You Should Acquire a New Ideology, a New Resolution and a New Determination

Cheon Seong Gyeong 489

What kind of people are true wives
and true husbands? When people
mature, they have a family. Taking their
spouse as an eternal partner of love,
they should form a family of love where
their initial love grows as the days go
by. When that love at the family lev-
el expands to form a tribe, these tribal
members will be eternal embodiments
of love, which can expand love eternally.
Such a husband and wife will be a true
married couple and a true husband and
true wife. Also, such a husband and wife
will be able to participate in God’s love.
(Blessed Family – 880)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1187

The Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies that the histor-
ical course of vertical indemnity and the
course of horizontal indemnity that went
through the stages of individual, family,
people, nation, and the world. That is the
vertical and horizontal courses consist-
ing of eight stages are completed. Due
to this, the right of eldest son has been
restored, and the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. That is what
I have done by holding this ceremony.
The right of the eldest son is restored; the
Parents are embracing all humankind.
Thus, an end is brought to the history
of war and struggle that was necessary
in order for the right of the eldest son to
be restored in the realm of parental love.
The time has come when indemnity is
not needed and we can reach harmony
in love. In order to achieve this, I had to
hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages. By holding this cere-
mony, the Parents forgave both the elder
and the younger son, so that next we can
enter the age of the realm of forgiveness
for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard:  Rev. Sun Myung Moon has victoriously paid the price for us to now build God’s Kingdom without the ceaseless struggles of unnecessary wars and conflicts.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Who were the ones who betrayed God as if it were their duty? Who stood foremost in condemning him? They were the Jews and the people of Israel, the very ones whom God had asked to have faith and to follow. There is no way that God prepared the Israelites for four thousand years so they could kill Jesus. Jesus was not completely victorious. He could not win the complete victory. Do you not think so?

Had the fact of Jesus’ crucifixion meant his complete victory, that day of suffering would have been most joyful. The moment of his death on the cross would surely have been the moment of final victory and celebration for all humankind. We know that it was not. That is why Jesus prevented Mary Magdalene from approaching him with a joyous heart. Jesus could not be enraptured with the joy of having brought victory to Heavenly Father with his beloved disciples. He could not realize that. That is why we should understand Jesus embraced sadness; his death was sorrowful; his resurrection also took place with misery. We have to become Jesus’ companions, as he had no place for himself while experiencing the sad heart of God, forgetting his life, and being chased around breathlessly from village to village, suffering much hostility.

Jesus was mistreated by his race, by his religion, by his relatives, and even by his beloved disciples. Although Jesus experienced sorrows among sorrows, he inherited the heart of Heaven and tried to give his all to humankind, having faith in humanity. Continue reading “You Should Acquire a New Ideology, a New Resolution and a New Determination”

The Kingdom of Heaven is a World of Sexual Purity

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex
is Satan’s domain of love filled with
ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the
downfall of humankind and expand
hell on earth. From the viewpoint of
the God of absolute love, the grand-
mother and grandfather are one; they
cannot be separated. They must abso-
lutely become one centering on God,
and centering on love. What is love? It
is fitting convex and concave together
absolutely; mother and father, husband
and wife, son and daughter – all must
unite in this way absolutely. This is what
God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 682

The mission of the Messiah is to
restore tribes centered on his family. By
fulfilling our mission as tribal messiahs
we are formulating our views of heaven
and hell. You have to clearly distinguish
“There is heaven, here is hell.” Do not go
toward hell and make others not go that
way. If your tribe knows the way, many
tribes around you, even villages will
come to follow you. (217-84, 1991.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1303

Abraham established Israel through
the offering of sacrifices, but the Unifi-
cation Church is creating Israel through
the Blessing. Therefore, entering the
third Israel is possible only through the
Blessing. (158-258, 1967.12.29)

Richard:  These scriptures lay out the core of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  The core is the family realtionship of husband and wife through at least three generations centered on sexual purity before marriage and faithfullness in marriage.  We need to connect to the lineage of Christ when he returns .  He has already returned and established his lineage.  Those couples Blessed in marriage by Rev. Sun Myung Moon are to propagate that lineage by becoming “Tribal Messiahs”; i.e. connecting their family and neighbors to God’s lineage through the marriage Blessing and teaching a culture of sexual purity before marriage.


The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Although there may be numerous Christian believers, where is the one who can go beyond such limitations of heart and be proud of his or her course of action? Where is such a child of Heaven? This is where the problem lies. Today you should desire and establish a bright history of faith. You should be able to take any reality and, transcending the age and history, take it in, dominate it, and apply it as yours throughout eternity in complete freedom. God should be able to say that the path for the grounds of faith for humankind was laid by you.

When you can be immersed in the will of God, valuing it over and even forgetting the worldly notions of faith, action and practice, then God can finally call you, “My son” or “My daughter.” Therefore, it is the sorrow of Heaven and the sorrow of humankind that no true sons or daughters could be found. That He could not relate to humankind as His sons and daughters is the sorrow of Heaven.

Even though the word “God” can be used in an absolute sense, there is no sense of emotion in introducing God like this. Where is the God we can connect to with both words and emotion? In walking the path of faith, you should tackle these problems with a desperate heart, then you should pass beyond the notion of faith and practice. Immersed in Heavenly Father as the cells of your body and your heart automatically unite, you should be able to call upon Him. Heaven is definitely searching for such an individual, whose call to Him arises from an inherent natural physiology. Continue reading “The Kingdom of Heaven is a World of Sexual Purity”

You Should Feel Both God’s Happy and Sad Aspects

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2280

The term True Parents began in
God’s mind before the creation. You
should know, that as all ideals were cre-
ated by God under the head of the ideal
of love centered upon the True Parents,
they too reflect His desires before the
Vast numbers of people were sacri-
ficed in the course of God’s providence
to establish the True Parents. God cre-
ated a great number of religions in His
dispensation and they typify the angelic
world, Cain, Abel, the child by a concu-
bine, the adopted child, the stepmoth-
er, and the adoptive parents’ positions.
Finally, He created the True Mother and
True Father religion.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1192

If you have a clear understanding
about God and True Parents, every-
body will be liberated. Everybody will
revive. That is why you must show God
and True Parents to others. If you only
become the substantial manifestation of
God and True Parents, everyone will be
liberated. So, when people cling to such
a person, they are clinging to True Par-
ents and God. Because their original
mind knows that, they will do so imme-
diately. Why am I saying these things
today? I am telling this to you because
today is a day of declaration when we are
passing through such a transition peri-
od. (131-51, 1984.4.1)

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Throughout history, God was able to find humankind through conditions of faith and practice. Allowing humankind to establish the conditions of faith, what else has God required of people? He requested practice. In order for God and me to be connected and to establish the foothold that will rid me of my sorrow, the path of practice has to be opened centering on faith. That is the only way to bring about the historic connection.

This is because my existence is not for myself; rather, I am destined to deny myself and follow the direction of Heaven. Because Heaven sets its course for the sake of the world and the cosmos through sacrificing individuals, the direction of goodness never focuses on the self; nor does the standard of goodness. All is for the purpose of the nation and Heaven. Due to this, Heaven has led the providence for humankind through emphasis on faith and practice.

It has already been a six-thousand-year history of emphasizing faith and practice. Looking back, we can see it was a history sad beyond imagining. Yet you today must realize that the sorrow of Heaven in trying to hold onto humankind was much greater than the sorrow of human beings. Otherwise, you will not be able to connect to Heaven. No one has realized this until now. Humankind created a historical precedent of driving Heavenly Father away and murdering the saints and sages. Continue reading “You Should Feel Both God’s Happy and Sad Aspects”

Humankind Should Search to Find Heavenly Father

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:

Does Pastor Hyung Jin Moon Believe that Rev. Moon Succeeded as the Second Coming?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 434

Orphans do not have a relationship
with their parents. Everyone wants to
be loved. The ideal manifestation of that
love is parents. We can say that a person
who can neither receive parental love
from his parents even though he wants
to, nor love his parents even though
he wants to, is very miserable. Sup-
pose there is a person who is much less
attractive than some local orphan. Even
so, as long as that person can serve and
devote himself to his parents, he can feel
very fortunate by comparison. He might
think, “One may be handsome, yet if one
does not even have parents, of what ben-
efit is that?” He might also think, “I may
be ugly and disabled, but at least I am
fortunate to have a mother and father.”
(39-231, 1971.1.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 502

What should parents do? They should
teach their children in such a way that
brothers and sisters can love each other
just like their mother and father. At the
same time, they should teach them, say-
ing, “As we love the nation, you should
also love the nation in this way.” Then,
they will not need any other education.
When you pray, ask God to make your
children do it this way since you are
doing it this way.
You can set your children up in such
a position only after you have first set
the standard. If you have stood in such
a position, God will naturally lead your
children in the same direction. Thus, if
you fail to reverse the trend here, you
will be called to account when you pass
on to the spirit world. (13-103, 1963.11.1)

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Sorrow is deeply embedded in my heart. A world of fear is also taking me by surprise. Struggling with such a reality, where is a peaceful garden of heart within me? Where is a garden of serenity and freedom? This is a serious and immediate question that has to be solved by today’s humankind and by those of us living in this time.

You are placed within such a realm. The time has come for you to realize this. The time has come for you to raise your right hands and shout, “Heavenly Father, please hold onto our arms.” Then raise your left hands and shout, “All of humanity, let us march forward together.” What are we then to do in this world when we cannot feel such a drive in our mind and cannot receive such a stimulus even when we want to?

Although people have searched, fought, struggled and done all kinds of things, not only did they not find the solution, the result has been despair, death and destruction. It is time for us to understand that our human effort does not bring about any result. Continue reading “Humankind Should Search to Find Heavenly Father”

The One Purpose, One Ideology and One Center Should Never Change

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:

Does Pastor Hyung Jin Moon Believe that Rev. Moon Succeeded as the Second Coming?

We should clearly realize how holy
and valuable the love is that emerges
from the people created by God and who
were untainted by the Fall, that is: origi-
nal man and woman. (145-267, 1986.5.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1672

The natural world is a museum of love,
where the creation is made up in pairs,
though at a lower level than humankind.
Then why was this museum of love cre-
ated? For whom was it made? That is the
question. It was made for human beings
and for God. Hence, God can experi-
ence the sensation of love in everything
encompassing the mineral, plant and
animal worlds. (238-29, 1992.11.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1186

What happened due to the Ceremo-
ny of the Settlement of the Eight Stag-
es? The right of Right of the parent can
be liberated and achieved. Because this
time is coming, then, from the position
of Parents, I am raising all of you into a
position where you can be tribal messi-
ahs. This is to liberate Jesus and Adam’s
family from their grief. Through your
tribes, you can obliterate the founda-
tion created by the mistake of false par-
ents; in this way, for the first time, home-
towns where people were born can be
transformed into the hometowns of the
heavenly kingdom. (193-214, 1989.10.4)

Richard:  This is the core of God’s work to restore human beings.  We will have a key role as we become Blessed couples and then share this truth with our family and tribe.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven
Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Therefore, when someone feels the urge of conscience directing them toward a true ideology and the will of a true center, that person has to think about how much he has tried to take it into the center of his heart, the center of his body, the center of his life, and the center of his ideology or purpose.

The path of the sorrowful heart which has continued throughout history would have seen its end if humankind were to criticize themselves, criticize the world around them, and be concerned about the fact that everything in the world is connected with the invisible Creator. If God cannot solve this problem, God is not fulfilling His responsibility.

Thus, Heaven has no choice but to work through the providence and reveal His intention to certain individuals at certain points in history, to certain congregations, and to certain nations. The traces of this are visible throughout history. When we look for those traces and study them, we can see that the works that liquidate the history of sorrow are never logical or theoretical. Religions had to come forth. We had to enter the world of heart to pursue the ideology of goodness and to relate to other human beings by releasing the spiritual or supernatural level of emotion. Continue reading “The One Purpose, One Ideology and One Center Should Never Change”