturday, October 5th at 10 a.m. for Part 1 of the Unification Principle online seminar. Register here:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 266

What was the Fall? The Fall was that
people did as they pleased. Therefore,
we must tear down that which was not
done centering on God and True Par-
ents. Men should become incarnations
of Father and women incarnations of
Mother. Wherever God enters you,
whether through your eyes or anywhere
else, you should welcome Him. You can-
not say, “Oh no, you cannot come in.”
Do you want walls to remain in place?
God’s love comes through you. You need
to study all this. You must not be negli-
gent. You should all do this. When you
inherit the tradition, True Parents will
come to you. True Parents will come to
you as God’s messenger and give you the
inheritance. (118-271, 1982.6.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

Cain represents Satan’s side. It is the
position of the elder brother. Abel repre-
sents God’s side. This is the battle. Orig-
inally, God would have loved the first-
born son, and then the younger son. Due
to the Fall, the first son, Cain, stands on
Satan’s side. He belongs to Satan’s side.
In order to save him, God designated
Abel. God designates Abel to restore the
right of the firstborn son. This cannot
be achieved by force; you have to inspire
people by love. You have to achieve res-
toration by melting them with love. If
you cannot stand in the position of hav-
ing loved them, if you cannot win their
heart through offering your love, then
you will not be in a position to truly love
your own son or daughter. As viewed
from God’s ideal of creation, the first-
born son was originally to be loved first
rather than the second child. (140-38,

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

21 And when he did come, it was to lead you to have faith in God, who raised him from death and honored him in a glorious way. That’s why you have put your faith and hope in God.

22 You obeyed the truth,[a] and your souls were made pure. Now you sincerely love each other. But you must keep on loving with all your heart. 23 Do this because God has given you new birth by his message that lives on forever. 24 The Scriptures say,

“Humans wither like grass,
and their glory fades
    like wild flowers.
Grass dries up,
and flowers fall
    to the ground.
25 But what the Lord has said
    will stand forever.”

Our good news to you is what the Lord has said.


Father, You guided our ancestors without any hesitation, doing the most arduous work for six thousand years. Yet our ancestors often betrayed You. They failed to bring You joy, not standing on Your side in victory and glory. When we think about this, we cannot help but admit that we are shameful descendants of the Father.

Father! Please consider us with sympathy. Although we may be unworthy, You must hold us and restore us. Since You are well aware of this, when we think of how You have come in search of these unworthy ones, we are deeply ashamed before You. However, we have gathered with a heart of repentance before the Father who longs for us with a heart of love and is seeking us even today.

How many words of admonition do You want to give us? Yet You cannot speak as You want, and we have become incapable of communicating with You. Please guide us to understand that this is a source of infinite grief to Heaven. Let us mourn over our inadequacies.

The Last Days, when the power of death must be destroyed by the power of life, are nearing. Yet even as we thirst for life, we lack a heart of yearning for life. Please encourage and inspire us so that we can become sons and daughters who can step forward before our enemies bravely, with power and forceful heart, by depending upon the Father, the sovereign of life.

It is our wish that our hands be held by You and that we may take after You. Please, even for this hour, allow us to resemble the Father’s internal sung-sang by removing all traces of defilement. Let us manifest the original beauty by resembling the external hyung-sang and glorify the Father. Father of love, we pray sincerely that in this hour You can rejoice with those of us who have cultivated the Father’s original heart and have become the embodiments of the ideals of creation.

Please allow us to understand that the waves of death are hovering over us. Satan is trying his best to wipe away the power of life. Please let us first lay a solid foundation of the heart and rectify our bodies so that we can stand securely before the Father. Please guide us to feel that unless our minds and bodies are set on one goal and bow with a sincere heart, countless devils will trample us. Let us humbly and sincerely offer: “Please receive this, since this belongs to You.”

Please eliminate all subjective concepts and thoughts of the past. Let us be filled with an ardent desire to call Heaven with a voice springing forth from the deepest part of our hearts. In this way, please let this be an hour when we can build a new relationship with Heaven. Give rise to a new heart, and bring about a new work of resurrection.

Now the wall of battle blocks our path. Please let us understand that we have arrived at the final stage of battle when we have to become the elite corps of Heaven and break through the wall. Please allow us to become brave soldiers of Heaven who can step forward and confront the power of death. Let us become sons and daughters of the Father who can march forward toward the enemy camp. Father, we pray that You will guide us to become the elite corps of Heaven who do not fear death and who can run silently toward victory.

Although those who are bowing their heads here may be different from one another, please let them have the same goal and the same heart. Even if our situations and states of heart may be different, let our heart toward God be the same. Please receive our sincere desire to do our very best for You.

Your sons and daughters who have gathered here have fought lonely battles. Struck by arrows shot by their families and society, they have been following the light of life and calling upon Heaven. Since You initiated everything, until the moment we can return victory and glory to the Father, please let there not be even one person who collapses out of fatigue. We have set out for the sake of the Father. Please allow us to bear the fruits of joy and broaden the foundation of the Father’s glory.

This is a glorious day, so please bless all people. Bless the entire church, and bless the pitiful thirty million people of this nation.

We know that the light of life is in Heaven, and that the fate of walking the path of restoration depends upon Heaven. Father, You understand the situation of this people well. Father, You understand the state of the churches in Korea. We know that there must appear many living sons and daughters of the Father who can connect people’s hearts and praise Heaven from the heart. If there are sons and daughters who are clinging to hidden altars and are desperately appealing to Heaven, please gather them together and fulfill Your words that You will use a small group of people to shame the larger multitudes.

Father! Just as the seven thousand people who did not submit to Baal were able to ward off the forces of evil, let there be a group of seven thousand people of goodness who can ward off Satan’s malice. Please gather together into the Father’s family all the hidden sons and daughters who can mourn with You, who can discuss and think with You. By connecting them together as members of Your family, please quickly restore the garden of glory and achieve liberation.

We entrust everything in this hour to You. Please preside over this hour from the beginning to the end. Please do not let our evil minds influence us. We pray that You will let the bows we offer You enable the whole of Heaven and earth to meet the standard of longing for the Father’s glory and be in harmony. We prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

Join me on Saturday, October 5th at 10 a.m. for Part 1 of the Unification Principle online seminar. Register here:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 57

Why did God create human beings?
As this universe has physical form, God
did so in order to manage and lead it
through Adam and Eve, who would
be the masters with bodily form. Since
God is without form in the spirit world
and cannot rule directly over the uni-
verse, He created humankind in order
to assume physical form and become
the King who can rule over His descen-
dants, His children who are born in the
The face of this king was to be Adam’s
face. A king needs a queen. Who is the
queen? Eve was to become the queen.
Adam and Eve were to be the ancestors
in the heavenly world as well as on earth.
(199-144, 1990.2.16)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 953

By opening the gates of hell and giv-
ing the Blessing to all those who went to
the spirit world, God’s authority over His
lineage has been recognized. Because of
this, Satan must completely retreat. This
is a revolution. There has never been a
revolution like this amongst all revolu-
tions. I created the environment where
all those who died because of the Fall
can enter heaven. By creating all the
foundations enabling those who died
without getting married, ever since the
Fall of Adam and Eve, to enter and live
in heaven, and by creating the environ-
ment enabling all our ancestors to enter
a realm of the spirit world within the
domain of the Blessing, I have created
a highway that leads to heaven. I have
restored all those foundations through
indemnity. (300-305, 1999.4.11)

Richard:  Do you realize that a revolution of truth and heart has occurred?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Ladies and gentlemen, the time to attempt to enter the Kingdom of Heaven has now passed. You should not try to go to the Kingdom of Heaven by believing in God; you should try to help God enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You should not have the desire to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and meet Jesus; you should build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and attend Jesus.

Do you want to receive the love of Jesus? Are you worthy to demand the love of Jesus when you are soaked in sinfulness? Jesus is the royal prince of God. You cannot make such demands upon the royal prince of God. You should not have such an attitude of faith. If you want to receive his love, you should be filled with a desire to love him that is more intense than his death. Yet all of you have the attitude of a robber. Those who are faithful today do as they wish, but that is not how it should be. That is not how it is in the spirit world. It is fundamentally different.

Thus, it is our fate now to liberate God. God has been seeking those who crave faith and hope and who are burning with love. He wants those who say, “God is constrained because of humanity. God is constrained because of me. God is receiving Satan’s accusation because of me. Jesus died because of me. The Holy Spirit has been carrying on a bloody battle because of me. God, please give me strength. I will take the Father to a place of peace and liberation. I will also take Jesus and the Holy Spirit to a place of liberation.” We should understand this truth.

Is there a contradiction in these words? Only when we receive such great love can God be our father. In that state, your eyes will overflow with tears just looking at a mountain. Those of us who have failed in our responsibilities will strike our chests in frustration and will not be able to escape the fate of becoming princes of grief, even if we try our best to take steps forward.

You should understand that God is not someone comfortably sitting on the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. God sees that hell has been created and He feels pain which surpasses that which is felt in hell. Yet humanity does not know this. If God does not feel pain which surpasses that which is felt in hell and allows hell to remain, He cannot be called the God of love. In the six-thousand-year history, there is no pain in hell God did not experience. God experienced all its agonies. In truth, God is suffering the pains of hell. You may accuse me of speaking nonsense, but we should believe in and attend God knowing these things. Only then can God be the true God of humanity. God suffered the anguishes of hell in order to find each one of us.

After Jesus died on the cross, there was a three-day period of darkness. How can this be? He should have been a physical and spiritual savior. He was to witness to people even when he entered hell. For this reason, the people who believe in Jesus should have touched the bottom of hell on earth. This is why they were trampled upon in history and persecuted. Since God walked such a path, we have to accompany Him and work by His side. The providence of restoration and the providence of salvation is the promise to give the garden of glory to such people. You should understand this clearly.

Those who pray with a sincere heart, “God, please let me go to hell and experience the Father’s sufferings” will not go to hell. Those who say, “Oh God, I do not want to go to hell; please send me to the Kingdom of Heaven,” will end up in hell. Jesus prayed on the cross, “Father, please do not do as I will, but as You will. Please do not let them bear the penalty for their sins.” This was because when he contemplated the internal heart and situation of God, who had suffered the pains of hell in order to save the people for four thousand years, he felt that he could not avoid the path of the cross. You should understand clearly that these were Jesus’ feelings.

The Substantial Work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Watch the latest Richard Urban show with Andrew Derricutt: We Have to Make a Fundamental Choice

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1950

The democratic systems of the twen-
tieth century originated in England. As
you all know, Queen Elizabeth I of Eng-
land strengthened her maritime policy,
leading eventually to the occupation of
numerous places in the world, especially
in Asia and Africa. God influenced her
to take such actions. Since England was
an island nation, the English had been
trained many times through the invasion
of the Vikings. The English were always
in a position to be attacked. Therefore,
they trained themselves extensively to
strengthen their oceanic culture more
than any other race. At that time, Spain
and Portugal were much stronger oce-
anic powers. But Queen Elizabeth I built
her navy up to a higher level, strength-
ening it in the years from 1593 to 1603.
(80-139, 1975.10.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 962

By creating a united and harmo-
nized sphere of Blessed families in the
spiritual and physical worlds, the foun-
dation for the ideal of heaven based on
the unfallen Adam can be established.
This causes all families in history to
have the same value. Through the man-
ifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on
earth and in spirit world, God can come
down and dwell on this foundation. God
is the vertical Parent. True Parents are
the horizontal Parents that can equal-
ize the earth. Therefore, on Chil Pal Jeol,
the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the
Parents of Heaven and Earth was pro-
claimed, and a new age began. Further-
more, from the day of 9.9. J

Richard:  We also just passed the date of 9/19/19, which some people feel is a significant date:

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Now is a time when people want evidence. This is a scientific era, they say. Science is logical. What is logical must connect cause and result systematically. When we can prove and practice logical truth in our daily life, we call that scientific. This is the original human nature. There cannot be happiness apart from our life and concrete reality. There cannot be satisfaction or other such things apart from these. For this reason, God also wants to work through a substantial embodiment.

What kind of time is the Last Days? It is the time that the two-thousand-year history since Jesus, the purpose of which was to fulfill the history and hope of the previous four thousand years of establishing the faith, comes to an end. It is the time of the appearance of the prince of faith, hope and love. People believe that when he appears he will come on the clouds, in the sky, but that is a misunderstanding. It is literally impossible.

I used to have that type of faith. I felt so frustrated and distressed that I banged on the ground and protested against Heaven many times. When I penetrated deep into it, I found that it was not true. When I spoke words of truth, I was most heavily persecuted. I now wear the badge of a heretic. In the past St. Paul was condemned as a heretic. The Messiah who came with the truth was cursed and laughed at as one possessed by Beelzebub. This is the source of historical sorrow. Since history began in sorrow, it has to end in sorrow.

If there are faithful believers, let them esteem the members who lie prostrated upon and pray upon the wooden floors of churches. When your church leaders chase you out, follow the sheep as you shed tears and look behind you. You will find that you have come near a new garden of flowers. Have you ever thought when chilly winds blow that the spring season will come after the passage of time? The Lord, in my opinion, will come looking for those who can bravely greet the coming of the spring season with their minds, even though their bodies may be suffering winter.

Although there are many princes of words who can speak articulately and powerfully before a large crowd, there is no hero of substance. There is no embodiment of faith, hope and love among the church leaders. Where will this church and its members head toward? Where will the believers of the Last Days go? This Mr. Moon in Korea will walk the path, if doing so will bring blessing to the people. I will do this even if I am condemned as a monstrous heretic and a traitor to the people.