The Lord Brings the New Truth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2011
All of your comings and goings
should be for the sake of seeking that
nation, being its founding loyal patri-
ots, and restoring our homeland. Your
mind-set should be to shoulder such
a mission. You should think that you
have received instructions, as the secret
envoys of Heaven, to come to this evil
world today to fulfill this mission. Please
understand that without doing this, you
will not be able to establish your prestige
or dignity as a citizen of the nation we
have been seeking. (50-255, 1971.11.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1696

In general, people believe human
beings evolved from the animal world,
but this is a makeshift theory fabricated
from a need for an explanation. In order
to form a logical connection, the theo-
ry was invented as an expedience; there
is no way of knowing if evolution real-
ly took place. Did the basis of our mind
begin from the amoeba? What I am ask-
ing is: is the amoeba our mental ances-
tor? Evolutionary theory claims that
everything began and developed from
the amoeba. (117-68, 1982.2.1)

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

What will God bring when He comes again? Since we know that God is not going to destroy the world but will come again with a new ideology, what will He bring? He will come with the great power of life and the authority of a new ideology. He will come with the origin of love. Such a person is called “the Lord” in Christianity.

We who have tread and walked the course of fallen history need the touch of life which is stronger and more permanent and eternal than anything we have enjoyed or experienced before. The place where we experience such a touch will be our eternal resting place, a place we would never want to leave.

The three disciples who saw the transfiguration of Elijah, Moses and Jesus wanted to remain in that place. Have you attained and experienced the state of heart where you feel, “This is my eternal resting place, the place of eternal happiness. This is where there is no beginning and no end”? When one appears with the great power of life to which all creation will bow their heads, he will naturally become the master of all things. In his ideological world, all things and even God would want to rest and remain. When his loving emotional heart wells up, all things should want to harmonize with it. Even God should want to rejoice with it. There is such a loving emotional state. If these contents are not fulfilled in the last days of human history, then God’s dispensation will end in destruction. The whole dispensation of God for this world would become a total failure.

God has been toiling until now, for He cannot allow such a conclusion. Therefore, we cannot deny that the garden of new life, new ideology, and new love will certainly come to humankind today.

Richard:  In other words, the Lord brings the New Truth ( when he comes.

By the Action of Our Conscience We Can Find Peace of Mind

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2066
We are going to connect professors,
high school and middle school teachers
and elementary school teachers to the
tong ban breakthrough activities. If they
connect, then our work is done. Although
the established churches put up opposi-
tion by trying to advance certain theo-
ries about history, this doesn’t present
an obstacle. We are going over that hill
completely. Even from a sitting position
we can digest everything, including the
communists. (205-297, 1990.10.1)

Richard:  Urban Life Training has developed a practical program to carry this out in local schools; the Urban Life Training Chapter Program:, which utilizes the Urban Family Life Training Web Portal:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 706

What way should you go? First you
are recognized by family members in
the satanic world, then by me. After that,
you go to God in the spirit world. That
is the way to go, by the way of the law.
Going that way is the right direction. If
there are any conditions for accusation,
they will join forces to accuse you in the
flesh. It will be a judgment of substance.
Will lies work in that situation? Doing
something unwillingly is like not doing
it at all. If you do it thinking of God and
Father, their essence will be embedded
inside your shell, like a fully mature
chestnut embedded inside the burr.
When you think of God and me dwell-
ing in your heart, my words and God’s
Word will become your core.

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

When we consider the course of history, numerous assertions of the past have changed as history progressed. As we face the last days today, democracy and communism are confronting each other and each is looking to dominate the other. Therefore, you should know that the time is coming when a new direction out of this battleground is to be discovered.

God is hoping that humankind will become his new second self. For that reason, our conscience is searching for our new self, which is different from our present self. If we live conscientiously, we cannot deny this. Our conscience constantly feels, “Oh, things should not be like this. We should not live like this.” This shows that we realize this kind of society, this kind of world, must change. Accordingly, by the action of our conscience, we can find peace of mind, where we are moving toward our new selves and the new ideology without being consciously aware of it.

Jesus came to complete God’s four thousand years of restorational history. What did he bring? He brought new life, a new ideology, and new love.

If a certain heavenly fortune were to flow through your heart today, would you feel the vitality of life to join and move with that fortune? Do you feel the heart of the one central ideology which can move all being, all cosmic ideological existence? Do you feel the heart of love which can embrace and melt all existence? We do not.

Continue reading “By the Action of Our Conscience We Can Find Peace of Mind”

God Had to Raise One Person and Sanctify Him

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2314

God wants to have even sinners
become His sons and daughters. Just
because your fiancée might not have
such a pretty face or is Japanese or is a
little short, can you think, “Oh, I don’t
like her”? You men should be convinced
that you would go to the highest place
in heaven if you took the ugliest woman
and sacrificed yourself for and served
her more than anyone else. You should
understand that you would then become
the greatest husband and a saint of a
husband. Unification Church members
should be capable of having that level of
thought. (116-95, 1981.12.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1415

There could have been only one kind
of marriage feast held in the Garden of
Eden, one based on Principle. Human-
kind received Satan’s blessing through
the Fall. This is our greatest grief; we
should have received God’s Blessing
instead. Think for a moment how the
people on Satan’s side – his innumera-
ble descendants – rejoiced on this feast
day of fallen marriage, how much they
delighted in it, and how much they ate
and drank in celebration of it. All of
these actions have added to God’s sor-
row. Marriage became an important
means and source of expanding the
satanic world. On account of this, ascet-
ics placed much emphasis on celibacy.
All marriages performed from ancient
times to this day are a source of sorrow
to God. They have left conditions that
sadden Him, and not one of them has
left behind any point that can give joy to
Him and form a connection with Him.
(158-276, 1967.12.29)

Richard:  Although this may be somewhat bitter news, the great hope is that God wants to save all people and has made available the Blessing of Marriage to all people:


Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

What kind of strategy is needed to fulfill this dispensation? God had to raise one person and sanctify him. Because people on this earth cannot establish a relationship with Heavenly Father as they are, He had to choose a people as He persevered through dispensational history. We know well the history of God’s dispensation of the chosen people. God chose Noah, Abraham and Moses for this purpose.

God’s heart desired to complete the four-thousand-year history by raising Jesus and resolving all historical heartaches through him. Therefore, Jesus was essential and indispensable for God and the Israelites, whom God chose for the historical dispensational will. Not only the chosen people, all those who live in the world then, needed Jesus. Even all things which existed in heaven and earth then necessarily needed Jesus.

If we accept the existence of God, the central ideology which humankind desires, which will realize the joyful environment, must start with and from one principle standard. That would be an iron rule of the dispensation.

We cannot solve any problem without using a formula. Likewise, one principle standard must be established which will enable us to rigorously reject the historical resentment and introduce happiness into the hearts of humankind. If not, then even if there is some happiness, some ideology and life in God, they cannot make any relationship with humankind. For that reason, God toiled to educate the Israelites in heart to represent His heart. Their happiness was to represent God’s happiness. They were to uphold the ideology of God’s nation. Accordingly, God sent Jesus after four thousand years of the dispensation in order for Israel to build the garden of happiness and goodness by which they could connect with God in a real and substantial way.

The Place Where the Original Human Mind Can Dwell Has Not Appeared Yet

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2050

The Unification Church must now
ready itself to bring about the unification
of North and South Korea from the posi-
tion of Abel. But the Unification Church
is not totally settled yet. What does tong
ban breakthrough mean? It means we
must overturn everything centering on
the families of the land of South Korea.
Why? Because the Fall started from the
family, we must change the thinking
of people on the family level. However,
before God can find the environmental
conditions to accomplish this, the exter-
nal world of Satan’s side uses all of its
energy to oppose God’s efforts. Until
now the political environment, start-
ing from the era of the Liberal Party,
and then moving on to the era of the
Republican Party and the Democrat-
ic and Justice Party, have opposed the
Unification Church’s efforts to organize
itself and spread out into the country-
side. They have opposed the settlement
of our church. (207-330, 1990.11.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1743

What is marriage? Through mar-
riage, woman who is only half-complete
is made whole by the fulfillment of love
with a man. The same is true of man, in
that he is perfected through marriage
by becoming one in love with a woman.
Thus, the male and female organs are
absolutely necessary. The male organ
was made for woman and the female
sexual organ for man. Their sexual
organs were not made for themselves.
(265-101, 1994.11.20)

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

My topic is “My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.

Countless people live on this earth, yet no one can confidently say that he possesses Heaven in his mind. The ideal world which humankind has admired and sought is surely heaven.

In this world, there are many who would wish to live well and be in a blessed position; however, those who can say “I lived well” and “I was blessed” are very few. When we look at this situation, we cannot deny that our life in this world is indeed not life in heaven, but it’s very opposite. I stand on such a border line; I stand in a position to search after Heaven. We cannot deny that we should seek out and live in such a place. Therefore, our mind searches for a better ideology, and our body seeks a better resting place.

However, the place we can confidently say is the best place in the whole of human history, the place where the original human mind can dwell, has not appeared yet. The lifestyle and social organization of such a life have not appeared in human history. Continue reading “The Place Where the Original Human Mind Can Dwell Has Not Appeared Yet”

We Now Desire to Live the Rest of Our Lives According to Your Will

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1294

God’s ideal, which was to be achieved
through the human ancestors, was to
have a man and woman come together
in union and form an ideal family. In
this regard, the center of an ideal fam-
ily is neither man nor woman. A family
is a group formed by the union between
the husband and wife, the parents and
children. At the center is the love of
God. Therefore, we reach the conclu-
sion that the will of God is to perfect
a family, centering on the love of God.
(Blessed Family – 301)What can we conclude after clearly
understanding the term True Parents?
We can conclude that the Fall of our first
ancestors occurred through an illicit sex-
ual relationship. The Fall has resulted in
a connection of blood that has nothing
to do with God or with the True Parents
who were to be established as the ideal
of creation. In other words, we came to
inherit the wrong bloodline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  171

What can we conclude after clearly
understanding the term True Parents?
We can conclude that the Fall of our first
ancestors occurred through an illicit sex-
ual relationship. The Fall has resulted in
a connection of blood that has nothing
to do with God or with the True Parents
who were to be established as the ideal
of creation. In other words, we came to
inherit the wrong bloodline.

My New Self and the Heaven Where My New Self Can Dwell

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

There was a man named Nicodemus who was a Pharisee and a Jewish leader. One night he went to Jesus and said, “Sir, we know that God has sent you to teach us. You could not work these miracles, unless God were with you.”

Jesus replied, “I tell you for certain that you must be born from above[a] before you can see God’s kingdom!”

Nicodemus asked, “How can a grown man ever be born a second time?”

Jesus answered:

I tell you for certain that before you can get into God’s kingdom, you must be born not only by water, but by the Spirit. Humans give life to their children. Yet only God’s Spirit can change you into a child of God. Don’t be surprised when I say that you must be born from above. Only God’s Spirit gives new life. The Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever it wants to. You can hear the wind, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going.

“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.

10 Jesus replied:

How can you be a teacher of Israel and not know these things? 11 I tell you for certain that we know what we are talking about because we have seen it ourselves. But none of you will accept what we say. 12 If you don’t believe when I talk to you about things on earth, how can you possibly believe if I talk to you about things in heaven?

13 No one has gone up to heaven except the Son of Man, who came down from there. 14 And the Son of Man must be lifted up, just as that metal snake was lifted up by Moses in the desert.[b] 15 Then everyone who has faith in the Son of Man will have eternal life.


As we persevere on the difficult path of life, we know well that we are immersed in a sorrowful situation. We know that many painful circumstances lie ahead of us. We know that we have not the heart which can sing in sheer happiness when we face Heavenly Father, this land, and humanity. Father! Please have mercy on us. We have been worn out by sorrow and hardships. We have struggled without even knowing in what direction to go. Please hold onto those of us who have wandered, not knowing on whom to lean. Father, we feel how wonderful and great is Your amazing grace, yet we are unable to return glory to You. Please forgive us.

Father, You have suggested to us the path by which to avoid sorrow in this sorrowful world. However, we ask for Your forgiveness since we were inadequate in upholding Your predestined will. We know that You have prepared a path by which we may avoid hardships, even though we deserve a suffering course. We are so grateful. However, we ask for Your forgiveness since we were unable to walk that path.

We now desire to live the rest of our lives according to Your will, for Your joy and glory only. Nevertheless, the power of death and the influence of sin in this world powerfully encircle us. You know how difficult it is to escape from them. Therefore, benevolent Father, please be present at this time.

Father, please forgive us. We have not yet become people who return glory and joy to You from a liberated position. Please subjugate the power of darkness by spreading new power and Your mighty hand. Father, we sincerely hope that You will raise the history of re-creation in order that we may sing of the glory of resurrection as victorious people.

Since the power of death is sweeping over us, we need to overcome the decision of life and death. We must gain the automatic and spontaneous power that can push this away and march forward. Loving Father, if there are children of Yours who yearn for such power, please personally grant them the ability and allow the authority of resurrection that they may become heavenly soldiers who pioneer their daily life with the hope of the future. Continue reading “We Now Desire to Live the Rest of Our Lives According to Your Will”