Jesus Has Bee Looking for the One True Person

1 Samuel 13

19 The Philistines would not allow any Israelites to learn how to make iron tools. “If we allowed that,” they said, “those worthless Israelites would make swords and spears.”

Richard:  The Phillistines tried to keep Israel from bearing arms.  It is a fundamental human right that God’s people be able to protect themselves.

Isaiah 19

19 This is a message about Egypt:

The Lord comes to Egypt,
    riding swiftly on a cloud.
The people are weak from fear.
Their idols tremble
    as he approaches and says,
“I will punish Egypt
    with civil war—
neighbors, cities, and kingdoms
    will fight each other.

“Egypt will be discouraged
    when I confuse their plans.
They will try to get advice
    from their idols,
from the spirits of the dead,
    and from fortunetellers.
I will put the Egyptians
under the power of a cruel,
    heartless king.
I, the Lord All-Powerful,
    have promised this.”

Richard:  After President Trump’s term(s), we may get a bad President.  This could cause a lot of suffering, especially among Christians.

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

God’s heart had gone through a course of turns and twists. Shedding light upon this, Jesus uttered, “God, now I know. I have come to know the final meaning of Your having unfolded the dispensation and what kind of heart You had as You did it.” Jesus then grabbed hold of God and rejoiced, shedding tears, forgetting his dignity and image. You too must be able to rejoice, holding onto Jesus and shedding tears. Only then can the ideology of the internal world be manifested as that of the external ideology. You must understand this.

The very core of faith, what is left after human beings believe in the Lord with uplifted hands, put the Word into practice with love and restore the incarnated body with faith, is for their minds to become united with the minds of God and Jesus. Beyond that, the love of God, Jesus and human beings must become united. This is the last, emotional problem to be solved for religious people. For that reason, Christianity, the religion of love, will survive to the end. People in the heavenly kingdom are people who strive for the sake of giving. They are people who strive to give their bodies and minds and all of their things. Most people of this fallen world, on the other hand, strive to live centered on themselves. Only when they can bring about a revolution in their minds can people like these become God’s sons and daughters who can receive the love of God, the Creator of humankind and all creation, who tries to embrace them in His bosom. Continue reading “Jesus Has Bee Looking for the One True Person”

Find the World of Conscience

Matthew 23

They pile heavy burdens on people’s shoulders and won’t lift a finger to help. Everything they do is just to show off in front of others. They even make a big show of wearing Scripture verses on their foreheads and arms, and they wear big tassels[a] for everyone to see. They love the best seats at banquets and the front seats in the meeting places. And when they are in the market, they like to have people greet them as their teachers.

But none of you should be called a teacher. You have only one teacher, and all of you are like brothers and sisters. Don’t call anyone on earth your father. All of you have the same Father in heaven. 10 None of you should be called the leader. The Messiah is your only leader. 11 Whoever is the greatest should be the servant of the others. 12 If you put yourself above others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored.

Isaiah 10

The Lord says:

I am furious! And I will use the king of Assyria[c] as a club to beat down you godless people. I am angry with you, and I will send him to attack you. He will take what he wants and walk on you like mud in the streets. He has even bigger plans in mind, because he wants to destroy many nations.

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

Because human beings fell, they lost their bodies, their minds and their spirits. Human history is the history of humankind wandering around seeking the restoration of these things and the place of rest. Having passed the stage of wandering in search of material things, history has now reached the stage where human beings seek the conscience. What is more, you must understand that the world is standing in a face-off between two camps divided by thought and doctrine.

Since we are in a position where we must go through the course of restoration, we must seek the ideology centered on the mind, rising above the ideology centered on material things. You must understand that this is a necessary concluding point in the course of human history.

What then must we do after finding the blessed land of the mind? We must find the eternal, blessed land of love. What is the one condition of victory that can endure until the very end on this earth? That is a doctrine based on a love that transcends the heavens and earth, a love that can stimulate a person’s mind and set the universe in motion as well. This universe will never be put in motion by any other force. You will understand, through your conscience, that even God is seeking an ideal world filled with such an ardent feeling of affection. Continue reading “Find the World of Conscience”

Discern the Heavenly Movement and God’s Person

Leviticus 23

23 The Lord told Moses to say to the community of Israel:

I have chosen certain times for you to come together and worship me.

You have six days when you can do your work, but the seventh day of each week is holy because it belongs to me. No matter where you live, you must rest on the Sabbath and come together for worship. This law will never change.

Isaiah 40

13 Has anyone told the Lord[b]
what he must do
    or given him advice?
14 Did the Lord ask anyone
to teach him wisdom
    and justice?
Who gave him knowledge
    and understanding?
15 To the Lord, all nations
are merely a drop in a bucket
    or dust on balance scales;
all of the islands
    are but a handful of sand.
16 The cattle
    on Lebanon’s mountains
would not be enough
to offer
    as a sacrifice to God,
and the trees would not
    be enough for the fire.
17 God thinks of the nations
    as far less than nothing.

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

Although that nation perished, civilization continued to develop with the progress of history. While the Assyrian and Babylonian civilizations developed in the Orient, Hebraism, centered on Judaism, was formed in Palestine, and a God-centered civilization developed. In Greece, civilization centered on the ideology of an external god. This developed and later harmonized with various trends of thought and worship of the arts. The realm of knowledge is the unique religious ideology founded by the Greeks.

The worldwide sphere of civilization was formed in such a manner. While passing through a period of confusion, it merged with Christian thought. This later traversed Rome and Christian civilization was thus established.

In medieval times, Christianity absorbed everyone under it indiscriminately and brought about homogeneity. However, because it could not actualize its purpose and became very worldly, God had to strike medieval Christianity.

If the papal court at Rome had not been corrupt and had a sense of mission to exist for the sake of the world and the good of the humankind, subscribing to and promulgating the thought of putting the benefit of others before one’s own benefit, it would not have collapsed. Continue reading “Discern the Heavenly Movement and God’s Person”

Christian History after the Crucifixion Began With the Right Side Thief

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Exodus 20

12 Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land I am giving you.

13 Do not murder.

14 Be faithful in marriage.

15 Do not steal.

16 Do not tell lies about others.

17 Do not want anything that belongs to someone else. Don’t want anyone’s house, wife or husband, slaves, oxen, donkeys or anything else.

Isaiah 60

Every sheep of Kedar
    will come to you;
rams from Nebaioth[d]
    will be yours as well.
I will accept them as offerings
    and bring honor to my temple.

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

To examine worldwide phenomena from the Christian viewpoint, they are a result of history. You should pray to find out what historical process God has gone through to cause this result. This way you should realize that the prayer you inevitably came to offer, “Father! Let this nation receive the worldwide blessing as the chosen people. Send judgment against those who failed in the past and punish the unfaithful rebels,” was also an option for Jesus.

Yet, what anger did Jesus harbor upon death? The chosen religion of Israel tortured his heart and the chosen people nailed him to the cross. This was his anguish and lamentation. Though Jesus personally had great sorrow, however, he could forget his death and pray for them. He thought about the situation of God, who had walked through blood and tears for 4,000 years and about the people of Israel, whom God had chosen and raised for 4,000 years. Today’s Christians of the world should think about this again.

If Jesus had not prayed for them, the chosen nation and the religious believers would have received the judgment first. You should know that Jesus gave them blessing because he thought that if only there were some room granted by Heaven, they would follow in his footsteps and come over to his side. When I see Jesus’ words about the right-hand thief, tears unconsciously come out. The people did not know that God’s sorrow of 4,000 years was embodied there in Jesus. Only a thief recognized it. This was a sad scene. There were countless people in front of Jesus. It was the religious believers and chosen people who were to move and halt with the blood and flesh of Jesus, but they failed to do so. They should have shed blood together at the cross with Jesus. How preposterous that there was no one, but a murderous thief, to accompany him! Although Jesus was the Savior of all, he was in a pitiable position. It is extremely shameful that the only one who accompanied Jesus in his death was a murderous thief. Continue reading “Christian History after the Crucifixion Began With the Right Side Thief”

Understand Jesus Sorrow and Support the New Jesus

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Joshua 7

The Lord answered:

Stop lying there on the ground! Get up! 11 I said everything in Jericho belonged to me and had to be destroyed. But the Israelites have kept some of the things for themselves. They stole from me and hid what they took. Then they lied about it. 12 What they stole was supposed to be destroyed, and now Israel itself must be destroyed. I cannot help you anymore until you do exactly what I have said. That’s why Israel turns and runs from its enemies instead of standing up to them.

Richard:  This is the exact same Rheama from four days ago.  I need to reflect on how I am offering the fruits of my labors to God (tithing).

Isaiah 31

The Egyptians are mere humans.
    They aren’t God.
Their horses are made of flesh;
    they can’t live forever.
When the Lord shows his power,
he will destroy the Egyptians
    and all who depend on them.
Together they will fall.

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Jesus was a carpenter until he was thirty. If someone has had a holy, spiritual experience, he would know a part of the thirty years of Jesus’ life. If there is someone who knows, his heart will be torn with sorrow when he eats a good meal, wears good clothes, and lives in good circumstances. God was with Joseph when he took Mary, according to God’s will. Growing up in Joseph’s family, however, Jesus was treated disdainfully as a stepchild. As the children of Joseph became many, Jesus became more isolated. Thus, without being able to share his situation and feelings, he spent the thirty years of his life humbly, making other people’s doors with a saw and plane. Who knew his situation? No one. At that time, he could not appear as the historical Jesus as you believe in him now nor as the Christ with the historically acknowledged character.

Who are the ones who will receive the Messiah when he appears in the last days? Not the one who serves the historical character of Jesus. You should know that it is the one who serves the character of Jesus of the age. You should know that though Jesus carried the way of Heaven in his heart and worried about the earth, he suffered the sadness of not being recognized by his parents, and brothers and sisters. Continue reading “Understand Jesus Sorrow and Support the New Jesus”