Be Afraid of Lacking Shim Jung and Becoming Traitors Toward Heaven

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Do You Believe Only In Jesus or in What Father Is Saying In This New Age?:

Choen Seong Gyeong 2424

2.2. Perfect the dutiful family way
of filial sons and daughters in our
family, patriots in our nation, saints
in the world, and divine sons and
daughters in heaven and earth
2.2.1. The path of filial sons and
daughters, patriots, saints, and
divine sons and daughters that we
must inevitably go
What kind of people are filial sons
and daughters in the family? Filial sons
and daughters are those who want to
love their parents no matter how much
they sacrifice their minds and bod-
ies for them and then still love them
even beyond that. What is a patriot? It
is someone who sacrifices himself for
the nation again and again without car-
ing about his own well being, and who
invests and forgets about how much he
has invested for the nation. Such a per-
son is a genuine patriot. If there is a man
who invests ten times for his nation and
forgets about his investment and a man
who invests eleven times and forgets
about his investment, the one who has
invested and forgotten eleven times is in
the subject position. Following this prin-
ciple, everything can be settled in peace.
Without love and without the path of
living for the sake of others, there is no
way to achieve this. (255-190, 1994.3.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1273

Satan is saying at this moment:
“Through the Fall, I violated everything
related to Your lineage. For You to enter
the Kingdom of Heaven with Your son,
You need to convert the lineage, don’t
You? If You are indeed the subject of life,
Adam can receive the seed of life from
You. This seed of life can then connect
to Eve and then set the original standard
that can become the root. Based on this
standard Your clan can reclaim its right-
ful place. However, in order for this to
happen, You need to convert human-
kind from the roots of the fallen lin-
eage, which is currently part of my clan.
Unless You do so, You cannot enter the
Kingdom of Heaven. Only people who
stem from the roots of Adam can enter
the Kingdom of God. People who stem
from the roots of the archangel cannot
enter the Kingdom of God, can they? No
they can’t!” (197-286, 1990.1.20)

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30

Aware as we are of our ancestors who did not know the time and who created a mournful history, we are still in a position in which we may be easily used as a tool for maintaining the evil history. We know that we have very little to be used in building goodness. Allow us the heart by which we can shut our mouths, even when we want to talk; we can endure before disagreeable sights, and we can plug our ears when we hear objectionable things.

Our minds, which should be oriented toward Heaven, are wandering in confusion, and our bodies cannot find a place to stay. Yet we know that You will not forsake us but will lead us to Your bosom with the hand of grace. Father, we eagerly hope and desire that You will arouse in us the heart by which we can prostrate ourselves before You and plead with You.

Make us the people who can wail about themselves, afraid of lacking Shim Jung and becoming traitors toward Heaven and deepen the age-old sorrow. We must grieve over our hearts, more than over our brothers and sisters. The desire to help them lest they fall into a sad situation like ours must spring up from our hearts or else we cannot go over the last hill. We know this, so Father, at this time please admonish the hearts of the beloved brothers and sisters. Continue reading “Be Afraid of Lacking Shim Jung and Becoming Traitors Toward Heaven”

Providential History Is a Path of Tears

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2173

Fellow compatriots, all you who seek
the unification of the North and South! I
especially want to say the mission of you
women is to restore the young men and
women, and the mission of the students
is to be true children through true edu-
cation. That is what you must do.
And beyond that, mothers and chil-
dren have to unite to set the standard, so
that the husbands can be raised and edu-
cated to be the true sons of Heaven. Then
following True Parents, and attending
God, restore the ideal of the Kingdom
of Heaven on Earth.
In closing, let me say that it is my
fervent hope that these words today will
help you build a nationwide movement
to bring closer the day when North and
South meet in true love.
May God’s blessing be with both you
and your families. Thank you.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

What is the most important thing
when it comes to receiving blessings?
It is neither money, nor honor. It is
not having power. The most important
blessing is for your sons and daughters
to receive good fortune in life. You must
understand this. What did I say is the
best blessing out of all the blessings you
can receive? It is none other than giving
birth to sons and daughters who can be
loved by God. That is the best blessing.
Then, what would happen next? If your
son receives more love from God than
you do, then you will also benefit from it.
Isn’t that how everything works?

The Religious Person’s Attitude
Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32


Father! As the time grows near, the mind of hesitation in meeting the Lord of resurrection seeps out. Please let the appearance of Jesus Christ, bearing the sad relationship of death, be in our mind more as the time grows near.

We learned that he who died on an instrument of punishment bore a bitter heart. We learned that the summit of Golgotha where he walked is the hill of tears over relationships. We learned that the blood and tears he shed have remained alive in the history of relationships until today and are entering into the hearts of human beings who are being resurrected. Since all these things were due to the blood and tears shed in the midst of the will of the providence of history, we know that all things will move forward by those tears and blood until that relationship exists. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that you will allow us to be those who are deeply penetrated with such a Shim Jung today.

Lord, who left in this manner; Lord, who is the bridegroom: you promised you would come again through the history of relationship. We know you have an ardent Shim Jung to seek us and use us, devoting your mind and body. Please allow us to be eager to boast of the glorious appearance before all humankind, having prepared ourselves. In trying to go forward on the path, we realize it is an evil world. Since the path the Lord walked remains, we must walk the remaining hill for the nation, continuously forbearing with patience. We must also walk the remaining hill of the world. We have realized for the first time that now we cannot help sustaining the history of martyrdom where one goes over the hill of the cross by forbearing with patience. Continue reading “Providential History Is a Path of Tears”

What Is the Terminal Point of Forbearance?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 489

What kind of people are true wives
and true husbands? When people
mature, they have a family. Taking their
spouse as an eternal partner of love,
they should form a family of love where
their initial love grows as the days go
by. When that love at the family lev-
el expands to form a tribe, these tribal
members will be eternal embodiments
of love, which can expand love eternally.
Such a husband and wife will be a true
married couple and a true husband and
true wife. Also, such a husband and wife
will be able to participate in God’s love.
(Blessed Family – 880)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 212

The Fall led to the appearance of false
parents. Because of this, I have had to fol-
low a suffering course in order to estab-
lish True Parents and a heavenly nation
in the midst of this satanic world. This
has to be restored by parents. The par-
ents must take the responsibility for and
indemnify what was jeopardized. (131-62,

The Religious Person’s Attitude
Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

Where is the last stop of forbearing with patience? Where is the terminal point of forbearance? Have you ever wondered, feeling your way to that terminal point? Was that place Adam’s home? No, it was not. Was it the home of Noah? No, it was not. When I come to think that the history of forbearance remains for me, for this society, and even for posterity, I must present myself before the Father with the qualifications of a prince of forbearance. People must step forward in front of Heaven with a mind to comfort Him, He who has endured for six thousand years.

Even though you have forbearance, you may realize that it is far from the terminal point of the forbearance that had to be undergone throughout history. Today people in our church say, “I cannot go any further because I am too exhausted.” We hear people say, “I like the Unification Church, but it is too difficult to go the path.” He who says that might be called a happy person from the earth’s standpoint, but he is a miserable person from Heaven’s standpoint. It is indeed difficult to go the path. The path to be gone is the path of tears. It is the path of tears where we look and cry, where we feel and cry, and where we cry while we give. You may have thought it was time for the tears to stop flowing, but it is not. When we come to realize that tears must continue to flow, that is, when we come to know that there is the Shim Jung of Heaven longing for the tears of further forbearance, waiting for us lowly ones, even the fact of my having endured cannot win honor for me. Though the Teacher has endured until today, since the (Korean) liberation, I have never thought about the limit of my patient forbearance yet. I do not even wish for that time to end. Once we start wishing for it to end, we will start to look after ourselves. From that time on, we will feel fear. You will have to experience this in your life of faith. Have you ever thought deeply in your minds that the Father who endured is my Father who is to live with me forever? The figure who endured is the bridegroom whom I am to attend. You may never have thought about it. Let us say there is a person who has taken delight in and enjoyed glory. Rather than envying him, you should be on your mettle in forbearance and be able to be perfectly calm and collected in forbearance. You must feel that the person who appears as the figure of forbearance before Heaven is more precious in this confused history today than the person who was blithely happy. The person who does not know how to go beyond this confused age today with such a Shim Jung will end up becoming a traitor toward Heaven. Continue reading “What Is the Terminal Point of Forbearance?”

We Must Have the Mind to Feel Concern About Heaven’s Honor and Dignity

Choen Seong Gyeong 899

In the progress towards God’s orig-
inal world of ideals – an ideal realm
of goodness, where original human
beings can go – good spirits are fight-
ing their way towards it, and evil spir-
its are struggling to block the way. The
evil spirit world and evil world on earth
are constantly connected. They are in
constant communication. Good spir-
its are the ones who have been opposed
and persecuted in the evil world. These
spirits are the ones who were religious
believers. (134-9, 1985.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1000

You are not to live according to your
own wishes but according to my words,
and follow the path that I am walking.
You are to inherit the tradition of the
Unification Church. You are supposed
to do as I do. I have abandoned my fam-
ily and parents to walk this path. This
is what you also must do. You must be
obedient as you walk this path.

The Religious Person’s Attitude
Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

The person for which God wished after establishing the ideology of creation has been hoped for throughout history. Yet he has not been able to appear as a substantial being. Because God wished for the day of hope and a person who had that hope, He has been able to fight with endurance for the six- thousand-year historical course. Because His mind is strong, because He knows that the day will come when He will meet that person, Heaven has endured until now.

Jesus equipped himself with the grace of resurrection, yet after passing beyond the cross, he left this world after establishing the day of hope with his promise, “I will come again.” He was not able to boast of the day of hope at his resurrection. Since that time, longing for the day he promised to come again, Jesus has fought for two thousand years. Since Heaven walks this path, we today who are on this earth also must walk such a path. Furthermore, we must know that there is a history of toil in which Heaven has labored to establish the beings of original character created on this earth, our original selves. We must have the mind to feel concern about Heaven’s honor and dignity. We must know how to march forward singing of the historical day of hope. “I” am going to meet the Lord of resurrection who comes in glory. I must have an unwavering standard for such a self, and we must make a determination and vow that we will keep to our journey no matter what, until the day we find the answer. Otherwise, we cannot deny that our life of faith has violated our true self, rather than otherwise. Continue reading “We Must Have the Mind to Feel Concern About Heaven’s Honor and Dignity”

Heaven Longs for a Person Who Practices Truth in Life

The latest Richard Urban Show:
The Confused Gospel of Pastor Hyung Jin Moon; Why He Does Not Preach on the Words of Rev. Moon:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 876

Will there be struggles in heaven?
What would we do in that eternal world
without struggles? That world does not
end after a year but goes on for eternity.
Wouldn’t it be dull then? What would
you do there? Would you live alone, or
would you have relationships with all
existing beings in the spirit world? With
what will you establish those relation-
ships? With true love. In that case, what
is the essence of that world? When you
eat, you should do so feeling love; you
should wear clothes feeling love; you
should live feeling love; and you should
travel around embodying God’s love.
That love should be God’s essential love.
Without doing so there will be no har-
mony. A person with a character resem-
bling God’s essential love will occupy a
high place in the spirit world. All exist-
ing beings in that world will live in har-
mony based on such a character. It is a
world where such people can live in har-
mony. (201-97, 1990.3.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 777

Even I, the teacher of the Unifica-
tion Church, will die, but against what
background will that come to pass? I
will embrace the people and country of
Korea, and die for the sake of this world.
If the Korean people unite and lay down
their lives for the sake of the world, that
will open the path of being able to live
together with this world. That is why I
seek that path. (34-192, 1970.9.6)

The Religious Person’s Attitude
Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 1959

Hebrews 11:1-32

What should the attitude of a person of faith be? He must have a heart that feels impatient. Because you have the connection, you must know that you cannot help being impatient. What is Heaven waiting impatiently for? Heaven longs not for a person of faith but for a person who practices the truth in life. I long to be a person who practices the truth in life rather than a person of faith. Heaven longs not for the kingdom of hope but for individuals who can live in that kingdom.

Today, we hold up a word called faith and wait eagerly. However, we must lead a life of faith beyond that. In other words, we must become members who live with Heaven, people who live with Heaven, and the church that lives with Heaven. We must lead a life of faith in which we can enjoy ourselves and sing and be able to return the glory. Heaven waits eagerly for this.

What was it that God impatiently anticipated from our numerous ancestors in the course of history, after establishing a word called “faith” in front of them? You must know that He longed not for the individuals of faith themselves, who were fighting in their respective places, but for people who could live with Him, having remained until the last days. God waited impatiently for one who could fade away for the sake of faith, who could resurrect after dying for the sake of faith, and who could escape the realm of death and sing of the joy of resurrection in the realm of life, calling God “Father” in the everlasting world. God waits eagerly for such an individual. Thinking of this, you must become the people who know how to long for the self within you for whom He eagerly waits. You must strive to seek out such a self and meet him. Continue reading “Heaven Longs for a Person Who Practices Truth in Life”