Understand Jesus’ Heart at the Mount of Transfiguration

CSG 629

What is more, we are born and live
with consciousness, pursuing goodness
and higher value as well as experiencing
the grief of others? All these attributes
did not originate from human beings
but from the origin of humankind. We
can say that human life is a process of
going towards the resultant world which
leads us to the origin.

CSG 2015

All you members here have aban-
doned your countries to come here.
You threw away your own homelands.
Why? You did it for the territory of the
homeland that God originally desired,
and for the restoration of that home-
land. No matter how great America is,
if it does not listen to me, it will perish.
I may be making a dogmatic judgment,
but the one who is saying this is not just
a guest who is passing by and making
some comment. I am saying this because
I have done all these things. I am not a
braggart. I came here having completed

At a Field Service

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 1958

Each of us today is inexpressibly precious. For that reason, if one person goes wrong, the trace of bitter resentment will remain with posterity for eternity. Therefore, we must become qualified in accordance with the central standard that is unchanging throughout history and eternity. By inheriting the will Jesus cherished, we should become testifiers to history, the current age, and the future. Furthermore, you should become people who attest to the fact that Jesus came forth forming relations of victory, no matter what kind of age or environment you are in. Continue reading “Understand Jesus’ Heart at the Mount of Transfiguration”

Act for the Good of the Nation and World

CSG 565

You should think that you might
possibly die soon, perhaps within a year.
Therefore, you should make all prepara-
tions during this short time. You should
live with such thoughts. The shorter
the time you think you have, the hap-
pier you will be, and the less you have
to lose. Your sincere preparations dur-
ing this time become the building blocks
of your home for your eternal life. Have
you ever loved God with such a short
time in mind? You want to become one
with Him and love Him, but you can
not. God says to you, “Love Me!” If you
die after having lived this way, then you
will become the master of eternal life.

John 6

22 The people who had stayed on the east side of the lake knew that only one boat had been there. They also knew that Jesus had not left in it with his disciples. But the next day 23 some boats from Tiberias sailed near the place where the crowd had eaten the bread for which the Lord had given thanks. 24 They saw that Jesus and his disciples had left. Then they got into the boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus. 25 They found him on the west side of the lake and asked, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”

26 Jesus answered, “I tell you for certain that you are not looking for me because you saw the miracles,[g] but because you ate all the food you wanted. 27 Don’t work for food that spoils. Work for food that gives eternal life. The Son of Man will give you this food, because God the Father has given him the right to do so.”

28 “What exactly does God want us to do?” the people asked.

29 Jesus answered, “God wants you to have faith in the one he sent.”

At a Field Service

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 1958

Matthew 17: 1-18

Jesus did not enjoy himself at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration. It must have been a tragic scene. You today should not perceive this fact centering on yourselves.

Seeing the figure of Jesus shine with luminescence, at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration Peter suggested that Jesus stay there forever, saying, “Master, it is well that we are here; let us make three booths, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah. (Luke 9:33) Although the three disciples tried to enjoy themselves in the environment, Jesus’ heart was not like that. Although the environment that appeared at the summit of the Mount of the Transfiguration was a good one, Jesus’ heart in that environment was pierced with the internal historical sorrow and the grief of the future. However, the three disciples were not far-sighted enough to know that the heart of Jesus was overcome with this kind of grief. Continue reading “Act for the Good of the Nation and World”

Jesus Unspeakable Sorrow

CSG 1030

When you make a donation on
Sunday at the church, if children say:
“Mommy, Daddy, money for donation,
please….” would you say, handing any
old bill, “Here, this is for your Sunday
school.” Is God a beggar? Is the church
minister a beggar too? The church and
the minister should not be treated that
way. You should offer the core of your
property for donations. You should pre-
pare with a sincere heart and keep the
donations deep in your safe until the
time of offering.
In the fall, when you harvest grains,
a tithe from what you reap must be sepa-
rated and stored in a separate barn. Then,
during the year, your children and rela-
tives should gather together and humbly
offer that tithe with sincerity and love.

CSG 1250

Why do people get married? It is to
love God. Why should we love God? It
is because we need to become one with
the axis of God. What are we trying to
achieve by becoming one with God?
What happens when we become one
with Him? Why should we become one
with God? Centering on the absolute
God and his eternal love, we can achieve
eternal life. And this is not all. From the
place where we come to meet with Him,
the right of inheritance of the universe is
bequeathed. The world created by God,
centering on love, belongs to Him, but
that world can become mine through
the right of inheritance. )

At a Field Service

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 1958

Matthew 17

17 Six days later Jesus took Peter and the brothers James and John with him. They went up on a very high mountain where they could be alone. There in front of the disciples, Jesus was completely changed. His face was shining like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.

All at once Moses and Elijah were there talking with Jesus. So Peter said to him, “Lord, it is good for us to be here! Let us make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

While Peter was still speaking, the shadow of a bright cloud passed over them. From the cloud a voice said, “This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him. Listen to what he says!” When the disciples heard the voice, they were so afraid that they fell flat on the ground. But Jesus came over and touched them. He said, “Get up and don’t be afraid!” When they opened their eyes, they saw only Jesus.

On their way down from the mountain, Jesus warned his disciples not to tell anyone what they had seen until after the Son of Man had been raised from death.

10 The disciples asked Jesus, “Don’t the teachers of the Law of Moses say that Elijah must come before the Messiah does?”

11 Jesus told them, “Elijah certainly will come and get everything ready. 12 In fact, he has already come. But the people did not recognize him and treated him just as they wanted to. They will soon make the Son of Man suffer in the same way.” 13 Then the disciples understood that Jesus was talking to them about John the Baptist.

14 Jesus and his disciples returned to the crowd. A man knelt in front of him 15 and said, “Lord, have pity on my son! He has a bad case of epilepsy and often falls into a fire or into water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but none of them could heal him.”

17 Jesus said, “You people are too stubborn to have any faith! How much longer must I be with you? Why do I have to put up with you? Bring the boy here.” 18 Then Jesus spoke sternly to the demon. It went out of the boy, and right then he was healed.


Once he came to this earth, Jesus was pierced with anxiety on behalf of the chosen people and the spiritual beings of the spirit world. He embraced the heart of Heaven, which others could not know. Although there were many people at that time who had made preparations to receive the Messiah, there was no one who welcomed the Messiah who came.

Although the religious leaders at that time and the chosen people cherished a great desire, they were in fact very distant from Jesus, the consummation of that desire. They were also distant from God. Because of that, Jesus could not help leading an unspeakably sad life. Not only that, Jesus could not find even one comrade or disciple to whom he could reveal his heart. Continue reading “Jesus Unspeakable Sorrow”

Create the Second Ideology of Goodness

Do you know what is in the vaccines that you are giving your children or grandchildren?  Do you know about the possible side effects ?  Do you know if each vaccine is really necessary?  Watch this important presentation by Dr. Chanda Adkins of West Virginians for Health Freedom:  https://youtu.be/96KbaafYNvI

CSG 1283

The individual perfection we speak
of today is not the absolute and com-
plete perfection of the individual. It is
conditional. You must understand that
this perfection is a conditional perfec-
tion in the process of restoration. That
is why, though they stand in the posi-
tion of parents, they do not truly know
about God’s realm of heart. They have
not experienced the great power of lov-
ing each other so much that the hus-
band cannot give up his wife and the
wife cannot give up her husband even in
exchange for the universe. The love they
share is so strong that it can hold heaven
and earth together.
That is why those families who have
received the Blessing must bear in mind
that until they cross over from this fall-
en realm, they are only in the realm of
conditional perfection. They are not in
the realm of the perfected Kingdom of
Heaven. Since they are only living in that
conditional realm of perfection, once
they pass on to the spirit world, they
need to go through certain formalities.
Only after they go through due formali-
ties and reach complete perfection can
they receive their passports and enter
the Kingdom of Heaven. (100-144, 1978.10.9)

CSG 1567

The democratic era of today is to do
with a philosophy of brotherhood. In
relation to the Principle, this age is cen-
tered on Cain and Abel; the Principle
corresponds word for word. Cain will
have everything in his possession tak-
en away by God in the end. Already he
has been deprived of his head and body.
Now, with nowhere to go, he is trying
to take over the democratic world cen-
tering on the proletariat. However, he
is not having much success. With the
coming of autumn, fruits have begun
to ripen on the trees, but with no one to
harvest them, they are being left to rot.
Soon, his side will dwindle into noth-
ingness. It is all about the restoration of
brotherhood. The purpose of the phi-
losophy of brotherhood is to find the
true Adam. This work has been long in
its undertaking. (205-178, 1990.9.1)

Let Us Become the True Sons God Wants
Sun Myung Moon
April 20, 1958

Jesus could assert his internal ideology through his path of suffering throughout the thirty-odd years of his life on earth. Yet in the dimension of daily life, he could not fully rectify goodness. Confronting evil in the satanic world, he introduced the notion of goodness through the sacrifice of indemnity. Nonetheless, because no true man has emerged, Jesus has been praying in Paradise until this moment for the sake of fighting evil. Please do not boast that you have accomplished something. Although the good that you have performed can serve as a condition to indemnify evil, it cannot become the eternal foundation for the goodness of the world. No matter what kind of authority you wield or what kind of position you occupy in the world, you will not be able to boast. Continue reading “Create the Second Ideology of Goodness”

The One True Person Unites all Individuals, Humanity and the World

We successfully concluded the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference!  Thank you for your prayers and participation.  Here is a picture:  https://flic.kr/p/ZyMsZi.

Enjoy this important VisionRoot Video Blog:  Crowns, Rods of Iron & the Persecution of Christians:  https://youtu.be/eLou3xVViQo

CSG 2384

Parents exist for their children. If
parents existed for their own sake, there
would not have been the word parents.
In the future, a view of ethics should be
formed centering on the Principle of the
Unification Church. Parents should live
for the sake of their children. This is the
first and foremost rule of ethics. It is self-
explanatory. The position in which par-
ents sacrifice for the sake of their chil-
dren is not the place of misery, but the
place of happiness. (62-214, 1972.9.25)

CSG 870

In this world, your eyelids blink to
stop the dust in the air going into your
eyes. Is there dust in the spirit world or
not? If God had His eyes open in the
spirit world for thousands and tens of
thousands of years, would He feel good?
Since they blinked out of habit on the
earth, they will blink in the spirit world,
even though there is no dust. Why does
God blink? It is because He resembles
us. (197-15, 1990.1.7)

Let Us Become the True Sons God Wants
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Evil has dominated the world until now with powers that have manifested themselves externally. However, just as there is a mind in a human being, so too there is a mind for the history of the world.

Although the direction of history might seem to be heading toward evil, this is not true. In the same way that human beings restrain their bodies centering on their minds and determine the direction that they will head in with resolution, history does not progress by itself either. You must understand that it has passed through a process in which God, who exists in the background, intervenes and dominates over certain times and periods. Continue reading “The One True Person Unites all Individuals, Humanity and the World”