As Children of True Parents, serve the Nation as They Did

The Word is Life:

Join us toady in Harpers Ferry for this life-changing seminar on July 15th; register now as space is limited:
What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar
Call for directions:  202-544-5081


So when you come before your par-
ents, you should say, “Yes, Mother and
Father, you are right.” When your par-
ents remind you, “No matter how great
your reputation is and how powerful
you may be, you cannot do things that
deviate from your duty to your moth-
er and father,” you will reply, “Yes, yes,
yes, Mother and Father, you are right.”
Why? Because of love. It is because par-
ents are the subject partners, and chil-
dren are the object partners. The subject
partner serves the object partner, and
the object partner follows the subject
partner. This is the Principle of Heaven.
When this principle is breached, that
house will collapse and end up worth-
less. However ignorant or uneducated a
person may be, he knows the Principle
of Heaven because he is born in accor-
dance with heavenly nature. Therefore,
even the strongest champion has to bow
his head to his parents. (50-134, 1971.11.6)

p. 435 pr.1

4.6. We go to the spirit world after
leaving our love behind

Many people went to the spirit world
while following me. They infiltrated the
Soviet Union’s satellite countries and
main cities. Sometimes I even received
reports of them being sentenced to
death due to their missionary activities.
Receiving such reports, a leader’s heart
is serious. Even if his child is seriously
ill, he has no time to worry about him.
They respect me because I care for the
world. I am in the position to shed tears
for them and care for them. For that rea-
son, I cannot live an easy life.

p. 698 pr 4

Continue reading “As Children of True Parents, serve the Nation as They Did”

People at the Top Need to Know God’s Providence

The Word is Life:

Join us for this life-changing seminar on July 15th; register now as space is limited:
What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar


Your families represent the sover-
eignty of God’s Kingdom. The parents
stand on behalf of this sovereignty. The
children stand in the stead of the citi-
zens, and the material possessions rep-
resent the land of that kingdom. Subse-
quently, being filial to one’s parents is
the same as being loyal to one’s nation,
and also leads one to fulfill one’s duties
as a saint. At present, the family has
become the origin of many disgraceful
acts, but God hopes that the family will
be transformed into sanctified ground.
Therefore, the mission to save corrupted
families in the fallen realm lies with us.
Though families worldwide are shatter-
ing, we are not in a position to abandon
them. (35-306, 1970.10.30)

p. 1511 pr 1

I blessed the 124 Couples repre-
senting the world’s 120 nations and the
number four, on the global level, on the
foundation of having established the
center of tribes. What this means is that
families have been formed that will rep-
resent the center of all Christianity that
originated from Jesus’ 120 followers,
who themselves symbolized the founda-
tion of 120 nations. These therefore are
couples whose responsibility it will be
to achieve the four-position foundation
on the individual level under my leader-
ship, and bring together the ancestors,
the races, and finally the world. As such,
from now on, the way will be opened for
all nations of the world to move toward
one common destination. (75-150, 1975.1.2)

p. 1347 pr 4

Continue reading “People at the Top Need to Know God’s Providence”

Japanese Missionaries worked hard for America

he Word is Life:

Join us for this life-changing seminar on July 15th; register now as space is limited:
What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar


Hoondokhwae is the treasure chest
that I stored up under all sorts of hard-
ships and deprivations and that I have
opened up to the people. I have told
everyone not to translate it; it cannot be
translated. You should do hoondokh-
wae until I say otherwise. You must
know that. You should do hoondokh-
wae whenever time permits. You should
always keep a speech book in your pocket
and do hoondokhwae even when you are
alone, even in the bathroom, and keep a
record of the part you have read, even if
it was for a couple of hours a day.
You already know that you must read
The Way of God’s Will and the Divine
Principle, but you should also read Bless-
ing and Ideal Family and all the oth-
er major speeches because they are the
records of victory over the satanic world.
In the Unification Church, you should
become one with these sermons, which
include all past battles of the True Par-
ents up to the present. By uniting with
and following these contents, you will
become one with True Parents. These
sermons should take root in yourself,
in your family and extended family up
to seven generations, and then in 160
or 180 families horizontally, all united
together. (288-16, 1997.10.31)

p. 2100 pr 2

Jeremiah 33

 You’ve heard foreigners insult my people by saying, “The Lord chose Israel and Judah, but now he has rejected them, and they are no longer a nation.”

25 Jeremiah, I will never break my agreement with the day and the night or let the sky and the earth stop obeying my commands. 26 In the same way, I will never reject the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob or break my promise that they will always have a descendant of David as their king. I will be kind to my people Israel, and they will be successful again.

Continue reading “Japanese Missionaries worked hard for America”

Christians Should Take Down the Cross

You are either influenncing society or society is influencing you.
Learn to be an influencer:
Join us for this life-changing seminar on July 15th; register now as space is limited:
What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar


But in the new age of resurrection,
the body grows based on God’s love, life,
and lineage and uses true love as fertilizer.
One side disappears and the other
prospers. From that point, God is present
with you and Satan is separated away
forever. No one knows the pain that is in
God’s heart. We know this only because
God appeared in history, and through
me here, revealed this profound mission;
otherwise, we would not know it.
Chapter 6 • True Parents and Us 245
It is truly amazing. Even Jesus did not
know it; or even if he did know it, he
could not say what was in his heart. Also,
no religious leaders have been aware of
this hidden secret of the universe. I have
come here before the world to reveal the
secrets of the universe for the first time
in history. From now on, we should turn
our direction from the individual foundation
to the national foundation. If the
leader of a nation repents of his past and
turns around, God forgives him. This is
part of God’s new tradition and signals a
new lineage. Otherwise, we cannot separate
from Satan. This also signifies the
ceremony of the transfer of lineage that
takes place before the Blessing Ceremony
of the Unification Church.

p. 244 pr. 3

Richard:  This Rheema can be applied to President Trump.  He has repented of his past ways (immorality) and has sought God.  Next should be the Blessing ceremony given by Rev. Moon.

If you control your body, striking it
for three years or longer, you will then
enter the realm of the completion stage
of the growth period. Is this not so? If
you make more of the physical side, the
spiritual side diminishes. If you get rid
of the physical side, the spiritual side
will be elevated. Therefore, for the same
reason, when you ignore the superficial
things and attach importance to the
deeper aspects of life, the spirit world
will come closer to you. Then, when you
are engrafted to the original standard
of conscience there will be a great surge
like that in an electrical power plant
when positive and negative interact.
Consequently, changes occur in heaven
and earth. You should be aware that you
need to have such spiritual experiences.
(282-308, 1997.4.7)

p. 811 pr. 3

Continue reading “Christians Should Take Down the Cross”

Cling to Christ at the Second Coming

You are either influenncing society or society is influencing you.
Learn to be an influencer:
Join us for this life-changing seminar on July 15th; register now as space is limited:
What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar


Section 6. Our Original
Hometown and the Way to Enter
the Kingdom of Heaven
6.1. Hometown is a world of the
original creation
We are at a point of time when we
cannot hope to achieve world peace or
one unified world using human power,
wisdom, culture or anything else. Under
these circumstances, what is the main
problem? I believe that answering the
question as to whether God exists or
not is the most important issue. Once
all humankind clearly understands all
about God’s existence, they will clearly
understand the direction of God’s will.
When they understand this, the world
will become one world, a world of peace
and an ideal world. (56-131, 1972.5.14)

p. 2116 p1

All of you, why don’t you try offering
a prayer? The more you pray, the more
you will find yourself in tears. The closer
you get to Heavenly Father, the more you
will grieve and lament. You need to pass
through this stage and reach the point
where merely thinking of Heavenly
Father will make you dance for joy; but
you have not reached that stage yet. That
is why you still have to fulfill the indemnity
conditions of the past and present.
You need to be in such a situation that
God longs for you. So, you who do not
possess the qualification that is hoped
for must fulfill the requirements which
will enable God and you to long for each
other. You should know that such a time
is coming.
Then, what should you do next? You
must long for the day when you will be
able to register as a family of God. Moreover,
you should not be the only one
longing for that. All humanity must long
for such a day. (8-114, 1959.11.22)

p. 1435 p 3

Continue reading “Cling to Christ at the Second Coming”