Witness to 12 and 120 Disciples

Cheon Seong Gyeong 489

What kind of couple are the ideal
husband and wife we speak about in the
Unification Church. They are a married
couple who can turn the highest art into
reality. They are a couple who can turn
the highest literature into reality. Before
we come into contact with the highest
level of art in the world, the highest and
sweetest love shared by the husband and
wife has to be the best work of art in the
world. It has to be the best work of lit-
erature and the real body of literature.
(22-269, 1969.5.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1552

Those who worship God must shed
blood. Those who yearn to love God
must shed tears. In fact, their tears
should not cease to flow. Those who are
seeking God must shed sweat. Then,
with parental hearts and the bodies of
servants, they must sacrifice and serve
from the position of Abel for humani-
ty, and give everything they have with
utmost devotion. In giving, they should
not boast of it to others, but instead feel
ashamed that they cannot give some-
thing better. This is what Godism is all
about. (38-328, 1971.1.8)

Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

How do we serve the True Parents? We should become true couples and form true families. Only then can we serve the True Parents. It is good that you trust and follow me, but other people should be able to trust and follow you as you trust and follow me. This way you should produce the family Jesus tried to find, then all people will become brothers and sisters. I have organized the trinities to bring this about. Thus, when you do things in the future, you should not do it alone. You should not go witnessing alone.

When such a trinity stands in the position of the parents, they should not let the brothers and sisters go along by themselves, but should go with them. A family is formed only by combining the parents and siblings. In order for this to assume a national form, one family should become twelve. The national conditions can be carried out only with numbers above ten.

Why did Jesus install the 120 disciples? It was ten generations from Adam to Noah, and twelve from Noah to Jacob. Since the vertical result that represents the entire 2,000 years is twelve, i.e., the twelve sons of Jacob, Jesus took the vertical number twelve as the center. To establish the number that represents the twelve generations from Noah to Jacob and the ten generations from Noah to Adam twelve is multiplied by ten, making the number 120. This is the number representing all the numbers to be restored. This is why I strongly encouraged you to go witnessing last time. One should witness to 120 people while on earth. If this is too much, then witness to at least twelve people; yet one should not just stop at twelve people. If he does not achieve the goal of 120 people, he should make 120 horizontally. The mission of restoration will be accomplished only when he brings at least 120 into horizontal harmony. Continue reading “Witness to 12 and 120 Disciples”

Establish a Flesh and Blood Relationship with True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 218

This is why you are great. You have
all of God’s love and True Parents’ love.
God’s love and True Parents’ love form
the core of their dominion over the uni-
verse. They are the eternal standard for
the essence of a subject. Everything is
governed through love. And thus you
can become the representative of every-
thing. You can represent not only God,
but also your mother and father, your
elder or younger brother, even your elder
or younger sister. You can become such
a representative. If this happens, your
clan will welcome you and all fight-
ing will cease. There will be no oppo-
sition; everyone will be embraced. This
may be simple to say, but it is the core
of the Principle. You must become fully
mature. The reason for going through
spiritual training is to perfect yourself.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1443

If the world had listened to the words
of True Father, a world of peace, the
Kingdom of Heaven, would have been
established on earth in 1952. Then, what
I am teaching you about now, namely,
the tribal messiahs, would have been
dispatched across the world. Since there
are 800 million Christians in the world,
800 million people would have stood
on True Father’s side, and tribal mes-
siahs would have emerged from towns
of every description, with three genera-
tions from each family all being tribal
messiahs. If this had taken place, the
satanic world would have completely
come to an end. Then a constitution,
which would dictate how the world of
the future should be governed would
have been enacted and followed. That is
why I have not yet taught you in detail
the direction you have to take with your
family. One thing you must remember is
that the era of the great exodus is com-
ing. The families who have followed the
words of True Father, and have become
tribal messiahs and blessed 160 families,
are eligible for registration. Father will
then decide the ancestors; who will be
the first generation, the second, third,
or fourth. Once the ancestors are estab-
lished, kingship will exist. Therefore, we
need to establish the family belonging to
the kingship. (273-46, 1995.10.21)

Richard:  All families need to be registered to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  That happens during the process of receiving the Blessing.  Thus the grace of the “Cosmic True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing” Ceremony:  https://www.sanctuary-pa.org/february-28-2018-blessing#navbar.

Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

In the 6,000-year history of the providence of restoration, God has led the dispensation for humankind from the position of the True Parents and cosmic Parents. Jesus and the Holy Spirit did the providential work with the second Israel from the position of the national parents.

Since Jesus represented the mission of the nation and of the church, he stood in the position of chief priest. Thus, you should follow Jesus and become chief priests and true parents of the family who can stand before God. You should know that this is the central point of providence which God must establish on the earth in the last days. Hence, in the position of the parents of the church, Jesus left behind the word of the Second Coming in order to continue toward the position of worldwide parents.

The one who comes with the mission of the worldwide chief priest is the True Parent of the world. That is how it goes. Looking upon this earth today, however, there are no true parents of the cosmos, of the church, nor of the family.

How does one become a true parent? Each one should serve the parent of the church, who is in the position of the chief priest of the church. Without this, one cannot become a parent of the family. In turn, the parent of the church cannot act as such without serving the cosmic parent. Since this providential pattern remains incomplete, God’s Will has not been fulfilled thus far. Continue reading “Establish a Flesh and Blood Relationship with True Parents”

Restore the Three and Twelve Disciples

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1826

Where will people go? They will go
to the mountains in search of nature.
Yet, it will become boring just living
in a mountain area. That is why people
will go to the sea. In the future, people
should go into the sea and eventually
live there. I have already asked various
scholars to carry out research on sub-
marines, and their work is almost done.
They say that if a submarine goes down
just thirty meters into the water, it will be
calm underneath, even if there is a storm
above. No matter how hard the wind
blows or how rough the waves are, there
is no disturbance thirty meters below
the water surface. There are no winds or
waves thirty meters below. That is why if
you press a button and go down thirty or
a hundred meters, you will immediately
be able to enjoy the scenery of the ocean
using a periscope. (236-309, 1992.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

Men and women are horizontal. They
are level. The union of man and wom-
an is to be engrafted, based on vertical,
lifelong and eternal love. As men rep-
resenting east and women representing
west have lost the central line, they will
seek to graft into this, so they must abso-
lutely get married. Aren’t there many in
America who oppose marriage? There
are many who, like homosexuals or les-
bians, dislike having children. Those
without children have lost out when they
pass on to the spirit world. This is the
formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)

Richard:  It is essential to have children to fully experience God’s love

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

What God is most worried about now is not that there are no True Parents representing Heaven, but that there are no true brothers and sisters. You should know this. Jesus, who had to take responsibility for such a providential Will, chose the three disciples and the twelve to place them in the position of true brothers and sisters. We should know the sad fact, however, that by the failure of the three and twelve disciples to unite, the way of restoring the Parents was destroyed.

We should know that only when we go through the position of true children and the gate of the True Parents can we receive heavenly love, which has remained as the hope of the 6,000 years of providence. This time will inevitably come. Hence, you should win in the Cain-Abel conflict within yourselves. Before God, we are the bride and Jesus is the groom. Jesus is the Abel and we are the Cain. We should be united with Jesus, the Abel.

What should we do to be united with Jesus? The bride cannot go by herself and receive the bridegroom, Jesus. She can meet him only when she is united with the brothers and sisters. Jesus comes with the name of the bridegroom. What shall be sought after going through the gate of the bridegroom? The lost family of Heaven will be sought. It must be found. Continue reading “Restore the Three and Twelve Disciples”

The Importance of Tribal Registration

Cheon Seong Gyeong 435

Why do we have brothers and sisters?
Why do we need brothers and sisters?
It is because with brothers and sisters,
boys can watch their younger sisters
and elder sisters, and from them learn
how their mothers grew up; and girls
can watch their naughty elder brothers
and younger brother, and from them
learn how their fathers grew up. This
is called the love of brothers and sis-
ters. So, you should love your siblings.
Also, you should learn to love your sib-
lings as you love your father and mother.
You cannot love them if you don’t learn
how. So, through watching your broth-
ers and sisters you learn how your par-
ents grew up and you come to love them
as your parents do. In this way, you will
be able to love your mother and father
even after you go to the next world. You
need your brothers and sisters in order
to be an owner of love without shame.
Then, would it be better for brothers and
sisters to love each other more than their
parents or less than their parents? It is
better that they love one another more.
Why is that so? Because watching and
loving your siblings is like watching and
loving your mother and father when they
were growing up. When you do this, it
fulfills the condition of loving your par-
ents from their birth to their death. So
these brothers and sisters are connected
to each other through such love. That’s
why I think this way.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1337

n 1961, the 33 Couples Blessing
Ceremony was held amid great confu-
sion and chaos. We finally had to have
someone stand guard at the door before
we could go through with the ceremo-
ny. Nevertheless, I did everything I had
to, regardless of how much noise the
protestors were making. The parents of
the 33 Couples came swarming about
the place, shouting all kinds of insults
at us and creating a continuous uproar.
Some went so far as to send dozens of
anonymous letters to the court of justice
demanding I be sent to jail; as a result, I
had to appear in court on several occa-
sions. There were twelve people in par-
ticular who worked frantically to destroy
the Unification Church, sprinkling coal
dust all over the place. The Unification
Church grew amid such turmoil. We
had to lay the groundwork for victory in
the same place that people were oppos-
ing us. We undertook the daunting task
of establishing the foundation for victo-
ry amid fierce opposition from all sides.
(23-317, 1969.6.8)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

We should know that the heavenly gate, constrained under the limitation of locality, has been gradually widened because the believers in Jesus have been increasing in number. This is God’s hope. Thus, in the last days, you should become glorious by winning over Satan for the sake of the Will of restoration and by representing heaven and earth. For this, all of creation now must go through the heavenly gate.

Today the question is to which tribe you belong. No matter how many denominations of Christianity there are now, they must belong to one of twelve tribes, representing the twelve disciples. Yet there has been no tribal formation through which God can control, move and command the earth. God worries about this earth even today.

The twelve tribes in Moses’ time represented the twelve brothers in Jacob’s age. The people from Abraham to Moses who were instituted as the chosen people were of the national type of restoration, representing the tribes of the providential age, centering on Jacob. Hence, the children who multiplied for the 400 years, centering on the twelve tribes, all had to belong to a tribe. The people within the realm of the Mosaic tribes had to be subsumed into the realm of the tribes of Jesus, centering on the twelve disciples, for they had the mission of worldwide restoration. The nation of Israel, which had been formed through Moses, had to be organized into Jesus’ tribes, centering on the twelve disciples. We know that such a restoration mission remains to be done.

If Jesus had not died and the Will had been realized, the spirits of the Old Testament could have become the second Israel. Those who believed in Jesus and received the true love of Heaven could have become the third Israel. Since this was not achieved, however, the Will concerning the second Israel remained unfulfilled. Moreover, because of this lack of fulfillment, the Will has been prolonged. Even now, 2,000 years later, Christians are carrying out the mission that originally belonged to the chosen people at the time of Jesus. We should understand that that Jesus could not organize the tribes, centering on the twelve disciples, through which he could take the command of Israel on the earth was the sorrow of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Today, then, we should realize the purpose of God and Jesus. What should be done first? We should organize a tribe God can set up on the earth representing the entire world. In a tribal formation, there are the twelve sons of Jacob, the twelve elders of Moses, and the twelve disciples of Jesus. The relationship between Jacob and his twelve sons was that of father and son. Thus, the relationship between Moses and the twelve elders should have been like that of father and son, yet it failed to become so. Jesus and his disciples should have had a father-son relationship; yet they failed to do so. We should know that this is the basis upon which a condition of sorrow remained in the course of the providence of restoration.

If the Israelites had served Moses as the father of their nation, if they had made a father-son relationship with him, recognizing him as the God-installed father of the nation who could lead them into heavenly victory and had they gone to Canaan in such a relationship, they never would have betrayed Moses. Yet, since Moses and the twelve tribes failed to make a father-son relationship, they could not feel any sadness, even when Moses felt sorrow. Since their relationship began to tear apart, God’s Will to restore through love was shattered, and the chosen 600,000 Israelites fell in the wilderness.

The Completed Testament Age is the Age of Family Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1638

What would be the center of love?
It must be God. He is the unique, eter-
nal, and unchanging being who existed
before the formation of the universe.
Love is the flow of heart; it is the mani-
festation of the internal heart flowing
substantially. Hence, God’s essence is
heart. Such a God is the unified being
who is the fundamental cause of the for-
mation of the universe as spoken about
in ontology. I do not even feel the need to
mention that this formation of the uni-
verse is exactly referring to the process
of God’s creation.
Then how was God able to create the
universe and human beings? He could
do so because He has heart. Life can arise
only where there is heart, and where
there is life, the generative process (cre-
ation) can take place. The work of cre-
ation must have a purpose behind it, for
the simple reason that by its nature, the
heart always aims toward fulfillment.
Therefore, it follows that the purpose of
creation is to bring joy that will satisfy
God’s heart. This joy is derived from the
creation, especially from human beings
who most closely resemble Him.
Hence, what God aimed to create
were peoples and nations that resemble
His love and creativity. This is plainly
discernible from the fact that human-
kind also seeks after these same things.
The universal ideal is none other than
the fervent aspiration to pursue a world
which should have been rightfully ours
to enjoy. (65-258, 1972.11.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1191

What is the secret method to restore
the right of the eldest son? Satan claims,
“God is a perfect God and the Adam and
Eve He is seeking must also be perfect.
Had they not fallen, it would have been
the Principled standard that Adam and
Eve have to love me as the original arch-
angel. Thus, even though I have fallen
and I found myself in the position of a
bad one, if you all are in a position to
be called good and true, you must set
up the condition of having loved me.
Without this, You, God, cannot be in
the position of God in front of me.” This
is the problem. Satan stops everything
dead, saying, “If there is a secret method
of uniting with you, what is it? The per-
son You send must love me. Unless he
stands together with You in the position
of loving me, and makes the condition
enabling him to say that he loved me, he
will not be able to regain the birthright
of the firstborn son that I have been hold-
ing on to.” That is why Jesus exhorted us
to love our enemies. (131-182, 1984.5.1)

Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

The title of today’s speech is “Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation,” meaning “Let Us Regain Israel.” Since “Israel” means victory, I will speak on the title “Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation.”

In the passage just read from Genesis, it says that God created man and blessed him. Yet this blessing was not a realized blessing; it was a blessing of promise. Thus, Adam and Eve aspired to the day when they could dominate all things with great hope. God asked Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He said, “In the day you eat of it, you shall die.” (Genesis 2:17) Thus, Adam and Eve were to live and cherish the blessed hope in their hearts. Only when they believed in and followed the Word could they start a family as the son and daughter who could fulfill God’s Will. This was the Principle.

We human beings must have a hope. Next, after we possess hope, we should make an eternal relationship. A relationship is made through the process of faith. We can receive God’s love when our hope and faith are realized. This is the Principle. For this reason, Paul said in I Corinthians 13, “And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” We human beings, however, have lost hope and faith through the fall. By losing hope and faith, we have lost love centered on God. We should know that the 6,000-year history of the providence of restoration was for the sake of restoring this love.

Now, in place of Adam and Eve, we should have, as our hope, the blessing God allowed before all things and heed and adhere to God’s admonitions and prohibitions to make this hope our own. It cannot be otherwise. Only when we possess God-centered hope and faith and then win in the life of praxis can we realize the level of individual restoration where we can receive God’s love. We should know that any individual, family, church, and even all things are placed within this realm. God created the world with such an ideal. Since all these were lost through the fall, humanity has been searching for hope, faith and love until now. Continue reading “The Completed Testament Age is the Age of Family Love”