Find the Incarnation of Hope and Faith

Watch the latest Richard Urban show with Andrew Derricutt: We Have to Make a Fundamental Choice:


Cheon Seong Gyeong 1366

Currently the United Nations has
183 member states. Didn’t I bless 1800
couples? Similarly, in this period of
transition, 180 nations must be turned
around. The numbers 180 and 1800 sig-
nify the completion of the satanic num-
ber. These numbers come from six mul-
tiplied by three and four multiplied
by four. They are the numbers Satan
usurped from God, which is why we as
tribal messiahs were to originally restore
180 families; however, that number can
be reduced to 160 – they are providen-
tially equivalent. In fact, four times four
is the ideal number.
In the Seoul Olympics, 160 nations
participated. The number sixteen is also
involved in North and South Korea join-
ing the United Nations: North Korea, a
suzerain state of Satan, joined the Unit-
ed Nations as the 160th member state,
and South Korea joined as the 161st, sig-
nifying a new beginning. In terms of
indemnification, South Korea is stand-
ing in the lead. (272-284, 1995.10.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard
through which they could practice abso-
lute faith, absolute love, and absolute
obedience. They entered unprincipled
marriage, thereby defiling the lineage,
completely overturning the right of
ownership, and bringing into ruin their
whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute res-
toration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect
the pure lineage of True Parents so that
it can be passed down to your descen-
dants eternally. Adam and Eve failed
to do so and entered a fallen relation-
ship. Therefore, you need to maintain
purity and be blessed in marriage. You
can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart. This should be
our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94

Richard: It seems that God and True Father want to emphasize this.

You can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart.

This is exactly the same Rheama that Stacey got just two days ago. That has never happened; the same Rheama the next day we used the Cheon Seong Gyeong.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Today Christianity literally has become a worldwide religion. The democratic world is rooted in Christian teachings. Now even that is coming to an end. What do we need here? Our purpose is not to merely rejoice in the word. We must be able to enjoy a life of eternal significance on the earth.

History is turning like a tornado. We who are gathered under today’s trends of thought are caught in a maelstrom. We venerate our ancestor of faith, Abraham, and all the prophets after him. We look up to Jesus, the prince of hope, who came two thousand years later. We reflect back upon the history of fierce conflicts.

However, what these ancestors of faith accomplished was the hope of a promise. They could not bring the hope which can be manifested in daily life. For this reason, the day their hope becomes materialized as a reality is the Last Days. The work to accomplish this is the ideal of the Second Advent. The one who comes to accomplish this is the Lord of the Second Advent.

What remains now? The age based upon faith came to an end with Jesus. Because Jesus is the embodiment of faith, when you believe in him, you can develop stronger faith than anyone who lived in the four thousand years before Jesus. Jesus had to rectify faith before the people who disbelieved. He had to establish hope before the people who did not have hope. Wasn’t that true?

Please read the Bible. Look at the prophecies after Abraham. The one hope in faith is to cling to the Messiah. However, this has remained as the hope of the bride and bridegroom in the realm of symbolic promises because Jesus died on the cross. In your life of devotion, you are not aware of this. Even if you do not understand what I am saying now, there will be a time when you can understand it. Isn’t that how it should be if it is the work of a real God? Only then would it be logical.

What does the incarnation of hope and faith want to accomplish? In other words, what is the purpose of hope and faith? It is that the people will find him and sing songs of love. There is nothing else. Why do we want to meet the Lord? We want the Lord to recognize our value, and we want to live in the bosom of the Lord’s love. This is the highest purpose of humanity.

The reason that God established faith, hope and love was not just for the sake of Jesus, Abraham or anyone among our ancestors. It was for each one of us. Who looked for me faithfully for six thousand years? It was God. Who is God? He is our father. This is where the great drama of Heaven and earth unfolds.

Restore the Absolute Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 340

The bodies of Adam and Eve who have
not fallen are houses wherein God can
dwell. Had Adam and Eve become the
body of love, body of life, and body of lin-
eage eternally unified through true love,
making God the center of their heart,
the mind and body would not be fighting
today. The Fall means that humankind
inherited Satan’s life and blood through
Satan’s love. This is why this lineage must
be transformed. The providence of sal-
vation will be completed only when the
wild olive tree is transformed into the
true olive tree. (226-48, 1992.2.1)

Richard: The process of complete salvation involves transferring one’s lineage to God’s side. The process of the Blessing of Marriage is an essential part of this process. Watch a slide presentation on The Holy Communion of Marriage: .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard
through which they could practice abso-
lute faith, absolute love, and absolute
obedience. They entered unprincipled
marriage, thereby defiling the lineage,
completely overturning the right of
ownership, and bringing into ruin their
whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute res-
toration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect
the pure lineage of True Parents so that
it can be passed down to your descen-
dants eternally. Adam and Eve failed
to do so and entered a fallen relation-
ship. Therefore, you need to maintain
purity and be blessed in marriage. You
can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart. This should be
our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94,

What Belongs to the Father Belongs to Me

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Heaven has been toiling until today and persevering through all sufferings behind the scenes in order to give human beings absolute value. God has no choice but to continue this work, even beyond today. When we come to understand this, our heads bow in humility and awe every time we think about Heavenly Father.

For this reason, God has proclaimed words of truth which humanity does not even understand. God told us just to believe in Him, even though His will was to establish religions and build profound relationships with us. The contents of His proclamations were not clearly defined. God commanded us to look to Him. He also told us to love Him. Although we do not know the nature of the relationship and its specific content, through our experience we come to reaffirm that we are inseparably connected to something in the world of the heart. Human beings have depended on and believed in these vague words of truth; they have longed for them and loved them. People of faith were felled as they held true to their beliefs, adhering to their hope and love. Countless people were felled in their life of devotion. Those who died as they adhered to their belief in God surpass the patriots and heroes of a country many thousands of times over. Many have died keeping their hope or love. Among them, however, no one has been hailed as a prince of faith, a prince of hope, a prince of love.

When we reflect upon the six-thousand-year history, we find that there were many who fell while they were aspiring to become victorious in their faith, yet there was no one who was revered by humanity as a great prince of faith. Similarly, we find that although there were many who searched for the foundation of hope, no one was ever praised by Heaven on a foundation of hope or was revered by humanity. Although there have been many people who professed to love, the same thing was true for them. Should we then hold grudges against God for this? Do the notions of faith, hope and love not exist?

Jesus was the incarnation of faith whom God had sought for four thousand years. He was someone who deeply experienced the Father’s heart as a concrete reality. The people did not know that Jesus was such a person. No one in all of humanity knew that. If there was a person who did know, it was God.

We Long for the Father Who We can Testify to Through Our Hearts

Watch the latest Richard Urban show with Stephen Downward: True Father’s Words Have Been Adulterated:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 579

God would not be the Absolute Being
if He had created people to live for just
a few days and perish. He created them
as precious beings that He wants to keep
seeing and cherish eternally.
We know that we are the object part-
ners God can derive joy from. As He is
eternal, we must also be eternal. The eter-
nal God relates with an eternal world.
However, there are many people
who have lived thinking, “I’ve lived up
to eighty. That will do, and when I die,
that’s the end of it.” Yet in the course of
history, there were people who pondered
the question of immortality. They won-
dered if there was any way to live eternally
without dying. The more people held on
to this ideal, the more they thought and
asked themselves, “What’s the meaning
of life? Why are people born and then go
away like travelers?” and they conclud-
ed, “Life is suffering. It is like the com-
ing and going of grass.” Yet, if they could
live forever, there would be no need for
such worries. (39-228, 1971.1.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1218

The way of restoration requires you
to cut your way through in the direction
opposite to that of the Fall. Walking the
way of indemnity is a basic principle for
fallen people. Unless you surmount this
path, you cannot restore your original
status. You must clean up yourselves.
You must possess a sound theoretical
system explaining how to restore the
individual, the family, the tribe, the eth-
nic people, the nation, and the world.
(God’s Will – 354)

Richard: Exposition of the Divine Principle explains this:

What Belongs to the Father Belongs to Me

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

11 Have faith in me when I say that the Father is one with me and that I am one with the Father. Or else have faith in me simply because of the things I do.

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

13 What if I could speak
all languages
of humans
    and of angels?
If I did not love others,
    I would be nothing more
than a noisy gong
    or a clanging cymbal.
What if I could prophesy
and understand all secrets
    and all knowledge?
And what if I had faith
    that moved mountains?
I would be nothing,
    unless I loved others.
What if I gave away all
    that I owned
and let myself
    be burned alive?[a]
I would gain nothing,
    unless I loved others.
Love is kind and patient,
never jealous, boastful,
    proud, or rude.
Love isn’t selfish
    or quick tempered.
It doesn’t keep a record
    of wrongs that others do.
Love rejoices in the truth,
    but not in evil.
Love is always supportive,
loyal, hopeful,
    and trusting.
Love never fails!

Everyone who prophesies
    will stop,
and unknown languages
will no longer
    be spoken.
All that we know
    will be forgotten.
We don’t know everything,
and our prophecies
    are not complete.
10 But what is perfect
    will someday appear,
and what isn’t perfect
    will then disappear.

11 When we were children,
we thought and reasoned
    as children do.
But when we grew up,
    we quit our childish ways.
12 Now all we can see of God
is like a cloudy picture
    in a mirror.
Later we will see him
    face to face.
We don’t know everything,
    but then we will,
just as God completely
    understands us.
13 For now there are faith,
    hope, and love.
But of these three,
    the greatest is love.


We do not want to believe in a Father of words. We want to believe in the Father who has been building a relationship with humankind throughout history. We seek the Father who can have a direct relationship with us now; the Father who can give us the words of truth directly.

Humanity today believes in God as an object. Yet today we do not seek God as a mere object of faith. We want a God who is our living and substantial subject partner, who can connect to our situations and lives, a Father who can never be separated from us and with whom we can spend time. Both God and humanity desire the moment that such a relationship is realized on the earth.

Although we may think that the garden of hope of the Father’s desires is a concept and an ideal, that is not true. We know that the time has come when we should have a concept of the Kingdom of Heaven as a realm we can enter, which we can feel through our actions and through our concrete senses, a realm which we can sing of with real emotion.

We know that the purpose of the providence of salvation, the history of restoration and salvation through the cross all were to build such a relationship. Please let today be a moment when we can call You our true Father and recognize without shame that we are Your true sons and daughters. In that state, let us sing, rejoice and listen to the words. Father, this is our sincere wish.

Although we have learned a considerable amount about the Father of history and the Father of words, we long for the Father whom we can testify to through our hearts; the Father we can experience through our bodies; the Father who can work the miracle of elevating our own words to be the very words of the Father. We long for the Father who can be together with us. Please let this be an hour when You arouse concrete feelings in us.

Father, please grant Your grace so that the sons and daughters who are gathered here can be in control of their minds and bodies. They are neither the masters of their minds nor of their bodies. They believe, unconsciously looking to some faraway place with a hopeful glance. We want to have faith in and rely upon some absolute being, yet we have not come to a point where we can be recognized by an absolute being.

We know that this is because we, who are in the position of object partners, are unworthy to receive the grace of the absolute being and absolute subject partner. Therefore, Father, please be our Lord, and put us in the position of Your object partners. Please allow Your truth to become our own beliefs. Please elevate us so that our hearts can be intoxicated in that truth, and we can sing of the all- encompassing love of the Father. In this hour, let there be a miracle which moves our minds, which we experience and is conveyed through our hearts and which unites us.

I am about speak the words, so please be with me. We do not want the words of a human being. We hear enough words from human beings. We have heard the words of many preachers who intone from the pulpit. This is not what we want to hear. We want to hear new words of truth which can bestir a dead life, revive a dead heart, and purify our clouded minds. We want the words of re-creation through which we can understand that our Father is the center of our hearts, our wills and our beliefs. We want to sense that we are eternally one with the Father. Please manifest this to us. Let this be a moment when You pour down upon us the sweet rain of grace.

We know that it is the work of Satan to form a gap between the heart of the speaker and the hearts of the listeners. Please guide us to remove any pride of our own accomplishments and recognize that all our accomplishments were done by the Father. Allow us to entrust everything to the Father. Praying that this will be a precious moment when we can receive the compassion of the Father, we prayed all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Go Forward With this Determined Fighting Spirit

Cheong Seong Gyeong 179

The religious world sees human
beings as fallen. Of course, there are
religions with different backgrounds,
but they are all looking for a new person
of value through whom to receive sal-
vation. What does this mean? It means
that since they have not attained true
original personhood, the true original
human image, they are always seek-
ing it. This is the same whether it is a
thousand years ago, hundreds of thou-
sands of years ago, or in the present day.
Even in the future, people are bound to
seek it in any environment or age where
humanity exists.
You, also, are looking for that true
person. You are looking for a true man
and a true woman. All men and women
who have lived in history are bound to
stake their lives on this and think about
it. This is why, when you live in a certain
village, you want to be the best true per-
son in that village. (177-99, 1988.5.17)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1066

No parents teach their own children
to do wrong. Nevertheless, it is possible
for a teacher to teach his students to do
wrong. If the teacher is in the position
of an enemy, he may teach them ruinous
things. There are two kinds of teachers
and two kinds of brothers. But there is
only one kind of parent. Even evil par-
ents teach their children to do good
things. (28-85, 1970.1.4)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1959

1 Corinthians 9: 14-27

Many sages of the past and the Savior we believe in were sent by God to pioneer the world of that time and the world of the future. For this reason, if anyone were to come before Jesus and protest about the things that Jesus wanted to share about the future, Jesus would be grateful. If someone were to highlight the providence of the future and ignore the things of the present, saying, “God! Shouldn’t you do this quickly? Shouldn’t you do this rather than doing that?” God would not be able to strike him. In fact, he would commend him instead.

All that we have to do is to go forward with this determined fighting spirit. If God were then to recognize you, what kind of award would you receive? When you become a winner of some competition even in this world, the sponsor will give you an appropriate award. What will God give as an award to those who win the final victory in the six-thousand-year long race? Ladies and gentlemen, when you win an award in a competition, don’t you feel good? But isn’t that joy only temporary? After some time passes, another person will win in the same race and win an award, separate from your own competition. However, in God’s races, there will not be a second person who scores the goal at the final finish line. There will be no one before and no one after. If it comes to an end, it comes to an end for eternity.

The joy of receiving an award in the final race will last beyond just today. It will be eternal. You may in fact see better things unfolding before you, but you will never fall lower. What glory will Heaven give to those winners? God will give them the glory of being God’s sons and daughters. He will bestow upon them all the authority of Heaven and earth. If there is a palace in Heaven, He will allow them to live in it as Heaven’s royal family. He will give them eternal and unlimited awards.

If there are such victorious sons and daughters, God will mobilize all of Heaven, which He has prepared for six thousand years, and hold a welcoming celebration. This celebration will not come to an end in one day. It will continue for eternity. That world is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. For this reason, you must become one of the racers, racing with this idea in mind.

Present Actual Accomplishments to God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2032

From July 3 to July 9, I gave my pic-
ture and a banner of the Unification
Church to 73,000 district leaders of vil-
lages and small sections of the city. Do all
of those exist or not? It has been fourteen
years since I announced the beginning
of Home Church. I am telling you to find
the 360 homes of heaven. If you could
not accomplish Home Church, then you
should return to your hometown. If there
are 360 houses, then presidents could be
living there, or the Secretary of Inter-
nal Affairs, or the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, or diplomats, scholars, teachers,
and even servants or slaves.
When you go to a village, there is
always more than meets the eyes. The
people of that village will say to your
parents, “Here is a nobleman from your
clan. He is a messiah who has saved us!”
When that happens, will your mother
and father, and the people of the village
watch in stunned silence, or will they
bow their heads and follow you? (237-305,

Richard: Home Church, or Tong Ban (neighborhood) work is an expression of our love for God and our neighbor. “Know your neighbor, love your neighbor, help your neighbor”.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1465

Why were we born, why should
we live, and where should we go? You
should not think that you were the cause
of your birth. People are born into this
world yet do not know the origin and
purpose of their birth; they are ignorant
of the motivation and purpose of their
Neither our birth nor our life nor
our death stems from our own inten-
tions. Then, what do we have to be
proud about? We have no control over
our birth, we are merely custodians in
this life, and we cannot avoid the path
of death. Thus, any attempt at self-praise
and holding self-indulgent pride is piti-
ful. Once born, we are destined to live,
and destined to die and pass away to the
next world. (7-178, 1959.9.6)

Inside God’s Stadium

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1959

1 Corinthians 9: 14-27

Ladies and gentlemen, let us examine the reality we face today. We the members of the Unification Church are running toward a certain goal which has been described to us. Life in the race is a battle, and in a battle we push and pull our bodies. The concept of faith that we have held up until now is pulling us forward. This is where the enemies are coming in. When this is over, God will break in. He will ask you, “Are you My children? Are you confident?” Wouldn’t this be true? If He were to ask you, “What victory did you bring?” you should be able to say, “I won in this and that field.” If God then asks you, “Is that true?” you should be able to present Him with some accomplishments. Teachers test their students before they entrust them with a responsibility.

We should understand that we are the brave soldiers and racers who are running throughout the course of our lives and who will remain until the end. We should understand that we are the elite troop of Heaven and make a determination as such. If someone strikes your body, you should be able to say, “Strike me if you like. Strike me with any ideology or thought. I welcome any persecution. I welcome it, even if the nation, world and Heaven join forces and strike me.” Even if God were to oppose you, you should be able to say, “Oppose me if You want.”

If someone wins the victory in spite of the opposition of the entire universe, he will become a child of God whom God will be proud of eternally. If there is someone about whom God can say, “I submit to you. I have never met anyone like you since the beginning of the course of the providence of restoration, when I began to search for people.” Everyone will surrender to that person. This is true for any fight, even a life and death struggle. I say this based upon my own experience.

If there is a racer who is running on the ultimate path of religion in the last days, a racer who is running with the hope of attaining the ultimate victory, he will have to make a determination. The founder of the religion he believes in is not the savior. He should understand that eventually he needs to fight the battle based on his own ability. Why? It is because the providence of restoration has not come to an end. As long as there still remains an event in God’s stadium which has not been concluded, the battle will continue on until all the races have come to an end and God has given His awards.